23rd Aug 2021 07:00
23rd August 2021
("Westmount" or the "Company")
Kaieteur Block - Ratio Petroleum update with respect to the 2nd well prospect nomination date
Westmount Energy Limited (UK AIM: WTE.L, USA OTCQB: WMELF), notes the announcement by Ratio Petroleum Energy Limited Partnership ("Ratio Petroleum") yesterday, that the date for elective nomination, by the operator, of the prospect target for the 2nd well on the Kaieteur Block has been extended by seven months to the 22nd March, 2022.1 The Kaieteur Block partners agreed to this extension to facilitate continuing analysis by the operator and integration of extensive multi-play drilling results and comprehensive data collection programs into regional petroleum system models and the prospect nomination decision.
The first well drilled on the Kaieteur block, Tanager-1, evaluated a number of plays - encountering 16 metres of net oil pay (20oAPI oil) in high-quality sandstone reservoirs of Maastrichtian age and confirming the extension of the Cretaceous petroleum system and the Liza play fairway outboard from the prolific discoveries on the neighbouring ExxonMobil operated Stabroek Block. The well was reported as an oil discovery which is currently considered to be non-commercial as a standalone development. Tanager-1 also encountered high quality reservoirs in deeper Santonian and Turonian plays though interpretation of the reservoir fluids in these intervals was reported to be equivocal and require further analysis.
A post-well Netherland, Sewell & Associates Inc. ("NSAI") published CPR2 indicates that the Tanager-1 Maastrichtian discovery contains a 'Best Estimate' Unrisked Gross (2C) Contingent Oil Resource of 65.3 MMBBLs (Low to High Estimates 17.7 MMBBLs to 131 MMBBLs) - with a 'Best Estimate' Unrisked Net (2C) Contingent Oil Resource attributable to the Kaieteur Block of 42.7 MMBBLs (Low to High Estimates 11.3 MMBBLs to 86 MMBBLs).
Subsequent to the Tanager-1 discovery Hess Corporation increased its working interest ("WI") in the Kaieteur Block from 15% to 20% by acquiring a 5% WI from Cataleya Energy Limited ("CEL").
The current Kaieteur Block partners are as follows:
Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited 35% (operator)
Ratio Guyana Limited 25%
Cataleya Energy Limited 20%
Hess Guyana (Block B) Exploration Limited 20%
Westmount holds approximately 5.3% of the issued share capital of Cataleya Energy Corporation3 the parent company of CEL and circa 0.04% of the issued share capital of Ratio Petroleum the ultimate holding entity with respect to Ratio Guyana Limited.
1Announcements by Ratio Petroleum indicate that, under a farm-in agreement executed with ExxonMobil in 2016, the original Kaieteur 2nd well prospect nomination date was 22nd August 2021, with any drilling consequent to this decision to commence within nine months of the nomination date.
2CPR by Netherland, Sewell & Associates Inc. ("NSAI") 14 February 2021- published by Ratio Petroleum
3Based upon number of shares in issue at 10th August 2020
For further information, please contact:
Westmount Energy Limited www.westmountenergy.com
David King, Director Tel: +44 (0) 1534 823059
Anita Weaver
Cenkos Securities plc (Nomad and Broker) Tel: +44 (0) 20 7397 8900
Nicholas Wells/Neil McDonald (Corporate Finance)
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