28th Dec 2005 07:00
28 December, 2005 121 Media Inc. ("121 Media") or (the "Company") Director's Shareholding The Company has been notified by Gerard Baz, a director, that he hastransferred, by way of gift 1,729,161 common shares in 121 Media, representinghis entire shareholding, to Gestrust SA, acting as trustee of a discretionarytrust created for the benefit of Mr Baz's infant children.Mr Baz accordingly remains interested in 1,729,161 common shares in 121 Media,equivalent to 21.39 per cent. of the Company's common stock.Gestrust SA has confirmed that it will observe, perform and be bound by thedealing restrictions entered into by Mr Baz at the time of the Company'sadmission to AIM.For enquiries: 020 7484 5391 121 Media Inc Tim Bowen (Chief Financial Officer) END121 MEDIA INCRelated Shares: