16th May 2014 14:56
FIDESSA GROUP PLC - Holding(s) in CompanyFIDESSA GROUP PLC - Holding(s) in Company
PR Newswire
London, May 16
TR-1: Notifications of Major Interests in Shares 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer Fidessa Group PLCof existing shares to which voting rights areattached: 2. Reason for notification (yes/no) Yes An acquisition or disposal of voting rights No An acquisition or disposal of financial instruments which may resultin the acquisition of shares already issued to which voting rightsare attached No An acquisition or disposal of instruments with similar economiceffect to qualifying financial instruments No An event changing the breakdown of voting rights No Other (please specify):___________________________ Ameriprise Financial, Inc. and its group3. Full name of person(s) subject tonotification obligation: See additional information under 13. 4. Full name of shareholder(s) (ifdifferent from 3): 14 May 2014 5. Date of transaction and date onwhich the threshold is crossed orreached: 16 May 2014 6. Date on which issuer notified: Below the threshold of 5% 7. Threshold(s) that is/are crossed orreached: 8: Notified DetailsA: Voting rights attached to shares Class/type Situation previous to Resulting situation after the triggeringof shares the triggering transaction transactionIf possibleuse ISINcode Number of Number of Number of Number of voting Percentage of shares voting shares rights voting rights rights Direct Direct Indirect Direct Indirect GB0007590234 1,932,650 1,932,650 14,775 14,775 1,865,640 0.039% 4.915% B: Qualifying Financial Instruments Resulting situation after the triggering transaction Type of Expiration date Exercise/ No. of voting rights Percentagefinancial conversion that may be acquired of votinginstrument period if the instrument is rights exercised/converted. C: Financial Instruments with similar economic effect to Qualifying FinancialInstruments Resulting situation after the triggering transaction Type of Exercise Expiration Exercise / No. of voting Percentage offinancial Price date conversion rights voting rightsinstrument period instrument refers to Nominal Delta Total (A+B+C) Number of voting rights Percentage of voting rights1,880,415 4.954% 9. Chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and /orthe financial instruments are effectively held, if applicable:Ameriprise Financial, Inc., which through intermediate holding companiescontrols the voting rights of Columbia Management Investment Advisers,Columbia Wanger Asset Management, Threadneedle Management Luxembourg S.A. andThreadneedle Asset Management Holdings Ltd, which itself controls the votingrights of Threadneedle Asset Management Ltd, Threadneedle International Ltdand Threadneedle Pensions Ltd.Proxy Voting: 10. Name of proxy holder: N/A 11. Number of voting rights proxy N/Aholder will cease to hold: 12. Date on which proxy holder will N/Acease to hold voting rights: 13. Additionalinformation: Registered Owner Ameriprise Financial Inc A/c 84,574 Columbia Wanger Asset Management LLC A/c 1,107,012 HSBC Global Custody Nominee (UK) Limited A/c 740190 14,299 HSBC Global Custody Nominee (UK) Limited A/c 739874 69,198 HSBC Global Custody Nominee (UK) Limited A/c 740311 7,763 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/c ZLA05 62,747 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/c ZLA07 294,333 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/c 07197 14,775 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/c 10479 862 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/c ZLA12 21,506 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/c ZLA14 6,455 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/c 34789 23,844 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/c 10488 118,442 Littledown Nominees Ltd A/c 10490 54,605 14 Contact name: Mark Powney, Threadneedle Group 15. Contact 01793 363135telephone name:
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