6th Apr 2010 07:00
Ventus VCT plc and Ventus 2 VCT plc Joint Announcement
Joint Offer for Subscription of up to 10,000,000 "C" Shares of 25 pence each at a Price of 100 pence per Share (the "Offer")
The Boards of Directors of Ventus VCT plc and Ventus 2 VCT plc are pleased to announce that, in accordance with the terms of the Joint Offer for Subscription dated 8 February 2010, 554,288 "C" shares were allotted in each of Ventus VCT plc and Ventus 2 VCT plc on 5 April 2010 at a price of 100 pence per share.
Application has been made for the admission of the 1,108,576 "C" shares to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and to trading on the London Stock Exchange plc's market for listed securities. Dealing in the "C" shares is expected to commence by 12 April 2010.
As at 5 April 2010, Ventus VCT plc and Ventus 2 VCT plc had received applications for the allotment of 473,770 "C" shares in the 2010/2011 tax year, taking the total subscriptions received under the Offer to £8,394,000. The closing date for the 2010/2011 tax year offer is 31 May 2010 subject to the offer not being fully subscribed earlier.
Following the allotment there are now 10,931,182 "C" shares of 25 pence in issue in each of Ventus VCT plc and Ventus 2 VCT plc. In addition, there are 16,384,793 Ordinary shares of 25 pence in issue in Ventus VCT plc and 12,287,249 Ordinary shares of 25 pence in issue in Ventus 2 VCT plc.
For further information please contact:
Lenny Norstrand, RAM Capital Partners LLP on 020 3006 7531
Matthew Ridley, Climate Change Capital on 020 7939 5319
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