6th Sep 2019 07:00
Interim results for the 6 months ended 30 June 2019
The Board of Randall & Quilter Investment Holdings Ltd. (AIM-RQIH), the specialist non-life Legacy insurance investor and capacity provider to the US and European MGA Business, announces the Group's interim results for the 6 months ended 30 June 2019.
Financial Highlights
·; Pre tax profit £33.1m (H1 2018 continuing: £7.8m).
·; Earnings per share (basic) 19.2p (H1 2018 continuing: 3.6p).
·; 13% increase in net tangible assets per share to 133.2p (H1 2018: 117.6p).
·; Proposed interim distribution per share of 3.8p (H1 2018: 3.6p).
·; Return on tangible equity 12.5% (H1 2018: 6.8%).
·; Oversubscribed new share issue in March 2019 of £103.5m (after costs and expenses).
Operational Highlights
·; Completed the acquisition of Global Re for $80.5m - our largest ever legacy transaction.
·; Agreed acquisition of Sandell Re for $25m, subject to regulatory approval. Once completed, this Legacy acquisition will contribute to the 2019 full year result.
·; Completion of five new Legacy acquisitions and three Legacy reinsurances in the half year.
·; Launch of 10 new Program Management contracts in the USA and Europe.
·; Estimated future gross written premium of approaching $800m per annum from program contracts secured to date.
·; Excellent pipeline of new business opportunities in both Legacy and Program Management.
·; New leadership structure announced with Dr Roger Sellek and Alan Quilter (R&Q co-founder) appointed as Joint Group CEOs. Ken Randall continues as Executive Group Chairman.
Group Summary Financial Performance
Group Results £'000 | 1HY 2019 | FY 2018 | 1HY 2018 |
Operating profit (continuing) | 37,668 | 18,596 | 10,140 |
Profit before tax (continuing) | 33,087 | 14,251 | 7,780 |
Profit before tax | 33,087 | 11,693 | 5,527 |
Profit after tax | 32,600 | 7,822 | 4,974 |
Earnings per share (basic) | 19.2p | 5.8p | 3.6p |
Balance sheet information |
Total Assets | 1,562,258 | 1,197,573 | 1,138,108 |
Cash and investments | 728,915 | 638,672 | 584,163 |
Total gross reserves | 942,250 | 699,078 | 769,059 |
Amounts owed to credit institutions | 106,614 | 140,243 | 73,223 |
Shareholders' equity | 302,019 | 175,638 | 167,490 |
Key statistics |
Investment return | 2.3% | 1.2% | 0.7% |
Return on tangible equity | 12.5% | 5.0% | 6.8% |
Net tangible assets per share | 133.2p | 123.6p | 117.6p |
Net assets value per share | 154.2p | 139.4p | 133.0p |
Distribution per share *interim | 3.8p* | 9.2p | 3.6p* |
Commenting on the results for the half year, Ken Randall, Executive Group Chairman said:
"I am pleased to report a set of results reflecting both an outstanding financial performance and continuing delivery against our strategy.
The Group has achieved more than a four fold increase in pre- tax profits for continuing operations compared to the same period in 2018. As expected these excellent results reflect the completion of Legacy deals that were carried over from 2018 - notably the acquisition of GLOBAL U.S. Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiary GLOBAL Reinsurance Corporation of America ("Global Re") and retro-active reinsurance of Schools Association for Excess Risk ("SAFER").
The H1 Results have also been enhanced by a strong investment performance with total income of £16m against only £5.4m for the whole of 2018.
Our Program Management Business is growing strongly as we continue to expand our relationships with business producers and mainstream reinsurers and we have good visibility of future commission earnings. The onboarding process for newly agreed programs in Europe is a little slower than we had originally expected, however, the Program segment of our business is expected to move into profit by the middle of 2020 with anticipated strong earnings growth thereafter.
Our traditional Legacy business continues to thrive with five Legacy acquisitions and three Legacy reinsurances completed in the period. We are seeing a growing number of larger deal opportunities as the demand for Legacy solutions continues to grow.
The investment markets were positive in the first half year, enabling us to recover all unrealised losses sustained in the final weeks of 2018. We continue to invest in high grade securities and the growth in our insurance float (£729m at 30 June 2019 vs £584m a year earlier) should ameliorate some of the impact of declining interest rates over the longer term.
The investment result for the first half of 2019 was an average yield of 2.3% against just 0.7% at the same stage in 2018. We have overhauled our investment portfolio by disposing of almost all equity investments, rationalising our third party investment managers and reducing investment management expenses.
We have announced changes in our leadership team with the recruitment of Dr Roger Sellek, who has joined from AM Best, and the promotion of Alan Quilter as Joint Group CEO's. I shall continue in the role of Executive Group Chairman. Freed of day to day operational responsibility, I shall be focusing on the strategic development and expansion of the Group.
The business continues to perform well with an excellent pipeline of new opportunities in both Legacy and Program Management. The Board expects that full year results for 2019 will be in line with market expectations and we remain very positive about our medium and long term prospects, which will benefit from the emerging profits from our fast growing Program Management business.
Whilst the final outcome of Brexit remains unclear, we believe the preparation and plans we have put in place will enable the Group's European business to continue without material interruption in all likely scenarios, including a 'no deal' Brexit. Our large concentration of US dollar revenues and net assets provides a good measure of protection in the event of ongoing sterling weakness.
Michael Smith has retired from the Board having served as a non-executive Director since the Group's initial listing on AIM. We wish him a long and healthy retirement and I am personally grateful for his support and wise counsel."
Financial Results
We are delighted to report a six fold increase in our after tax profits for continuing operations and growth in excess of 500% in earnings per share compared to the first half of 2018.
This was an exceptional six months for the Group. As expected, profits have been bolstered by a significant contribution from the acquisition of Global Re and a Legacy reinsurance of SAFER, which were both carried over from 2018. The interim result also reflects substantially increased investment earnings on our growing insurance float. The Group balance sheet has strengthened considerably following the successful fund raise in March 2019, the proceeds of which are being used to support our Program Management business and allow us to continue to focus on larger Legacy transactions. Net assets at 30 June 2019 were £302m against £176m at 31 December 2018.
Our growing Program Management operation now trades under the "Accredited" brand in both Europe and the USA. Our aim is to satisfy the growing demand in both Europe and the US from Managing General Agents ("MGAs"), who generate and service the business, for highly rated Program insurance carriers which are able to provide a full range of insurance licenses, and which act as the conduit between each MGA and the reinsurance market. R&Q's owned Insurance Companies have enjoyed an AM Best A- (Excellent) financial strength rating for some time, and earlier this year we also achieved an increase in the financial size category from AM Best reflecting the increased strength of our balance sheet. This has already proved to be an additional attraction to MGAs and their producing Brokers when they are assessing the appointment of the Accredited companies as Program partners.
In previous reports, we have commented on the transactional nature of legacy acquisitions and the difficulty of predicting with certainty when transactions will actually complete, especially when they are - quite properly - the subject of rigorous regulatory scrutiny. The acquisition of Global Re is an excellent example, where we initially anticipated the deal would complete in 2018, but in fact completion was not achieved until May 2019 with the financial benefits for the Group therefore delayed until 2019.
Our pipeline of transactions remains strong and we anticipate completing a number of further acquisitions and reinsurances in the second half year including the (already announced) Bermudian reinsurer, Sandell Re, for which we are awaiting regulatory approval.
We continue to explore potential "side-car" arrangements with third party capital to finance larger acquisitions where we believe R&Q's originating and structuring skills are attractive to third party investors seeking exposure to discontinued non-life insurance business.
Legacy market conditions remain positive, with the owners of discontinued insurance business exploring efficient ways to offload their Legacy portfolios. The European-wide Solvency II regulations and the associated "equivalence" regimes means Legacy business can give rise to onerous capital and reporting obligations for incumbent insurers, even though they no longer actively participate in such business. In addition, we benefit from reorganisations occurring in response to US tax reforms and OECD tax policies which can have a significant impact on some self-insurance entities, especially those that are domiciled offshore.
There are increasing, and sometimes large, opportunities emerging where insurers decide to sell off Legacy portfolios in order to free up capital to support their ongoing business. Last year saw an increased number of major merger announcements and we expect this trend to continue. Such business combinations frequently give rise to Legacy opportunities following the post-merger rationalisation process.
The run-off of our Group's existing Legacy portfolios has continued without any major surprises in H1. Our annual in-depth actuarial reviews are commissioned towards the end of the financial year. As expected our interim assessment at 30 June has not indicated any significant adverse trend nor have we identified any significant reserve redundancy, reflecting the significant credit taken for reserve savings in the 2018 results.
Program Management (Accredited)
Our Program Management Division - Accredited - continued to grow strongly in the first half of the year both in the US and Europe as our strengthened balance sheet, high governance standards, AM Best A- (Excellent) financial strength ratings and comprehensive range of insurance licenses continued to attract MGAs seeking a program partner.
MGAs remain a popular platform for insurance entrepreneurs, but they require the support of a Program insurance carrier with the required insurance licenses and high quality credit rating in the markets in which they underwrite.
Our USA domiciled company, Accredited Surety and Casualty, Inc. and its European sister company, Accredited Insurance (Europe) Limited (domiciled in Malta), are able to meet these needs and provide high quality oversight through monitoring claims and back office processes, corporate governance and regulatory compliance.
In some jurisdictions, especially in Europe, Accredited has benefited from the retrenchment of a number of former Program specialists as a consequence of their weak balance sheets, low credit ratings and inferior underwriting standards. Although there are noteworthy competitors, the quality of the support we provide, our balance sheet strength and market knowledge are proving to be attractive. There are significant barriers to entry and we continue to get a good show of new business opportunities and are able to be selective as to those MGAs we support and the classes of business we underwrite.
From the Group's perspective, the earnings profile of the Program commissions gives us good visibility of future earnings, which complements the less predictable ("lumpy") earnings from R&Q's Legacy acquisitions business. Our approval process for new business is intensive and requires a comprehensive and lengthy "diligence" review and, in addition, we must meet the requirements of the applicable regulatory authorities. Consequently it can take many weeks or even months between agreeing the outline terms with a new MGA and the business being able to launch and generate premium income.
In 2018 we reported that Accredited had contracted with MGAs with expected future premium income of approximately $500m per annum. Estimated contracted future business has now reached in excess of $800m per annum and we anticipate this will grow to more than $1bn per annum during 2020. As explained, we have invested heavily to ensure that we have the necessary infrastructure and staff to support this high growth and there is an inevitable deferral before we are able to take full credit for the earned commissions - although the nature of the earnings profile means that we have good visibility of future commission earnings over the next two years. We anticipate the Group's Program business will move into profit in the middle of 2020 with earnings growing strongly thereafter.
As regards Brexit, we have established a UK branch of our Maltese entity which will enable us to continue underwriting and servicing UK business. The Malta Home Office operation will continue to support our clients in all remaining EU Member States in the event of a hard Brexit scenario.
External Borrowing
In December 2018 the Group raised $70m through the issue of ten year subordinated loan notes. We have also negotiated increased borrowing facilities with Royal Bank of Scotland, which are available to support further Legacy acquisition activity. In addition we continue to explore the option of negotiating "side-car" arrangements with third party capital which may be appropriate for larger size transactions. Our debt/equity ratio at 30 June 2019 was 26%.
Investment Income
Since December 2018, our investment portfolio has performed strongly. Investment income was £16.0m in H1 2019, compared to £5.4m for the whole of 2018. Cash and investments have increased by £90m since 31st December 2018 to £729m, representing an investable asset ratio of 2.4 times group equity.
The investment performance was driven largely by a combination of the strong recovery of our equity portfolio, which we have since exited, and yields falling following the market's flight to safety over concerns of a global slowdown, Brexit and the US-China trade war. We benefitted particularly from our Treasury holdings and the long-dated investment portfolio we acquired as part of the Global Re acquisition.
We have successfully ramped up the Global Re portfolio and realigned the book, which added $115m to the Group's cash and investments, net of purchase price. We anticipate further increases in cash and investments from legacy deals in H2 2019. Investment income is an increasingly important part of our returns mix as we move into the larger legacy deal space and we have the opportunity to increase the investment returns on the portfolios we acquire.
Our process of rationalising our investment managers is nearing completion and we expect to benefit from better gross returns and lower investment fees going forward. We are focused on capital preservation and absolute return. As such, if we are not being paid to take risk then we will not take it just to chase yield. Our portfolio still contains a large proportion of cash and T-bills as we keep our powder dry for attractive opportunities and we believe we are well positioned to do so.
We expect a good performance in H2 2019, albeit at a lower percentage return compared to H1 2019.
Return of Capital
The Board is recommending an interim distribution of 3.8p per share which will be payable on 9 October 2019. In line with existing policy, this is an increase of 0.2p over the amount paid in 2018.
Management Succession and Staffing
We have announced changes to the Group's leadership team with the appointment of Dr Roger Sellek (who has joined us from AM Best, the well-known insurance credit rating agency), and Alan Quilter as joint Group CEOs. Roger and Alan will be jointly responsible for the day to day running of the business whilst I will continue as Executive Chairman and will be focusing on the strategic development and expansion of the Group. We already have good "bench strength" within the senior management team, but we expect to make additional senior appointments in the course of the next year or so to ensure that we have adequate resources to manage the expected expansion of the Group's business.
The Board
Michael Smith has decided to retire from the Board having served as a Non-Executive Director since the Group's admission to AIM in 2007. As already announced, Jo Fox has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. The Board is giving active consideration to the addition of a further Non-Executive Director.
We have successfully re-engineered the R&Q business over the last three years to enable the Group to focus on Legacy and Program Management. We have a reputation in Legacy stretching back almost three decades and we have quickly established a meaningful presence in Program Management in both Europe and the US. The business has the infrastructure, management and technical capacity to handle further expansion and we believe there are excellent growth opportunities in each of our core business segments.
The Board is pleased with the progress we have made over the last three years with the simplification of our business and believes that the Group is very well positioned to exploit exciting prospects for future growth.
K E Randall
Executive Chairman
Condensed Consolidated Income Statement for the six months ended 30 June 2019
Six months ended 30 June 2019 |
Six months ended 30 June 2018 |
Year ended 31 December 2018 |
| (unaudited) |
| (unaudited) |
| (audited) |
| Note |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
Continuing operations |
Gross premiums written |
| 226,062 |
| 157,643 |
| 183,838 |
Reinsurers' share of gross premiums |
| (138,262) |
| (45,278) |
| (118,928) |
Premiums written, net of reinsurance |
| 87,800 |
| 112,365 |
| 64,910 |
Change in gross provision for unearned premiums |
| (55,755) |
| (13,638) |
| (42,044) |
Change in provision for unearned premiums, reinsurers' share |
| 58,722 |
| 14,801 |
| 40,583 | |
Net change in provision for unearned premiums |
| 2,967 |
| 1,163 |
| (1,461) |
Earned premiums net of reinsurance |
| 90,767 |
| 113,528 |
| 63,449 |
Investment income | 6 |
| 16,030 |
| 2,620 |
| 5,430 |
Other income |
| 4,412 |
| 5,738 |
| 11,960 |
| 20,442 |
| 8,358 |
| 17,390 |
Total income | 3 |
| 111,209 |
| 121,886 |
| 80,839 |
Gross claims paid |
| (88,207) |
| (77,989) |
| (161,360) |
Reinsurers' share of gross claims paid |
| 58,165 |
| 36,472 |
| 106,238 |
Claims paid, net of reinsurance |
| (30,042) |
| (41,517) |
| (55,122) |
Movement in gross technical provisions |
| (80,568) |
| (16,483) |
| 69,579 |
Movement in reinsurers' share of technical provisions |
| 32,160 |
| (8,904) |
| (3,759) | |
Net change in provision for claims |
| (48,408) |
| (25,387) |
| 65,820 |
Net insurance claims incurred |
| (78,450) |
| (66,904) |
| 10,698 |
Operating expenses |
| (37,144) |
| (45,164) |
| (77,294) |
Result of operating activities before goodwill on bargain purchase and impairment of intangible assets | 3 |
| (4,385) |
| 9,818 |
| 14,243 |
Goodwill on bargain purchase |
| 42,858 |
| 1,173 |
| 5,997 |
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets |
| (805) |
| (851) |
| (1,644) |
Result of operating activities |
| 37,668 |
| 10,140 |
| 18,596 |
Finance costs |
| (4,581) |
| (2,360) |
| (4,345) |
Profit from continuing operations before income taxes |
| 33,087 |
| 7,780 |
| 14,251 |
Income tax charge | 7 |
| (487) |
| (778) |
| (3,946) |
Profit for the period from continuing operations | 3 |
| 32,600 |
| 7,002 |
| 10,305 |
Loss for the period from discontinued operations | 4 |
| - |
| (2,028) |
| (2,483) |
Profit for the period |
| 32,600 |
| 4,974 |
| 7,822 |
Attributable to equity holders of the parent:- |
Attributable to ordinary shareholders |
| 32,704 |
| 4,508 |
| 7,341 |
Non-controlling interests |
| (104) |
| 466 |
| 481 |
| 32,600 |
| 4,974 |
| 7,822 |
Earnings per ordinary share from continuing and discontinued operations:- |
Basic |
| 19.2p |
| 3.6p |
| 5.8p |
Diluted |
| 19.2p |
| 3.6p |
| 5.8p |
Earnings per ordinary share from continuing operations:- |
Basic | 9 |
| 19.2p |
| 5.2p |
| 7.8p |
Diluted | 9 |
| 19.2p |
| 5.2p |
| 7.8p |
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the six months ended 30 June 2019
| Six months ended 30 June 2019 |
| Six months ended 30 June 2018 | Year ended 31 December 2018 | |
| (unaudited) |
| (unaudited) |
| (audited) |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
Other comprehensive income:- |
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss: |
Pension scheme actuarial (losses)/gains |
| (1,131) |
| 458 |
| 4,661 |
Deferred tax on pension scheme actuarial losses/(gains) |
| 192 |
| (78) |
| (792) |
| (939) |
| 380 |
| 3,869 |
Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss:- |
| |
Exchange gains on consolidation |
| 1,997 |
| 2,622 |
| 8,809 |
Other comprehensive income |
| 1,058 |
| 3,002 |
| 12,678 |
Profit for the period |
| 32,600 |
| 4,974 |
| 7,822 |
Total comprehensive income for the period |
| 33,658 |
| 7,976 |
| 20,500 |
Attributable to:- |
Equity holders of the parent |
| 33,769 |
| 7,492 |
| 19,985 |
Non-controlling interests |
| (111) |
| 484 |
| 515 |
Total comprehensive income for the period |
| 33,658 |
| 7,976 |
| 20,500 |
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the six months ended 30 June 2019
| |||||||||||||||||
| Attributable to equity holders of the Parent | |||||||||||||||||
| Share capital | Share premium | Foreign currency translation reserve | Retained earnings | Total | Non-controlling interests | Total | |||||||||||
| £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | |||||||||||
Six months ended 30 June 2019 |
| |||||||||||
At beginning of period |
| 2,520 | 51,135 | 9,273 | 112,710 | 175,638 | 349 | 175,987 | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||
Profit for the period |
| - | - | - | 32,704 | 32,704 | (104) | 32,600 | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||
Other comprehensive income |
| |||||||||||
Exchange gains/(losses) on consolidation |
| - | - | 2,004 | - | 2,004 | (7) | 1,997 | |||||||||||
Pension scheme actuarial losses |
| - | - | - | (1,131) | (1,131) | - | (1,131) | |||||||||||
Deferred tax on pension scheme actuarial losses |
| - | - | - | 192 | 192 | - | 192 | |||||||||||
Total other comprehensive income for the period |
| - | - | 2,004 | (939) | 1,065 | (7) | 1,058 | |||||||||||
Total comprehensive income for the period |
| - | - | 2,004 | 31,765 | 33,769 | (111) | 33,658 | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||
Transactions with owners |
| |||||||||||
Share based payments |
| - | 138 | - | - | 138 | - | 138 | |||||||||||
Issue of shares |
| 1,398 | 102,047 | - | - | 103,445 | - | 103,445 | |||||||||||
Issue of AB shares |
| 10,971 | (10,971) | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||
Cancellation of AB shares |
| (10,971) | - | - | - | (10,971) | - | (10,971) | |||||||||||
At end of period |
| 3,918 | 142,349 | 11,277 | 144,475 | 302,019 | 238 | 302,257 | |||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the six months ended 30 June 2018
| Attributable to equity holders of the parent | |||||||||||||||
| Share capital | Share premium | Foreign currency translation reserve | Retained earnings | Total | Non-controlling interests | Total |
| ||||||||
| £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 |
| ||||||||
Six months ended 30 June 2018 |
| ||||||||
At beginning of period |
| 2,517 | 62,257 | 901 | 101,097 | 166,772 | (166) | 166,606 |
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
Profit for the period |
| - | - | - | 4,508 | 4,508 | 466 | 4,974 |
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
Other comprehensive income |
| ||||||||
Exchange gains on consolidation |
| - | - | 2,604 | - | 2,604 | 18 | 2,622 |
| ||||||||
Pension scheme actuarial gains |
| - | - | - | 458 | 458 | - | 458 |
| ||||||||
Deferred tax on pension scheme actuarial gains |
| - | - | - | (78) | (78) | - | (78) |
| ||||||||
Total other comprehensive income for the period |
| - | - | 2,604 | 380 | 2,984 | 18 | 3,002 |
| ||||||||
Total comprehensive income for the period |
| - | - | 2,604 | 4,888 | 7,492 | 484 | 7,976 |
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
Transactions with owners |
| ||||||||
Issue of shares |
| 1 | 23 | - | - | 24 | - | 24 |
| ||||||||
Issue of Z shares |
| 6,798 | (6,798) | - | - | - | - | - |
| ||||||||
Cancellation of Z shares |
| (6,798) | - | - | - | (6,798) | - | (6,798) |
| ||||||||
At end of period |
| 2,518 | 55,482 | 3,505 | 105,985 | 167,490 | 318 | 167,808 |
| ||||||||
| |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 2018
| Attributable to equity holders of the parent | |||||||
| Share capital | Share option costs | Share premium | Foreign currency translation reserve | Retained earnings | Total | Non-controlling interests | Total |
| £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 |
Year ended 31 December 2018 |
At beginning of year |
| 2,517 | - | 62,257 | 901 | 101,097 | 166,772 | (166) | 166,606 |
Profit for the year |
| - | - | - | - | 7,341 | 7,341 | 481 | 7,822 |
Other comprehensive income |
Exchange gains on consolidation |
| - | - | - | 8,372 | 403 | 8,775 | 34 | 8,809 |
Pension scheme actuarial gains |
| - | - | - | - | 4,661 | 4,661 | - | 4,661 |
Deferred tax on pension scheme actuarial gains |
| - | - | - | - | (792) | (792) | - | (792) |
Total other comprehensive income for the year |
| - | - | - | 8,372 | 4,272 | 12,644 | 34 | 12,678 |
Total comprehensive income for the year |
| - | - | - | 8,372 | 11,613 | 19,985 | 515 | 20,500 |
Transactions with owners |
Share based payments |
| - | - | 212 | - | - | 212 | - | 212 |
Issue of shares |
| 3 | - | - | - | - | 3 | - | 3 |
Issue of Z & AA shares |
| 11,334 | - | (11,334) | - | - | - | - | - |
Cancellation of Z & AA shares |
| (11,334) | - | - | - | - | (11,334) | - | (11,334) |
At end of year |
| 2,520 | - | 51,135 | 9,273 | 112,710 | 175,638 | 349 | 175,987 |
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2019
Company number 47341
Note |
| 30 June 2019 |
| 30 June 2018 | 31 December 2018 |
| |
| (unaudited) |
| (unaudited) |
| (audited) |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
Assets |
Intangible assets |
| 41,161 |
| 19,430 |
| 19,974 |
Property, plant and equipment |
| 905 |
| 680 |
| 577 |
Right of use assets |
| 2,690 |
| - |
| - |
Investment properties |
| 1,520 |
| 1,930 |
| 1,881 |
Financial instruments |
| 455,418 |
| 439,884 |
| 401,749 |
Reinsurers' share of insurance liabilities | 8 |
| 409,859 |
| 261,727 |
| 300,357 |
Current tax assets |
| 1,635 |
| 6,480 |
| 191 |
Deferred tax assets |
| 5,351 |
| 6,437 |
| 3,205 |
Insurance and other receivables |
| 370,222 |
| 257,261 |
| 232,716 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
| 273,497 |
| 144,279 |
| 236,923 |
Total assets |
| 1,562,258 |
| 1,138,108 |
| 1,197,573 |
Liabilities |
Insurance contract provisions | 8 |
| 942,250 |
| 769,059 |
| 699,078 |
Financial liabilities |
| 107,859 |
| 74,307 |
| 141,382 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
| 7,645 |
| 7,355 |
| 3,449 |
Insurance and other payables | 10 |
| 195,111 |
| 101,214 |
| 168,488 |
Current tax liabilities |
| 452 |
| 7,447 |
| 2,323 |
Pension scheme obligations |
| 6,684 |
| 10,918 |
| 6,866 |
Total liabilities |
| 1,260,001 |
| 970,300 |
| 1,021,586 |
Equity |
Share capital |
| 3,918 |
| 2,518 |
| 2,520 |
Share premium |
| 142,349 |
| 55,482 |
| 51,135 |
Foreign currency translation reserve |
| 11,277 |
| 3,505 |
| 9,273 |
Retained earnings |
| 144,475 |
| 105,985 |
| 112,710 |
Attributable to equity holders of the parent |
| 302,019 |
| 167,490 |
| 175,638 |
Non-controlling interests in subsidiary undertakings |
| 238 |
| 318 |
| 349 |
Total equity |
| 302,257 |
| 167,808 |
| 175,987 |
Total liabilities and equity |
| 1,562,258 |
| 1,138,108 |
| 1,197,573 |
The Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 5 September 2019 and were signed on its behalf by:
K E Randall A K Quilter
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement as at 30 June 2019
| Six months ended 30 June 2019 |
| Six months ended 30 June 2018 |
| Year ended 31 December 2018 |
| (unaudited) |
| (unaudited) |
| (audited) |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Profit for the period |
| 32,600 |
| 4,974 |
| 7,822 |
Tax included in consolidated income statement |
| 487 |
| 553 |
| 3,871 |
Finance costs |
| 4,581 |
| 2,360 |
| 4,345 |
Depreciation and impairments |
| 1,026 |
| 155 |
| 335 |
Share based payments |
| 138 |
| 23 |
| 212 |
Loss on divestment |
| - |
| 215 |
| 215 |
Goodwill on bargain purchase |
| (42,858) |
| (1,173) |
| (5,997) |
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets |
| 805 |
| 851 |
| 1,644 |
Fair value (gain)/loss on financial assets |
| (8,855) |
| 1,455 |
| 5,754 |
Loss on revaluation of investment property |
| - |
| 847 |
| 903 |
Loss on disposal of property, plant & equipment |
| 130 |
| - |
| - |
Contributions to pension scheme |
| (1,400) |
| - |
| - |
Loss/(profit) on net assets of pension schemes |
| 87 |
| 84 |
| (479) |
Increase in receivables |
| (115,650) |
| (73,426) |
| (61,734) |
Decrease/(increase) in deposits with ceding undertakings |
| 765 |
| (89) |
| 343 |
Increase in payables |
| 19,385 |
| 7,032 |
| 69,679 |
Increase/(decrease) in net insurance technical provisions |
| 45,441 |
| 24,224 |
| (64,359) |
Income tax paid |
| (2,330) |
| - |
| - |
Net cash used in operating activities |
| (65,648) |
| (31,915) |
| (37,446) |
Cash flows to investing activities |
Purchase of property, plant and equipment |
| (613) |
| (310) |
| (189) |
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment |
| - |
| 24 |
| 19 |
Proceeds from disposal of investment property |
| 361 |
| - |
| - |
Proceeds from disposal of intangible assets |
| 1,936 |
| - |
| - |
Purchase of intangible assets |
| (102) |
| - |
| (92) |
Sale of financial assets |
| 139,515 |
| 32,540 |
| 69,774 |
Purchase of financial assets |
| (40,010) |
| (61,212) |
| (46,023) |
Acquisition of subsidiary undertaking (offset by cash acquired) |
| (53,031) |
| 4,592 |
| (8,972) |
Divestment (offset by cash disposed of) |
| - |
| 16,511 |
| 13,387 |
Net cash from/(used in) investing activities |
| 48,056 |
| (7,855) |
| 27,904 |
Net cash from financing activities |
Repayment of borrowings |
| (33,466) |
| (8,000) |
| (3,000) |
New borrowing arrangements |
| - |
| 25,040 |
| 86,170 |
Interest and other finance costs paid |
| (4,581) |
| (2,360) |
| (4,345) |
Cancellation of shares |
| (10,971) |
| (6,798) |
| (11,334) |
Receipts from issue of shares |
| 103,445 |
| 1 |
| 3 |
Net cash from financing activities |
| 54,427 |
| 7,883 |
| 67,494 |
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
| 36,835 |
| (31,887) |
| 57,952 |
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period |
| 236,923 |
| 174,502 |
| 174,502 |
Foreign exchange movement on cash and cash equivalents |
| (261) |
| 1,664 |
| 4,469 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period |
| 273,497 |
| 144,279 |
| 236,923 |
Share of Syndicates' cash restricted funds |
| 19,886 |
| 21,205 |
| 18,150 |
Other funds |
| 253,611 |
| 123,074 |
| 218,773 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period |
| 273,497 |
| 144,279 |
| 236,923 |
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
1. Basis of preparation
The Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared using accounting policies consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards and in accordance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 Interim Financial Reporting.
The Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for the 2019 and 2018 half years are unaudited, but have been subject to review by the Group's auditors.
2. Significant accounting policies
The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Group's Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2018 other than as detailed below. There have been no amendments to accounting policies.
New standards effective from 1 January 2019:- IFRS 16, Leases.
IFRS 16 Leases specifies how to recognise, measure and disclose leases. The standard replaces IAS 17 Leases and Related Interpretations. The standard provides a single lessee accounting model, requiring lessees to recognise assets and liabilities for all leases unless the lease term is 12 months or less or the underlying asset has a low value. The rental charge in previous Consolidated Income Statements for leases has been replaced in the 2019 reporting year with a depreciation charge for the lease assets and an interest expense for the lease liabilities. Under the standard the Group has adopted the retrospective modified approach and therefore the comparatives are not restated and continue to be reported under IAS 17 and IFRIC 4.
The right of use asset recognised in the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position at 30 June 2019 is £2,690k. This asset has given rise to a depreciation charge of £870k for the six month period ending 30 June 2019 and the cost is included in operating expenses in the Condensed Consolidated Income Statement.
The lease liability is included in Financial liabilities in the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position and at 30 June 2019 amounts to £2,712k. The unwind of the liability for the six month period ending 30 June 2019 has created an interest cost of £56k which is included in Finance Costs in the Condensed Consolidated Income Statement.
3. Segmental information
The Group's segments represent the level at which financial information is reported to the Board, being the chief operating decision maker as defined in IFRS 8. The reportable segments have been identified as follows:-
• Live - the Group delegates underwriting authority to Managing General Agents ("MGAs") and provides underwriting capacity through its licensed platforms in the US and Europe and provides capital support for the Group's participation on Lloyd's Syndicates with live business
• Legacy - the Group acquires legacy portfolios and insurance debt and provides capital support for the Group's participation on Lloyd's Syndicates in run-off
• Other - primarily includes the holding company and other non-core subsidiaries which fall outside of the segments above
Segment result for the six months ended 30 June 2019 (unaudited)
Continuing operations
| |||
| Live | Legacy | Other | Consolidation adjustments | Total | |||
| £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | |||
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance | 14,304 | 76,463 | - | - | 90,767 | |||
Net investment income | 5,009 | 13,780 | 4,362 | (7,121) | 16,030 | |||
External income | 1,580 | 1,009 | 1,823 | - | 4,412 | |||
Internal income | 13 | 8,198 | 14,988 | (23,199) | - | |||
Total income | 20,906 | 99,450 | 21,173 | (30,320) | 111,209 | |||
| |||
Claims paid, net of reinsurance | (8,748) | (21,294) | - | - | (30,042) | |||
Net change in provision for claims | (4,184) | (44,224) | - | - | (48,408) | |||
Net insurance claims increased | (12,932) | (65,518) | - | - | (78,450) | |||
Operating expenses | (9,793) | (29,444) | (21,106) | 23,199 | (37,144) | |||
Result of operating activities before goodwill on bargain purchase | (1,819) | 4,488 | 67 | (7,121) | (4,385) | |||
Goodwill on bargain purchase | - | 42,858 | - | - | 42,858 | |||
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets | (30) | (751) | (24) | - | (805) | |||
Result of operating activities | (1,849) | 46,595 | 43 | (7,121) | 37,668 | |||
Finance costs | (50) | (4,507) | (7,145) | 7,121 | (4,581) | |||
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before income taxes | (1,899) | 42,088 | (7,102) | - | 33,087 | |||
Income tax (charge)/credit | (223) | (1,501) | 1,237 | - | (487) | |||
Profit/(loss) for the period | (2,122) | 40,587 | (5,865) | - | 32,600 | |||
Non-controlling interests | 92 | 397 | (385) | - | 104 | |||
| |||
Attributable to shareholders of parent | (2,030) | 40,984 | (6,250) | - | 32,704 | |||
| |||
Segment assets | 358,682 | 1,400,663 | 152,368 | (349,455) | 1,562,258 | |||
| |||
Segment liabilities | 281,866 | 918,313 | 409,277 | (349,455) | 1,260,001 | |||
Segment result for the six months ended 30 June 2018 (unaudited)
Continuing operations
| |||
| Live | Legacy | Other | Consolidation adjustments | Total | |||
| £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | |||
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance | 21,822 | 91,706 | - | - | 113,528 | |||
Net investment income | 634 | (947) | 7,362 | (4,429) | 2,620 | |||
External income | 1,392 | 472 | 3,874 | - | 5,738 | |||
Internal income | - | 603 | 7,609 | (8,212) | - | |||
Total income | 23,848 | 91,834 | 18,845 | (12,641) | 121,886 | |||
| |||
Claims paid, net of reinsurance | (3,256) | (38,261) | - | - | (41,517) | |||
Net change in provision for claims | (4,958) | (20,429) | - | - | (25,387) | |||
Net insurance claims increased | (8,214) | (58,690) | - | - | (66,904) | |||
Operating expenses | (12,274) | (21,687) | (19,415) | 8,212 | (45,164) | |||
Result of operating activities before goodwill on bargain purchase | 3,360 | 11,457 | (570) | (4,429) | 9,818 | |||
Goodwill on bargain purchase | - | 1,173 | - | - | 1,173 | |||
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets | (76) | (751) | (24) | - | (851) | |||
Result of operating activities | 3,284 | 11,879 | (594) | (4,429) | 10,140 | |||
Finance costs | (122) | (3,178) | (3,489) | 4,429 | (2,360) | |||
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before income taxes | 3,162 | 8,701 | (4,083) | - | 7,780 | |||
Income tax (charge)/credit | (316) | (870) | 408 | - | (778) | |||
Profit/(loss) for the period | 2,846 | 7,831 | (3,675) | - | 7,002 | |||
Non-controlling interests | (234) | (230) | (2) | - | (466) | |||
| |||
Attributable to shareholders of parent | 2,612 | 7,601 | (3,677) | - | 6,536 | |||
| |||
Segment assets | 243,255 | 1,031,640 | 119,359 | (256,146) | 1,138,108 | |||
| |||
Segment liabilities | 192,150 | 817,348 | 216,948 | (256,146) | 970,300 | |||
Segment result for the year ended 31 December 2018 (unaudited)
Continuing operations
| |||
| Live | Legacy | Other | Consolidation adjustments | Total | |||
| £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | |||
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance | 38,675 | 24,774 | - | - | 63,449 | |||
Net investment income | (379) | 5,092 | 16,110 | (15,393) | 5,430 | |||
External income | 2,956 | 1,830 | 7,174 | - | 11,960 | |||
Internal income | - | 2,062 | 15,160 | (17,222) | - | |||
Total income | 41,252 | 33,758 | 38,444 | (32,615) | 80,839 | |||
| |||
Claims paid, net of reinsurance | (11,226) | (43,896) | - | - | (55,122) | |||
Net change in provision for claims | (9,546) | 75,366 | - | - | 65,820 | |||
Net insurance claims released/(increased) | (20,772) | 31,470 | - | - | 10,698 | |||
Operating expenses | (24,282) | (38,373) | (31,861) | 17,222 | (77,294) | |||
Result of operating activities before goodwill on bargain purchase | (3,802) | 26,855 | 6,583 | (15,393) | 14,243 | |||
Goodwill on bargain purchase | - | 5,640 | 357 | - | 5,997 | |||
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets | - | (1,597) | (47) | - | (1,644) | |||
Result of operating activities | (3,802) | 30,898 | 6,893 | (15,393) | 18,596 | |||
Finance costs | (222) | (6,268) | (13,248) | 15,393 | (4,345) | |||
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before income taxes | (4,024) | 24,630 | (6,355) | - | 14,251 | |||
Income tax (charge)/credit | 226 | (10,316) | 6,144 | - | (3,946) | |||
Profit/(loss) for the period | (3,798) | 14,314 | (211) | - | 10,305 | |||
Non-controlling interests | (248) | (300) | 67 | - | (481) | |||
| |||
Attributable to shareholders of parent | (4,046) | 14,014 | (144) | - | 9,824 | |||
| |||
Segment assets | 284,965 | 1,050,326 | 219,440 | (357,158) | 1,197,573 | |||
| |||
Segment liabilities | 224,229 | 711,292 | 443,223 | (357,158) | 1,021,586 | |||
Geographical analysis
Continuing operations
As at 30 June 2019 |
| ||||
| UK | North America | Europe | Total | ||||
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
Gross assets |
| 419,432 |
| 1,088,721 |
| 403,560 |
| 1,911,713 |
Intercompany eliminations |
| (137,630) |
| (154,256) |
| (57,569) |
| (349,455) |
Segment assets |
| 281,802 |
| 934,465 |
| 345,991 |
| 1,562,258 |
Gross liabilities |
| 262,518 |
| 1,011,173 |
| 335,765 |
| 1,609,456 |
Intercompany eliminations |
| (72,073) |
| (271,026) |
| (6,356) |
| (349,455) |
Segment liabilities |
| 190,445 |
| 740,147 |
| 329,409 |
| 1,260,001 |
Revenue from external customers |
| 16,533 |
| 91,272 |
| 3,404 |
| 111,209 |
As at 30 June 2018 |
| ||||
| UK | North America | Europe | Total | ||||
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
Gross assets |
| 425,796 |
| 780,159 |
| 274,459 |
| 1,480,414 |
Intercompany eliminations |
| (157,904) |
| (133,073) |
| (51,329) |
| (342,306) |
Segment assets |
| 267,892 |
| 647,086 |
| 223,130 |
| 1,138,108 |
Gross liabilities |
| 400,308 |
| 723,099 |
| 189,199 |
| 1,312,606 |
Intercompany eliminations |
| (143,594) |
| (196,607) |
| (2,105) |
| (342,306) |
Segment liabilities |
| 256,714 |
| 526,492 |
| 187,094 |
| 970,300 |
Revenue from external customers |
| 104,880 |
| 13,272 |
| 3,734 |
| 121,886 |
As at 31 December 2018 |
| ||||
| UK | North America | Europe | Total | ||||
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
Gross assets |
| 463,918 |
| 813,038 |
| 277,775 |
| 1,554,731 |
Intercompany eliminations |
| (131,425) |
| (169,314) |
| (56,419) |
| (357,158) |
Segment assets |
| 332,493 |
| 643,724 |
| 221,356 |
| 1,197,573 |
Gross liabilities |
| 332,349 |
| 834,004 |
| 212,391 |
| 1,378,744 |
Intercompany eliminations |
| (105,813) |
| (246,587) |
| (4,758) |
| (357,158) |
Segment liabilities |
| 226,536 |
| 587,417 |
| 207,633 |
| 1,021,586 |
Revenue from external customers |
| 43,192 |
| 28,871 |
| 8,776 |
| 80,839 |
4 Discontinued operations and disposal group
The sale of Insurance Services and Captive Management Companies
On 13 January 2018 the Group completed the sale of its Insurance Services and Captive Management Companies ('ISD') to Davies Group ("Davies") a leading operations management, consultancy and digital solutions provider. The transaction involved the sale of the entire share capital of JMD Specialist Insurance Services Group Limited and its subsidiaries, R&Quiem Limited, John Heath & Company Limited and AM Associates Insurance Services Limited as well as Randall & Quilter Bermuda Holdings Limited and its Quest subsidiaries. The sale is presented within these financial statements as a discontinued operation for the interim period six months ending 30 June 2018, as it represented the sale of a major line of business within the R&Q Group.
Profit for the period from discontinued operations
| ISD June 2019
| ISD June 2018
| ISD December 2018
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
Other Income |
| - |
| 254 |
| (183) |
Operating expenses |
| - |
| (2,292) |
| (2,310) |
Profit before tax |
| - |
| (2,038) |
| (2,493) |
Income tax charge |
| - |
| 225 |
| 225 |
Operating loss |
| - |
| (1,813) |
| (2,268) |
Disposal proceeds |
| - |
| 17,216 |
| 17,216 |
Net assets of disposal group |
| - |
| (17,431) |
| (17,431) |
Loss on discontinued activities |
| - |
| (215) |
| (215) |
Income tax charge on discontinued activities |
| - |
| - |
| - |
Loss on discontinued activities |
| - |
| (215) |
| - |
Loss for the period |
| - |
| (2,028) |
| (2,483) |
Cash flows for the period from discontinued operations
| ISD June 2019 |
| ISD June 2018 |
| ISD December 2018 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
Net cash inflows/(outflows) from operating activities |
| - |
| (404) |
| (404) |
investing activities |
| - |
| 16,511 |
| 16,511 |
Net cash inflows |
| - |
| 16,107 |
| 16,107 |
The major classes of assets and liabilities forming the disposal group were as follows:
| ISD disposal 13 January 2018 |
| £000 |
Assets |
Intangible assets |
| 14,408 |
Property, plant & equipment |
| 151 |
Other financial investments |
| 62 |
Insurance and other receivables |
| 2,940 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
| 705 |
| 18,266 |
Liabilities |
Insurance and other payables |
| 835 |
Current tax liabilities |
| - |
| 835 |
Total net assets of the disposal group |
| 17,431 |
5. Fair Value
The following table shows the fair values of financial assets using a valuation hierarchy; the fair value hierarchy has the following levels:-
Level 1 - Valuations based on quoted prices in active markets for identical instruments. An active market is a market in which transactions for the instrument occur with sufficient frequency and volume on an ongoing basis such that quoted prices reflect prices at which an orderly transaction would take place between market participants at the measurement date.
Level 2 - Valuations based on quoted prices in markets that are not active or based on pricing models for which significant inputs can be corroborated by observable market data.
Level 3 - Valuations based on inputs that are unobservable or for which there is limited activity against which to measure fair value.
June 2019 |
| Level 1 £000 |
| Level 2 £000 |
| Level 3£000 |
| Total£000 |
Government and government agencies |
| - | 80,705 |
| - |
| 80,705 | |
Corporate bonds |
| - |
| 243,799 |
| - |
| 243,799 |
Equities |
| 15,760 |
| - |
| - |
| 15,760 |
Investment funds |
| 108,722 |
| - |
| - |
| 108,722 |
Purchased reinsurance receivables |
| - |
| - |
| 8,003 |
| 8,003 |
Total financial assets measured at fair value |
| 124,482 |
| 324,504 |
| 8,003 |
| 456,989 |
June 2018 |
| Level 1 £000 |
| Level 2 £000 |
| Level 3£000 |
| Total£000 |
Government and government agencies |
| - |
| 27,137 |
| - |
| 27,137 |
Corporate bonds |
| - |
| 295,536 |
| - |
| 295,536 |
Equities |
| 22,405 |
| - |
| - |
| 22,405 |
Investment funds |
| 88,549 |
| - |
| - |
| 88,549 |
Purchased reinsurance receivables |
| - |
| - |
| 3,382 |
| 3,382 |
Total financial assets measured at fair value |
| 110,954 |
| 322,673 |
| 3,382 |
| 437,009 |
December 2018 |
| Level 1 £000 |
| Level 2 £000 |
| Level 3£000 |
| Total£000 |
Government and government agencies |
| - |
| 63,228 |
| - |
| 63,228 |
Corporate bonds |
| - |
| 202,424 |
| - |
| 202,424 |
Equities |
| 24,369 |
| - |
| - |
| 24,369 |
Investment funds |
| 105,397 |
| - |
| - |
| 105,397 |
Purchased reinsurance receivables |
| - |
| - |
| 3,393 |
| 3,393 |
Total financial assets measured at fair value |
| 129,766 |
| 265,652 |
| 3,393 |
| 398,811 |
The following table shows the movement on Level 3 assets measured at fair value:-
| June 2019 | June 2018 | December 2018 |
| £000 | £000 | £000 |
Opening balance | 3,393 | 3,750 | 3,750 |
Total net gains recognised in the Consolidated Income Statement | 1,178 | 170 | 76 |
Additions | 3,374 | - | - |
Disposals | - | (614) | (614) |
Exchange adjustments | 58 | 76 | 181 |
Closing balance | 8,003 | 3,382 | 3,393 |
Level 3 investments (purchased reinsurance receivables) have been valued using detailed models outlining the anticipated timing and amounts of future receipts. During the period the Group purchased an outstanding interest in simliar reinsurance receivables £3,374k (2018: £Nil). Short term delays in the anticipated receipt of these investments will not have a material impact on their valuation.
6. Investment income
Continuing operations
| Six months ended 30 June 2019 |
| Six months ended 30 June 2018 | Year ended 31 December 2018 | |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
Interest income |
| 7,175 |
| 4,075 |
| 11,184 |
Realised gains on investments |
| 2,514 |
| 238 |
| 800 |
Unrealised gains/(losses) on investments |
| 6,341 |
| (1,693) |
| (6,554) |
| 16,030 |
| 2,620 |
| 5,430 |
7. Income tax
Continuing operations
| Six months ended 30 June 2019 |
| Six months ended30 June 2018 | Year ended 31 December 2018 | |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
Tax charge |
| (487) |
| (778) |
| (3,946) |
The tax charge in the Condensed Consolidated Income Statement is calculated on an effective tax rate method.
8. Insurance contract provisions and reinsurance balances
| Six months ended 30 June 2019 |
| Six months ended 30 June 2018 | Year ended 31 December 2018 | |
Gross |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000
Insurance contract provisions at 1 January |
| 699,078 |
| 722,535 |
| 722,535 |
Claims paid |
| (88,207) |
| (77,989) |
| (161,360) |
Increase in provisions arising from acquisition of subsidiary undertakings and syndicate participations |
106,649 |
3,067 |
| (26,282) |
Increase in provisions arising from acquisition of reinsurance portfolios |
71,519 |
75,841 |
| 11,936 |
Increase in claims provisions |
| 97,256 |
| 18,631 |
| 79,845 |
Increase in unearned premium reserve |
| 55,755 |
| 13,638 |
| 42,044 |
Net exchange differences |
| 200 |
| 13,336 |
| 30,360 |
As at period end |
| 942,250 |
| 769,059 |
| 699,078 |
| Six months ended 30 June 2019 |
| Six months ended 30 June 2018 | Year ended 31 December 2018 | ||
Reinsurance |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000
| |
Reinsurers' share of insurance contract provisions at 1 January |
300,357 |
253,482 |
253,482 | |
Eliminations from commutations and reinsurers' share of gross claims paid |
| (58,165) |
| (36,472) |
| (106,238) | |
Increase in provisions arising from acquisition of subsidiary undertakings and syndicate participations |
18,644 |
- |
| (1,440) | |
Increase in provisions arising from acquisition of reinsurance portfolios |
- |
- |
| 722 | |
Increase in claims provisions |
| 90,325 |
| 27,568 |
| 101,757 | |
Increase in unearned premium reserve |
| 58,722 |
| 14,801 |
| 40,583 | |
Net exchange differences |
| (24) |
| 2,348 |
| 11,491 | |
As at period end |
| 409,859 |
| 261,727 |
| 300,357 | |
| |
| Six months ended 30 June 2019 |
| Six months ended 30 June 2018 | Year ended 31 December 2018 |
| |
Net |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000
Net claims outstanding at 1 January |
| 398,721 |
| 469,053 |
| 469,053 |
Net (claims paid and eliminations from commutations |
| (30,042) |
| (41,517) |
| (55,122) |
Increase in provisions arising from acquisition of subsidiary undertakings and syndicate participations |
88,005 |
3,067 |
| (24,842) |
Increase/(decrease) in provisions arising from acquisition of reinsurance portfolios |
71,519 |
75,841 |
| 11,214 |
(Decrease)/increase in claims provisions |
| 6,931 |
| (8,937) |
| (21,912) |
(Decrease)/Increase in unearned premium reserve |
| (2,967) |
| (1,163) |
| 1,461 |
Net exchange differences |
| 224 |
| 10,988 |
| 18,869 |
As at period end |
| 532,391 |
| 507,332 |
| 398,721 |
The assumptions used in the estimation of claims provisions relating to insurance contracts are intended to result in provisions which are sufficient to settle the net liabilities from insurance contracts.
Provision is made at the balance sheet date for the estimated ultimate cost of settling all claims incurred in respect of events and developments up to that date, whether reported or not. The source of data used as inputs for the assumptions is primarily internal.
Significant uncertainty exists as to the likely outcome of any particular claim and the ultimate costs of completing the run off of the Group's owned insurance operations.
The Group owns a number of insurance companies in run-off. Significant uncertainty arises in the quantification of technical provisions for all insurance entities under the Group's control due to the long tail nature of the business underwritten by those entities. The business written by the insurance company subsidiaries consists in part of long tail liabilities, including asbestos, pollution, health hazard and other US liability insurance. The claims for this type of business are typically not settled until several years after policies have been written. Furthermore, much of the business written by these companies is reinsurance and retrocession of other insurance companies, which lengthens the settlement period.
The provisions carried by the Group's owned insurance companies are calculated using a variety of actuarial techniques. The provisions are calculated and reviewed by the Group's internal actuarial team; in addition the Group periodically commissions independent external actuarial reviews. The use of external advisers provides management with additional comfort that the Group's internally produced statistics and trends are consistent with observable market information and other published data.
When preparing these Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements, full provision is made in the aggregate for all costs of running off the business of the insurance entities to the extent that the provision exceeds the estimated future investment return expected to be earned by those entities deemed to be in run-off. When assessing the amount of any provision to be made, the future investment income and claims handling and all other costs of all the insurance company subsidiaries' and syndicates businesses in run-off are considered in aggregate. The quantum of the costs of running off the business and the future investment income has been determined through the preparation of cash flow forecasts over the anticipated period of the run offs. The gross costs of running off the business are estimated to be fully covered by investment income.
Provisions for outstanding claims and Incurred But Not Reported ("IBNR") are initially estimated at a gross level and a separate calculation is carried out to estimate the size of reinsurance recoveries. Insurance companies within the Group are covered by a variety of treaty, excess of loss and stop loss reinsurance programmes.
9. Earnings per share
| Six months ended 30 June 2019 |
| Six months ended 30 June 2018 | Year ended 31 December 2018 | |
| No. 000's |
| No. 000's |
| No. 000's |
Weighted average number of Ordinary shares |
| 170,266 |
| 125,878 |
| 125,908 |
Effect of dilutive share options |
| - |
| - |
| - |
Weighted average number of Ordinary shares for the purposes of diluted earnings per share |
| 170,266 |
| 125,878 |
| 125,908 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
Earnings per share for profit from continuing operations Profit for the period attributable to Ordinary shareholders | 32,704 |
| 6,536 |
| 9,824 | |
Basic earnings per share |
| 19.2p |
| 5.2p |
| 7.8p |
Diluted earnings per share |
| 19.2p |
| 5.2p |
| 7.8p |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
Earnings per share for loss from discontinued operations Loss for the period attributable to Ordinary shareholders | - |
| (2,028) |
| (2,483) | |
Basic earnings per share |
| - |
| (1.6)p |
| (2.0)p |
Diluted earnings per share |
| - |
| (1.6)p |
| (2.0)p |
10. Insurance and other payables
| Six months ended 30 June 2019 |
| Six months ended 30 June 2018 | Year ended 31 December 2018 | |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
Structured liabilities |
| 406,830 |
| 407,762 |
| 425,657 |
Structured settlements |
| (406,830) |
| (407,762) |
| (425,657) |
| - |
| - |
| - |
Other creditors |
| 195,111 |
| 101,214 |
| 168,488 |
| 195,111 |
| 101,214 |
| 168,488 |
Structured Settlements
No new structured settlement arrangements have been entered into during the year. The movement in these structured liabilities during the period is primarily due to exchange movements. Some group subsidiaries have paid for annuities from third party life insurance companies for the benefit of certain claimants. In the unlikely event that any of these life insurance companies were unable to meet their obligations to these annuitants, any remaining liability may fall upon the respective insurance company subsidiaries. The Directors believe that, having regard to the quality of the security of the life insurance companies together with the reinsurance available to the relevant Group insurance companies, the possibility of a material liability arising in this way is very unlikely. The life companies will settle the liability directly with the claimants and no cash will flow through the Group. These annuities have been shown as reducing the insurance companies' liabilities to reflect the substance of the transactions and to ensure that the disclosure of the balances does not detract from the users' ability to understand the Group's future cash flows.
11. Borrowings
The total amounts owed to credit institutions at 30 June 2019 was £106,614k (31 December 2018: £140,243k).
The Group has issued the following debt:
Issuer | Principal | Rate | Maturity |
Randall & Quilter Investment Holdings Ltd. | $70,000k | 6.35% above USD LIBOR | 2028 |
Accredited Insurance (Europe) Limited | €20,000k | 6.7% above EURIBOR | 2025 |
Accredited Insurance (Europe) Limited | €5,000k | 6.7% above EURIBOR | 2027 |
R&Q Re (Bermuda) Limited | $20,000k | 7.75% above USD LIBOR | 2023 |
The Group's subsidiary, Accredited Holding Corporation provides a full and unconditional guarantee for the payment of principal, interest and any other amounts due in respect of the Notes issued by Randall & Quilter Investments Holding Ltd.
12. Issued share capital
Issued share capital as at 30 June 2019 amounted to £3,917,866 (31 December 2018: £2,520,688).
On 6 March 2019 the Group issued 69,858,915 ordinary shares at 153p raising approximately £107m, before expenses.
13. Guarantees and Indemnities in the Ordinary Course of Business
The Group has given various customary warranties and indemnities in connection with the disposals of R&Q Managing Agency and various Insurance service entities (to Coverys and Davies respectively).
The Group also gives various guarantees in the ordinary course of business.
14. Goodwill
When testing for impairment of goodwill, the recoverable amount of each relevant cash generating unit is determined based on cash flow projections. These cash flow projections are based on the financial forecasts approved by management. Management also consider the current net asset value and earnings of each cash generating unit.
No changes to the underlying assumptions have been made in the interim review.
15. Business combinations
The Group made five business combinations during the first six months of 2019, all of which involved legacy transactions and have been accounted for using the acquisition method of accounting.
Legacy entities and businesses
The following table shows the fair value of assets and liabilities included in the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements at the date of acquisition of the legacy businesses:
| Gross Deal Contribution |
| NNIS |
WCIC | Presidio |
Global Re | LTT | |
| £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 |
Intangible assets |
| - | - | 101 | 23,384 | 15 | 23,500 | ||
Other receivables |
| 787 | 822 | - | 4,776 | - | 6,385 | ||
Cash and Investments |
| 3,233 | 3,235 | 1,112 | 150,669 | 764 | 159,013 | ||
Other payables |
| (156) | (32) | - | (1,838) | - | (2,026) | |
Technical provisions |
| (13) | (790) | (1,030) | (73,709) | (474) | (76,016) | ||
Tax and deferred tax |
| - | - | - | (222) | (5) | (227) | ||
Net assets acquired |
| 3,851 | 3,235 | 183 | 103,060 | 300 | 110,629 | ||
Consideration |
| 3,071 | 2,278 | - | 62,422 | - | 67,771 | |
Goodwill on bargain purchase |
| 780 | 957 | 183 | 40,638 | 300 | 42,858 |
In all instances, goodwill on bargain purchase was recorded on the transactions. Goodwill on bargain purchase arises when the consideration is less than the fair value of the net assets acquired. It is calculated after the alignment of accounting policies and other adjustments to the valuation of assets and liabilities to reflect their fair value at acquisition.
M&A transactions can arise as legacy business can give rise to onerous capital and reporting obligations for insurers, even though they no longer actively participate in such business.
In order to disclose the impact on the Group as if the legacy entities had been owned for the whole year, assumptions would have to be made about the Group's ability to manage efficiently the run-off of the legacy liabilities prior to the acquisition. As a result, and in accordance with IAS 8, the Directors believe it is not practicable to disclose revenue and profit before tax as if the entities had been owned for the whole period.
Where significant uncertainties arise in the quantification of the liabilities, the Directors have estimated the fair value based on the currently available information and on assumptions which they believe to be reasonable.
The Group completed the following business combination during 2019:
On 28 February 2019, the Group completed the acquisition of the entire issued ordinary shares of Nationale-Nederlanden Internationale Schadeverzekering SE ("NNIS"), a UK domiciled insurance company which was previously part of the N.N. Group N.V. in the Netherlands. NNIS participated on the 1996 and prior underwriting years of the Dutch Aviation Pool which wrote Aviation Hull and Liability policies.
On 29 March 2019, the Group completed the acquisition of the entire issued ordinary shares of Western Captive Insurance Company DAC ("WCIC"), an Irish domiciled captive insurance company of the Coffey Group. WCIC provided employer's liability, general liability and public liability policies from 2007 to 2011, and, at the date of acquisition, had one remaining open claim.
On 31 March 2019, the Group novated the property, general liability, auto liability and workers' compensation policies of Presidio Insurance Limited, a Cayman domiciled group captive, to its Travelers cell within R&Q Quest (SAC) Limited. The novated policies covered the period from 31 December 2003 to 28 February 2010.
Global U.S. Holdings Incorporated
On 3 May 2019 the Group completed the acquisition of GLOBAL U.S. Holdings Inc. for a consideration of $80.5m from AXA DBIO, SCA, a subsidiary of investment funds managed by AXA Liabilities Managers SAS ('AXA LM').
GLOBAL U.S. Holdings Incorporated is the 100% parent of GLOBAL Reinsurance Corporation of America ('Global Re US'). Global Re US is a New York domiciled insurance company in run-off that underwrote predominantly property and casualty pro-rata treaties and facultative business for regional and specialty insurance companies on non-standard automobile, multi-peril and general liability lines in the US.
On 30th April 2019, the Group completed the assumption of liabilities from The Logistics Trust of Texas ("LTT"), a self-insured trust in run-off since 2014 which was taken over by the Texas Self-Insurance Group Guaranty Fund in 2016. LTT provided workers' compensation policies from 2006 to 2014.
16. Related party transactions
The following Officers and connected parties received distributions during the period as follows:
| Six months ended 30 June 2019 | Six months ended 30 June 2018 | Year ended 31 December 2018 |
| £000 | £000 | £000 |
K E Randall and family | 728 | 864 | 1,440 |
A K Quilter and family | 204 | 210 | 375 |
M G Smith | 3 | 2 | 3 |
17. Foreign exchange rates
The Group used the following exchange rates to translate foreign currency assets, liabilities, income and expenses into Sterling, being the Group's presentational currency:
| Six months ended 30 June 2019 |
| Six months ended 30 June 2018 | Year ended 31 December 2018 | |
| £000 |
| £000 |
| £000 |
Average |
US dollar |
| 1.29 |
| 1.37 |
| 1.34 |
Euro |
| 1.14 |
| 1.14 |
| 1.13 |
Spot |
US dollar |
| 1.27 |
| 1.31 |
| 1.27 |
Euro |
| 1.12 |
| 1.13 |
| 1.11 |
Related Shares: