3rd Mar 2005 14:31
SCHEDULE 10 NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTERESTS IN SHARES All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters.1. Name of company 2. Name of shareholder having a major interest THE BERKELEY GROUP HOLDINGS PLC SAAD INVESTMENTS COMPANY LIMITED, MR MAAN AL-SANEA AND LOMBARD ATLANTIC BANK N.V. 3. Please state whether notification 4. Name of the registered holder(s) and, indicates that it is in respect if more than one holder, the number of of holding of the shareholder shares held by each of them named in 2 above or in respect of a non-beneficial interest or in the case of an individual holder if it is a holding of that person's spouse or children under the age of 18 AS IN 2 ABOVE VIDACOS NOMINEES LTD 7,632,635 RAFFLES NOMINEES (PTE) LTD 1,341,135 EUROCLEAR NOMINEES LTD 1,017,000 N.Y. NOMINEES LTD 6,590,730 CHASE NOMINEES LTD 670,000 JAMES CAPEL (NOMINEES) LTD 888,500 TOTAL 18,140,000 5. Number of 6. Percentage of 7. Number of shares 8. Percentage of shares/amount issued class /amount of stock issued class of stock disposed acquired INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION NOT INFORMATION NOT NOT PROVIDED NOT PROVIDED PROVIDED PROVIDED 9. Class of security 10. Date of 11. Date company transaction informed UNITS COMPRISING ONE ORDINARY INFORMATION NOT 3 MARCH 2005 SHARE, ONE 2006 B SHARE, ONE PROVIDED 2008 B SHARE AND ONE 2010 B SHARE 12. Total holding following this 13. Total percentage holding of issued notification class following this notification 18,140,000 15.01% 14. Any additional information 15. Name of contact and telephone number for queries THE NOTIFICATION OF EACH OF SAAD S MASSIE AND MR AL-SANEA IS THAT EACH HAS A KNOWN NOTIFIABLE INTEREST IN 01932 868555 SUCH CAPITAL NUMBERING 18,140,000 UNITS. THE NOTIFICATION OF LOMBARD, A WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF SAAD, IS THAT LOMBARD HAS A KNOWN NOTIFIABLE INTEREST IN 5,000,000 OF THE SAME 18,140,000 UNITS. 16. Name and signature of authorised company official responsible for making this notification E TAYLOR 01932 868555 Date of notification 3 MARCH 2005 ENDRelated Shares:
Berkeley Group