12th Nov 2018 07:00
Helios Underwriting plc
("Helios" or the "Company")
Helios Capacity Fund - Value of Capacity increases by 28%
Helios is pleased to announce that, following the conclusion of Lloyds Capacity Auctions for 2018, the Weighted Average Prices of the syndicates comprising the Helios Capacity Fund traded in 2018 ("Latest Average Prices") has increased by 28% in comparison to last year.
| Per £ of capacity | Per Share |
2017 | 0.32 | 0.89 |
2018 | 0.40 | 1.13 |
Increase | 0.09 | 0.25 |
| 28% | 28% |
This increase is calculated by applying the Latest Average Prices to the capacity portfolio of £41m as at 1st January 2018.
This rise in the value of capacity would increase the Company's Adjusted Net Asset Value as at 31 December 2017 by 24p to 184p (160p as at 31 December 2017).
The value of the syndicate capacity has recovered from the lows in 2017 following the significant catastrophe losses of the year. Premium rates have increased during 2018, with current expectations of further rate rises over the remainder of the year and in 2019, thereby improving the prospects for profitable underwriting.
For further information, please contact:
Nigel Hanbury - Chief Executive 07787 530 404 / [email protected]
Arthur Manners - Chief Financial Officer 07754 965 917
Stockdale Securities
Robert Finlay 020 7601 6100
David Coaten
About Helios
Helios provides a limited liability direct investment into the Lloyd's insurance market and is quoted on the London Stock Exchange's AIM market (ticker: HUW). Helios trades within the Lloyd's insurance market and expects to write approximately £43m of capacity for the 2018 account. The portfolio provides a good spread of business being concentrated in property insurance and reinsurance. For further information please visit www.huwplc.com.
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