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Interim Results

28th Jul 2006 12:10

Compagnie de Saint-Gobain28 July 2006 July 27, 2006. Press release STRONG UPSWING IN FIRST-HALF 2006 RESULTS > SALES: up 21.8% to €20,551 million; up 19.7% at constant exchange rates*. > OPERATING INCOME: up 32.3% to €1,815 million; up 29.8% at constant exchange rates*. > NET INCOME (EXCLUDING PROFIT/(LOSS) ON SALES OF NON-CURRENT ASSETS*): up 26.6%, to €813 million. * average exchange rates for first-half 2005 2006 TARGETS RAISED > 27% TO 28% INCREASE IN OPERATING INCOME AT CONSTANT EXCHANGE RATES** (versus an increase of 23% to 25% initially announced in January). > 25% TO 26% RISE IN NET INCOME EXCLUDING PROFIT/(LOSS) ON SALES OF NON-CURRENT ASSETS (versus a rise of 18% to 20% initially announced in January) ** average exchange rates for 2005 Performance of Group business sectors Overall, the Group's five business sectors saw a rise in like-for-like sales(constant Group structure and exchange rates) over first-half 2006 (see appendix1). Most businesses reported a solid increase in sales volumes as well as asignificant rise in sales prices, enabling them to pass on the higher costs ofenergy and certain raw materials at Group level. On a like-for-like basis,first-half sales climbed 6.3% (including a +3.0% price impact and a 3.3% volumeeffect). Business trends observed in the first quarter - which were boosted by ahigher number of working days than first-quarter 2005 - sustained their momentumover the three months to June 30, 2006 (based on a constant number of workingdays). The Group's growth continued to be driven by businesses serving theconstruction markets (in particular the Construction Products and BuildingDistribution sectors), while businesses related to industrial markets held firm. The Group's ongoing expansion in Asia and emerging countries continues tobolster performance, posting like-for-like growth of 10.9% in first-half 2006. Building Distribution delivered a sharp 14.1% increase in underlying sales,fuelled by both the first-half contribution of acquisitions carried out in 2005(particularly Optimera and Sanitas-Troesch) and by the strong 5.4% organicgrowth reported by the sector's main banners, namely in France and Scandinavia.The UK businesses posted moderate growth, while the German market showed thefirst signs of an upturn in the second quarter. The sector's operating margincontinued on an upward trend, at 5.0% compared with 4.9% in the year-earlierperiod. High-Performance Materials posted a 3.4% rise in like-for-like sales, reflectingstrong sales volumes. Ceramics & Plastics and Abrasives delivered a furtherimprovement in profitability, which climbed to 13.8% against 13.4% in the firstsix months of 2005. However, the Reinforcements division saw its operatingmargin narrow due to a further decrease in sales prices, as well as risingenergy, raw materials and freight costs. Operating margin for the sector as awhole slipped to 10.8% versus 11.2% in first-half 2005. Flat Glass sales advanced 4.2% like-for-like, on the back of robust growth insales volumes, in particular on the construction markets. The hike in the costof energy and certain raw materials dented profitability, however, and was not,on average, fully passed on to sales prices over first-half 2006. Sales pricesrose mainly in the second quarter and the full benefits of this will thereforebe felt in the second half of the year, which will also be boosted by a morefavorable comparison basis. Like-for-like sales for the Packaging sector edged up by 3.3%, thanks to salesprice increases implemented in the past few months across both Europe and theUS. This helped to partly counter the strong upward spiral observed since summer2005 in the cost of energy and certain raw materials. The sector's operatingmargin, which improved on second-half 2005, nevertheless remains belowfirst-half 2005 levels. On the back of strong contributions from each of its businesses, theConstruction Products (CP) sector posted the Group's highest organic growth at11.5% (including a 5.7% price impact and a 5.8% volume effect). Both "interiorbuilding solutions" businesses (Gypsum and Insulation) turned in an excellentperformance, registering organic growth above the sector average (at 13.7% and12.2%, respectively), and marked price increases. The Building Materialsdivision also raised its prices significantly, while the Pipe division continuedto report vigorous export sales (up 17.0% like-for-like). Thanks to improvedprofitability across all of its businesses, the sector's operating margin leaptto 12.9% compared with 9.1% in first-half 2005 (or 10.6% pro forma including BPBover the six-month period to June 30, 2005). * * * Analysis of the interim consolidated financial statements for first-half 2006 The interim consolidated financial statements set out below were reviewed by theBoard of Directors on July 27, 2006: H1 2005 H1 2006 % change • million • million (1) (2) (2)/(1) Sales* 16,877* 20,551* +21.8%Operating income 1,372 1,815 +32.3%Non-operating expenses (108) (157) +45.4%Capital gains and losses and exceptional write-offs 4 13 n.m.Business income 1,268 1,671 +31.8%Net financial income (266) (374) -40.6%Income taxes (359) (479) +33.4%Share in net income of associates 5 (2) n.m.Income before minority interests 648 816 +25.9%Minority interests (16) (19) +18.7%Net income 632 797 +26.1%Earnings per share (in •) 1.83 2.27 +24.0%Net income excluding profit/(loss) on sales ofnon-current assets 642 813 +26.6%Earnings per share excluding profit/(loss) on sales ofnon-current assets (in •) 1.86 2.32 +24.7%Cash flow from operations 1,355 1,643 +21.3%Cash flow from operations excluding capital gains tax 1,360 1,672 +22.9%Amortization and depreciation 689 887** +28.7%Capital expenditure 598 811 +35.6%Investments in securities 563 346 -38.5%Net debt 7,463 13,738 +84.1% * including ancillary revenue of €134 million in first-half 2006 and€118 million in first-half 2005. ** including additional amortization of €9 million in first-half 2006resulting from the allocation of BPB's acquisition cost to certain items ofproperty, plant and equipment (gypsum quarries and industrial plants) andintangible assets such as patents. Consolidated first-half sales jumped 21.8% on an actual structure basis and19.7% at constant exchange rates*. Contributions from acquisitions, net ofdisposals, accounted for 12.9% of this increase. British Plaster Board (BPB),which has been consolidated within the Group's accounts since December 1, 2005,delivered sales of €1,964 million in the six months to June 30, 2006. At constant Group structure and exchange rates*, Group sales advanced by €1,146million, a rise of 6.3% including BPB organic growth (13.7%), and of 5.6%excluding BPB. The breakdown of like-for-like sales by geographic area reveals robust businesslevels in France and other Western European countries, with the first signs ofan upturn in Germany in the second quarter. Business in North America remainedvigorous, with an advance in non-residential construction markets, althoughresidential housing starts stalled as predicted. Emerging countries and Asiareported the Group's highest organic growth, at 10.9%. By geographic area, France accounted for 29.1% of sales, with other WesternEuropean countries contributing 41.2%, North America 17.3%, and emergingcountries and Asia/Pacific 12.4%. * based on average exchange rates for first-half 2005 Operating income surged 32.3%, or 29.8% at constant exchange rates. The Groupreported a significant rise in operating margin to 8.8% (11.1% excludingBuilding Distribution), compared with 8.1% (10.4% excluding BuildingDistribution) in the same year-ago period. This chiefly reflects thecontribution from BPB, which posted first-half operating income of €334 million(including €20 million in synergies), representing 17.0% of sales. All geographic areas reported improved profitability figures, with the exceptionof Asia and emerging countries, which were hit by an appreciation in certaincurrencies. Business income soared 31.8%, fuelled mainly by an increase in operating income. Non-operating expenses advanced to €157 million, compared with €108 million inthe six months to June 30, 2005, due to additional restructuring measuresdesigned to boost productivity and competitiveness of Group businesses. Theyalso include a €50 million charge in respect of asbestos claims filed againstCertainTeed (compared with €54 million in the year-earlier period). Capital gains and losses and exceptional write-offs came in at €13 million,compared with €4 million in the year-earlier period. Capital gains on sales ofassets during the first half of the year (€141 million including €139 million onthe sale of Calmar) were almost fully offset by one-off asset impairment charges(€128 million). Net financial income fell 40.6% to •(374) million versus •(266) million infirst-half 2005, reflecting the increase in net debt due to the BPB acquisition.Excluding BPB-related acquisition financing costs, net financial income remainedvirtually unchanged. Net income climbed 26.1% on first-half 2005, to €797 million. Based on the totalnumber of shares outstanding at June 30, 2006 (350,655,561 following theissuance of 5,399,291 shares in connection with the Group Savings Plan),earnings per share surged 24.0% to €2.27, compared with €1.83 at June 30, 2005(based on 345,255,470 shares). Based on the number of shares excluding treasurystock (343,262,396 shares at June 30, 2006 compared with 340,058,134 shares atJune 30, 2005), earnings per share amounts to €2.32, an increase of 24.7% onJune 30, 2005 (€1.86). Excluding profit/(loss) on sales of non-current assets, net income leapt 26.6%to €813 million, versus €642 million in the year-earlier period. Based on thetotal number of shares outstanding at June 30, 2006 (350,655,561 shares),earnings per share excluding profit/(loss) on sales of non-current assets jumped24.7% to €2.32, compared with €1.86 at end-June 2005. Based on the number ofshares excluding treasury stock (343,262,396 shares at June 30, 2006 comparedwith 340,058,134 shares at June 30, 2005), earnings per share comes in at EUR2.37, reflecting an increase of 25.4% on June 30, 2005 (EUR 1.89). Cash flow from operations was 21.3% higher than the year-earlier period, at€1,643 million. Excluding the impact of capital gains tax, cash flow fromoperations advanced 22.9% to €1,672 million, versus €1,360 million for the sixmonths to June 30, 2005. Capital expenditure rose 35.6% to €811 million, compared with €598 million infirst-half 2005. This increase reflects primarily the integration of BPB, whosehigher year-on-year capital expenditure accounted for 10.5% of sales. TheGroup's capital expenditure programs in emerging countries and Asia also remainvigorous, accounting for 29.7% of the Group's capital expenditure in first-half2006. Investments in securities totaled €346 million, including €306 million relatingto the Building Distribution business. After adjusting for the dividend payout, and before the proceeds from the saleof Calmar (paid in July for an amount of €560 million), net debt totaled €13,738million at June 30, 2006, an increase of 6.9% on December 31, 2005 (€12,850million). Net debt represents 106.6% of consolidated shareholders' equity,compared with 104.4% at December 31, 2005. * * * Update on asbestos claims in the United States Some 4,000 new claims were filed against CertainTeed in the first six months of2006, down 60% on the first half of 2005 (10,000 claims). 8,000 claims wereresolved (versus 13,000 in first-half 2005), and 10,000 claims were transferredto an "inactive docket" further to a number of court rulings in the State ofOhio. The number of outstanding claims therefore continued on a downward trend,falling to 86,000 at June 30, 2006 versus 100,000 at December 31, 2005. Theaverage cost of claims settled in the past 12 months or in the process ofsettlement fell to around USD 2,200 per claim, down on the first-quarter figure(around USD 2,500 per claim), owing to a higher number of mass actions dismissedin the past twelve months. Regarding the legislative effort to create a Federal asbestos trust fund, theprobability of a vote on reform in 2006 appears to be remote. However, a large number of States are considering tort reform measures in orderto adopt medical criteria requirements and reduce abuses of the system. Strategy The Group's robust results for the six months to June 30, 2006 highlight theefficiency of its business model and the high-quality acquisition of BPB, whichposted better-than-expected operating results, was integrated swiftly, andunlocked synergies ahead of term. The Group intends to focus its strategy on: - prioritizing development of construction and housing related businesses, in particular through bolt-on acquisitions in Building Distribution and Construction Products sectors; - pushing ahead with R&D and innovation initiatives, particularly in High-Performance Materials and Flat Glass sectors; - stepping up expansion efforts in emerging countries for all businesses. Saint-Gobain has agreed with Owens Corning to transfer its Reinforcements andComposites businesses (€850 million in sales in 2005, i.e. 60% of Reinforcementsales) to a newly created joint venture which will be 40%-held by the Group. Following the successful divestments of Calmar and Synflex, the Group will pressahead with a significant divestment program through to mid-2007, in line withits business model, and growth and profitability potential. * * * 2006 outlook and targets The Group expects trading in the second half of the year to be broadly in linewith the trends observed in the six months to June 30, 2006, and is thereforelifting its full-year growth targets: - growth in operating income at constant exchange rates (average rates for 2005) is now targeted at 27%-28%, up from an initial target of 23%-25%; - growth in net income is now targeted at 25%-26%, up from an initial target of 18%-20%. The Group's revised targets take account of the June 30, 2006 divestment ofCalmar. * * * Forthcoming results announcements - Sales for the first nine months of 2006: October 24, 2006, after close of trading on the Paris Bourse. * * * Investor Relations department Florence Triou-Teixeira Tel.: +33 1 47 62 45 19Alexandre Etuy Tel.: +33 1 47 62 37 15 Fax : +33 1 47 62 50 62 Appendix 1: Results by businesssector and geographic area Change on Change on a Change on a H1 H1 an actual comparable comparableI. SALES 2005 2006 structure structure structure and (in EURm) (in EURm) basis basis currency basisBy sector and division:Building Distribution 7 364 8 401 +14,1% +5,8% +5,4%High-Performance Materials (1) 2 415 2 544 +5,3% +7,0% +3,4%Ceramics & Plastics and Abrasives 1 788 1 833 +2,5% +5,4% +1,8%Reinforcements 638 718 +12,5% +10,6% +7,0%Flat Glass 2 329 2 498 +7,3% +6,9% +4,2%Packaging 1 977 2 129 +7,7% +5,8% +3,3%Construction Products (1) 3 096 5 460 +76,4% +14,2% +11,5%Building Materials 1 361 1 383 +1,6% +9,7% +5,2%Insulation 1 045 1 224 +17,1% +14,1% +12,2%Gypsum 0 1 964 n.m. +16,0% +13,7%Pipe 700 905 +29,3% +18,5% +17,0%Internal sales and misc. -304 -481 n.m. n.m. n.m.Total Group 16 877 20 551 +21,8% +8,2% +6,3%H1-2005 BPB pro forma*:Building Distribution 7 433 8 401 +13,0% +5,8% +5,4%Construction Products (1) 4 838 5 460 +12,9% +14,2% +11,5%Insulation 1 064 1 224 +15,0% +14,1% +12,2%Gypsum 1 724 1 964 +13,9% +16,0% +13,7%Internal sales and misc. -474 -481 n.m. n.m. n.m.Group total based on H1-2005 BPB pro 18 518 20 551 +11,0% +8,2% +6,3%forma By geographic area:France 5 826 6 357 +9,1% +4,9% +4,9%Other Western European countries 7 135 8 887 +24,6% +5,7% +5,8%North America 2 876 3 634 +26,4% +12,8% +7,4%Emerging countries and Asia 1 978 2 762 +39,6% +20,0% +10,9%Internal sales -938 -1 089 n.m. n.m. n.m.Group total 16 877 20 551 +21,8% +8,2% +6,3%H1-2005 BPB pro forma*:France 6 071 6 357 +4,7% +4,9% +4,9%Other Western European countries 7 985 8 887 +11,3% +5,7% +5,8%North America 3 282 3 634 +10,7% +12,8% +7,4%Emerging countries and Asia 2 160 2 762 +27,9% +20,0% +10,9%Internal sales -980 -1 089 n.m. n.m. n.m.Group total based on H1-2005 BPB pro 18 518 20 551 +11,0% +8,2% +6,3%forma (1) including intra-sectoreliminations H1 H1 Change on H1 H1II. OPERATING INCOME 2005 2006 an actual 2005 2006 (in EURm) (in EURm) structure (as % of (as % of sales) sales) basisBy sector and division:Building Distribution 363 418 +15,2% 4,9% 5,0%High-Performance Materials 271 276 +1,8% 11,2% 10,8%Ceramics & Plastics and Abrasives 240 253 +5,4% 13,4% 13,8%Reinforcements 31 23 -25,8% 4,9% 3,2%Flat Glass 233 228 -2,1% 10,0% 9,1%Packaging 221 205 -7,2% 11,2% 9,6%Construction Products (1) 283 704 +148,8% 9,1% 12,9%Building Materials 103 120 +16,5% 7,6% 8,7%Insulation 121 169 +39,7% 11,6% 13,8%Gypsum 0 334 n.m. n.m. 17,0%Pipe 59 81 +37,3% 8,4% 9,0%Miscellaneous 1 -16 n.m. n.m. n.m.Group total 1 372 1 815 +32,3% 8,1% 8,8%H1-2005 BPB pro forma*:Building Distribution 365 418 +14,5% 4,9% 5,0%Construction Products (1) 512 704 +37,5% 10,6% 12,9%Insulation 123 169 +37,4% 11,6% 13,8%Gypsum 227 334 +47,1% 13,2% 17,0%Group total based on H1-2005 BPB pro 1 603 1 815 +13,2% 8,7% 8,8%forma By geographic area:France 440 491 +11,6% 7,6% 7,7%Other Western European countries 490 695 +41,8% 6,9% 7,8%North America 269 407 +51,3% 9,4% 11,2%Emerging countries and Asia 173 222 +28,3% 8,7% 8,0%Group total 1 372 1 815 +32,3% 8,1% 8,8%H1-2005 BPB pro forma*:France 478 491 +2,7% 7,9% 7,7%Other Western European countries 607 695 +14,5% 7,6% 7,8%North America 326 407 +24,8% 9,9% 11,2%Emerging countries and Asia 192 222 +15,6% 8,9% 8,0%Group total based on H1-2005 BPB pro 1 603 1 815 +13,2% 8,7% 8,8%forma * unaudited. BPB pro forma information is disclosed solely for those businesssectors affected by the BPB acquisition. Figures for BPB's building merchants'business are included within the Building Distribution sector. H1 H1 Change on H1 H1III. BUSINESS INCOME 2005 2006 an actual 2005 2006 (in EURm) (in EURm) structure (as % of (as % of sales) sales) basisBy sector and divisionBuilding Distribution 358 411 +14,8% 4,9% 4,9%High-Performance Materials 242 232 -4,1% 10,0% 9,1%Ceramics & Plastics and Abrasives 216 220 +1,9% 12,1% 12,0%Reinforcements 26 12 -53,8% 4,1% 1,7%Flat Glass 229 216 -5,7% 9,8% 8,6%Packaging 233 229 -1,7% 11,8% 10,8%Construction Products 267 664 +148,7% 8,6% 12,2%Building Materials 99 106 +7,1% 7,3% 7,7%Insulation 122 165 +35,2% 11,7% 13,5%Gypsum 0 333 n.m. n.m. 17,0%Pipe 46 60 +30,4% 6,6% 6,6%Miscellaneous -61** -81** n.m. n.m. n.m.Group total 1 268 1 671 +31,8% 7,5% 8,1%H1-2005 BPB pro forma*:Building Distribution 360 411 +14,2% 4,8% 4,9%Construction Products 465 664 +42,8% 9,6% 12,2%Insulation 124 165 +33,1% 11,7% 13,5%Gypsum 196 333 +69,9% 11,4% 17,0%Group total based on H1-2005 BPB pro 1 468 1 671 +13,8% 7,9% 8,1%forma By geographic areaFrance 435 442 +1,6% 7,5% 7,0%Other Western European countries 490 737 +50,4% 6,9% 8,3%North America 174** 277** +59,2% 6,1% 7,6%Emerging countries and Asia 169 215 +27,2% 8,5% 7,8%Group total 1 268 1 671 +31,8% 7,5% 8,1%H1-2005 BPB pro forma*:France 472 442 -6,4% 7,8% 7,0%Other Western European countries 576 737 +28,0% 7,2% 8,3%North America 230 277 +20,4% 7,0% 7,6%Emerging countries and Asia 190 215 +13,2% 8,8% 7,8%Group total based on H1-2005 BPB pro 1 468 1 671 +13,8% 7,9% 8,1%forma * *after a pre-tax asbestos-related charge of €50 million at June 30, 2006,versus €54 million at end-June 2005 H1 H1 Change on H1 H1IV. CASH FLOW 2005 2006 an actual 2005 2006 (in EURm) (in EURm) structure (as % of (as % of sales) sales) basisBy sector and division:Building Distribution 258 310 +20,2% 3,5% 3,7%High-Performance Materials 254 211 -16,9% 10,5% 8,3%Ceramics & Plastics and Abrasives 195 167 -14,4% 10,9% 9,1%Reinforcements 59 44 -25,4% 9,2% 6,1%Flat Glass 260 261 +0,4% 11,2% 10,4%Packaging 233 225 -3,4% 11,8% 10,6%Construction Products 274 552 +101,5% 8,9% 10,1%Building Materials 97 111 +14,4% 7,1% 8,0%Insulation 122 168 +37,7% 11,7% 13,7%Gypsum 0 201 n.m. n.m. 10,2%Pipe 55 72 +30,9% 7,9% 8,0%Miscellaneous 76** 84** n.m. n.m. n.m.Group total 1 355 1 643 +21,3% 8,0% 8,0%H1-2005 BPB pro forma*:Construction Products 413 552 +33,7% 8,5% 10,1%Gypsum 139 201 +44,6% 8,1% 10,2%Group total based on H1-2005 BPB pro 1 494 1 643 +10,0% 8,1% 8,0%forma By geographic area:France 480 414 -13,8% 8,2% 6,5%Other Western European countries 448 658 +46,9% 6,3% 7,4%North America 224** 304** +35,7% 7,8% 8,4%Emerging countries and Asia 203 267 +31,5% 10,3% 9,7%Group total 1 355 1 643 +21,3% 8,0% 8,0%H1-2005 BPB pro forma*:France 450 414 -8,0% 7,4% 6,5%Other Western European countries 542 658 +21,4% 6,8% 7,4%North America 275 304 +10,5% 8,4% 8,4%Emerging countries and Asia 227 267 +17,6% 10,5% 9,7%Group total based on H1-2005 BPB pro 1 494 1 643 +10,0% 8,1% 8,0%forma * unaudited. BPB pro forma information is disclosed solely for those businesssectors affected by the BPB acquisition. Figures for BPB's building merchants'business are included within the Building Distribution sector. * *after a pre-tax asbestos-related charge of €33 million at June30, 2006 versus €36 million at end-June 2005 H1 H1 Change on H1 H1V. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2005 2006 an actual 2005 2006 (in EURm) (in EURm) structure (as % of (as % of sales) basis sales) By sector and division:Building Distribution 131 134 +2,3% 1,8% 1,6%High-Performance Materials 106 77 -27,4% 4,4% 3,0%Ceramics & Plastics and Abrasives 61 62 +1,6% 3,4% 3,4%Reinforcements 45 15 -66,7% 7,1% 2,1%Flat Glass 164 166 +1,2% 7,0% 6,6%Packaging 89 119 +33,7% 4,5% 5,6%Construction Products 104 306 +194,2% 3,4% 5,6%Building Materials 38 39 +2,6% 2,8% 2,8%Insulation 50 43 -14,0% 4,8% 3,5%Gypsum 0 207 n.m. n.m. 10,5%Pipe 16 17 +6,3% 2,3% 1,9%Miscellaneous 4 10 n.m. n.m. n.m.Group total 598 811 +35,6% 3,5% 3,9%H1-2005 BPB pro forma*:Building Distribution 132 134 +1,5% 1,8% 1,6%Construction Products 253 306 +20,9% 5,2% 5,6%Gypsum 149 207 +38,9% 8,6% 10,5%Group total based on H1-2005 BPB pro 748 811 +8,4% 4,0% 3,9%forma By geographic area:France 125 147 +17,6% 2,1% 2,3%Other Western European countries 184 310 +68,5% 2,6% 3,5%North America 93 113 +21,5% 3,2% 3,1%Emerging countries and Asia 196 241 +23,0% 9,9% 8,7%Group total 598 811 +35,6% 3,5% 3,9%H1-2005 BPB pro forma*:France 148 147 -0,7% 2,4% 2,3%Other Western European countries 244 310 +27,0% 3,1% 3,5%North America 109 113 +3,7% 3,3% 3,1%Emerging countries and Asia 247 241 -2,4% 11,4% 8,7%Group total based on H1-2005 BPB pro 748 811 +8,4% 4,0% 3,9%forma * unaudited. BPB pro forma information is disclosed solely for those businesssectors affected by the BPB acquisition. Figures for BPB's building merchants'business are included within the Building Distribution sector. Appendix 2: Consolidated balance sheet in EUR million June 30, 2006 Dec. 31, 2005 restated (*) ASSETSGoodwill 9 043 9 386Other intangible assets 3 595 3 649Property, plant and equipment 12 566 12 894Investments in associates 107 137Available-for-sale and other securities 101 161Deferred tax assets 421 410Other non-current assets 241 280Non-current assets 26 074 26 917Inventories 5 939 5 535Trade accounts receivable 7 022 5 814Current tax receivable 51 66Other accounts receivable 1 952 928Assets held for sale 0Cash and cash equivalents 1 254 2 080Current assets 16 218 14 423Total assets 42 292 41 340 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITYCapital stock 1 403 1 381(June 30, 2006: 350,655,561 shares with a par value of €4;Dec. 31, 2005: 345,256,270 shares with a par value of €4)Additional paid-in capital and legal reserve 2 459 2 261Retained earnings and net income 8 755 7 998Cumulative translation adjustments 264 635Fair value reserves (4) 16Treasury stock (310) (310)Shareholders' equity 12 567 11 981Minority interests 317 328Total equity 12 884 12 309Provisions for pensions and other employee benefits 2 674 3 419Deferred tax liabilities 1 288 1 301Provisions for other liabilities and charges 668 673Long-term debt 10 280 11 315Investment-related liabilities 148 130Non-current liabilities 15 058 16 838Current portion of provisions for other liabilities and charges 458 409Current portion of long-term debt 1 886 922Current portion of investment-related liabilities 130 263Trade accounts payable 5 567 4 781Current tax liabilities 495 275Other accounts payable 2 988 2 850Liabilities held for sale 0Short-term debt and bank overdrafts 2 826 2 693Current liabilities 14 350 12 193Total equity and liabilities 42 292 41 340 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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