16th May 2013 07:00
UTV MEDIA PLC - Interim Management StatementUTV MEDIA PLC - Interim Management Statement
PR Newswire
London, May 15
As previously indicated, Radio GB revenues reduced by 7% over the period withdecreases of 10% in talkSPORT and 3% in our Local Radio business compared to aUK radio market which declined by 2%. The UK radio market is expected todeteriorate further and to be down by more than 6% in Q2. talkSPORT willcontinue to lag the market due to the impact of Euro 2012 so we thereforeanticipate that total revenue in Q2 will be down 14% compared to the sameperiod in 2012.
Radio Ireland
Radio Ireland revenues were down by 8% in the first three months of the year(down 10% on a local currency basis) as a result of the on-going volatilemarket conditions in Ireland. We believe that we continue to outperform themarket. Q2 revenues are anticipated to be down by 6% compared to last year(down 10% on a local currency basis).
Total Television revenue for the period decreased by 3% with Net AdvertisingRevenue (NAR) down by 2%. Our London NAR increased by 5% which was in line withthe UK TV broadcast market. Our Irish offices experienced a decline of 12% inNAR due to continued difficult market conditions. Total NAR in Q2 is expectedto be down by 11% compared to the same period in 2012. Encouragingly, ourrevenues from our Irish offices are expected to be up by 1% in Q2 compared tothe same period in 2012, while London revenues are anticipated to be downlargely due to the impact of Euro 2012 in the prior year.
New Media
Our New Media division revenues increased by 9% in the first three months ofthe year. We expect Q2 revenue in our New Media division to be up 3% comparedto the same period last year.
Net Debt
Cash generation and associated debt management continues to be a key area offocus. Over the three months to 31 March we have further reduced our Net Debtto £47.1m (£51.7m at 31 March 2012).
The trading challenges experienced in Q1 are expected to continue across ourdivisions in Q2 with year on year revenue declines attributable to adversemarket conditions and the absence of a major sporting event in the first halfof 2013.
Industry forecasts for radio and television are positive for both 2013 and2014. Forecasts from media agencies suggest that the GB radio market will see areturn to growth in H2 of 2013. However given the current challengingconditions we remain cautious about the outcome for the year and we havetherefore implemented additional cost saving measures. The Group's cashgenerative ability, relatively low borrowings and market leading media assetsput us in a strong position to maximise growth opportunities when marketsrecover.
In seeking out growth opportunities we have been encouraged by recent successesby talkSPORT International in establishing a relationship with Adrep in Chinaand in reaching further syndication agreements in other international markets.We were also pleased to renew our two domestic Barclays Premier League packagesfor a further three seasons on satisfactory terms and anticipate that nextyear's World Cup will provide a significant boost to talkSPORT revenues in2014.
UTV's next scheduled announcement of financial information will be the releaseof our interim results (to 30 June 2013) which is provisionally scheduled for27 August 2013. Investor Enquiries www.utvmedia.com/investors John McCann, Group CEO +44 (0) 28 9032 8122 Norman McKeown, Group Finance Director +44 (0) 28 9032 8122 Media EnquiriesOrla McKibbin, Head of Communications +44 (0) 28 9026 2188 /
+44 (0) 7879 666 427 Maitland Tom Buchanan / James Devas +44 (0) 20 7379 5151 About UTVUTV Media plc is one of the most successful media companies in the UK andIreland incorporating Radio, Television and New Media. UTV Radio GB operatesthe no. 1 commercial national speech station - talkSPORT, 13 Independent LocalRadio Stations (ILRs) and a number of digital radio multiplexes throughout GB.talkSPORT is Global Audio Partner of the Barclays Premier League through to2016 and also incorporates Sport magazine. UTV Radio Ireland is the largestoperator of ILRs in Ireland. UTV Television is the Channel 3 licensee forNorthern Ireland and has the highest TV penetration locally. UTV New Mediacomprises a leading internet service provider, web development company and fullservice digital agency.
Forward-Looking Statements
Figures presented in this interim management statement are not audited. Thisannouncement contains certain forward-looking statements with regards to thefinancial condition and results of the operations of UTV Media plc. Thesestatements and forecasts involve risk factors which are associated with, butare not exclusive to, the economic and business circumstances occurring fromtime to time in the countries and sectors in which the group operates. Theseforward-looking statements are made only as at the date of this announcement.Nothing in this announcement should be construed as a profit forecast. Otherthan required by law, UTV Media plc undertakes no obligation to update theforward-looking statements.
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