9th Feb 2015 08:00
Central Rand Gold Limited(Incorporated as a company with limited liability under the laws of Guernsey, Company Number 45108) (Incorporated as an external company with limited liability under the laws of South Africa, Registration number 2007/019223/10) ISIN: GG00B92NXM24 LSE share code: CRND JSE share code: CRD ("Central Rand Gold" or the "Company") | ||
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During the week commencing 9 February 2015, directors of Central Rand Gold will be holding a series of investor and marketing presentations in Cape Town with parties including investors, gold industry participants and industry service providers. No new material information or updates on trading will be disclosed in the presentations.
A copy of the presentation is now available on the Company's website: www.centralrandgold.com.
For further information, please contact:
Central Rand Gold +27 (0) 87 310 4400
Johan du Toit / Nathan Taylor
Charles Stanley Securities Limited +44 (0) 20 7149 6478
Marc Milmo / Mark Taylor
Merchantec Capital +27 (0) 11 325 6363
Monique Martinez / Marcel Goncalves
Jenni Newman Public Relations +27 (0) 11 506 7351
Proprietary Limited Jenni Newman
9 February 2015
Merchantec Capital
Related Shares:
Central Rand Gold