17th Oct 2022 14:36
RNS Number : 1442D Treatt PLC 17 October 2022 160
TR-1: Stanar form for notification of major holings
1. Issuer Details
Issuer Name
UK or Non-UK Issuer
2. Reason for Notification
An acquisition or isposal of voting rights
3. Details of person subject to the notification obligation
BlackRock, Inc.
City of registere office (if applicable)
Country of registere office (if applicable)
4. Details of the shareholer
Full name of shareholer(s) if ifferent from the person(s) subject to the notification obligation, above
City of registere office (if applicable)
Country of registere office (if applicable)
. Date on which the threshol was crosse or reache
6. Date on which Issuer notifie
7. Total positions of person(s) subject to the notification obligation
% of voting rights attache to shares (total of 8.A)
% of voting rights through financial instruments (total of 8.B 1 + 8.B 2)
Total of both in % (8.A + 8.B)
Total number of voting rights hel in issuer
Resulting situation on the ate on which threshol was crosse or reache
Position of previous notification (if applicable)
8. Notifie etails of the resulting situation on the ate on which the threshol was crosse or reache
8A. Voting rights attache to shares
Class/Type of shares ISIN coe(if possible)
Number of irect voting rights (DTR.1)
Number of inirect voting rights (DTR.2.1)
% of irect voting rights (DTR.1)
% of inirect voting rights (DTR.2.1)
Sub Total 8.A
8B1. Financial Instruments accoring to (DTR.3.1R.(1) (a))
Type of financial instrument
Expiration ate
Exercise/conversion perio
Number of voting rights that may be acquire if the instrument is exercise/converte
% of voting rights
Securities Lening
Sub Total 8.B1
8B2. Financial Instruments with similar economic effect accoring to (DTR.3.1R.(1) (b))
Type of financial instrument
Expiration ate
Exercise/conversion perio
Physical or cash settlement
Number of voting rights
% of voting rights
Sub Total 8.B2
9. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation
2. Full chain of controlle unertakings through which the voting rights an/or the financial instruments are effectively hel starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entities (please a aitional rows as necessary)
Ultimate controlling person
Name of controlle unertaking
% of voting rights if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshol
% of voting rights through financial instruments if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshol
Total of both if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshol
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 1)
BlackRock Holco 2, Inc.
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 1)
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 1)
BlackRock International Holings, Inc.
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 1)
BR Jersey International Holings L.P.
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 1)
BlackRock Holco 3, LLC
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 1)
BlackRock Cayman 1 LP
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 1)
BlackRock Cayman West Bay Finco Limite
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 1)
BlackRock Cayman West Bay IV Limite
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 1)
BlackRock Group Limite
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 1)
BlackRock Finance Europe Limite
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 1)
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limite
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 2)
BlackRock Holco 2, Inc.
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 2)
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 2)
BlackRock Holco 4, LLC
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 2)
BlackRock Holco 6, LLC
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 2)
BlackRock Delaware Holings Inc.
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 2)
BlackRock Fun Avisors
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 3)
BlackRock Holco 2, Inc.
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 3)
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 3)
BlackRock International Holings, Inc.
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 3)
BR Jersey International Holings L.P.
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 3)
BlackRock Holco 3, LLC
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 3)
BlackRock Cayman 1 LP
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 3)
BlackRock Cayman West Bay Finco Limite
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 3)
BlackRock Cayman West Bay IV Limite
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 3)
BlackRock Group Limite
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 3)
BlackRock Finance Europe Limite
BlackRock, Inc. (Chain 3)
BlackRock Avisors (UK) Limite
10. In case of proxy voting
Name of the proxy holer
The number an % of voting rights hel
The ate until which the voting rights will be hel
11. Aitional Information
BlackRock Regulatory Threshol Reporting TeamJana Blumenstein020 7743 360
12. Date of Completion
17th October,2022
13. Place Of Completion
12 Throgmorton Avenue, Lonon, EC2N 2DL, U.K
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