2nd Apr 2012 07:00
2 April 2012
EDENVILLE ENERGY PLC ("Edenville" or the "Company")
Maiden JORC Compliant Resource at the Mkomolo Basin,
Rukwa Coalfields, Tanzania
Edenville Energy plc (AIM:EDL), the coal exploration and development company, today announces its maiden in-situ resource estimate, as prepared by the Consulting Group, Wardell Armstrong International ("WAI"), at the Mkomolo Basin on the Rukwa Coalfield project in South Western Tanzania.
·; Company is investigating the Mkomolo Basin on the Rukwa Coalfield, one of Edenville's three known coal deposits on the field
·; Maiden inferred JORC compliant Mkomolo resource of 39 million tonnes (39Mt) @ 17 MJ/kg (float density - 2.0 and Yield - 26%)
·; Phase 1 drilling at Mkomolo covered a strike length of approximately 6km
·; Mkomolo remains open to the north, potentially for a further 3.5 km, and down dip.
·; The 2012 drill programme will delineate these extensions to the Mkomolo coal seams and also test the Muze and Namwele Deposits
·; Geophysics and drill contracts signed, field work to commence May 2012
Simon Rollason, Chairman of Edenville, commented "I am pleased to announce the results of this Maiden JORC-compliant resource estimate for the Mkomolo portion of the Rukwa Coalfield which we believe highlights the positive potential of the project. Historical estimates for Mkomolo were just 2.5Mt of coal; to date we have delineated 39Mt of inferred resource. Edenville has achieved its objective by confirming the presence of coal bearing strata along multiple kilometers of strike length, which also extends to a significant depth.
The drilling has further confirmed the quality of the coal as suitable, with appropriate processing, for coal fired power generation. The area drilled covers a portion of the Mkomolo Deposit, which is one out of three deposits that have currently been identified on the Edenville project, and hence the upside potential looks to be very encouraging.
Starting in May, our extensive drill program will test extensions to the Mkomolo coal deposit allowing us to upgrade and expand the current 39Mt inferred resource. We also plan to test drill the Muze and Namwele deposits during the year.
The company is fully funded to undertake the proposed 2012 work programme and believe that this resource estimate forms the platform from which we will achieve value for our shareholders"
WAI have now completed a JORC compliant resource estimate for the Mkomolo Deposit on the basis of the 22 vertical diamond drillholes completed between July and October 2011. The overall objective of the drill programme was to investigate and extend the known area of coal mineralization along strike to the northwest and to evaluate the quality characteristics of the coal mineralization. This work has allowed for the definition of a preliminary coal resource area, a coal resource being defined as having reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction. The resource estimated is based on the southern and central portion of the Mkomolo basin, which remains both open to the northwest and down dip.
The preliminary coal resource area has been defined by the projection of the geological structure 500m down dip of the borehole locations and to the north-west where the deposit is open ended. The modeling of the deposit was completed by WAI utilizing Land Survey Systems. All sample analysis was completed by Inspectorate M and L (Pty) Ltd, an internationally recognised ISO2000 accredited laboratory based in Middelburg, South Africa, and considered the leading coal testing laboratory in Africa
The coal seams at Mkomolo are best described as 'bar coded' type coal, where the coal units are interbedded with barren sandstone, mudstone and limestone, with the overall package termed the Coal Measures. A preliminary sub-division of the Coal Measures strata has been undertaken by WAI based on geological and coal quality variation, which has established a number of "zones" which form the basis for assessment of coal quality. In the south, where the Coal Measures are thin, a single zone has been defined for a number of boreholes. However, in the north, where the Coal Measures are thickest, up to 7 zones have been established. Coal Measures strata thickness varies from 0.12m in the SE, where it terminates, to 55.4m in the NW of the basin where the zone remains open.
WAI has estimated a total resource of 187 million tonnes of raw in-situ Coal Measures. WAI then applied theoretical yield figures (% recovered and quality at each float fraction) to the tonnage estimate for the Coal Measures to provide a general indication of tonnages of coal at a particular quality that could be produced from the Coal Measures, following coal processing. To achieve this, the yields have been calculated as a percentage of the total thickness of the Coal Measures, and on the assumption that the non-sampled beds (eg sandstone) have zero yields.
The result is that a relative gravity separation of 2.0 will generate a yield of 26% at a calorific value of 17.0 MJ/kg which would be of an acceptable quality to sell on to a local power station and/or local industry operators within the region.
WAI has made a further deduction of 20% to the calculated in-situ tonnages to allow for geological uncertainty regarding the geological structures in relation to the continuity of the Coal Measures (eg presence of folding and/or faulting) and variations such as thickness and coal quality. To provide an indication of the coal tonnage regarding a surface mining operation, a 150m depth cut-off has been applied to the geological model relating to the floor of the Coal Measures. On this assumption a raw coal resource tonnage of approximately 78Mt has been estimated.
The in-situ coal resources are classified as 'Inferred Resources' at this stage in accordance with the JORC Code (Joint Ore Reserves Committee), 2004.
Preliminary Estimate of In-situ Coal Resources | ||||
Resource Area | In-situ Tonnage of Coal Measures Estimated by Computer Model (Mt) | In-situ Tonnage with Allowance of 20% Deduction for Geological Uncertainty (Mt) | Theoretical Yield % @ Float Density of 1.7 | Theoretical Yield % @ Float Density of 2.0 |
Estimated Tonnage within Total Coal Resource Area | 187 | 150 | Yield c.18% (CV c.22 MJ/kg)
Tonnage c.27 Mt | Yield c.26% (CV c.17 MJ/kg)
Tonnage c.39Mt
Estimated Tonnage within Coal Resource Area to a Maximum Depth of 150m | 78 | 62 | Yield c.18% (CV c.22 MJ/kg)
Tonnage c.14 Mt | Yield c.26% (CV c.17 MJ/kg)
Tonnage c.16Mt |
The above tonnage estimates do not include for mining or coal processing losses at this stage. Further exploration drilling is required to reduce the geological uncertainty. |
CV MJ/kg - Calorific Value expressed in Mega Joules per kilogram
The Company is currently making preparations for the new field season and has concluded contracts to undertake the drilling and geophysical site work. The objective will be to expand the identified resource base and upgrade the confidence limits and resource category at Mkomolo. Geological exploration and drilling will be conducted on both Muze and Namwele during the field season.
The WAI competent person who prepared the resource statement is Dr. Richard Lowman, a senior consulting geologist with over 30 years of experience in the coal industry. In accordance with AIM Rules, Dr. Lowman and WAI have reviewed the information contained in this news release.
Edenville Energy plc | |
Simon Rollason - ChairmanRakesh Patel - Finance Directorwww.edenville-energy.com | +44 (0) 20 7099 1940 |
ZAI Corporate Finance Ltd | |
Ray Zimmerman/Marc Cramsie | +44 (0) 20 7060 2220 |
Newgate Threadneedle Communications | |
Josh Royston/Richard Gotla | +44 (0) 20 7653 9855 |
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