6th Aug 2012 07:00
06 August 2012
Kubuk Trenching Confirms Substantial Mineralisation
Amur Minerals Corporation ("Amur" or the "Company"), a nickel-copper sulphide mineral exploration and resource development company focused on the far east of Russia, announces additional trench results from within the Kubuk nickel-copper target located at Kun-Manie. Historical and on-going trenching and final verification analytical results confirm the presence of a significant drill target at Kubuk. Substantial thicknesses of mineralised rock, larger than previously exposed at Kubuk have been discovered by mapping and trenching. Further trenching is being undertaken in the target area. Based on historical exploration work conducted in the area, drill roads and drill platforms have now been completed to allow for diamond core drilling during the 2012 exploration drill programme.
·; Soil and rock chip sampling in previous exploration seasons identified a substantial anomaly containing nickel and copper.
·; Historical and on-going trenching activities have exposed pyroxenite rock which hosts the nickel and copper mineralisation for a length of more than 1,000m.
·; Channel sampling of the trenches focused on the eastern 500m of the target area has confirmed the presence of disseminated nickel and copper mineralisation.
·; Three of the trenches have exposed an average mineralised true thickness of 48.3m with an average nickel grade of 0.63% and an average copper grade of 0.16%.
·; Diamond core drilling is planned for September and October 2012.
·; Geological reconnaissance indicates the zone may continue in both the east and west directions resulting in an even larger target than currently defined at Kubuk.
Historical surface sampling, geophysics and recently completed trenching confirmed the presence of a 1,000m long near continuous nickel-copper anomaly in the Kubuk area. Newly acquired trench results confirm the zone is substantially thicker than previously defined. Located in the eastern area along the Kurumkon Trend, Kubuk's nickel and copper mineralisation occurs as a disseminated sulphide comprising pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and pentlandite. The host zone is a pyroxenite dyke projected to dip to the north at 50 to 60 degrees. The average grade of nickel and copper derived from all completed trenches and sampled to date is 0.57% Ni and 0.15% Cu, respectively. Anomalous values of cobalt, platinum, palladium and gold have also been detected.
Detailed assessment of the global exploration results indicates that the best exposed mineralisation is contained within the eastern half of the 1,000m long target. Within this higher grade area, diamond core drilling is planned in September and October of the 2012 season. Roads and drill sites are completed, allowing for drill access to the primary portion of the anomaly which is confirmed by three trenches. Results within the three trenches indicate grades of 0.63% nickel and 0.16% copper. The exposed mineralised width within the trenches averages 48.3min true thickness. The planned depth of drilling will range up to 250m and will cover a strike length of 600m. A location map of the planned drill hole locations and trench results is included as a part of this announcement and can be viewed on the Company's website www.amurminerals.com.
In addition, although exploration continues to both the east and west of the 1,000m long Kubuk drill target where limited exploration has been carried out and results being obtained during this field season are not yet fully available, indications are that the Kubuk structure could be substantially longer than presently defined.
Robin Young, CEO of Amur Minerals, commented:
"The additional trenching at the Kubuk nickel-copper prospect has defined a substantially larger drill target than previously thought to be present. Previous results had not exposed the entire mineralised width. These new results have now defined the largest true thickness ever exposed at the surface within the Kun-Manie project area. This could well result in the identification of a fourth reserve area to be added to our JORC defined reserves at Maly Kurumkon, Ikenskoe and Vodorazdelny."
Company Amur Minerals Corp. | Nomad and Joint Broker RBC Capital Markets | Joint Broker Merchant Securities | Public Relations Tavistock |
Robin Young CEO | Martin Eales | Lindsay Mair | Jos Simson / Ed Portman |
+44 (0) 7981 126 818 | +44 (0) 20 7653 4000 | +44 (0) 20 7628 2200 | +44 (0) 20 7920 3150 |
Notes to Editor
Attached and available for view on www.amurminerals.com, is a plan map of the Kubuk area depicting the geological host zone, excavated trenches and planned trenches and drill hole locations.
The information contained in this announcement has been reviewed and approved by the CEO of Amur, Robin Young. Mr. Young is a Geological Engineer (cum laude) and is a Qualified Professional Geologist, as defined by the Toronto and Vancouver Stock Exchanges.