1st Mar 2010 07:00
1 March 2010
Sunrise Diamonds plc
('SDS' or 'the Company')
Issue of Equity
Sunrise Diamonds plc announces that it has raised £350,000 by way of a private placing of 58,333,333 new ordinary shares of 0.1 pence each ("Placing Shares") at 0.6 pence per share together with warrants ("Placing Warrants"). The funds will be used for general working capital purposes.
The placing is conditional, inter alia, on the new ordinary shares being admitted to trading on AIM, for which application is being made. Admission of the new ordinary shares to trading is expected to occur on or around 5 March 2010.
The placing shares will rank pari passu with the existing ordinary shares in issue and will increase the number of ordinary shares in issue to 247,206,886. Two Placing Warrants are being issued for every three Placing Shares subscribed for and each Placing Warrant will be exercisable at 0.6 pence per ordinary share at any time within 4 years from the data of Admission.
Mr. Bruce Rowan has subscribed for 25,000,000 new ordinary shares as a part of the placing. Immediately following the placing, he will have an interest in 44,125,582 shares representing 17.85% of the enlarged issued share capital.
Mr. John Greenhalgh, a non-executive director of City of London Group Plc ("COLG"), has subscribed for 20,833,333 new ordinary shares as a part of the placing. Immediately following the placing, he will have an interest in 23,686,118 shares representing 9.58% of the enlarged issued share capital.
COLG has subscribed for 12,500,000 new ordinary shares as a part of the placing. Immediately following the placing, COLG will have an interest in 17,500,000 shares representing 7.08% of the enlarged issued share capital.
COLG is a investment company listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange with a wide range of national and international investments, including investments in the minerals and resources sector and in the financial services sector. John Greenhalgh was, until his retirement in August 2008, Chairman and Managing Director of COLG and both he and Mr Bruce Rowan are well-known City investors with a special interest in the resources sector.
Further information:
Patrick Cheetham, Sunrise Diamonds plc. Tel: +44 (0)1625-505947. Mobile: +44(0)7767 458751
Gavin Burnell, Astaire Securities plc. Tel: +44(0)20 7448 4400
Related Shares:
Sunrise Res