15th Oct 2007 07:20
Reliance Energy Ld15 October 2007 I(a) STATEMENT SHOWING SHAREHOLDING PATTERN-----------------------------------------------------------Name of the Company: RELIANCE ENERGY LIMITED----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------Scrip Code : 500390 As on: 30th September, 2007------------------------------ ------------------------------- ----------------Category Category of No of Total No of Number of Total Shareholding asCode Shareholder Shareholders Shares shares held percentage of total-------- ---------------- ---------- -------- in number of shares dematerilised ---------------- Form As a As a ---------- percentage percentage of (A+B) of (A+B+C) --------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ----------(A) Shareholding of-------- Promoter and ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- Promoter Group ---------------- (1) Indian -------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------(a) Individuals/ 11 663378 663371 0.30 0.29-------- Hindu Undivided ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- Family ----------------(b) Central 0 0 0 0.00 0.00-------- Government/State ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- Governments ----------------(c) Bodies Corporate 15 81365268 81363612 36.29 35.60-------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------(d) Financial 0 0 0 0.00 0.00-------- Institutions/ ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- Banks ----------------(e) Any Other-------- (Specify) ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------------- Sub -Total (A) 26 82028646 82026983 36.58 35.89 -------- (1) ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------------- (2) Foreign -------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------(a) Individuals 0 0 0 0.00 0.00-------- (Non-Resident ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- Individuals/ Foreign Individuals) ----------------(b) Bodies Corporate 0 0 0 0.00 0.00-------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------(c) Institutions 0 0 0 0.00 0.00-------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------(d) Any Other 0 0 0 0.00 0.00-------- (Specify) ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------------- Sub -Total (A) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 -------- (2) ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------------- Total of 26 82028646 82026983 36.58 35.89 -------- Promoter and ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- Promoter Group (A)=(A)(1)+(A) (2) ----------------(B) Public-------- Shareholding ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------------- (1) Institutions -------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------(a) Mutual Funds / 290 15230438 15186589 6.79 6.66-------- UTI ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ----------------(b) Financial 384 353035 336300 0.16 0.15-------- Institutions/ ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- Banks ----------------(c) Central 71 273343 195759 0.12 0.12-------- Government/State ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- Governments ----------------(d) Venture Capital 0 0 0 0.00 0.00-------- Funds ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ----------------(e) Insurance 20 43100420 43099826 19.22 18.86-------- Companies ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ----------------(f) Foreign 513 47635823 47415260 21.25 20.84-------- Institutional ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- Investors ----------------(g) Foreign Venture 0 0 0 0.00 0.00-------- Capital ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- Investors ----------------(h) Any Other-------- (Specify) ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------------- Sub -Total (B) 1278 106593059 106233734 47.54 46.64 -------- (1) ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------------- (2) Non-Institutions -------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------(a) Bodies Corporate 7382 6810573 6687970 3.04 2.98-------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------(b) i.Individual 1487140 24859961 18229868 11.09 10.88-------- shareholders ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- holding nominal sharecapital up to Rs.1Lakh. ---------------- ii.Individual 68 2352641 2311379 1.05 1.03 -------- shareholders ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- holding nominal sharecapital in excess of Rs.1Lakh. ----------------(c) Any Other 0.00 0.00-------- (Specify) ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------------- 1 Trustee 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 -------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- 2 NRIs/OCBs 16884 1569284 1126377 0.70 0.69 -------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- 3 Pending 0 2062 0 0.00 0.00 -------- Confirmation* ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------------- Sub -Total (B) 1511474 35594521 28355594 15.88 15.58 -------- (2) ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------------- Total Public 1512752 142187580 134589328 63.42 62.22 -------- Shareholding B= ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- (B)(1)+(B)(2) ---------------- TOTAL (A) +(B) 1512778 224216226 216616311 100.00 98.11 -------- ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------(C) Shares held by 3 4314082 4313351 0.00 1.89-------- Custodians and ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- against which Depository Receipts have been issued ---------------- GRAND TOTAL (A)+ 1512781 228530308 220929662 100.00 100.00 -------- (B)+(C) ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------------- * Physical shares pending for demat confirmation I(b)Statement showing shareholding of persons belonging to the category"Promoter and Promoter Group"------ ----------------------- ------------ ---------------Sr No Name of the shareholder No of shares Shares as a percentage of total------ ----------------------- ------------ number of shares(i.e.,Grand Total (A)+(B)+(C) indicated in statement at para(I)(a) above) --------------- 1 AAA PROJECT VENTURES 8 04 98 937 35.22 ------ PRIVATE LIMITED ------------ --------------- ----------------------- 2 RELIANCE CAPITAL LIMITED 1 653 0.00 ------ ----------------------- ------------ --------------- 3 RELIANCE INNOVENTURES 8 64 675 0.38 ------ PRIVATE LIMITED ------------ --------------- ----------------------- 4 KOKILA D AMBANI 2 74 891 0.12 ------ ----------------------- ------------ --------------- 5 ANIL D AMBANI 1 39 437 0.06 ------ ----------------------- ------------ --------------- 6 JAIANMOL A. AMBANI 1 25 231 0.05 ------ ----------------------- ------------ --------------- 7 TINA A AMBANI 1 23 812 0.05 ------ ----------------------- ------------ --------------- 8 JAIANSHUL A. AMBANI 7 0.00 ------ ----------------------- ------------ --------------- 9 HANSDHWANI TRADING 3 0.00 ------ COMPANY PVT LTD ------------ --------------- ----------------------- TOTAL 8 20 28 646 35.89 ------ ----------------------- ------------ --------------- I(c) Statement showing shareholding of persons belonging to the category------ "Public" and holding more than 1% of the total number of shares ---------------------- --------- -------------Sr No Name of the shareholder No of Shares as a percentage of total------ ---------------------- shares number of shares(i.e.,Grand --------- Total (A)+(B)+(C) indicated in statement at para(I)(a) above) ------------- 1 LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF 2 68 51 277 11.75 ------ INDIA ------------- ---------------------- --------- 2 MORGAN STANLEY AND CO. 68 67 219 3.00 ------ INTERNATIONAL PLC. A/CMORGAN --------- ------------- STANLEY MAURITUS COMPANY LIMITED ---------------------- 3 RELIANCE CAPITAL TRUSTEE 66 92 231 2.93 ------ COMPANY LIMITED --------- ------------- ---------------------- 4 THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE 48 48 113 2.12 ------ COMPANY LIMITED --------- ------------- ---------------------- 5 THE BANK OF NEW YORK 43 14 082 1.89 ------ ---------------------- --------- ------------- 6 CITIGROUP GLOBAL MARKETS 40 24 124 1.76 ------ MAURITIUS PRIVATE LIMITED --------- ------------- ---------------------- 7 THE ORIENTAL INSURANCE 34 12 475 1.49 ------ COMPANY LIMITED --------- ------------- ---------------------- 8 GENERAL INSURANCE CORPORATION 33 81 403 1.48 ------ OF INDIA --------- ------------- ---------------------- 9 UTI - MUTUAL FUND 30 63 551 1.34 ------ ---------------------- --------- ------------- 10 JP MORGAN ASSET MANAGEMENT ( 27 62 844 1.21 ------ EUROPE) S.A.R.L.A/C FLAGSHIP --------- ------------- INDIAN INVESTMENT COMPANY ( MAURITIUS) LIMITED ---------------------- 11 NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY 24 28 728 1.06 ------ LTD --------- ------------- ---------------------- TOTAL 6 86 46 047 30.04 ------ ---------------------- ------------- --------- I(d) Statement showing details of locked -in shares------ -------------------- -------------- -------------Sr No Name of the No of Locked-in shares as a percentage of------ shareholder locked-in total number of shares(i.e.,Grand -------------------- shares Total (A)+(B)+(C) indicated in -------------- statement at para(I)(a) above) ------------- 1 AAA PROJECT VENTURES 2 58 16 000 11.30 ------ PRIVATE LIMITED -------------- ------------- -------------------- TOTAL 2 58 16 000 11.30 ------ -------------------- -------------- ------------- II(a) Statement showing details of Depository Receipts (DRs)------ ------------- ----------------- ------------ ------------Sr No Type of Number of No of shares Shares underlying------ outstanding DR outstanding DRs underlying outstanding DRs as a (ADRs,GRDs, ----------------- outstanding percentage of total number SDRs,etc.) DRs of shares(i.e.,Grand Total ------------- ------------ (A)+(B)+(C) indicated in statement at para(I)(a) above) ------------ 1 GDR 14 38 027 43 14 082 1.89 ----- --------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ TOTAL 43 14 082 1.89 ----- ----------------------- ------------ ------------ II(b) Statement showing Holding of Depository Receipts (DRs), where underlying shares------ are in excess of 1% of the total number of shares ------------ ---------------- --------- -----------Sr No Name of the DR Holder Type of outstanding DR No of Shares------ ------------ (ADRs,GRDs, SDRs,etc.) shares underlying ---------------- underlying outstanding outstanding DRs as a DRs percentage --------- of total number of shares (i.e.,Grand Total (A)+ (B)+(C) indicated in statement at para(I)(a) above) ----------- 1 Bank of New York as GDR 43 14 082 1.89 ------ Depositary for GDR holders * ---------------- --------- ----------- ------------ TOTAL 43 14 082 1.89 ------ --------------------------- --------- ----------- * The details of individual GDR holder is not available This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
Reliance Inf S