17th Jul 2006 07:00
Reliance Energy Ld15 July 2006 I(a) STATEMENT SHOWING SHAREHOLDING PATTERN Name of the Company: RELIANCE ENERGY LIMITEDScrip Code : 500390 Quarter ended: 30th June 2006 Category Category of Shareholder No of Total No Number of Total Shareholding asCode Shareholders of Shares shares held percentage of total in number of shares dematerilised Form As a As a percentage percentage of (A+B) of (A+B+C)(A) Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group(1) Indian(a) Individuals/Hindu 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 Undivided Family(b) Central Government/ 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 State Governments(c) Bodies Corporate 8 113335863 102919813 54.29 53.38(d) Financial Institutions/ 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 Banks(e) Any Other (Specify) Sub -Total (A)(1) 8 113335863 102919813 54.29 53.38(2) Foreign(a) Individuals 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 (Non-Resident Individuals/Foreign Individuals)(b) Bodies Corporate 0 0 0 0.00 0.00(c) Institutions 0 0 0 0.00 0.00(d) Any Other (Specify) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 Sub -Total (A)(2) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 Total of Promoter and 8 113335863 102919813 54.29 53.38 Promoter Group (A)=(A) (1)+(A)(2)(B) Public Shareholding(1) Institutions(a) Mutual Funds /UTI 79 7479436 7471456 3.58 3.52(b) Financial Institutions/ 88 1299303 1291329 0.62 0.61 Banks(c) Central Government/ 1 1600 0 0.00 0.00 State Governments(d) Venture Capital Funds 0 0 0 0.00 0.00(e) Insurance Companies 9 39512898 39512798 18.93 18.61(f) Foreign Institutional 134 31251213 31039659 14.97 14.72 Investors(g) Foreign Venture Capital 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 Investors(h) Any Other (Specify) Sub -Total (B)(1) 311 79544450 79315242 38.10 37.46(2) Non-Institutions(a) Bodies Corporate 2010 2246422 2168929 1.08 1.06(b) i.Individual 118459 12529297 9206398 6.00 5.90 shareholders holding nominal sharecapital up to Rs.1Lakh. ii.Individual 29 627023 574401 0.30 0.30 shareholders holding nominal sharecapital in excess of Rs.1Lakh.(c) Any Other (Specify) 0.00 0.001 NRIs/OCBs 2703 492208 369235 0.24 0.232 Pending Confirmation 0 553 0 0.00 0.00 Sub -Total (B)(2) 123201 15895503 12318963 7.61 7.49 Total Public 123512 95439953 91634205 45.71 44.95 Shareholding B=(B)(1)+ (B)(2) TOTAL (A) +(B) 123520 208775816 194554018 100.00 98.33(C) Shares held by 2 3544435 3544435 0.00 1.67 Custodians and against which Depository Receipts have been issued GRAND TOTAL (A)+(B)+(C) 123522 212320251 198098453 100.00 100.00 I(b) Statement showing shareholding of persons belonging to the category "Promoter and Promoter Group"Sr No Name of the shareholder No of shares Shares as a percentage of total number of shares (i.e.,Grand Total (A)+(B) +(C) indicated in statement at para(I)(a) above)1 RELIANCE ENERGY VENTURES LIMITED 9 09 24 724 42.822 RELIANCE CAPITAL LIMITED 1 19 95 139 5.653 AAA PROJECT VENTURES PRIVATE LIMITED 1 04 16 000 4.91 TOTAL 11 33 35 863 53.38 I(c) Statement showing shareholding of persons belonging to the category "Public" and holding more than 1% of the total number of sharesSr No Name of the shareholder No of Shares as a percentage shares of total number of shares(i.e.,Grand Total (A)+(B)+(C) indicated in statement at para(I) (a) above)1 LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION 24495269 11.54 OF INDIA2 JP MORGAN ASSET MANAGEMENT 4800000 2.26 (EUROPE) S.A.R.L.A/C FLAGSHIP INDIAN INVESTMENT COMPANY (MAURITIUS) LIMITED3 THE NEW ECONOMY FUND 4410003 2.084 THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE 3918116 1.85 COMPANY LIMITED5 THE BANK OF NEW YORK 3544435 1.676 THE ORIENTAL INSURANCE 3435939 1.62 COMPANY LIMITED7 ARANDA INVESTMENTS 3400000 1.60 (MAURITIUS) PTE LTD8 GENERAL INSURANCE 3260770 1.54 CORPORATION OF INDIA9 NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY 2424618 1.14 LTD10 SMALLCAP WORLD FUND INC 2259500 1.06 TOTAL 55948650 26.35 I(d) Statement showing details of locked -in sharesSr Name of the shareholder No of locked-in Locked-in shares as aNo shares percentage of total number of shares (i.e.,Grand Total (A) +(B)+(C) indicated in statement at para(I) (a) above)1 AAA PROJECT VENTURES PRIVATE 10416000 4.91 LIMITED2 RELIANCE ENERGY VENTURES LIMITED 9750000 4.593 RELIANCE ENERGY VENTURES LIMITED 9306850 4.384 RELIANCE ENERGY VENTURES LIMITED 3650000 1.725 ARANDA INVESTMENTS (MAURITIUS) PTE 3400000 1.60 LTD6 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY A/ 380000 0.18 C NEW YORKLIFE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT INDIA FUND II LLC7 GMO EMERGING MARKETS FUND 364911 0.178 JACOB BALLAS CAPITAL INDIA PRIVATE 20000 0.01 LIMITED9 PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD 11657 0.01 COLLEGE-GMO10 COMMONFUND ASSET MANAGEMENT 7432 0.00 COMPANY,INC. A/CCOMMONFUND EMERGING MARKETS INVESTORS COMPANY TOTAL 37306850 17.57 II(a) Statement showing details of Depository Receipts (DRs)Sr No Type of outstanding Number of No of shares Shares underlying DR (ADRs,GRDs, outstanding DRs underlying outstanding DRs as SDRs,etc.) outstanding DRs a percentage of total number of shares(i.e.,Grand Total (A)+(B)+(C) indicated in statement at para (I)(a) above)1 GDR 3544435 1.67 TOTAL 3544435 1.67 II(b) Statement showing Holding of Depository Receipts (DRs), where underlying shares are in excess of 1% of the total number of sharesSr No Name of the Type of outstanding DR No of shares Shares underlying DR Holder (ADRs,GRDs, SDRs,etc.) underlying outstanding DRs as a outstanding DRs percentage of total number of shares (i.e.,Grand Total (A)+(B)+(C) indicated in statement at para(I) (a) above)1 ICICI GDR 3544435 1.67 TOTAL 3544435 1.67 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
Reliance Inf S