8th May 2007 07:51
Reliance Energy Ld04 May 2007 Letter to: RNSDated: 26th April 2007 Sub: Disclosure under Securities & Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares & Takeover) Regulation, 1997 In compliance with Regulation 8(3) of the Securities & Exchange Board of India(Substantial Acquisition of Shares & Takeover) Regulation, 1997, we areenclosing, the information about persons holding more than 15% shares or votingrights and of promoters / persons having control of over the company, togetherwith persons acting in concert (PAC) with them as on 31st March, 2007. For Reliance Energy Limited Ramesh Shenoy Company Secretary DISCLOSURE OF DETAILS OF SHAREHOLDING BY TARGETS REPORTING COMPANY TO STOCK EXCHANGES, IN TERMS OF REGULATION 8(3) OF SEBI (SUBSTANTIAL ACQUISITION OF SHARES & TAKEOVERS) REGULATIONS, 1997 Name of the Target (Reporting) Company: Reliance Energy Limited Data of Reporting : March 31 2007 Names of Stock Exchanges where the shares of the Reputing Company are listed : Bombay Stock Exchange Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited GDR's of the Company are listed on : The London Stock Exchange (I) Information about persons holding more than 15% shares or voting rights (VR's)in terms of Regulation 8(1) Names of person's Details of shareholding/voting rights (in Number and %) of persons mentioned at (I) as informedholding more than under Regulation 8(1) to Target Company15% shares or voting rights As on Record As on Record Changes, date for date for if any Changes, if any dividend dividend between As on March As on March between (A)&(B) for 2006-2007 for 2005-2006 (D)&(E 31 2007 31 2006Names No. of shares % No. of shares % Rs. Rs. % Rs. % Rs. % A B C D ENIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL (II) Information about Promoter(s)) or every person having control over a company and also persons acting in concert with him in terms of Regulation 8(2) Names of the Promoter(s)/ persons(s) having control/persons acting in concert Shareholding/Voting Rights (in Number and%) of persons mentioned at (II) as informed to the target company under Regulation As on Record As on Record Changes, date for date for if any Changes, if dividend dividend between As on March As on March any between for for (D)&(E 31 2007 31 2006 (A)&(B) 2006-2007 2005-2006 No. of % No. of % No. of % shares shares shares A B C D E F 1. Reliance Energy - - 9,09,24,824** 42.82 -90,924,824 -42.82 Ventures Limited 2. AAA Project 6,39,66,604* 27.99 10,416,000 4.91 53,550,604 23.08 Ventures Private Limited 3. Shri Anil 139,437* 0.06 - - 139,437 0.06 D. Ambani 4. Smt. Tina 123,812* 0.05 - - 123,812 0.05 A. Ambani 5. Master Jaianmol 125,231* 0.05 - - 125,231 0.05 A. Ambani (through father and natural N.A. N.A. N.A. guardian Shri Anil D. Ambani) 6. Master Jaianshul 7* 0 - - 7 0 A. Ambani (through father and natural guardian Shri Anil D. Ambani) 7. Smt Kokila 274,891* 0.12 - - 274,891 0.12 D. Ambani 8. Reliance 864,675* 0.38 - - 864,675 0.38 Innoventures Private Limited 9. Hansdhwani 3* 0 - - 3 0 Trading Company Private Limited 10. Reliance Capital 1,32,32,086* 5.79 1,19,95,139 6.46 12,36,947 -0.67 Limited Total 7,87,26,746 34,45 11,33,35,963 4,19 3,46,09,217) -19.74 * Allotment of shares (except shares held prior to such allotment) by REL interms of scheme of Amalgamation and Arrangement between Reliance EnergyVentures Limited, Reliance Energy Limited and their respective shareholders andcreditors as sanctioned by the High Court of Bombay vide order dated 23rd June,2006. ** 9,09,24,824 shares held by REVL extinguished pursuant to the scheme ofAmalgamation and Arrangement between Reliance Energy Ventures Limited, RelianceEnergy Limited and their respective shareholders and creditors as sanctioned bythe High Court of Bombay vide order dated 23rd June, 2006. Place: Mumbai For Reliance Energy LimitedDate: 26th April 2007 Ramesh Shenoy Company Secretary This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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