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Interim Results for the 6 months ended 31 December 2011

22nd Feb 2012 07:00

Pan African Resources plc (Incorporated and registered in England and Wales under Companies Act 1985 with registered number 3937466 on 25 February 2000) Share code on AIM: PAF Share code on JSE: PAN ISIN: GB0004300496 ('Pan African' or the 'company') Interim Results for the 6 months ended 31 December 2011

Highlights for the 6 months ended 31 December 2011


Revenue increased by 33.7% to £51.23 million (2010: £38.33 million).

Earnings and Headline earnings per share increased by 88.7% to 1.00 pence (2010: 0.53 pence).

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation ('EBITDA') increased by 86.6% to £24.17 million (2010: £12.95 million).

Attributable profit increased by 90.5% to £14.44 million (2010: £7.58 million).

Cash on hand £4.9 million (2012: £ 10.6 million) *

Unhedged and debt-free. Mining Operations

Barberton Gold Mining Operations ('BGMO')

Gold sold increased 0.6% to 46,927oz (2010: 46,655oz).

Tons milled increased by 3.6% to 154,643t (2010: 149,231t)

Head grade increased 0.9% to 10.65g/t (2010: 10.55g/t).

Total cash cost of ZAR192,397/kg (2010: ZAR176,199/kg) for the period under review but improved to ZAR158,925/kg for the quarter ended 31 December 2011.

Phoenix Platinum Group Metals ('PGM') Retreatment Plant (from Chrome tailings)

Plant commissioned two months ahead of schedule and on budget during October 2011.

438oz of PGM contained in concentrate was produced and despatched by the end of December 2011.

Near-Term Mining Projects - Barberton Gold Tailings Retreatment Project ('BTRP')

Commenced with a Definitive Feasibility Study ('DFS').

Acquired the Harper Gold Tailings dumps representing over 3Mt of material at a grade of 1.3g/t for total consideration of £830,000.

Development projects - Manica Gold Project

Established a separate management team with the aim of listing the Manica Goldproject as a separate exploration company on an international exchange in April2012.

Significant post period acquisition - Evander Gold Mines (Pty) Ltd

Pan African Resources and Witwatersrand Consolidated Mines entered into a 50:50joint venture on 30 January 2012 to acquire 100% of the Evander Gold Minesfrom Harmony Gold Mining Company for a total conditional consideration of up toZAR 1.7 billion (£139 million).* Cash on hand as at 17 February 2012 at the closing rate of 12.24 was £16.0million.Financial Summary: Six months ended Six months ended 31 December 2011 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) Revenue (£) 51,229,660 38,326,410 EBITDA (£) 24,166,658 12,947,012 Attributable profit (£) 14,437,217 7,584,317 EPS (pence) 1.00 0.53 HEPS (pence) 1.00 0.53 Weighted average number of shares in issue 1,444,225,674 1,421,399,407 Nature of BusinessPan African is a South African based precious metals mining group that producesapproximately 95,000oz of gold and 12,000oz* of Platinum Group Metals ('PGM')per annum. The company's strategic focus is on delivering attractiveshareholder returns by exploiting ore-bodies that yield high margins through ahighly skilled and experienced management team. The company recentlycommissioned the Phoenix chrome tailings retreatment plant that extracts PGM'sfrom chrome tailings and is planning to build a 1.2Mt per annum gold tailingsretreatment plant at BGMO. This plant could increase gold production from BGMOby a further 25,000oz per annum from August 2013. The group is debt free,unhedged and is able to fund all current capital expenditure from internal cashflows. The Group is generating significant cash from operations and as at 31December 2011 had £ 4.9 million cash on hand.

* Full production build-up is expected from May 2012

Financial Performance

Pan African is incorporated in England and Wales, its reporting currency ispound sterling (`£') and its functional currency is South African Rand ('ZAR').Barberton Mines (Pty) Ltd (`Barberton Mines') is a South African Company andits financial statements are prepared in South African Rand (`ZAR'). WhenBarberton Mines' financial statements are translated into pound sterling forthe purpose of Group consolidation and reporting, the average and closing ZAR:£exchange rates for the period affect the Group consolidated financial results.During the current period, the average ZAR: £ exchange rate was ZAR12.06 (2010:ZAR11.18) and the closing ZAR: £ exchange rate was ZAR12.54 (2010: ZAR10.28).The period-on-period change in the average and closing exchange rates of 7.9%and 22.0% respectively should be taken into account when comparing theperiod-on-period results.Gross revenue from gold sales increased by 33.7% to £51.23 million (2010: £38.33 million). The increase in revenue was mainly attributed to a 34.9%period-on-period increase in the average gold spot price received of US$1,736/oz (2010: US$1,286/oz) however the appreciation of the pound sterling againstthe ZAR had a negative impact on the Pound revenue. The average £:ZAR exchangerate strengthened by 7.9% to ZAR12.06 (2010: ZAR11.18). Revenue expressed inZAR terms increased by 44.2% to ZAR 617. 80 million (2010: ZAR 428.49 million).Although the average spot gold price in the period under review increased by34.9% to US$ 1,736 (2010: US$ 1,286), the average US$: ZAR exchange ratestrengthened by 6.2% to ZAR7.58 (2010: ZAR 7.14) which had a negative impact onthe ZAR revenue. The effective ZAR gold price per kilogram achieved increasedby 43.3% to ZAR 423, 276/kg (2010: ZAR 295, 281/kg). Mining profit at BGMOincreased by 113.4% to £28.6 million (2010: £13.4 million).

Other expenses were £1.76 million (2010: £1.35 million), and there were no impairments in the current or prior reporting period.

Cost of production increased by 1.1% to £23.20 million (2010: £22.95 million). In ZAR terms the cost of production increased by 9.0% to ZAR279.79 million (2010: ZAR256.58 million). The increase was primarily due to a hike in electricity rates by 29.6% to ZAR32.06 million, engineering and technical services up 14.8% to ZAR25.64 million and salaries and wages up 11.1% to ZAR131.43 million.

The Royalty tax charge increased 99.0% to £2.01 million (2010: £1.01 million).Income tax increased by 123.7% to £8.39 million (2010: £3.75 million) as aresult of the increase in profit before tax. The effective tax rate increasedby 3.1% to 36.8%.EBITDA increased by 86.6% to £24.17 million (2010: £12.95 million) andattributable profit increased by 90.5% to £14.44 million (2010: £7.58 million).Cash on hand decreased to £4.9 million (2010: £10.6 million) mainly due tocapital expenditure of £4.57 million associated with the Phoenix Platinum GroupMetals Retreatment Plant and the dividend payment of £7.42 million made duringthe period under review.The increase in attributable profit is primarily due to the favourable goldprice. The profit margin in ZAR terms increased by 93.9% to ZAR230,879/kg(2010: ZAR119,082/kg).The total unit production cash cost increased by 9.2% toZAR192,397/kg (2009: ZAR 176,199/kg), but improved to ZAR 158,925/kg for thequarter ended 31 December 2011.Basic earnings per share increased by 88.7% to 1.00 pence (2010: 0.53 pence)and basic headline earnings per share increased by 88.7% to 1.00 pence (2010:0.53 pence). In ZAR terms the basic earnings per share increased by 102.0% to12.06 cents (2010: 5.97 cents), and basic headline earnings per share increasedby 102.0% to 12.06 cents (2010: 5.97 cents). Review of Barberton Mines Safety & Training We are pleased to report no fatalities occurred for the period under review. Todate fatality free shifts totalled 1,329,723 and the safety performance at BGMOfor the first six months of the 2012 financial year as measured by the AllInjury Frequency rate ('AIFR') at 21.25 (2011: 24.82) indicates that the totalnumber of incidents decreased during this period. However, in the period underreview, the Lost Time Injury Frequency rate ('LTIFR') deteriorated to 3.09 vs.2.61 in 2011 and Reportable Injury Frequency Rate ('RIFR') to 1.03 vs. 0.33 in2011. In order to address these slight increases a Mining QualificationAuthority accredited training program for supervisors is being implemented inorder to identify and correct safety hazards.

Operating Performance

A total of 46,927oz (2010: 46,655oz) of gold was sold from BGMO (whichcomprises the Fairview, Sheba and New Consort sections), a slight increase of0.6% from the previous year. Total underground production remained consistentat 45,209oz (2010: 45,385oz). Tons milled increased by 3.6% to 154,643t (2010:149,231t). The tonnage increase was mainly due to the additional surface dumpmaterial planned during the period under review to make up for the BIOX®problems. Head grade remained constant at 10.65g/t (2010: 10.55g/t).Operating problems were experienced in the BIOX® plant during July and August2011 which negatively affected gold production, when the cumulative effect ofbreakdowns to the old high pressure blowers in the process and excess oil froma collapsed crusher bearing. These breakdowns created a lack of oxygen supplyto the reactors and resulted in poor recoveries.To ameliorate the above, electronic oil pressure controls were installed in thecrusher and the outdated blowers were replaced with more efficient low pressureblowers at a capital cost of ZAR2.4 million (£0.199 million). 6 months Production Summary ended 6 months ended 6

months ended 6 months ended 6 months ended

31 Dec 11 31 Dec 10 31 Dec 09 31 Dec 08 31 Dec 07

Tons Milled (t) 154,643 149,231

152,584 159,919 161,455

Head grade (g/t) 10.65 10.55 10.11 11.40 9.05 Overall Recovery (%) 89 91 91 91 92

Production: Underground * (oz) 43,355 45,209

45,385 47,634 43,145

Production: Calcine Dumps / Surface Ops (oz) 264 -

- 3 545 3 601 Gold Sold * (oz) 46,927 46,655 45,971 51,186 47,486 Average price: spot (US$/oz) 1,736 1,286 1,032 824 721 Average price: hedge (US$/oz) - - - - 460 Average price: spot (ZAR/KG) 423,276 295,281 253,510 235,338 165,782 Total cash cost (US$/oz) 786 767 670 451 521 Total cash cost (ZAR/KG) 192,397 176,199 164,697 134,581 114,640 EBITDA £ '000 24,167 12,947 8,598 8,552 4,001 Depreciation £ '000 1,536 1,909 1,375 1,066 806 Capital Expenditure £ '000 4,567 4,076 2,199 2,282 1,532 Exchange rate - average ZAR/£ 12.06 11.18 12.48 15.13 14.05 Exchange rate - closing ZAR/£ 12.54 10.28 11.94 13.78 13.77 Exchange rate - average (ZAR/US$) 7.58 7.14 7.64 8.88 6.94 Exchange rate - closing (ZAR/US$) 8.12 6.65 7.39 9.55 6.86

* The variance between gold produced and sold is higher than the historicalfigure of between 1% to 3% and is due to the dumping of the high grade contentsof the BIOX® reactors during June 2011, which was then fed back into the systemduring the period under review.

Capital Expenditure - Growth Projects

Project Metres/ % Equipping completed % Complete of budget Potential Resource Comments (Progressive to YTD) The footwall drive will reach the target area 36 ZK in June 2012 197.4 101.23% 5,000 and Sheba development along the cross fractures. Targets exceeded and continuing development towards the Thomas ore body. Edwin Bray 190.7 105.94% 15,000 Exploration drilling to commence in February 2012 to determine mining plan and layouts. 25 - 560 Main Fracture area - 1,960t @ 24,71g/t has been established. 27-360 Stoping area - 6,860t @ 21,14g/t exposed withPillar Development 90m of 75.3 82% In reserve re-equippingSheba remaining to gain access for stoping. 35 - 10 - 382 Prospect - 40m of development completed and a structure carrying a value of 9,94g/t has been intersected. Development has progressed through the pegmatite and subsequent cover drilling indicates a second splay of pegmatite (+/- 30m 40 Level thick), Development which still 126.1 110.61% 8,500 has to be Consort traversed. The target zone is virgin area with very good potential to pick up the upward extension of the ore body. 50 W1 decline is to be sunk for one level. The opening up of 53 SI 22 level has 50W1 Decline exposed 88.0 99.32% 30,000 potential Consort high grade reserves that have potential for mining and are currently being evaluated. 52 Level at 49 Sub-Vertical Shaft: Re-equipment from 50 to 52 level is completed. Secondary support in the form of sets has 58% been completed. Decline development to commence in February 2012. Pillar Development 0.00% In reserve Consort 33 Level Ventilation doors and access services from station to ventilation 80% door completed. 80m of service piping required prior to de-watering. Sampling to be carried out once this is completed. The decline shaft rope raise and box hole are 95% complete. Shaft equipping down to 40 SI 14 level is to Equipping be completed 55.9 147.11% In reserve in the 3rd Consort quarter of the 2012 financial year. Mineable reserves on 38 level has been identified for the 2013 financial year. Project Metres/ % Equipping completed % Complete of budget Potential Resource Comments (Progressive to YTD) The development of the 64 to 62 level return airways is on-going with, 55m remaining. 3# Deepening Shaft 89.3 119.07% 350,000 sinking to Fairview commence in the new financial year, with the opening up of the downward extension of the Hope reef. Equipping is progressing 58 Hope Reef 85% 80.00% In reserve well and Equipping should be completed by April 2012. The Rositer reef has been intersected 54 Rositer Reef 122.9 122.90% 11,000 and reef development is under way. Re-equipping on 16 level is complete 16 Level and new Opening Up blocks for 100% 100.00% In reserve stoping are Fairview being evaluated and brought into the mining plan. Maintenance Capital Metallurgy PlantsMetallurgical Plants Cost Category Impact on production

Sheba - Concentrate ZAR1,300,000 Replacement Safety and maintenance

truck improvement. Sheba - Pump ZAR200,000 Replacement To improve mine water run offreplacements control. BIOX ® - Air equipment ZAR2,250,000 Replacement To improve Biox recoveries. machinery BIOX ® Instrumentation ZAR500,000 Replacement To improve Biox recoveries. equipment EngineeringEngineering Cost Category Impact on production Winder ropes ZAR1,190,000 Replacement Legal and safety requirement. Compactors and ZAR1,070,000 Replacement Safety and grade control utility vehicles in 11 block. 12 Ton tipper truck ZAR1,101,000 Replacement Safety and maintenance improvement. Fairview 2# ZAR2,004,000 Maintenance Safety and legal refurbishment requirement. Load haul dumpers ZAR2,426,000 Maintenance Safety and production requirement. Mineral Resources ManagementExploration Drilling

During the period under review a total of 7,740m (2010: 7,604.5m) of exploration drilling was completed underground at Barberton Mines and the following significant intersections are reported:

Section Borehole Drill Grade Description Number width (g/t) (cm) Bh 5849 1,626 50.22 MRC ore body down-dip extension Fairview Bh 5864 1,383 43.82 MRC ore body down-dip extension Bh 5861 77 21.20 Rositer down-dip extension 24-460 - 01 104 13.45 Stope prospect drilling 29 ST 20 764 15.70 Stock work extension 29Stock23 63 30.08 Stock work extension 29Stock24 113 34.14 Stock work extension 33 MRC W37 86 10.30 MRC footwall structure 3340-W42 100 14.80 Prospect drilling for Birthday Northern Limb 3340-W42 91 15.13 Prospect drilling for Birthday Northern Limb Sheba 3340-W42 73 10.82 Prospect drilling for Birthday Northern Limb 36 ZK W01 82 42.71 ZK ore body below 35 level 36 ZK W02 74 35.20 ZK ore body below 35 level 36 ZK W02 34 15.98 ZK ore body below 35 level 36 ZK W02 40 10.04 ZK ore body below 35 level 36ZK 02 75 11.32 ZK ore body below 35 level EB 09 64 13.64 Mineralised structure in the Moodies quartzite 20IV-4 188 21.45 Ivora mineralisation below 20 level 3#7-1 64 25.20 3 Shaft resource extension 3#7-1 64 88.90 3 Shaft resource extension 3#7-1 64 72.70 3 Shaft resource extension 3#7-2 256 33.78 3 Shaft resource extension 3#7-3 256 19.93 3 Shaft resource extension 3#7-3 64 44.70 3 Shaft resource extension 3#7-5 87 23.20 3 Shaft resource extension 3#7-6 246 19.71 3 Shaft resource extension 3#7-6 87 14.40 3 Shaft resource extension New 3#7-7 97 69.15 3 Shaft resource extension Consort 3#7-8 82 21.80 3 Shaft resource extension 3#7-9 164 26.45 3 Shaft resource extension 3#CT-6 192 55.77 3 Shaft resource extension 3#CT-8 64 10.50 3 Shaft resource extension 37NE-2 97 30.30 37 Level new ore body exploration 37NE-3 97 17.50 37 Level new ore body exploration 37NE-3 97 32.40 37 Level new ore body exploration 37NE-4 97 29.50 37 Level new ore body exploration 37NE-5 100 111.00 37 Level new ore body exploration 37XC-16 87 11.00 37 Level new ore body exploration 37XC-18 91 23.80 37 Level new ore body exploration Development resultsA total of 1,617.6 m (2010: 1,636.7m) of development was completed on workingcost. Capital development totalled 1,095.8 m (2010: 429.6m) of which themajority, 481.9m (44%) was done at Sheba with 348.8m (32%) at Fairview and265.1m (24%) at Consort. The capital development at Fairview was focussed atdeepening of the number 3 sub-vertical shaft, the Hope and Rositer reefs. New Consort Fairview Sheba Metres g/t Metres g/t Metres g/t Reef 241.4 6.15 198.0 2.89 531.8 3.71 Stope Development 187.7 6.76 176.4 5.5 31.1 8.49 Capital 265.1 - 348.8 - 481.9 - Waste working cost 441 - 434 - 742.6 - Waste Total 706.1 - 782.8 - 1,224.5 - Review of Phoenix Platinum Construction of the Phoenix Plant by Basil Read Matomo Projects exceededexpectations when cold commissioning commenced in October 2011. Firstconcentrates were produced on 29 November 2011 two months ahead of schedule. Frazer Alexander carried out the construction of the Tailings Storage FacilityExtension and the completion thereof dovetailed with the early commencement oftailings treatment by the plant. Some 150,000 man hours where expended duringthe construction phase without a time lost accident.

A five year Sale of Concentrate Agreement was concluded with Western Platinum Limited (a subsidiary of Lonmin Plc) in November 2011.

The plant is in the process of progressing towards full production. During this period various practical feedstock blends will be bulk treated and conditions examined for optimisation and enhancements tested to maximise the process. Full production is expected from May 2012.

Near-Term Mining projects - BTRP

During the period under review, Basil Read - Matomo commenced with a DFS on thefinal design for the BTRP. The detailed design for the new tailings storagefacility has also commenced, while the Environmental Impact Assessment study isprogressing on schedule.The Harper Gold Tailings dumps which are situated within close proximity to theBramber Tailings dump, and representing over 3Mt of material at a grade of 1.3g/t, was acquired for total consideration of £830,000.

Development Projects - Manica Gold Project

During the period under review a separate management team was established to list the Manica Gold project as a separate exploration company on an international exchange. Good progress has been made to achieve a separate listing in April 2012.

Capital Expenditure and Commitments

Capital expenditure at Barberton totalled £4.57 million of which Development Capital was £2.47 million and Maintenance Capital was £2.10 million.

Capital expenditure on Phoenix Platinum totalled £4.57 million.

There were £0.57 million outstanding orders contracted for capital commitments at the end of the period at Barberton and £0.5 million outstanding at Phoenix.

Operating lease commitments, which fall due within the next year, amounted to £ 0.147 million (2010: £0.179 million)

9. Directorship Change

The Following changes took place in December 2011:

Non-Executive Directors:

Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa resigned as chairman of the board.

Mr. Keith Spencer replaced Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa as chairman of the board.

Ms. Phuti Malabi replaced Mr. Keith Spencer as Deputy Chairman of the board.

Executive Directors:

Mr. Cobus Loots resigned as Financial Director but will remain as a non-executive director.

Ms. Busi Sitole has been appointed as Financial Director.

10. Shares Issued

During the period under review the company announced the issue and allotment of 923,650 new ordinary shares in respect of share options exercised:

On 28 October 2011, 200,000 shares issued to Mr. F. Chadwick at 6 pence per share.

On 24 November 2011, 723,650 shares issued to Mr. D. Negri at 6 pence per share.

11. Dividend The Company has adopted a policy whereby dividends are considered and, deemedappropriate by the Board, declared on an annual basis. Pan African willconsider a final dividend subsequent to the finalisation of financial year-endresults. The consideration of any dividend will take account of cash flowrequirements and growth plans, whilst recognising that where possible, thepayment of a dividend on a consistent basis increases shareholder value.

During the period under review the company declared and paid a final dividend for 2011 of 0.5135 pence per share totalling £7.42 million.

1. Going Concern

The board is satisfied that the Group is a going concern for the foreseeable future, and have adopted the going-concern basis in preparing these interim results.

2. Accounting Policies

The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the half year ended 31 December 2011.

The interim results have been prepared and presented in accordance with, andcontaining the information required by IFRS on Interim Financial Reporting, IAS34. The financial information included in the interim results has been preparedin accordance with the recognition and measurement criteria of IFRS. Thisannouncement does not itself contain sufficient disclosure information tocomply fully with IFRS.

The interim results have not been reviewed or reported on by the Company's external auditors.

Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) Limited listing

The Company has a dual primary listing on JSE Limited ("JSE") and the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM") of the London Stock Exchange.

The preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with the frameworkconcepts and the measurement and recognition requirements of IFRS, the AC 500standards as issued by the Accounting Practices Board ("APB") and theinformation as required by International Accounting Standards ("IAS") 34:Interim Financial Reporting. AIM Listing

The financial information for the period ended 31 December 2011 does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in sections 435 (1) and (2) of the United Kingdom ("UK") Companies Act 2006.

The Group announcement (the Group's financial statements) has been prepared inaccordance with IFRS and International Financial Reporting InterpretationCommittee ("IFRIC") interpretations adopted for use by the European Union, withthose parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting underIFRS. Segmental Reporting A segment is a distinguishable component of the Group that is engaged inproviding products or services in a particular business sector (operatingsegment), which is subject to risk and rewards that are different to those ofother segments. The segments which the Group reviews the business activities ofare: Mining Operations, Near-Term Mining Operations and Development Projects. Directors' Dealings

The Company was notified on Tuesday 18 October 2011 that Pangea Exploration (Pty) Ltd ("Pangea"), a private company of which Mr Rob Still is a director, had declared a dividend in specie (the "Dividend") to its shareholders on 1 October 2011.

Mr Still is also a trustee of the Alexandra Trust a major shareholder ofPangea. The Alexandra Trust received 12,430,900 ordinary shares of 1 pence eachin the Company ("Shares") at a price of ZAR1.46 per Share, with a total valueof ZAR18,149,114 as a consequence of the Dividend. Following this off-market transaction Mr Still's total direct, beneficialinterest in Pan African remains unchanged at 2,000,000 Shares, representing0.14% of the issued share capital of the Company as well as his total indirect,non-beneficial interest of 16,755,308 Shares representing 1.16% of the issuedshare capital of the Company. Mr Still did not receive any direct or indirectbenefit from this off-market transaction. The Company was notified between Friday 28 October and Tuesday 1 November 2011that Pangea Exploration (Pty) Ltd ("Pangea"), a private company of which Mr RobStill is a director, had sold the following Shares at the following prices:

277,863 Shares at R1.7056 per share

322,137 Shares at R1.7131 per share

45,708 Shares at R1.72 per share

54,292 Shares at R1.70 per share

300,000 Shares at R1.70 per share

The above shares were sold by Pangea in order to provide funding for otherpotential projects. Following the above on market transactions Pangea holds3,324,408 Shares, representing 0.23% of the issued capital of the Company. MrStill's total direct, beneficial interest in Pan African remains unchanged at2,000,000 Shares, representing 0.14% of the issued share capital of the Companyas well as his total indirect, non-beneficial interest of 15,755,308 Sharesrepresenting 1.09% of the issued share capital of the Company.

Mr Still did not receive any direct or indirect benefit from the above transactions.

Significant events post the reporting period

Acquisition of Evander Gold Mines

On 30 January 2012 Pan African and Witwatersrand Consolidated Mines ('WitsGold') announced that the parties had entered into a 50:50 joint venture toacquire 100% of the Evander Gold Mines from Harmony Gold Mining Company for atotal conditional consideration of up to ZAR 1.7 billion (approximately £139 million). The transaction represents an opportunity for Pan African tomaterially increase its gold production profile by 50,000 ounces as well asadding a significant project pipeline for future growth. The implementation ofthe Transaction is subject to the fulfilment of a number of conditions as setout in the transaction announcement of 30 January 2012.

Barberton Gold Tailings Retreatment Project ('BTRP')

On 1 February 2012 the Company announced that the Board had approved Phase Oneof the BTRP, which will recover gold from the retreatment of the gold tailingssituated close to BGMO. It is anticipated that the BTRP will increase theproduction profile at Barberton by 25,000 ounces per annum.

The Future

Despite falling short on planned gold production, due to operating problemsexperienced in the BIOX® plant during the start of the reporting period, a highgold price and significant effort by the Barberton team to increase productionand manage cash cost allowed us to report record earnings for the Group.Barberton remains one of the lowest cash cost producers in the South AfricanMining industry. Despite significant inflationary pressures the cash costreported for the second quarter of the reporting period fell to ZAR158, 000/kg.This once again highlights that our focus on mining and developing qualityore-bodies with experienced management teams and a skilled workforce remains acompetitive advantage that will allow us to continue to grow our profit marginand dividend. The commissioning of the Phoenix CTRP ahead of schedule and on budget furtherdemonstrates the Group's ability to develop projects in addition to managingmining operations. The Group now produces both gold and PGM's and offersinvestors this unique investment exposure. At an expected operating cash costof US$466/oz of 4E this project will be one of the lowest cash cost producersof PGM's in the South African industry - again highlighting our competitiveadvantage in terms margin delivery.The BTRP is the next organic growth project to be developed and oncecommissioned should increase Barberton's annual production by 25,000oz fromAugust 2013. Although the project will recover gold, it is similar to Phoenixin that it will reclaim surface tailings that requires no underground miningand as a result places it on the lower end of the cost curve. This project willallow us to grow our profit margin once again.

The announcement post the reporting period of the acquisition of Evander Gold Mines from Harmony in a 50:50 Joint Venture with Wits Gold, gives the Group;

Access to 50,000oz of attributable production at a cash cost of less than ZAR215,000/kg

Additional attributable profits

Newly upgraded underground infrastructure (ZAR256 million invested by Harmony on Evander 8 Shaft over the last year)

An attributable underground reserve of 3.8Moz at a recovered grade of 8.02g/t

An attributable underground resource of 16.26Moz at a grade of 6.88g/t in situ

Two shallow development projects at depths of between 225m and 1000m below surface

A significant surface tailings resource - 100Mt grading 0.29g.t on an attributable basis

A further highly experienced management team and skilled workforce

This acquisition of the asset removes the concentrated asset risk of the Groupand the partnership with Wits Gold and payment structure will allow the Groupto acquire a sizeable, quality asset without:

Negatively impacting any potential dividend

Requiring any issuing of equity subject to cash flow from Evander and the quantum of debt funding secured.

The group believes that managements proven track record for extracting value at BGMO can be duplicated at Evander.

Our objective for the remainder of the financial year is to improve on the reported results for the period under review.

Jan Nelson Busi Sitole

Chief Executive Officer Financial Director

22 February 2012 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the period ended 31 December2011 Group 31 December 2011 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) £ £ Revenue Gold sales 51,229,660 38,326,410 Realisation costs (84,965) (75,604) On - mine revenue 51,144,695 38,250,806 Cost of production - Gold (23,201,120) (22,949,762) Depreciation (1,536,448) (1,908,836) Mining Profit 26,407,127 13,392,208 Other expenses (1,762,357) (1,346,045) Royalty costs (2,014,560) (1,007,987) Net income before finance income and finance costs 22,630,210 11,038,176 Finance income 223,324 414,657 Finance costs (26,069) (19,868) Profit before taxation 22,827,465 11,432,965 Taxation (8,390,248) (3,848,648) Profit after taxation 14,437,217 7,584,317 Other comprehensive income:

Foreign currency translation differences (8,533,732)


Total comprehensive income for the year 5,903,485 12,260,903 Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent 14,437,217 7,584,317 Non-controlling interest - - 14,437,217 7,584,317 Earnings per share 1.00 0.53 Diluted earnings per share 0.99 0.53 Weighted average number of shares in issue 1,444,225,674


Diluted number of shares in issue 1,452,808,064


Headline earnings per share is calculated :

Basic earnings 14,437,217 7,584,317 Adjustments: Impairment - - Headline earnings 14,437,217 7,584,317

Headline earnings per share 1.00


Diluted headline earnings per share 0.99


Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2011

Group 31 December 2011 31 December 2010 30 June 2011 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ £ ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment and mineral rights 59,516,827 44,422,134 59,052,015 Other intangible assets 13,332,945 17,247,371 14,214,426 Goodwill 21,000,714 21,000,714 21,000,714 Rehabilitation trust fund 2,669,022 3,073,793 3,013,385 96,519,508 85,744,012 97,280,540 Current assets Inventories 1,487,066 1,740,777 1,457,202 Trade and other receivables 7,000,352 4,886,229 4,254,401 Cash and cash equivalents 4,994,854 10,630,963 10,123,822 13,482,272 17,257,969 15,835,425 TOTAL ASSETS 110,001,780 103,001,981 113,115,965 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Capital and reserves Share capital 14,449,643 14,440,406 14,440,406 Share premium 50,982,790 50,752,830 50,932,830 Translation reserve (223,190) 9,172,451 8,310,542 Share option reserve 799,227 807,924 861,450 Retained income 44,628,324 28,022,935 37,607,283 Realisation of equity reserve (10,701,093) (10,701,093) (10,701,093) Merger reserve (10,705,308) (10,705,308) (10,705,308) Equity attributable to owners of the parent 89,230,393 81,790,145 90,746,110 Total equity 89,230,393 81,790,145 90,746,110 Group 31 December 2011 31

December 2010 30 June 2011

(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) £ £ £

Non - Current liabilities Long term provisions ** 2,994,493

3,735,682 3,386,591

Long term liabilities ** 237,357

- 181,285

Deferred taxation 9,320,441 9,717,443 9,841,695 12,552,291 13,453,125 13,409,571 Current liabilities - Trade and other payables * 6,947,074

5,437,913 8,193,750

Short term provisions - 1,689,122 - Current tax liability 1,272,022

631,676 766,534 8,219,096 7,758,711 8,960,284 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 110,001,780 103,001,981 113,115,965 * Trade and other payables at 30June 2011 includes an amount of £1,465,299(£41,411 for the Company) relating to the leave pay accrual which wasclassified as a short term provision in the prior year. This is in accordancewith IAS: 19 Employee Benefits. The leave pay accrual balance as at 30 June2010 was £1,151,895.

** Long term liabilities at 30June 2011 include an amount of £115,418 relating to the post-retirement benefits which was classified as a long term provision in the prior year. This is in accordance with IAS: 19 Employee Benefits. The post-retirement benefits balance as at 30 June 2010 was £136,602.

Consolidated Cash flow Statement for the period ended 31 December 2011

Six months ended Six months ended 31 December 2011 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) £ £ Cash Generated by operations 23,585,992 15,928,379 Taxation paid (6,824,551) (3,587,061) Royalty paid (1,724,084) (1,065,267) Dividends paid (7,416,175) (5,376,165) Net Finance Income 197,255 394,789

Cash inflow from operating activities 7,818,437 6,294,675

Cash outflow from investing activities (9,140,205) (8,500,858)

Cash inflow from finance activities 59,197 1,365,000 Net decrease in cash equivalents (1,262,571) (841,183) Cash at the beginning of period 10,123,822 12,756,262

Effect of foreign currency rate changes (3,866,396) (1,284,116)

Cash at end of year 4,994,855 10,630,963 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the period ended31 December 2011 31 December 2011 31 December 2010 (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

Shareholders equity at start of period 90,746,110 73,486,877

Share Issue 59,197 1,365,000 Share Option Reserve (62,223) 53,530 Other Comprehensive Income (8,533,732) 4,676,586 Profit for the period 14,437,217 7,584,317 Dividend (7,416,176) (5,376,165) Total Equity 89,230,393 81,790,145

Consolidated Segment Report for the period ended 31 December 2011

31 December 2011 Barberton Mines Phoenix Corporate Group Platinum and Growth Projects £ £ £ £ Revenue Gold sales 51,229,660 - - 51,229,660 Realisation costs (84,965) - - (84,965) On - mine revenue 51,144,695 - - 51,144,695 Cost of production (23,201,120) - - (23,201,120) Depreciation (1,536,448) - - (1,536,448) Mining Profit 26,407,127 - - 26,407,127 Other expenses (1,203,656) (131,801) (426,900) (1,762,357) Royalty costs (2,014,560) - - (2,014,560)

Net income/(loss) before finance income and finance costs 23,188,911 (131,801) (426,900) 22,630,210

Finance income 29,227 4,998 189,099 223,324 Finance costs (26,069) - - (26,069) Profit/(loss) before taxation 23,192,069 (126,803) (237,801) 22,827,465 Taxation (8,392,325) 2,077 - (8,390,248) Profit/(loss) after taxation 14,799,744

(124,726) (237,801) 14,437,217 31 December 2011 Segmental Assets 55,310,901 18,656,764 15,033,401 89,001,066 Segmental Liabilities 20,344,317

89,565 337,505 20,771,387 Goodwill - - - 21,000,714 Net Assets (excluding goodwill) 34,966,584 18,567,199 14,695,896 68,229,679 Capital Expenditure 4,566,352 4,566,448 7,405 9,140,205 31 December 2010 Barberton Phoenix Corporate Group Mines Platinum and Growth Projects £ £ £ £ Revenue Gold sales 38,326,410 - - 38,326,410 - - (75,604)Realisation costs (75,604) On - mine revenue 38,250,806 - - 38,250,806 - - Cost of production (22,949,762)

(22,949,762) Depreciation (1,908,836) - - (1,908,836) Mining Profit 13,392,208 - - 13,392,208 Other expenses (772,076)

- (573,969) (1,346,045)

Royalty costs (1,007,987) - - (1,007,987)

Net income/(loss) before finance income and finance costs 11,612,145

- (573,969) 11,038,176 Finance income 10,252 - 404,405 414,657 Finance costs (19,868) - - (19,868)

Profit/(loss) before taxation 11,602,529

- (169,564) 11,432,965 Taxation (3,848,648) - - (3,848,648)

Profit/(loss) after taxation 7,753,881 - (169,564) 7,584,317 30 June 2011 Segmental Assets 43,333,140 16,990,521 31,791,590 92,115,251 Segmental Liabilities 20,212,973 1,556,006 600,876 22,369,855 Goodwill - - - 21,000,714 Net Assets (excluding goodwill) 23,120,167 15,434,515 31,190,714 69,745,396 Capital Expenditure 6,773,729 14,079,722 180,540 21,033,991 Contact DetailsPan African ResourcesJan Nelson, Chief Executive OfficerOffice: +27 (0) 11 243 2900RBC Capital MarketsMartin Eales/ Peter Barrett-Lennard/ James KellyOffice: +44 (0) 207 653 4000

Macquarie First South (Pty) Ltd Melanie de Nysschen/ Annerie Britz/ Yvette Labuschagne Office: +27 (0) 11 583 2000

St James's Corporate Services LimitedPhil DexterOffice: +44 (0) 20 7499 3916Gable CommunicationsJustine JamesOffice: +44 (0)20 7193 7463Mobile: +44 (0) 7525 324431 Vestor Media and Investor RelationsLouise BrugmanOffice: +27 (0) 11 787 3015 Disclaimer

Statements in this presentation, other than historical facts, that address,without limitation, exploration activities, mining potential and future plansand objectives of Pan African Resources plc ("Pan African") are"forward-looking statements" and "forward looking information" that involvevarious risks. Assumptions and uncertainties and are not statements of fact.The directors and management of Pan African are of the belief that theexpectations expressed in such forward-looking statements or forward lookinginformation are based on reasonable assumptions, expectations, estimates andprojections, however such statements should not be construed as beingguarantees or warranties (whether express or implied) of future performance. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate andactual values, results and future events could differ materially from thoseanticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actualresults to differ materially from statements expressed in this presentationinclude, among others, the actual results of exploration activities, technicalanalysis, the lack of availability to Pan African of necessary capital onacceptable terms, general economic, business and financial market conditions,political risks, industry trends, competition, changes in governmentregulations, delays in obtaining governmental approvals, interest ratefluctuations, currency fluctuations, changes in business strategy ordevelopment plans and other risks. Although Pan African has attempted toidentify important factors that could cause actual results to differmaterially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be asanticipated, estimated or intended. Neither Pan African nor its directors, management and its affiliates representguarantee that the assumptions underlying such statements are free from errorsnor do they accept any responsibility for the future accuracy of the opinionsexpressed in this presentation. Any statements in this presentation speak onlyat the time of issue. Pan African does not undertake to update anyforward-looking statements that are included in this presentation, or reviseany changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statementsare based, except in accordance with applicable securities laws and stockexchange requirements. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made and no relianceshould be placed on the accuracy, actuality, fairness, or completeness of theinformation presented. None of Pan African or any of its affiliates, directors,officers, employees and advisers or any other person shall have any liabilitywhatsoever for any losses arising, directly or indirectly, from any informationcontained in the presentation. This presentation does not constitute an offeror invitation to purchase or subscribe for any shares of Pan African and nopart of this presentation shall form the basis of or be relied upon inconnection with any contract or commitment. By accepting this presentation the recipient acknowledges that it will besolely responsible for its own assessment of the market position of Pan Africanand that it will conduct its own analysis and be solely responsible for formingits own view of the potential future performance of Pan African.


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