6th Nov 2007 07:00
Hargreaves Lansdown PLC06 November 2007 Interim Management Statement Hargreaves Lansdown Plc The following statement is unaudited except where reference is made to figurespublished in the Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June2007. Certain figures contained in this report have been subjected to roundingadjustments. Accordingly, in certain instances the sum of the numbers in acolumn contained in this document may not conform exactly to the total figuregiven for that column. Hargreaves Lansdown Plc ('the Group') is pleased to publish today its firstInterim Management Statement as required by the UK Listing Authority'sDisclosure and Transparency rules. This statement is in respect of our financialyears first quarter of trading i.e. the period from 1 July 2007 to 30 September2007 ('the period'). Assets Under Administration During the period, the FTSE All Share has fallen by 2.6 per cent from 3404.14 to3316.89. Despite the less favourable market conditions, Hargreaves Lansdown hasincreased its assets under administration from £10.2 billion as at 30 June 2007to £10.6 billion as at 30 September 2007. This can be broken down as follows: 30 Sept 30 June 2007 2007 £'bn £'bnAssets Under Administration (AUA) Vantage (*) 9.5 9.1 Other 0.2 0.2AUA Total 9.7 9.3Assets Under Administration and Management (AUM) Portfolio Management Service (PMS) 0.8 0.8 Multi-manager funds excluding PMS 0.5 0.5AUM Total 1.3 1.3Less: Multi-manager funds included in both AUA and AUM (0.5) (0.5)Total Assets Under Administration 10.6 10.2 (*) 30 September 2007 figure includes 811m of shares in Hargreaves Lansdown plc(30 June 2007 £805m) The value of assets held within the Vantage service, the Group'sdirect-to-private investor fund supermarket and wrap platform, increased from£9.1 billion as at 30 June 2007 to £9.5 billion as at 30 September 2007. Thiscan be attributed to strong net business inflows which have more thancompensated for the negative impact of the market during the period. The netinflow of business into the Vantage ISA during the first quarter of the 2008financial year was more than 70% higher than the same period last year whilstnet inflows into the Vantage PEP were around 20% lower. The first quarter alsosaw net inflows into the Vantage Fund and Share Account of more than double thelevels of the first quarter of 2007. Finally, the SIPP also made a positivestart with the first quarter's contributions over 50% higher than the firstquarter last financial year. The number of active Vantage clients at the 30 September 2007 was around 223,000compared with 218,000 as at 30 June 2007. The value of assets held in ourmanaged services, namely our Portfolio Management Service and our range ofmulti-manager funds, was £1.3 billion as at 30 September 2007 (unchanged fromthe year end 30 June 2007 figure) including £0.5 billion of Hargreaves Lansdownmulti-manager funds administered through Vantage. Revenue First Quarter First Quarter Increase Year Ended Year Ended 30 June 30 June 2008 2007 £'m £'mVantage 16.5 10.3 60%Advisory 3.3 2.3 43%Discretionary 2.5 1.5 67%Third Party 4.2 4.2 -Stockbroking 1.6 1.5 7%Central Services 0.8 0.3 167% Total Revenue 28.8 20.1 43% The Vantage, Advisory and Discretionary divisions have achieved strong revenuegrowth in the first quarter compared to the same period last year as a result ofhigher average asset values during the period. These areas accounted for 72% ofrevenue for the year ended 30 June 2007 and continue to drive the businessforward by generating recurring higher quality earnings for the Group. In addition to higher management fees based upon assets held in our PortfolioManagement Service, our Financial Practitioners division has made a strong startto the year generally and continues to seek out good quality, experiencedadvisers to add to its team. Our revenue from the Third Party Business division has remained fairly flat forthe first quarter compared to the same period last year. As previously advised,the revenue from third party investments is expected to continue its gradualdecline as more clients choose to transfer their assets onto the Vantageplatform. The nature of revenue earned on corporate solutions business is suchthat the inflow will depend largely on the timing of when schemes areimplemented throughout the year. The first quarter is down on the same periodlast year but the pipeline of prospective business remains positive. Whilststrong annuity sales in the first quarter has boosted revenue from third partylife and pensions business, the revenue from personal pensions continues todecline in favour of the Vantage SIPP. We have now scaled back our marketingactivity in relation to term assurance. The Stockbroking division has made a positive start to the year, boosted byhigher levels of trading activity often associated with a more volatile market. Finally, revenue from the Central Services division includes interest on theGroup's own money and has increased due to higher cash balances held during theperiod compared to the previous year. In the past week, we have agreed the terms of our new leasehold premises with atarget occupation date of December 2009. We currently occupy four premises andhave recently taken out a short-term lease on a fifth. The new premises willreplace all of these offices and accommodate in the region of a thousand staff,compared to 654 employed as at 30 September 2007. We believe that a single sitewill be extremely beneficial for us in terms of efficiency gains, improvingcommunication and harmonising the culture which has been a key element in theGroup's success to date. Commenting on the first quarter and outlook, Peter Hargreaves, Chief Executive,said: "It is difficult to draw too many conclusions from the first quarter of trading. However, we are pleased that, despite the less favourable market conditions, wehave continued to attract new clients into Vantage and existing clients continueto entrust us with more of their wealth. We remain confident of our prospectsfor the remainder of the current financial year, although as always the marketwill have some say in our overall performance." " Irrespective of what market conditions prevail, we endeavour to provide ourclients with the best service, the best prices and the best information." This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
Hargreaves Lansdown