19th May 2009 07:00
Renew Holdings plc
("Renew" or the "Group")
Interim results for the half year ended 31 March 2009
Renew, the specialist engineering and construction services group, announces results with operating profit* sustained at £3.2m and the interim dividend maintained at 1.0p.
Financial Highlights
H1 2009 |
H1 2008 |
Revenue |
£171.6m |
£192.9m |
Operating profit* |
£3.2m |
£3.2m |
Profit before tax* |
£3.5m |
£3.9m |
Adjusted earnings per share* |
5.22p |
5.82p |
Earnings per share |
3.74p |
5.61p |
Dividend per share |
1.0p |
1.0p |
*prior to exceptional items and amortisation charges
Operational Highlights
Operating margin* increased to 1.8% (2008: 1.7%)
Group order book at 31 March 2009 £221m (30 September 2008: £219m)
77% of orders secured in the period from specialist sectors
Specialist Engineering growth of 15%
Specialist Engineering now expected to represent 40% of Group revenue going forward
Decisive action taken to reduce capacity in Specialist Building, providing annual savings of £7m
Net cash balance £17.5m (2008: £25.7m)
Two bolt-on Specialist Engineering acquisitions enhancing offering in Water and Nuclear sectors
Interim dividend maintained at 1.0p (2008: 1.0p)
Roy Harrison OBE, Chairman, commented:
"The economic climate continues to provide a challenging business environment. Despite these difficult trading conditions, our Specialist Engineering business has continued to grow with stable margins. Our healthy cash position and debt free balance sheet adds security to the resilient characteristics of our specialist businesses."
19 May 2009
Renew Holdings plc |
Tel: 0113 281 4200 |
Brian May, Group Chief Executive |
John Samuel, Group Finance Director |
Brewin Dolphin |
Tel: 0845 213 4730 |
Andrew Kitchingman |
Sean Wyndham-Quin |
College Hill |
Tel: 020 7457 2020 |
Adam Aljewicz |
Mark Garraway |
The six months ended 31 March 2009 has produced satisfactory results with Group operating profit, prior to exceptional items and amortisation charges, of £3.2m (2008: £3.2m) on revenue of £171.6m (2008: £192.9m). This improvement in operating margin from 1.7% to 1.8% reflects the Group's continued emphasis on quality of earnings rather than revenue growth.
Group profit after tax, prior to exceptional items and amortisation charges, was £3.1m (2008: £3.5m). An exceptional charge of £1.0m relating to the final account settlement of the last legacy construction contract has been borne in the first half. A tax charge of £0.1m has been sustained all of which relates to deferred tax. No current year corporation tax charge is expected for the year. Earnings per share, prior to exceptional items and amortisation charges, were 5.22p (2008: 5.82p).
As previously announced, the deteriorating market conditions in Specialist Building necessitate a 23% reduction in capacity and an exceptional charge of £2.5m for redundancy and other restructuring costs in the second half of the financial year. Annual savings of over £7m will result.
The Board is maintaining the interim dividend at 1.0p per share (2008: 1.0p) which will be paid on 6 July 2009 to shareholders on the register on 5 June 2009.
In October 2008, we acquired C.&A. Pumps Limited ("C.&A.") which added to our Water industry capability. In May 2009, we agreed to acquire Mothersill Engineering, a specialist machining and fabrication business, which enhances our offering to the Nuclear industry.
The Group's net cash balance was £17.5m (2008: £25.7m). The reduction mainly comprises the outflow of working capital attributable to lower revenue, the £1.8m acquisition of C.&A. and the £3.0m cash settlement of the legacy BB&EA pension scheme statutory debt.
The Group's strategy remains to grow our Specialist Engineering business both organically and by acquisition. Specialist Engineering is currently expected to represent 40% of future revenue and 70% of operating profit. We remain active in seeking out further complementary acquisitions.
In Specialist Building, the Board has acted promptly and decisively to reduce the operational fixed cost base in response to deteriorating market conditions. While the current trading conditions endure for Specialist Building, the Group will continue to focus on project selectivity, risk management and cost control to ensure that this business stream remains profitable albeit on lower levels of activity.
Our balance sheet remains debt free with substantial cash resources enabling the Group to take advantage of selective opportunities as they arise. The specialist nature of our business provides a resilient platform for the Group to trade profitably through the recession.
19 May 2009
Our Specialist Engineering business grew first half revenue by 15% from £50.4m to £58.2m. Operating profit also grew by 14% from £1.9m to £2.2m in the period. This represented 70% (2008: 63%) of Group operating profit and an operating margin of 3.8% (2008: 3.9%), and reflects the growing importance of Specialist Engineering to the Group. The Board has reclassified our Rail infrastructure activities from Specialist Building to Specialist Engineering as this reflects better the nature of work carried out.
Specialist Building recorded an operating profit of £1.7m (2008: £2.4m) on revenue of £113.4m (2008: £139.7m). The lower operating margin of 1.5% (2008: 1.7%) and the reduced revenue reflect the difficult economic circumstances within which this business stream is operating, and, as previously announced, further reductions in both revenue and margin are expected to occur in the second half. Emphasis has remained on project selectivity both to manage risk and to protect quality of earnings.
The Group's order book at 31 March 2009 was £221m compared to £219m at 30 September 2008 and £248m one year ago. 41% of this is in Specialist Engineering. The order book excludes potential workflow from the Group's 35 framework agreements, 15 of which are in Specialist Engineering. It is the Board's continuing view that the potential value of these frameworks should not be included in the confirmed order book. During the first half, 85% of work secured in the period was in the public sector. 77% of orders secured were in our specialist sectors with 75% on negotiated or two stage terms and 86% with repeat customers.
Review of Operations
Specialist Engineering
Shepley Engineers continues to be engaged at five different Nuclear licensed sites including a major presence at Sellafield where it has been operating for over 50 years and continues to be the largest Tier 2 mechanical and electrical contractor.
The majority of the workload is secured through four Sellafield frameworks all of which have been extended during the period. In addition, preferred bidder positions are expected to provide a further £10m of revenue over the next two years.
In May 2009, we agreed the acquisition of Mothersill Engineering, a specialist machining and fabrication business located near Sellafield and serving the Nuclear industry, for £0.4m in cash. In the year ended 31 December 2008, Mothersill recorded revenue of £0.8m and an operating profit of £0.2m.
Safety remains of primary importance and, in addition to receiving a number of awards during the period, both Shepley and its subsidiary PPS Electrical achieved the milestone of 1m man hours without a reportable accident.
Land Remediation
As anticipated, due to the downturn in the UK house building industry, activity in our specialist land remediation business, VHE, remains subdued and supports our decision to reposition this business last year. This repositioning was marked by the significant award of the £15m Cudworth and West Green Bypass for Barnsley MBC, our fifth recent project for this client.
Remediation activity continues to be secured through opportunities arising under Part 11A of the Environment Act and from our National Grid Properties framework.
Seymour and C.&A. currently have five frameworks with Northumbrian Water ("NWL") and the Environment Agency ("EA"). The largest framework, with NWL under AMP4, continues until 2011 and during the period experienced good activity levels with over £8m of new projects secured. Both businesses are in the process of new framework negotiations with these and other clients.
In October 2008, we acquired C.&A. for £1.8m. Together, Seymour and C.&A. form a £30m specialist Water business in the North East. Since the acquisition, C.&A. has performed in line with expectations, securing one of its largest ever projects, from NWL, during the period.
In October 2008, YJL Infrastructure was appointed to the Vendor Capital Programme framework with London Underground. In the first six months, we have received three significant orders. These include major upgrades to Marble Arch and Notting Hill Gate underground stations jointly valued at £30m. During the period, we have extended our client base and successfully completed a complex £5m project to create a Peak Hour Subway at Waterloo for Network Rail.
Specialist Building
Social Housing
Following the recent success in securing a framework with Notting Hill Housing Trust, Allenbuild now has a position on 10 frameworks which jointly provide access to a £650m market. During the period we successfully completed the £16m Mare Street project for Metropolitan Housing and secured over £40m of new orders including projects for Network Housing (£14m), Hexagon Housing (£13m) and Genesis Housing (£9m).
As anticipated the retail sector has been quiet throughout the first six months of the year, although a number of smaller value projects have been secured with repeat clients.
Science and Education
In addition to four existing frameworks in the North West, Allenbuild has also been appointed to the LHC Education Framework for the North which is expected to provide annual opportunities of £20m for a four year period. Contracts secured in the period included projects for Liverpool Hope University and Wakefield MBC. Work is nearing completion on the Queen Mary Innovation Centre (£20m) and the science fit out project for Eisai Pharmaceuticals (£12m). Allenbuild remains in preferred builder status for the £58m Kirklees College Waterfront project.
Restoration and Refurbishment
The high-end residential sector in London continues to provide good workload for Walter Lilly. Work continues on the £37m scheme at Grosvenor Crescent and a £25m private residence in Regents Park. We are preferred bidder on a further £38m project for a private client in London. During the period we were also awarded the 7 July Memorial in Hyde Park, work at Chiswick House and the first phase of the restoration of the cast iron roof at the Palace of Westminster.
Chief Executive
19 May 2009
Group Income Statement
for the six months ended 31 March 2009
Notes |
Before Exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets |
Exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets (see Note 2) |
Six months ended 31 March |
Six months ended 31 March |
Before Exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets |
Exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets (see Note 2) |
Year ended 30 September |
2009 |
2009 |
2009 |
2008 |
2008 |
2008 |
2008 |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
Audited |
Audited |
Audited |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Group revenue from continuing activities |
2 |
171,602 |
- |
171,602 |
192,850 |
390,557 |
- |
390,557 |
Cost of sales |
(150,351) |
(1,006) |
(151,357) |
(169,232) |
(347,820) |
- |
(347,820) |
Gross profit |
21,251 |
(1,006) |
20,245 |
23,618 |
42,737 |
- |
42,737 |
Administrative expenses |
(18,092) |
(162) |
(18,254) |
(20,532) |
(35,137) |
(2,765) |
(37,902) |
Operating profit |
2 |
3,159 |
(1,168) |
1,991 |
3,086 |
7,600 |
(2,765) |
4,835 |
Finance income |
395 |
- |
395 |
800 |
1,618 |
- |
1,618 |
Finance costs |
(41) |
- |
(41) |
(207) |
(254) |
- |
(254) |
Other finance income - defined benefit pension scheme |
- |
- |
- |
250 |
543 |
- |
543 |
Profit before income tax |
2 |
3,513 |
(1,168) |
2,345 |
3,929 |
9,507 |
(2,765) |
6,742 |
Income tax expense |
3 |
(389) |
282 |
(107) |
(569) |
(2,209) |
727 |
(1,482) |
Profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent company |
3,124 |
(886) |
2,238 |
3,360 |
7,298 |
(2,038) |
5,260 |
Basic earnings per share |
4 |
3.74p |
5.61p |
8.78p |
Diluted earnings per share |
4 |
3.62p |
5.47p |
8.55p |
Proposed dividend |
5 |
1.00p |
1.00p |
2.00p |
There were no exceptional items in the six months ended 31 March 2008. Administrative expenses for that period included an amortisation charge of £124,000.
Group Statement of Recognised Income and Expense
for the six months ended 31 March 2009
Six months ended 31 March |
Six months ended 31 March |
Year ended 30 September |
2009 |
2008 |
2008 |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
Audited |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent company |
2,238 |
3,360 |
5,260 |
Exchange movements in reserves |
1,279 |
20 |
574 |
Movements in actuarial deficit |
- |
- |
(497) |
Movement on deferred tax relating to the defined pension scheme |
- |
- |
116 |
Total recognised income and expense for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent company |
3,517 |
3,380 |
5,453 |
Group Balance Sheet |
at 31 March 2009 |
Notes |
31 March |
31 March |
30 September |
2009 |
2008 |
2008 |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
Audited |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Non-current assets |
Intangible assets: goodwill |
9,351 |
8,516 |
8,548 |
Intangible assets: other |
621 |
744 |
620 |
Property, plant and equipment |
5,719 |
5,035 |
4,503 |
Deferred tax assets |
3,962 |
4,987 |
4,069 |
19,653 |
19,282 |
17,740 |
Current assets |
Inventories |
8,557 |
8,499 |
6,367 |
Trade and other receivables |
80,008 |
94,149 |
87,766 |
Current tax assets |
- |
- |
455 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
17,656 |
25,817 |
28,289 |
106,221 |
128,465 |
122,877 |
Total assets |
125,874 |
147,747 |
140,617 |
Non-current liabilities |
Obligations under finance leases |
(12) |
(59) |
(10) |
Retirement benefit obligations |
(518) |
(2,702) |
(1,479) |
Deferred tax liabilities |
(306) |
(418) |
(256) |
Provisions |
(1,068) |
(1,172) |
(1,068) |
(1,904) |
(4,351) |
(2,813) |
Current liabilities |
Borrowings |
(139) |
(85) |
(110) |
Trade and other payables |
(106,402) |
(126,751) |
(119,246) |
Obligations under finance leases |
(48) |
(243) |
(67) |
Current tax liabilities |
- |
(1,049) |
(159) |
Provisions |
(689) |
(2,530) |
(3,941) |
(107,278) |
(130,658) |
(123,523) |
Total liabilities |
(109,182) |
(135,009) |
(126,336) |
Net assets |
16,692 |
12,738 |
14,281 |
Share capital |
5,990 |
5,990 |
5,990 |
Share premium account |
5,893 |
5,893 |
5,893 |
Capital redemption reserve |
3,896 |
3,896 |
3,896 |
Cumulative translation adjustment |
1,703 |
(130) |
424 |
Share based payments reserve |
323 |
165 |
233 |
Profit and loss account |
(1,113) |
(3,076) |
(2,155) |
Total equity |
6 |
16,692 |
12,738 |
14,281 |
Group Cash Flow Statement |
for the six months ended 31 March 2009 |
Six months ended |
Six months ended |
Year ended |
31 March |
31 March |
30 September |
2009 |
2008 |
2008 |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
Audited |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Profit for the period |
2,238 |
3,360 |
5,260 |
Amortisation of intangible assets |
162 |
124 |
248 |
Depreciation |
796 |
834 |
1,708 |
Profit on sale of property, plant and equipment |
(19) |
(94) |
(262) |
(Increase)/decrease in inventories |
(598) |
(2,015) |
716 |
Decrease/(increase) in receivables |
9,429 |
(8,806) |
2,405 |
(Decrease)/increase in payables |
(18,155) |
9,891 |
(1,599) |
Current service costs in respect of defined benefit pension scheme |
36 |
36 |
72 |
Cash contribution to defined benefit pension scheme |
(997) |
(893) |
(2,106) |
Expense in respect of share options |
90 |
68 |
136 |
Finance income |
(395) |
(1,050) |
(2,161) |
Finance costs |
41 |
207 |
254 |
Interest paid |
(41) |
(207) |
(254) |
Income taxes received/(paid) |
296 |
- |
(1,344) |
Income tax expense |
107 |
569 |
1,482 |
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities |
(7,010) |
2,024 |
4,555 |
Investing activities |
Interest received |
395 |
800 |
1,618 |
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment |
79 |
194 |
1,267 |
Purchases of property, plant and equipment |
(1,191) |
(781) |
(2,028) |
Acquisition of subsidiary net of cash acquired |
(1,828) |
- |
(32) |
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing activities |
(2,545) |
213 |
825 |
Financing activities |
Dividends paid |
(1,196) |
(719) |
(1,317) |
Repayment of obligations under finance leases |
(71) |
(245) |
(470) |
Net cash outflow from financing activities |
(1,267) |
(964) |
(1,787) |
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents |
(10,822) |
1,273 |
3,593 |
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period |
28,179 |
24,400 |
24,400 |
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes |
160 |
59 |
186 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period |
17,517 |
25,732 |
28,179 |
Bank balances and cash |
17,656 |
25,817 |
28,289 |
Bank overdrafts |
(139) |
(85) |
(110) |
17,517 |
25,732 |
28,179 |
Note 1. Basis of preparation
(a) The interim financial report for the six months ended 31 March 2009 and the equivalent period in 2008 have not been audited or reviewed by the Group's auditors. They do not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. They have been prepared under the historical cost convention and on a going concern basis in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union. This interim financial report does not comply with IAS34 "Interim Financial Reporting", which is not currently required to be applied for AIM companies. The Group has reclassified the activities of its rail infrastructure subsidiary, YJL Infrastructure Limited, from its building segment to its engineering segment and restated the comparative figures accordingly. This interim report was approved by the Directors on 19 May 2009.
(b) The accounts for the year ended 30 September 2008 were prepared under IFRS. The auditors issued an unqualified opinion on them and they have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. In this report, the comparative figures for the year ended 30 September 2008 have been audited. The comparative figures for the period ended 31 March 2008 are unaudited.
(c) The Directors are satisfied that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.
This interim statement is being sent to all shareholders and is also available upon request from the Company Secretary, Renew Holdings plc, Yew Trees, Main Street North, Aberford, West Yorkshire LS25 3AA, or via the website www.renewholdings.com.
Note 2. Segmental analysis
For management purposes the Group is organised into three business streams: Building, Engineering, and Property and central activities. These operating segments are the basis on which the Group reports its primary segmental information.
Segmental information about the Group's continuing operations is presented below:
Six months ended 31 March |
Six months ended 31 March |
Year ended 30 September |
2009 |
2008 |
2008 |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
Audited |
Revenue is analysed as follows: |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Building |
113,419 |
139,697 |
287,044 |
Engineering |
58,210 |
50,420 |
100,795 |
Property and central activities |
8 |
5,674 |
8,213 |
Inter divisional revenue |
(35) |
(2,941) |
(5,495) |
Group revenue from continuing operations |
171,602 |
192,850 |
390,557 |
Note 2. Segmental analysis (continued)
Before Exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets 2009 Unaudited |
Exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets 2009 Unaudited |
Six months ended 31 March 2009 Unaudited |
Six months ended 31 March 2008 Unaudited |
Before Exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets 2009 Audited |
Exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets 2009 Audited |
Year Ended 30 September 2008 Audited |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Analysis of operating profit |
Building |
1,660 |
- |
1,660 |
2,371 |
4,892 |
(889) |
4,003 |
Engineering |
2,214 |
(1,006) |
1,208 |
1,942 |
3,469 |
(361) |
3,108 |
Property and central activities |
(715) |
(162) |
(877) |
(1,227) |
(761) |
(1,515) |
(2,276) |
Operating profit |
3,159 |
(1,168) |
1,991 |
3,086 |
7,600 |
(2,765) |
4,835 |
Net finance income |
354 |
- |
354 |
843 |
1,907 |
- |
1,907 |
Profit before income tax |
3,513 |
(1,168) |
2,345 |
3,929 |
9,507 |
(2,765) |
6,742 |
Exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets
Six months ended |
Six months ended |
Year ended |
31 March |
31 March |
30 September |
2009 |
2008 |
2008 |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
Audited |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Loss on legacy final account settlement |
1,006 |
- |
- |
Redundancy costs |
- |
- |
1,471 |
Costs in relation to BB&EA pension scheme |
- |
- |
1,168 |
Profit on disposal of plant fleet |
- |
- |
(122) |
Total exceptional items |
1,006 |
- |
2,517 |
Amortisation of intangible assets |
162 |
124 |
248 |
1,168 |
124 |
2,765 |
Exceptional items comprise £1,006,000 in respect of a final account settlement on the last of the basket of legacy construction contracts, which were originally provided against in 2005. Amortisation charges relate to the fair value ascribed to intangible assets other than goodwill arising from the acquisitions of Seymour (C.E.C) Holdings Limited and C. & A. Pumps Limited.
Note 3. Income tax expense
Six months ended 31 March |
Six months ended 31 March |
Year ended 30 September |
2009 |
2008 |
2008 |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
Audited |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Current tax: |
UK corporation tax on profits for the period |
- |
(569) |
(159) |
Adjustments in respect of previous periods |
- |
- |
(409) |
- |
(569) |
(568) |
Foreign tax |
- |
- |
(51) |
Total current tax |
- |
(569) |
(619) |
Deferred tax |
(107) |
- |
(863) |
Income tax expense |
(107) |
(569) |
(1,482) |
The Group has unused tax losses available to carry forward against future taxable profits, although a significant element of these losses relates to activities which are not forecast to generate the level of profits needed to utilise these losses. A related deferred tax asset of £3,660,000 (2008: £3,990,000) has been recognised to the extent considered reasonable by the directors.
Note 4. Earnings per share
6 months ended 31 March |
6 months ended 31 March |
Year ended 30 September |
2009 |
2008 |
2008 |
Earnings |
Earnings |
Earnings |
£000 |
Pence |
Pence |
£000 |
Pence |
Pence |
£000 |
Pence |
Pence |
Earnings before exceptional costs and amortisation |
3,124 |
5.22 |
5.05 |
3,484 |
5.82 |
5.68 |
7,298 |
12.18 |
11.87 |
Exceptional costs and amortisation |
(886) |
(1.48) |
(1.43) |
(124) |
(0.21) |
(0.20) |
(2,038) |
(3.40) |
(3.32) |
Basic earnings per share |
2,238 |
3.74 |
3.62 |
3,360 |
5.61 |
5.47 |
5,260 |
8.78 |
8.55 |
Weighted average number of shares (000's) |
59,899 |
61,878 |
59,899 |
61,392 |
59,899 |
61,497 |
The dilutive affect of share options is to increase the number of shares by 1,979,000 (March 2008: 1,598,000) and reduce the basic earnings per share by 0.12p (March 2008: 0.14p; September 2008: 0.23p).
Note 5. Dividends
The proposed interim dividend is 1.0p per share (2008 1.0p). This will be paid out of the Company's available distributable reserves to shareholders on the register on 5 June 2009, payable on 6 July 2009. In accordance with IAS 1, dividends are recorded only when paid and are shown as a movement in equity rather than as a charge in the income statement.
Note 6. Reconciliation of movements in total equity
Six months ended |
Six months ended |
Year ended |
31 March 2009 |
31 March 2008 |
30 September 2008 |
Unaudited |
Unaudited |
Audited |
£000 |
£000 |
£000 |
Profit for the period |
2,238 |
3,360 |
5,260 |
Dividends |
(1,196) |
(719) |
(1,317) |
1,042 |
2,641 |
3,943 |
Other recognised gains and losses for the period |
1,279 |
20 |
193 |
Movement in share based payments reserve |
90 |
68 |
136 |
Net movement on total equity |
2,411 |
2,729 |
4,272 |
Opening total equity |
14,281 |
10,009 |
10,009 |
Closing total equity |
16,692 |
12,738 |
14,281 |
Related Shares:
Renew Holdings