19th Apr 2023 14:25
Rights and Issues Investment Trust - Update research from QuotedData
19th April 2023
Under new management, same high conviction approach
Following the retirement of Simon Knott, who managed Rights and Issues (RIII) for 39 years, RIII's portfolio is now the responsibility of Dan Nickols and Matt Cable, part of the UK small and mid-cap team at Jupiter Asset Management.
The Jupiter team aims to ensure that RIII continues to offer access to a focused portfolio of handpicked UK small and mid-cap companies, though the trust will be bolstered by a significant increase in the investment management resource dedicated to the portfolio.
RIII gives investors access to the dynamism underpinning the UK small-cap market. Dan has a good track record for his strategy with an open-ended fund that has generated twice the returns of its benchmark since the start of his tenure in 2004. RIII gives the Jupiter team the opportunity to augment this with the opportunities provided by a closed ended structure, notably the ability to hold high-conviction weightings in a more concentrated portfolio than it would use for its open-ended funds.
Full Research:
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