Halfords Group PLC (HFD) Halfords Group PLC: Result of AGM 07-Sep-2023 / 14:30 GMT/BST
Halfords Group plc Results of 2023 Annual General Meeting ("AGM") Halfords Group plc (the “Company”) announces that all resolutions were passed on a poll at its Annual General Meeting held on 6 September 2023. The results are detailed below. As at the close of business on 4 September 2023, being the AGM voting record date, the total number of shares on the register was 218,928,736. Resolution | For | Against | Total votes validly cast | % of shares on register at 3.00 pm on 4 September 2023 | No. of Votes Withheld** | No. of Votes | % | No. of Votes | % | 1 | Receive the Audited Financial Statements | 172,887,958 | 100.00 | 4,846 | 0.00 | 172,982,804 | 78.97 | 133,864 | 2 | Declare a final dividend | 173,005,199 | 100.00 | 4,738 | 0.00 | 173,009,937 | 79.03 | 16,731 | 3 | Approve the Directors’ Remuneration Report | 171,628,937 | 99.22 | 1,347,875 | 0.78 | 172,976,812 | 79.01 | 49,856 | 4 | Approve the Directors’ Remuneration Policy | 171,656,783 | 99.23 | 1,329,696 | 0.77 | 172,986,479 | 79.01 | 40,189 | 5 | Elect Tanvi Gokhale as a Director | 172,951,011 | 99.97 | 48,253 | 0.03 | 172,999,264 | 79.02 | 27,404 | 6 | Re-elect Keith Williams as a Director | 170,867,677 | 98.78 | 2,113,735 | 1.22 | 172,981,412 | 79.01 | 45,256 | 7 | Re-elect Jill Caseberry as a Director | 170,537,309 | 98.59 | 2,445,465 | 1.41 | 172,982,774 | 79.01 | 43,894 | 8 | Re-elect Tom Singer as a Director | 171,686,734 | 99.25 | 1,300,390 | 0.75 | 172,987,124 | 79.02 | 39,544 | 9 | Re-elect Graham Stapleton as a Director | 172,813,358 | 99.88 | 199,826 | 0.12 | 173,013,184 | 79.03 | 13,484 | 10 | Re-elect Jo Hartley as a Director | 172,721,515 | 99.84 | 277,887 | 0.16 | 172,999,402 | 79.02 | 27,266 | 11 | Re-appoint BDO LLP as Auditor | 172,979,300 | 99.99 | 13,764 | 0.01 | 172,993,064 | 79.02 | 33,604 | 12 | Authorise the Audit Committee to determine the remuneration of the Auditor | 172,982,155 | 99.99 | 10,709 | 0.01 | 172,992,864 | 79.02 | 33,804 | 13 | Authorise the Company to make political donations | 166,076,843 | 95.99 | 6,928,914 | 4.01 | 173,005,757 | 79.02 | 20,911 | 14 | Renew the general authority to allot relevant securities | 171,728,871 | 99.26 | 1,275,929 | 0.74 | 173,004,800 | 79.02 | 21,868 | 15 | Disapply statutory pre-emption rights* | 172,962,871 | 99.98 | 36,965 | 0.02 | 172,999,836 | 79.02 | 26,832 | 16 | Authorise the Company to make market purchases of its own shares* | 172,919,465 | 99.97 | 54,519 | 0.03 | 172,973,984 | 79.01 | 52,684 | 17 | Authorise that general meetings, other than AGMs can be called on 14 days’ clear notice* | 171,916,325 | 99.37 | 1,093,736 | 0.63 | 173,010,061 | 79.03 | 16,607 | 18 | Authorise the establishment of the Halfords Company Share Option Scheme 2023 | 172,830,336 | 99.90 | 169,792 | 0.10 | 173,000,128 | 79.02 | 26,540 | 19 | Authorise the establishment of the Halfords UK Sharesave Scheme 2023 and the Halfords International Sharesave Scheme 2023 | 172,951,845 | 99.97 | 47,727 | 0.03 | 172,999,572 | 79.02 | 27,096 |
Notes * Special resolution requiring a 75% majority. **A vote withheld is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the proportion of votes “For” and “Against” a resolution. These results will also be made available on the Company’s website, and in accordance with LR 9.6.2 and 9.2.6ER(1), a copy of resolutions passed as special business will be submitted as soon as practicable to the National Storage Mechanism and will be available shortly for inspection at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by EQS Group. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.