25th Jun 2013 15:19
COMMUNISIS PLC - Holding(s) in CompanyCOMMUNISIS PLC - Holding(s) in Company
PR Newswire
London, June 25
For filings with the FCA include the annex For filings with issuer exclude the annex TR-1: NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTEREST IN SHARESi 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuerof existing shares to which voting rights are Communisis plcattached:ii 2. Reason for the notification (please tick the appropriate box or boxes): An acquisition or disposal of voting rights X An acquisition or disposal of qualifying financial instruments which may resultin the acquisition of shares already issued to which voting rights are attached An acquisition or disposal of instruments with similar economic effect toqualifying financial instruments An event changing the breakdown of voting rights Other (please specify): 3. Full name of person(s) subject to the MITON INCOME OPPORTUNITIES TRUST (formerlynotification obligation:iii Henderson Fledgling Trust plc) 4. Full name of shareholder(s) HSBC Global Custody Nominees Ltd (if different from 3.):iv 5. Date of the transaction and date onwhich the threshold is crossed or 21/06/13reached: v 6. Date on which issuer notified: 25/06/13 7. Threshold(s) that is/are crossed or Below 3%reached: vi, vii 8. Notified details: A: Voting rights attached to shares viii, ix Class/type Situation previous Resulting situation after the triggering transactionof to the triggeringshares transaction Number Number Number Number of voting % of voting rightsif possible of of of rights xusing Shares Voting sharesthe ISIN RightsCODE Direct Direct xi Indirect xii Direct Indirect GB0006683238 7,237,132 7,237,132 Below 3% Below 3% B: Qualifying Financial Instruments Resulting situation after the triggering transaction Type of Expiration Exercise/ Number of voting % of votingfinancial date xiii Conversion Period xiv rights that may be rightsinstrument acquired if the instrument is exercised/ converted. C: Financial Instruments with similar economic effect to Qualifying FinancialInstruments xv, xvi Resulting situation after the triggering transaction Type of Exercise price Expiration Exercise/ Number of voting rights % of votingfinancial date xvii Conversion instrument refers to rights xix, xxinstrument period xviii Nominal Delta Total (A+B+C) Number of voting rights Percentage of voting rights Below 3% Below 3% 9. Chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or thefinancial instruments are effectively held, if applicable: xxi Proxy Voting: 10. Name of the proxy holder: 11. Number of voting rights proxy holder will ceaseto hold: 12. Date on which proxy holder will cease to holdvoting rights: 13. Additional information: The Miton Income Opportunities Trust plc (formerly also known as Henderson Fledgling Trust plc) interest that this form relates to was previously reported as part of Henderson Global Investors' interest. Following the change of investment manager for Miton Income Opportunities plc to Miton Capital Partners, as announced on 1 March 2013, this is now being reported on a standalone basis for the first time. 14. Contact name: 15. Contact telephone number: Note: Annex should only be submitted to the FCA not the issuer Annex: Notification of major interests in sharesxxii A: Identity of the persons or legal entity subject to the notificationobligation Full name MITON INCOME OPPORTUNITIES TRUST (formerly Henderson Fledgling Trust(including legal form of legal entities) plc) Contact address 51, New North Road, (registered office for legal entities) Beaufort House, Exeter, Devon, EX4 4EP Phone number & email 01392 - 477638 Other useful information Contact - Mark Sayers (at least legal representative for legal persons) B: Identity of the notifier, if applicable Full name Mark Sayers Contact address 51, New North Road, Beaufort House, Exeter, Devon, EX4 4EP Phone number & email 01392 - 477638 Other useful information For and on behalf of Capita Financial Group(e.g. functional relationship with the person orlegal entity subject to the notificationobligation) C: Additional information For notes on how to complete form TR-1 please see the FCA website.
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