7th Feb 2006 07:01
Aurum Mining PLC07 February 2006 For immediate release 7 February 2006 AURUM MINING PLC ("Aurum" or "the Company") Extension of Exploration Licence in Kyrgyz Republic Aurum Mining plc (AIM: AUR), the company formed to acquire gold and othermineral extraction projects in the Former Soviet Union (FSU), is pleased toannounce that its exploration licence for the Andash gold and copper project inthe Kyrgyz Republic has received an anticipated extension from the Kyrgyzgovernment from 31 January 2006 to 31 December 2010. The extension of the exploration licence will allow the Company to continue itswork on accurately establishing resource opportunities within the licence area,where current core drilling is expected to show good results in Zones 2 and 3.These zones showed promising resource opportunities following recent workinvolving the re-opening, cleaning and extending of trenches. In addition, theextension of the exploration licence will allow the Company to continuepreparatory work on its new Andash exploration opportunity, Tokhonysay. The State Commission of Resources of the Kyrgyz Republic has already included21.7 million tonnes of C1 and C2 reserves for Andash Zone 1 into the StateRegister, amounting to total gold and gold equivalent of more than 1.5 millionozs. Work is continuing on the feasibility study for Zone 1 in preparation forthe Company's submission of a mining licence application, which is expectedlater this year. Mark Jones, Chief Executive of Aurum Mining, commented: "Whilst we hadanticipated an extension to our exploration licence from the Kyrgyz authoritieswe are nonetheless delighted to receive it. We are planning to achievesignificant milestones for the Company during the period of the renewed licence,including the submission of a mining licence for Andash Zone 1 and thecommencement of commercial gold production." For further information: Aurum Mining plc Tel: 020 7478 9050Sean Finlay, ChairmanMark Jones, Chief Executive W H Ireland Tel: 0121 616 2101Tim Cofman Buchanan Communications Tel: 020 7466 5000Mark CourtJames Strong Notes to editors Aurum joined the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange in May 2004 with thestrategy of seeking, evaluating and acquiring gold and other mineral extractionprojects in the Former Soviet Union (FSU). In January 2005 the Company completedits first acquisition, giving the Company an exploration licence over a gold andcopper project in the Kyrgyz Republic. In its State Register, the StateCommission of Resources of the Kyrgyz Republic has included 21.7 million tonnesof C1 and C2 reserves from the project, amounting to gold and gold equivalent ofmore than 1.5 million ozs. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: