28th Oct 2013 07:00
FIDESSA GROUP PLC - Interim Management StatementFIDESSA GROUP PLC - Interim Management Statement
PR Newswire
London, October 26
Fidessa group plc Interim Management Statement 28th October 2013 Fidessa group plc (LSE: FDSA), provider of high-performance trading, investmentmanagement and information solutions for the world's financial community, isreleasing its interim management statement for the period from 1st July 2013 todate. Fidessa has continued to experience international growth and developingmomentum during the third quarter of 2013. The financial markets remainedchangeable which meant that whilst there has been some improvement in theconditions Fidessa's customers face, for many this improvement has not beensufficiently strong or sustained to enable them to make investment decisionswith confidence. As a result, Fidessa has seen some continuation of theattrition and price pressure experienced during the first half and believesthat it is still too early to know whether a turning point has been reached.However, the reduced level of headwind that Fidessa saw during the first halffrom closures and consolidations in the industry has continued through thethird quarter and Fidessa has a strong pipeline, giving an indication thatimproving conditions may be starting to filter through. Fidessa continues tobelieve that a floor will be reached in the decline of equity markets whichwill allow its core end markets to return to a more stable state. This willenable the growth it is generating through sales of its derivatives platforms,service-based platforms and regional expansion, to flow through into overallrevenue growth, rather than being masked by the decline in traditionalequities. As indicated before, this process is unlikely to contribute to thecurrent year and, combined with Fidessa's continued investment programme, meansthat Fidessa continues to expect its performance in the second half of 2013 tobe similar to that seen in the first half. Looking further ahead, Fidessa expects that it will see stability andopportunity returning to the markets and believes that it may already bestarting to see both of these develop. This will reduce the headwinds Fidessais currently experiencing and, coupled with further openings as momentumcontinues developing in its multi-asset initiative, will enable it to return togrowth levels closer to those that have been seen in the past. Fidessa remainsexcited by the potential of its service-based offerings across all assetclasses and believes that it will continue to play an important role as themarkets focus on efficiency, transparency, compliance and performance. Fidessa continues to have a strong balance sheet with strong reserves, no debt,strong cash generation and substantial levels of recurring revenue. Enquiries: Chris Aspinwall, Chief Executive Edward Bridges/Rebecca Flower Andy Malpass, Finance Director FTI Consulting www.fidessa.com Tel: +44 (0) 20 7831 3113 Tel: +44 (0) 20 7105 1000 Email: [email protected] About Fidessa group Exceptional trading, investment and information solutions for the world'sfinancial community. New technology, new regulation, new challenges: making money in today'sfinancial markets is all about staying ahead of the curve. Having thecapability to spot new trends and act fast turns change into opportunity.That's why 85% of the world's premier financial institutions trust Fidessa toprovide them with their multi-asset trading and investment infrastructure,their market data and analysis, and their decision making and workflowtechnology. It's also why $12 trillion worth of transactions flow across ourglobal network each year. Because we're the market leader, we can also offerunique access to the world's largest and most valuable trading community ofbuy-side and sell-side professionals, from global institutions and investmentbanks to boutique brokers and niche hedge funds. Fidessa is a global business with scale, resilience, ambition and expertise.We've delivered around 25% compound growth since our stock market listing in1997 and we're recognised as the thought leader in our space. We set thebenchmark with our unrivalled set of mission-critical products and servicesand, uniquely, serve both the buy-side and sell-side communities. Ongoinginvestment in our leading-edge, integrated solutions ensures Fidessa remainsthe industry's number one choice.
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