24th Jan 2013 09:30
24 January 2013
("Plant Health Care" or "the Company")
Harpin field trials demonstrate strong yield increases
Plant Health Care plc, a leading provider of innovative patent-protected biological products to global agriculture markets, announces 2012 trial results which once again demonstrated that its Harpin seed treatment delivers substantial yield increases when combined with industry standard seed treatments in corn, soybeans and wheat, the United States' three largest-area field crops.
Soybean treated with Harpin in addition to other leading market products produced an additional two bushels per acre. This is equivalent to an uplift in yield of approximately 3.5%, worth $25 per acre at current market prices1. This indicates an 8:1 return on US farmers' investment in Harpin.
In corn, the use of Harpin increased yields over base insecticide and fungicide treatments by 18.6 bushels per acre, offering potential incremental revenue of $111 per acre1. In wheat, the use of Harpin added 2.8 bushels per acre in average yield beyond that achieved from a treatment consisting of only insecticide and fungicide. This would equate to additional revenue of $23 per acre1.
Field trials were conducted as part of Direct Enterprise, Inc.'s (DEI's) annual comprehensive seed treatment study and involved evaluation by independent contract researchers across 14 states using the Random Complete Block design, with three replications per treatment at each location.
John Brady, CEO of Plant Health Care, commented: "These results clearly demonstrate that Harpin delivers an incremental yield beyond that which can be achieved using other market-leading treatments. We are very pleased with the corn and wheat data that came through the expanded 2012 testing program, while acknowledging that the corn results are extremely favorable as a consequence of the severe drought conditions experienced across much of the Midwest. While we're aware of the favorable effects that harpin can deliver in the presence of drought, we realize that similar conditions aren't likely to occur every year, and that the yield gains in corn will, under normal growing conditions, likely drop back into the three to five percent range that's consistent with what was seen in soybeans and wheat.
"As a result of DEI's aggressive marketing and product demonstration trials, Harpin's use as a seed treatment on Soybeans climbed to over 3.0 million acres in the 2012 US growing season, or about 4% of total US soybean crops, compared to 800,000 acres in 2011. We are experiencing growth into the corn seed treatment market for the 2013 season.
"We appreciate DEI's decision to include Harpin in their annual seed treatment evaluation program once again, and we anticipate another year of substantial growth for Harpin-treated seed in the US."
1. Based on opening prices for soybean, corn and wheat on 21 January 2013
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About Plant Health Care plc: Plant Health Care plc ("Plant Health Care") is a leading provider of patent-protected biological products aimed at the agriculture industry and are environmentally beneficial. Through the commercialisation of these products, Plant Health Care is capitalising on current long-term trends toward natural systems and biological products for plant care and soil and water management.
Further information is available at: www.planthealthcare.com or please contact:
Plant Health Care PLC | |
John Brady, Chief Executive Officer | +1 603 525 3702 |
Steve Weaver, Finance Director | +1 412 826 5488 |
Nomura Code | |
Clare Terlouw / Chris Golden | +44 20 7776 1200 |
Powerscourt | |
Paul Durman / Nick Dibden / Sophie Moate | +44 20 7250 1446 |
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