27th Sep 2013 11:03
Masawara plc
("Masawara" or the "Company")
Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2013
Masawara, an investment company focused on acquiring interests in companies based in Zimbabwe and the southern African region, is pleased to announce its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2013.
Contact details
Masawara plc
Oliver Lutz/Rutendo Maziva +263 4 751805
Cenkos Securities plc (Nominated adviser and broker)
Nicholas Wells/Max Hartley +44 20 7397 8900
Financial review
The Directors present the unaudited interim results for the six-month period ended 30 June 2013.
The results for the six-month period ended 30 June 2013 are set out in the financial statements below.
The Group incurred a loss after tax of $1.3 million for the half year ended 30 June 2013, compared to a loss after tax of $4.2 million incurred during the same period last year. The reduction in losses was mainly attributable to:
· Improved performance by TA Holdings Limited which recorded a profit after tax of $2.8 million (Group's share $483,000), an increase from $1 million (group's share $57,000) in the previous year. · Following a decision taken by the Directors to dispose of the Group's investment in Masawara Energy (Mauritius) Limited ("MEM"), the investment was treated as a non-current asset held for sale and the Group was no longer required to recognise its share of the losses of MEM from 1 February 2013. · Following the reduction of the investment in Telerix Communications (Private) Limited ("Telerix") to nil during the year ended 31 December 2012, and in compliance with International Accounting Standards, the Group has discontinued recognising any further losses from the investment.
An overview of the performance of the individual underlying investments has been provided below.
TA Holdings Limited TA Holdings Limited's operating profit before investment income decreased by 8% to $2.6 million, from $2.8 million achieved during the same period last year. This decrease in the operating profit was mainly attributable to increased claims in the life assurance business, reduced profitability of Cresta Zimbabwe (as a result of the refurbishments that are currently underway at Cresta Lodge (Harare) and Sprayview (Victoria Falls)), and an 11% depreciation of the Botswana Pula against the United States Dollar. However, investment income increased to $2.3 million from $0.8 million recorded in the previous period, predominantly due to fair value gains on equities. The agrochemicals associate companies' share of losses amounted to $1 million in comparison to $1.7 million recorded during the same period last year. This resulted in TA Holdings Limited achieving a profit after tax of $2.8 million (2012: $1 million), with the Group's share of profit after tax for the period amounting to $483,000 (2012: $57,000).
During the period under review, the Group increased its shareholding in TA Holdings Limited from 39.22% as at 31 December 2012 to 41.04% as at 30 June 2013. A gain on bargain purchase of additional shares in TA Holdings Limited amounting to $104,000 was recognised in the Group statement of comprehensive income.
Joina City The office tower occupancy level increased from 49% in December 2012 to 52% in June 2013. The retail section occupancy decreased from 90% to 88% during the period as a result of the termination of leases for defaulting tenants. The Group's share of revenue increased to $939,000 from $722,000 during the same period last year as a result of rental reviews performed during the period under review and an increase in office occupancy, which also led to an increase in parking revenues.
For the period under review, the Group's share of profits amounted to $92,000 (2012: loss of $76,000). The improved performance is mainly attributable to the increase in revenue, while operating costs remained relatively unchanged from the previous period.
Based on the most recent independent valuation as at 31 December 2012, the Directors have assessed the potential changes to the inputs to the valuation of the investment property and are of the opinion that there has not been a material change to the fair value of the building from the previous reporting date. There is a risk that the illiquidity of the Zimbabwean capital market may affect the valuation of the Group's investment property in the short to medium term. As detailed in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012, there are no buildings that are comparable to the Group's investment property in Zimbabwe, which poses a greater degree of uncertainty than that which exists in a more active market in estimating market values of investment property.
Telerix Communications (Private) Limited("Telerix") Extensive marketing and a new tariff that was introduced during the period led to a 106% increase in the number of uMAX subscribers between 31 December 2012 and 30 June 2013. However, the strong volume and revenue growth achieved by the company was dampened by finance costs that weighed down profitability.
In the six months to 30 June 2013 the company incurred a loss after tax of $2.9 million (2012: loss of $2.8 million). As highlighted above, following the reduction of the investment in Telerix Communications (Private) Limited ("Telerix") to nil during the year ended 31 December 2012, and in compliance with International Accounting Standards, the Group has discontinued recognising any further losses from the investment.
Masawara Energy (Mauritius) Limited (discontinued operations) On 1 February 2013, the Directors made a decision to dispose of the energy segment consisting of the Group's investment in Masawara Energy (Mauritius) Limited ("MEM") and, therefore, classified it as a disposal group held for sale. Consequently, the share of losses of MEM were only accounted for one month in the Group's interim results. The Group's share of loss of the discontinued operations amounted to $176,000 (2012: $1.5 million for the six-month period).
Going concern
Management prepared cash flow forecasts indicating that there is adequate operating cash for the period to September 2014 and short-term facilities will be utilised to fund any operating cash flow deficit that may arise post September 2014. The Directors reviewed the cash flow forecasts prepared by management when assessing the ability of the Group to continue operating as a going concern. Based on the review of the Group's cash flow forecasts, the Directors believe that the Group will have sufficient resources to continue to trade as a going concern for a period of at least 12 months from the date of approval of these financial statements and accordingly, the financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis. The Directors also assessed the probability of the MEM sale transaction not being concluded within twelve months from the date of approval of these financial statements as unlikely and therefore have a reasonable expectation that the Group will not require any facilities in the foreseeable future. The Directors therefore believe that this transaction will have a positive impact on the Group's cash flows in the short term and the foreseeable future.
Cash flow for the six-month period
The Group recorded an overall decrease in cash and cash equivalents of $1.6 million from 31 December 2012. $1.9 million was utilised in operating activities, $3,000 was utilised in investing activities and $350,000 was generated from financing activities. The net cash of $3,000 utilised in investing activities was after accounting for a $320,000 cash outflow relating to the purchase of TA Holdings Limited additional shares, an outflow of $177,000 for additional loans granted to related parties and an inflow of $494,000 for loan repayments made by related parties. The cash inflow from financing activities related to a $350,000 loan that was obtained from a bank during the period under review (Note 4.3).
Financial position
Non-current assets decreased from $87.9 million as at 31 December 2012 to $65 million as at 30 June 2013, primarily as a result of the reclassification of the investment in joint venture to discontinued operations held for sale. The Group had cash and cash equivalents of $459,000 at 30 June 2013 (31 December 2012: $2.1 million). The net asset value per share attributable to equity holders of the parent as at 30 June 2013 was $0.65 (31 December 2012: $0.67).
TA Holdings Limited Despite the current liquidity challenges in Zimbabwe, underwriting profits for the full year are expected to be ahead of underwriting profits recorded in the previous year as TA Holdings Limited will continue to review all cost structures to ensure that expense ratios reduce to regional norms. However, premium rate pressure is expected to continue in Botswana which may constrain growth in underwriting profits outside Zimbabwe. For the agrochemicals business, TA Holdings Limited will continue to engage the Zimbabwean government and the electricity authorities to secure a viable tariff for continued operations. The refurbishment of the Zimbabwe hotels is expected to be complete by the end of the 2013 financial year and during this period there will be a reduction in the rooms available for sale which will continue to restrain revenues in the last quarter of this year.
Joina City Joina City will continue to employ the best initiatives to ensure that quality tenants are selected, which will increase occupancy levels and reduce the level of doubtful debts. The collection of amounts receivable from debtors has improved from the previous reporting period and the property manager will continue to focus on this area.
Telerix Communications (Private) Limited("Telerix") Masawara Plc will continue to provide financial support to Telerix Communications (Private) Limited, as the company focuses on increasing its subscriber base.
Masawara Energy (Mauritius) Limited (discontinued operations) The disposal of Masawara Energy (Mauritius) Limited is expected to be concluded prior to the end of this financial year and a number of investment opportunities are being appraised by the Investment Advisor.
By Order of the Board Masawara Plc
Mr Julian Vezey 26 September 2013
Unaudited interim consolidated statement of comprehensive income | |||||
for the six months ended 30 June 2013 | |||||
| June 2013 | June 2012 | |||
Unaudited | |||||
Notes | US$ | US$ | |||
Continuing operations | |||||
Revenue | 938,685 | 721,825 | |||
Share of profit of associate - TA Holdings Limited | 11.2 | 483,201 | 57,118 | ||
Share of profit/(loss) of other associates | 11 | 24,687 | (1,445,940) | ||
Gain on bargain purchase of additional shares in an associate | 11.2 | 103,578 | 392,112 | ||
Other property expenses | 5 | (847,113) | (797,269) | ||
Administrative expenses | 5 | (289,012) | (282,362) | ||
Other operating expenses | 5 | (1,804,958) | (1,255,425) | ||
Operating loss | (1,390,932) | (2,609,941) | |||
Finance costs | 6 | (63,563) | (606,488) | ||
Finance income | 302,254 | 489,316 | |||
Loss before tax from continuing operations | (1,152,241) | (2,727,113) | |||
Income tax expense | 7 | - | - | ||
Loss for the period from continuing operations | (1,152,241) | (2,727,113) | |||
Discontinued operations | |||||
Share of loss of discontinued operations | 14 | (175,950) | (1,498,897) | ||
Loss for the period | (1,328,191) | (4,226,010) | |||
Other comprehensive income: | |||||
Share of other comprehensive (loss)/income in associates net of tax | 11.2 | (799,007) | 4,944 | ||
Total comprehensive loss for the period, net of tax | (2,127,198) | (4,221,066) | |||
Loss for the period attributable to: Equity holders of parent | (1,371,086) | (4,086,357) | |||
Non-controlling interests | 42,895 | (139,653) | |||
Loss for the period | (1,328,191) | (4,226,010) |
Total comprehensive loss attributable to:
Equity holders of parent | (2,170,093) | (4,081,413) | |||
Non-controlling interests | 42,895 | (139,653) | |||
Total comprehensive loss for the period | (2,127,198) | (4,221,066) |
Earnings per share: 8
· Basic and diluted, on loss for the period attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent
| (US$0.01) | (US$ 0.03) |
· Basic and diluted, on loss from continuing operations for the period attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | (US$0.01) | (US$ 0.02) |
Unaudited interim consolidated statement of financial position
as at 30 June 2013
Restated | |||
Notes | June 2013 | December 2012 | June 2012 | |
Unaudited | Audited | Unaudited | ||
US$ | US$ | US$ | ||
ASSETS | ||||
Non-current assets | ||||
Property, plant and equipment | 334,846 | 362,678 | 387,557 | |
Financial assets | 9 | 9,082,010 | 8,652,466 | 4,415,511 |
Investment property | 10 | 32,915,728 | 32,915,728 | 32,842,083 |
Investment in associates | 11.1 | 22,692,393 | 22,559,482 | 23,444,594 |
Investment in joint venture | 12 | - | 23,427,737 | 22,399,433 |
Total non-current assets | 65,024,977 | 87,918,091 | 83,489,178 | |
Current assets | ||||
Other receivables | 13 | 1,601,955 | 2,025,086 | 8,406,491 |
Cash resources | 458,716 | 2,087,254 | 3,506,512 | |
Discontinued operations classified as held for sale | 14 | 23,251,787 | - | - |
Total current assets | 25,312,458 | 4,112,340 | 11,913,003 | |
Total assets | 90,337,435 | 92,030,431 | 95,402,181 | |
Share capital | 1,234,655 | 1,234,655 | 1,234,655 | |
Share premium | 84,109,545 | 84,109,545 | 84,109,545 | |
Treasury shares | (332,724) | (332,724) | - | |
Group restructuring reserve | (9,283,142) | (9,283,142) | (9,283,142) | |
(Accumulated loss)/retained profit | (3,965,199) | (2,594,113) | 2,356,083 | |
Other capital reserve | (901,748) | (102,741) | (1,100,375) | |
Non-distributable reserve | (695,244) | (695,244) | (695,244) | |
Revaluation reserve | 9,862,778 | 9,862,778 | 8,928,038 | |
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent | 80,028,921 | 82,199,014 | 85,549,560 | |
Non-controlling interest | 1,197,577 | 1,154,682 | 1,239,970 | |
Total equity | 81,226,498 | 83,353,696 | 86,789,530 | |
Non-current liabilities | ||||
Financial liabilities | 15.1 | 5,990,821 | 5,977,120 | 5,705,432 |
Deferred tax | 1,463,101 | 1,463,101 | 1,463,101 | |
Total non-current liabilities | 7,453,922 | 7,440,221 | 7,168,533 | |
Current liabilities | ||||
Financial liabilities | 15.2 | 353,792 | - | 1,055,631 |
Income tax liability | 7,681 | 7,681 | - | |
Accounts payable | 1,295,542 | 1,228,833 | 388,487 | |
Total current liabilities | 1,657,015 | 1,236,514 | 1,444,118 | |
Total liabilities | 9,110,937 | 8,676,735 | 8,612,651 | |
Total equity and liabilities | 90,337,435 | 92,030,431 | 95,402,181 |
Unaudited interim consolidated statement of changes in equity
for the six months ended 30 June 2013
Attributable to the equity holders of the parent | ||||||||||||||||||
US$ '000 | ||||||||||||||||||
Share | Share | Treasury | Group | Retained | Other | Non | Revaluation | Total | Non-controlling | Total |
| |||||||
Capital | Premium | Shares | Restructure | Profit/ | Capital | Distributable | Reserve | Interest | Equity |
| ||||||||
Reserve | (Loss) | Reserve | Reserves | US$'000 | US$'000 |
| ||||||||||||
Balance at 31 December 2011 (as previously reported) | 1,235 | 84,110 | - | (9,283) | 6,575 | (986) | (695) | 7,648 | 88,604 | 1,379 | 89,983 |
| ||||||
Prior period adjustments - Note 18 | - | - | - | - | (132) | - | - | 1,102 | 970 | - | 970 |
| ||||||
Balance at 31 December 2011 (as restated) | 1,235 | 84,110 | - | (9,283) | 6,443 | (986) | (695) | 8,750 | 89,574 | 1,379 | 90,953 |
| ||||||
Loss for the period | - | - | - | - | (4,086) | - | - | - | (4,086) | (140) | (4,226) |
| ||||||
Other comprehensive income for the period | - | - | - | - | - | 5 | - | 178 | 183 | - | 183 |
| ||||||
Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the period | - | - | - | - | (4,086) | 5 | - | 178 | (3,903) | (140) | (4,043) |
| ||||||
Share based payment transactions | - | - | - | - | - | (120) | - | - | (120) | - | (120) |
| ||||||
Balance at 30 June 2012 (as restated) | 1,235 | 84,110 | - | (9,283) | 2,357 | (1,101) | (695) | 8,928 | 85,551 | 1,239 | 86,790 |
| ||||||
Profit/(loss) for the period | - | - | - | - | (4,951) | - | - | - | (4,951) | (85) | (5,036) |
| ||||||
Other comprehensive loss for the period | - | - | - | - | - | (327) | - | 935 | 608 | - | 608 |
| ||||||
Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the period | - | - | - | - | (4,951) | (327) | - | 935 | (4,343) | (85) | (4,428) |
| ||||||
Share buy-back | - | - | (333) | - | - | - | - | - | (333) | - | (333) |
| ||||||
Shareholder contribution | - | - | - | - | - | 937 | - | - | 937 | - | 937 |
| ||||||
Share based payment transactions | - | - | - | - | - | 388 | - | - | 388 | - | 388 |
| ||||||
Balance at 31 December 2012 | 1,235 | 84,110 | (333) | (9,283) | (2,594) | (103) | (695) | 9,863 | 82,200 | 1,154 | 83,354 |
| ||||||
Profit/(loss) for the period | - | - | - | - | (1,371) | - | - | - | (1,371) | 43 | (1,328) |
| ||||||
Other comprehensive income/(loss) for the period | - | - | - | - | - | (799) | - | - | (799) | - | (799) |
| ||||||
Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the period | - | - | - | - | (1,371) | (799) | - | - | (2,170) | 43 | (2,127) |
| ||||||
Balance at 30 June 2013 | 1,235 | 84,110 | (333) | (9,283) | (3,965) | (902) | (695) | 9,863 | 80,030 | 1,197 | 81,227 |
| ||||||
Unaudited interim consolidated statement of cash flows |
| ||||
for the six months ended 30 June 2013
| June 2013 | June 2012 |
| ||
Notes | Unaudited |
| |||
US$ | US$ |
| |||
Loss before tax from continuing operations | (1,152,241) | (2,727,113) |
| ||
Adjustments to reconcile loss before tax to net cash flows from operating activities: |
| ||||
| |||||
Share of profit of associate - TA Holdings Limited | 11.2 | (483,201) | (57,118) |
| |
Gain on bargain purchase of additional shares of an associate | 11.2 | (103,578) | (392,112) |
| |
Share of profit/(loss) of other associates | 11 | (24,687) | 1,445,940 |
| |
Depreciation of equipment | 27,658 | 27,701 |
| ||
Unrealised exchange gain | 645 | 10,140 |
| ||
Share-based payment transaction expense | - | (119,807) |
| ||
Finance income | (302,254) | (489,316) |
| ||
Finance cost | 6 | 63,563 | 606,488 |
| |
Working capital adjustments: |
| ||||
Decrease/(increase) in rent receivable and sundry receivables | 54,954 | (319,107) |
| ||
Increase in loans and receivables | (87,275) | (93,828) |
| ||
Increase/(decrease)in accounts payable | 66,709 | (86,965) |
| ||
(1,940,097) | (2,195,097) |
| |||
Interest received | 10,861 | 77,376 |
| ||
Interest paid | (46,070) | (281,093) |
| ||
Net cash flows used in operating activities | (1,975,306) | (2,398,814) |
| ||
| ||||
Purchase of property, plant and equipment | (195) | (16,730) |
| ||
Acquisition of additional shares in associate | 4.2 | (320,452) | (352,079) |
| |
Release of financial asset - deposit | - | 2,181,881 |
| ||
Loan repayments from related parties | 493,641 | - |
| ||
Loans issued to related parties | (176,616) | (3,490,896 ) |
| ||
Net cash flows used in investing activities | (3,232) | (1,677,824) |
| ||
| ||||
Proceeds from borrowings | 15.2 | 350,000 | 39,855 |
| |
Repayment of loan | - | (7,500,000) |
| ||
Net cash flows (used in)/from financing activities | 350,000 | (7,460,145) |
| ||
| |||||
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents | (1,628,538) | (11,536,783) |
| ||
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January | 2,087,254 | 15,043,295 |
| ||
Cash & cash equivalents at 30 June | 458,716 | 3,506,512 |
1 Corporate information
Masawara Plc ("the Company") is an investment company incorporated and domiciled in Jersey, Channel Islands, whose shares are publicly traded on the London Stock Exchange's AIM. The registered office is located at Queensway House, Hilgrove Street in St Helier, Jersey and it is managed from Unicorn Centre, 18N Frère Felix de Valois Street, Port Louis in Mauritius.
The investment portfolio of the Company includes the Joina City (a multi-purpose property situated in Harare that earns rental income), TA Holdings Limited (a diversified investment company that holds investments in insurance, agro-chemical and hospitality businesses), Zuva Petroleum (Private) Limited (importer and distributor of petroleum products in Zimbabwe), iWayAfrica Zimbabwe (Private) Limited (a broadband internet service company), Telerix Communications (Private) Limited (a company that has a license that allows it to construct, operate and maintain a public data internet access and Voice Over IP network in Zimbabwe) and Minerva Holdings (Private) Limited (a company that has operations in Pensions Consulting and Administration, Insurance Risk Advisory and Reinsurance Broking) which was acquired subsequent to the period under review, refer to Note 21 for more details.
The Group interim financial statements consolidate those of the Company, its subsidiaries and the Group's interest in associates and joint ventures (together referred to as "the Group").
2 Basis of preparation
The interim consolidated financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2013 have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard ("IAS") 34 Interim Financial Reporting.
The interim consolidated financial statements do not include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the Group's Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2012. The interim consolidated financial statements have been drawn up using accounting policies and presentation consistent with those applied in the audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2012.
Going Concern
Management prepared cash flow forecasts indicating that there is adequate operating cash for the period to September 2014 and short-term facilities will be utilized to fund any operating cash flow deficit that may arise post September 2014. The Directors reviewed the cash flow forecasts prepared by management when assessing the ability of the Group to continue operating as a going concern. Based on the review of the Group's cash flow forecasts, the Directors believe that the Group will have sufficient resources to continue to trade as a going concern for a period of at least 12 months from the date of approval of these financial statements and accordingly, the financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis. The Directors also assessed the probability of the sale transaction of Masawara Energy (Mauritius) Limited not being concluded within twelve months from the date of approval of these financial statements as unlikely and therefore have a reasonable expectation that the Group will not require any facilities in the foreseeable future. The Directors therefore believe that this transaction will have a positive impact on the Group's cash flows in the short term and the foreseeable future.
3 Dividends
There were no dividends declared or paid during the six months ended 30 June 2013.
4 Significant events
The following significant events that have a material effect on the financial statements of the Group took place during the six- month period ended 30 June 2013.
4.1 Disposal of Masawara Energy (Mauritius) Limited ("MEM")
On 1 February 2013, the Directors made a decision to dispose of the energy segment consisting of the Group's investment in Masawara Energy (Mauritius) Limited and, therefore, classified it as a disposal group held for sale. The Directors considered the joint venture met the criteria to be classified as held for sale at that date for the following reasons:
· MEM is available for immediate sale and can be sold to a potential buyer in its current condition.
· The Board had a plan to sell MEM and has signed a share purchase agreement with a potential buyer.
· The Board expects the sale to be completed within the next 12 months.
For more details on the discontinued operation, refer to Note 14.
4.2 Acquisition of additional interest in TA Holdings Limited
On 31 May 2013, the Group acquired an additional 1.82% interest in TA Holdings Limited when FMI Investments (Private) Limited purchased 3,000,000 shares on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange for $320,452, including brokers fees. The additional interest in TA Holdings Limited was acquired at less than the fair value of the share of net assets acquired. The difference between the cost of shares acquired and the fair value of the share of net assets acquired resulted in negative goodwill amounting to $103,578 that has been included as income in the determination of the Group's share of TA Holdings Limited's profit for the period.
4.3 Loan facility secured
On 31 May 2013, the Group secured a $350,000 loan from BancABC for the purpose of acquiring the 3,000,000 TA Holdings Limited shares disclosed above. The loan bears interest at a rate of 13% per annum, payable monthly, and the capital portion is repayable on 31 May 2014.
4.4 Overdraft facility secured
On 25 June 2013, the Group secured a $2 million loan facility from Afriasia Bank Limited for the purpose of meeting working capital requirements should the need arise. The loan facility is for a twelve month period from the grant date. The outstanding loan amount will bear interest at a rate of 12% above the 3 Month US$ Libor rate per annum. Interest and capital are repayable on 25 June 2014. As at the date of issue of these interim financial results, the Group had not drawn down on the overdraft facility.
4.5 Conversion of Telerix Communications Private Limited ("Telerix") preference shares into debentures
As highlighted in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012, Telerix requested the Group to roll over its preference shares for an additional two year period from the due date, 4 April 2013. On 4 April 2013 the Group converted its preference shares in Telerix into 2,478 debentures at $1,000 per debenture, pending the approval of the conversion of the preference shares into debentures by the Telerix shareholders. The subscription of the debentures was ratified by the Telerix shareholders at an Annual General Meeting held in August 2013. The debentures are redeemable 731 days from the date of issue at par, bearing a coupon rate of 12% per annum, payable quarterly and they are convertible into ordinary shares at a rate of 10 new ordinary shares per $1,000 of debentures.
4.6 Acquisition of Minerva Holdings (Private) Limited
Subsequent to the period ended 30 June 2013, the Group acquired 69.75% of the issued share capital of Minerva Holdings (Private) Limited. For more details refer to Note 21.
5 Administrative, property and other expenses
Property expenses are mainly made up of day to day expenditure incurred on the investment property e.g. electricity, rates, security costs and repairs and maintenance works on the building. Property expenses did not change significantly from the previous reporting period as the occupancy level, at 72% changed slightly from 73% occupancy reported during the same period last year.
The major components of administrative and other expenses are staff costs, directors' fees, advisory fees and consultancy fees relating to due diligence exercises carried out for potential acquisitions and disposals. The increase in other operating expenses in comparison with the same period in the previous year is mainly due to $490,000 legal fees incurred during the period that related to the disposal of Masawara Energy (Mauritius) Limited.
6 Finance costs
Finance costs decreased significantly from the previous period mainly due to the fact that finance costs for the six month period ended 30 June 2012 included imputed interest on shareholder loans of $272,000 and interest on the Alveir Management Limited loan of $275,000 which were not incurred during the six month period ended 30 June 2013.
7 Income tax expense
There was no income tax expense during the six month period ended 30 June 2013 because the Group did not have any taxable income during the period under review. Income tax expense for the associates and discontinued operations has been taken into account in the Group's share of post tax profit or loss from associates and discontinued operations.
8 Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing net profit or loss for the period attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period.
Diluted earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period plus the weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued on conversion of all the dilutive potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares.
The following reflects the income and share data used in the basic and diluted earnings per share computations:
June 2013 | June 2012 | |
US$ | US$ | |
Net loss attributable to ordinary equity holders of parent for basic earnings and diluted earnings | (1,371,086) | (4,086,357) |
Net loss attributable to ordinary equity holders of parent for basic earnings and diluted earnings from continuing operations | (1,195,136) | (2,587,460) |
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for basic earnings per share | 123,065,409 | 123,465,409 |
Effect of dilution: shares allocated | - | - |
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for diluted earnings per share | 123,065,409 | 123,465,409 |
June 2013 | June 2012 | |
US$ | US$ | |
Basic and diluted earnings per share | (US$0.01) | (US$ 0.03) |
Basic and diluted earnings per share from continuing operations | (US$0.01) | (US$ 0.02) |
There were no other transactions involving ordinary shares or potential ordinary shares between the reporting date and the date of completion of these financial statements.
9 Financial assets
Financial assets comprise the following:
June 2013 | December 2012 | June 2012 | ||
Unaudited | Audited | Unaudited | ||
US$ | US$ | US$ | ||
Debenture investment | 8,557,340 | 6,277,256 | 1,662,985 | |
Preference shares | - | 2,107,108 | 2,289,607 | |
Loans and receivables | 524,670 | 268,102 | 462,919 | |
Total | 9,082,010 | 8,652,466 | 4,415,511 | |
The decrease in the preference shares balance and the corresponding increase in the debenture investment balance was due to the fact that the Group converted the preference shares held in Telerix Communications (Private) Limited into debentures during the period under review. For more details refer to Note 4.5.
10 Investment property
As detailed in the 31 December 2012 annual report, the Directors adjusted the investment property value determined by independent professional valuers, CB Richard Ellis Zimbabwe (Private) Limited downwards by 9% in light of the state of debtors (tenants are slow paying) and the leasing progress (the building occupancy level only increased by 10% to 73% from the previous year) in order to arrive at the Directors' best estimate of the fair value of the investment property.
Based on fact that the tenants are still slow paying, leasing progress is still slow and also the fact that the Directors assessed the potential changes to the inputs to the valuation and were of the opinion that there has not been a material changes from the previous reporting period, the carrying value of the investment property remained the same as it was at 31 December 2012. There is a risk that the illiquidity of the Zimbabwean capital market may affect the valuation of the Group's investment property in the short to medium term. As detailed in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012, there are no buildings that are comparable to the Group's investment property in Zimbabwe, which poses a greater degree of uncertainty than which exists in a more active market in estimating market values of investment property.
11 Investment in associates
Investment in associates includes investments in TA Holdings Limited ("TA Holdings"), Telerix Communications (Private) Limited ("Telerix") and iWayAfrica (Private) Limited ("iWayAfrica").
June 2013 | June 2012 | ||||
Unaudited | Unaudited | ||||
| US$ | US$ | |||
| |||||
| Share of loss of Telerix - Note 11.3 | - | (1,433,178) | ||
| Share of profit/(loss) of iWayAfrica - Note 11.4 | 24,687 | (12,762) | ||
| Share of profit/(loss) of other associates | 24,687 | (1,445,940) | ||
11.1 Aggregate group investments in associates
| June 2013 | December 2012 | June 2012 | ||
| Unaudited | Audited | Audited | ||
US$ | US$ | US$ | |||
TA Holdings Limited - Note 11.2 | 22,463,689 | 22,355,465 | 21,270,588 | ||
Telerix Communications (Private) Limited - Note 11.3 | - | - | 1,969,691 | ||
iWayAfrica Zimbabwe (Private) Limited - Note 11.4 | 228,704 | 204,017 | 204,315 | ||
Total | 22,692,393 | 22,559,482 | 23,444,594 | ||
11.2 Summarised financial information in respect of TA Holdings Limited
June 2013 | December 2012 | June 2012 | |
Unaudited | Audited | Unaudited | |
US$ | US$ | US$ | |
Opening balance | 22,355,465 | 19,316,870 | 19,316,870 |
Prior period adjustment - Note 18 | - | 1,147,465 | 1,147,465 |
Opening balance (restated) | 22,355,465 | 20,464,335 | 20,464,335 |
Share of profit | 483,201 | 523,531 | 57,118 |
Share of other comprehensive (loss)/income | (799,007) | 397,618 | 4,944 |
Purchase of additional shares - Note 4.2 | 320,452 | 612,613 | 352,079 |
Gain on bargain purchase of additional shares | 103,578 | 357,368 | 392,112 |
Closing carrying amount of investment in associate | 22,463,689 | 22,355,465 | 21,270,588 |
June 2013 | December 2012 | June 2012 | |
Unaudited | Audited | Unaudited | |
US$ | US$ | US$ | |
Share of the associate's revenue and profit: | |||
Revenue | 15,984,190 | 28,436,069 | 12,660,067 |
Profit for the period | 483,201 | 523,531 | 57,118 |
Gain on bargain purchase of additional shares | 103,578 | 397,618 | 392,112 |
Other comprehensive (loss)/profit for the period | (799,007) | 612,613 | 4,944 |
Share of other comprehensive loss of TA Holdings Limited predominately relates to foreign currency translation reserve movements that arose as a result of the depreciation of the Botswana Pula against the United States Dollar during the period under review.
The investment in TA Holdings Limited is assessed for impairment at each reporting date owing to the decline in the share price of TA Holdings Limited on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. As at 30 June 2013, the Directors concluded that the investment was not impaired as the value in use was determined to be $25.2 million, which was above the carrying amount of $22.4 million. Furthermore, the share price alone cannot be used as the only indicator of impairment since the Zimbabwean stock market is not liquid, and small trades can result in big swings in the share price. The significant assumptions used for the impairment computation were the same as those used at 31 December 2012 as the market and economic conditions did not materially change from then.
11.3 Summarised financial information in respect of Telerix Communications (Private) Limited ("Telerix")
June 2013 | December 2012 | June 2012 | |
Unaudited | Audited | Unaudited | |
US$ | US$ | US$ | |
Opening balance | - | 3,402,869 | 3,402,869 |
Share of loss | - | (3,402,869) | (1,433,178) |
Closing balance | - | - | 1,969,691 |
Share of the associate's revenue and loss: | ||||
Revenue | 1,030,692 | 1,471,001 | 650,668 | |
Loss for the period | - | (3,402,869) | (1,433,178) | |
As highlighted in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012, Masawara Plc discontinued recognising its share of further losses after the investment in Telerix was nil in accordance with IAS 28 Investment in Associates. The reconciliation below shows the movement of unrecognized share of losses in Telerix Communications (Private) Limited:
US$ | |||
Opening balance 1 January 2013 | 368,570 | ||
Unrecognised share of losses for the period | 1,493,719 | ||
Closing balance 30 June 2013 | 1,862,289 |
11.4 Summarised financial information in respect of iWayAfrica Zimbabwe (Private) Limited
June 2013 | December 2012 | June 2012 | |
Unaudited | Audited | Unaudited | |
US$ | US$ | US$ | |
Opening balance | 204,017 | 217,077 | 217,077 |
Share of profit/(loss) | 24,687 | (13,060) | (12,762) |
Closing balance | 228,704 | 204,017 | 204,315 |
Share of the associate's revenue and profit/(loss): | |||
Revenue | 1,691,440 | 237,716 | 139,914 |
Profit/(loss) for the period | 24,687 | (13,060) | (12,762) |
12 Investment in joint venture, Masawara Energy (Mauritius) Limited (MEM)
| June 2013 | December 2012 | June 2012 | |
| Unaudited | Audited | Unaudited | |
| US$ | US$ | US$ | |
| ||||
Opening balance | 23,427,737 | 23,898,330 | 23,898,330 | |
Loan capitalized | - | 1,782,000 | - | |
Share of loss of discontinued operations | (175,950) | (2,252,593) | (1,498,897) | |
Transfer to non-current asset held for sale category - Note 14 | (23,251,787) | - | - | |
Closing balance | - | 23,427,737 | 22,399,433 | |
The carrying amount of the investment in MEM will be recovered through sale following a board decision to dispose of the investment, refer to Note 14 for more details. It is the Group's policy to classify non-current assets and disposal groups as held for sale if their carrying amounts will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use.
Upon classification of the investment in MEM as non-current asset held for sale, the Group ceased equity accounting of its investment in MEM as required by International Accounting Standard 28 and accounted for it in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standard ("IFRS") 5. Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale are measured at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. On 1 February 2013, the date on which the investment in MEM was reclassified to the held for sale category, the carrying amount of investment in joint venture was lower than fair value less cost to sell, consequently no adjustments were effected to the carrying amount of the investment as at 1 February 2013.
13 Other receivables
June 2013 | December 2012 | June 2012 | |
Unaudited | Audited | Unaudited | |
US$ | US$ | US$ | |
Receivables from related parties | 1,497,690 | 1,696,279 | 7,988,099 |
Rent and service charges | 37,199 | 104,277 | 108,941 |
Loans to Directors and employees | - | 169,293 | - |
Sundry receivables | 67,066 | 55,237 | 309,451 |
Total | 1,601,955 | 2,025,086 | 8,406,491 |
14 Discontinued operations classified as held for sale
On 1 February 2013, the Directors decided to sell the Group's entire shareholding in Masawara (Energy) Mauritius Limited "MEM" (the investment vehicle that holds the Group's interest in Zuva Petroleum (Private) Limited) to Woble Investments (Private) Limited for $24.9 million. It is expected that all regulatory approvals for the sale of the investment in MEM, which is reported under the energy operating segment, will be obtained within twelve months from the date of approval of these financial statements. Below are summarized financial results of the discontinued operations. The results for 2013 are only for the month of January 2013, prior to the classification as held for sale.
June 2013 | December 2012 | June 2012 | |
Unaudited | Audited | Unaudited | |
US$ | US$ | US$ | |
Discontinued operation classified as held for sale - carrying amount | 23,251,787 | - | - |
Share of revenue and loss of the discontinued operation: | |||
Revenue | 7,912,650 | 102,563,500 | 47,755,898 |
Share of loss of discontinued operations | (175,950) | (2,252,593) | (1,498,897) |
15 Financial liabilities
15.1 Financial liabilities - non current
| June 2013 | December 2012 | June 2012 | |
| Unaudited | Audited | Unaudited | |
| US$ | US$ | US$ | |
Opening balance | 5,977,120 | 5,433,745 | 5,433,745 | |
Accrued finance costs | 59,771 | 543,375 | 271,687 | |
Finance costs paid | (46,070) | - | - | |
Closing balance | 5,990,821 | 5,977,120 | 5,705,432 | |
Non-current financial liabilities consist of a loan from a non-controlling shareholder. The loan is unsecured, does not have fixed repayment terms and the loan began bearing interest in January 2013 at a rate of 2% per annum. Prior to 1 January 2013 the loan was not interest bearing and the interest expense recorded in the previous periods was as a result of imputing of interest at an open market rate of 10%, in line with International Financial Reporting Standards.
15.2 Financial liabilities - current
| June 2013 | December 2012 | June 2012 | |
| Unaudited | Audited | Unaudited | |
| US$ | US$ | US$ | |
Opening balance | - | 8,462,068 | 8,462,068 | |
Loan drawdown | 350,000 | - | 39,855 | |
Loan repayment | - | (7,775,069) | (7,775,069) | |
Accrued finance costs | 3,792 | 250,069 | 328,777 | |
Loan forgiveness | - | (937,068) | - | |
Closing balance | 353,792 | - | 1,055,631 | |
The $350,000 loan was secured on 31 May 2013 from BancABC. The loan bears interest at a rate of 13% per annum, payable monthly, and the capital portion is repayable on 31 May 2014.
16 Segment information
For management purposes, the Group is organised into business units based on their products and services. The Group has five reportable segments as follows:
· The Investment Property segment leases retail and office space at the Joina City building partly owned by the Group.
· TA Holdings Limited, an associate, is a diversified investment company that holds stakes in insurance, agro-chemical and hospitality businesses across sub-Saharan Africa and is listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange.
· Telerix Communications (Private) Limited, an associate, is a company that is licensed to construct, operate and maintain public data internet access and Voice Over network in Zimbabwe.
· iWayAfrica Zimbabwe (Private) Limited, an associate, is a broadband internet service company in Zimbabwe.
· Energy segment, which incorporates Masawara Energy (Mauritius) Limited with a wholly owned subsidiary, Zuva Petroleum (Private) Limited, a long established importer and distributor of petroleum products in Zimbabwe. Masawara Energy (Mauritius) Limited is a joint venture of the Group. Subsequent to the period end, the Group made a decision to dispose the energy segment and consequently reclassified the entire energy segment from investment in joint venture to non-current asset held for sale category, for more details refer to Note 4.1 and Note 14.
Management monitors the operating results of its business units separately for the purpose of making decisions about resource allocation and performance assessment. Segment performance is evaluated based on segment profit or loss, and is measured consistently with operating profit or loss in the consolidated financial statements.
Segment assets for the Investment Property segment represent the Group's share of the Joina City building ($32,915,728), debenture investment ($1,751,977), tenant receivables ($252,360) and other assets ($34,419).
Six months ended 30 June 2013 | |||||||||
Investment property | TA Holdings | Telerix | iWayAfrica | Energy | Total Group | ||||
US$ | US$ | US$ | US$ | US$ | US$ | ||||
Rent and service charge income | 938,685 | - | - | - | - | 938,685 | |||
Property operating expenses | (847,113) | - | - | - | - | (847,113) | |||
Gain on bargain purchase | - | 103,578 | - | - | - | 103,578 | |||
Equity accounted earnings | - | 483,201 | - | 24,687 | - | 507,888 | |||
Segment profit/(loss) | 91,572 | 586,779 | - | 24,687 | - | 703,038 | |||
Other operating expenses | (1,804,958) | ||||||||
Administrative expenses | (289,012) | ||||||||
Finance costs | (63,563) | ||||||||
Finance income | 302,254 | ||||||||
Loss before tax from continuing operations | (1,152,241) | ||||||||
Share of loss of discontinued operation | (175,950) | ||||||||
Loss before tax | 1,328,191 | ||||||||
As at 30 June 2013
| |||||||||
Segment assets | 34,954,484 | 22,463,689 | - | 228,704 | - | 57,646,877 | |||
Central non-current assets | 7,664,879 | ||||||||
Central current assets | 1,773,892 | ||||||||
Non-current assets held for sale | 23,251,787 | ||||||||
Total assets | 90,337,435 | ||||||||
Segment liabilities | (7,728,870) | (7,728,870) | |||||||
Central current liabilities | (1,382,067) | ||||||||
Total liabilities | (9,110,937) | ||||||||
| |||||||||
Six months ended 30 June 2012 | |||||||||||||
Investment property | TA Holdings | Telerix | iWayAfrica | Energy | Total Group | ||||||||
US$ | US$ | US$ | US$ | US$ | US$ | ||||||||
Rent and service charge income | 721,825 | - | - | - | - | 721,825 | |||||||
Property operating expenses | (797,269) | - | - | - | - | (797,269) | |||||||
Gain on bargain purchase | - | 392,112 | - | - | - | 392,112 | |||||||
Equity accounted earnings | - | 57,118 | (1,433,178) | (12,762) | - | (1,388,822) | |||||||
Segment profit/(loss) | (75,444) | 449,230 | (1,433,178) | (12,762) | - | (1,072,154) | |||||||
Other operating expenses | (282,362) | ||||||||||||
Administrative expenses | (1,255,425) | ||||||||||||
Finance costs | (606,488) | ||||||||||||
Finance income | 489,316 | ||||||||||||
Loss before tax from continuing operations | (2,727,113) | ||||||||||||
Share of loss of discontinued operation | (1,498,897) | ||||||||||||
Loss before tax | (4,226,010) | ||||||||||||
As at 30 June 2012
| |||||||||||||
Segment assets | 34,505,068 | 21,270,588 | 1,969,691 | 204,315 | 22,399,433 | 80,349,095 | |||||||
Central non-current assets | 7,728,589 | ||||||||||||
Central current assets | 7,324,497 | ||||||||||||
Total assets | 95,402,181 | ||||||||||||
Segment liabilities | (8,224,164) | - | - | - | - | (8,224,164) | |||||||
Central current liabilities | (388,487) | ||||||||||||
Total liabilities | (8,612,651) | ||||||||||||
Geographical information
Investment property
The Joina City building is situated in Harare and therefore all revenues and assets are from Zimbabwe.
Telerix Communications (Private) Limited is situated in Harare and only offer services in Zimbabwe, therefore all revenues and assets are from Zimbabwe.
iWayAfrica Zimbabwe (Private) Limited is situated in Harare and only offer services in Zimbabwe, therefore all revenues and assets are from Zimbabwe.
Masawara Energy (Mauritius) Limited's significant assets that generate revenue are located in Zimbabwe through its wholly owned subsidiary, Zuva Petroleum (Private) Limited. Zuva Petroleum (Private) Limited imports and distributes petroleum products across Zimbabwe hence all revenues and assets of the energy segment have been deemed to be from Zimbabwe. During the period under review the Board decided to dispose of the energy segment. As at 30 June 2013, the sale transaction was not completed. For more details, refer to Note 14.
TA Holdings Limited
TA Holdings Limited has operations in Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa and Uganda. The Group's share of TA Holdings Limited's revenues and non-current assets is split as follows:
June 2013 | June 2012 | |
Unaudited | Unaudited | |
US$ | US$ | |
Revenues | ||
From Zimbabwe | 11,912,551 | 6,637,395 |
Outside Zimbabwe | 4,071,639 | 6,022,672 |
Total | 15,984,190 | 12,660,067 |
June 2013 | December 2012 | |
Unaudited | Audited | |
US$ | US$ | |
Total assets From Zimbabwe | 35,847,193 | 30,626,898 |
Outside Zimbabwe | 31,817,507 | 29,764,058 |
Total | 67,664,700 | 60,390,956 |
17 Related party disclosures
The financial statements include the financial statements of Masawara Plc, the subsidiaries, joint venture and associates. The related party relations have not changed from the previous reporting period, i.e. as at 31 December 2012.
The following table provides the total amount of transactions that have been entered into with related parties during the six months ended 30 June 2013 and 30 June 2012.
| Sales to | Purchases | Balance owed | Balance owed |
related | from related | to related | by related | |
parties | Parties | parties | parties | |
US$ | US$ | US$ | US$ | |
AON Zimbabwe (Private) Limited | ||||
2013 | - | 10,000 | - | - |
2012 | - | 10,000 | - | - |
New World Property Managers (Private) Limited | ||||
2013 | - | 192,823 | - | 215,161 |
2012 | - | 166,063 | - | 238,152 |
TA Holdings Limited | ||||
2013 | 4,411 | - | - | 51,854 |
2012 | 6,978 | - | - | 89,687 |
Cherryfield Investments (Private) Limited | ||||
2013 | - | - | 96,750 | - |
2012 | - | - | 22,483 | - |
Head Biz (Private) Limited | ||||
2013 | 21,978 | - | - | - |
2012 | 21,978 | - | - | 21,372 |
Axis Fiduciary Limited | ||||
2013 | - | - | - | - |
2012 | - | 21,799 | 18,193 | - |
Masawara Energy (Mauritius) Limited | ||||
2013 | 48,169 | - | 262,487 | 414,298 |
2012 | - | - | - | 2,701,622 |
Telerix Communications (Private) Limited | ||||
2013 | 30,558 | 14,400 | - | 582,078 |
2012 | 93,132 | 14,400 | - | 4,728,980 |
Turklane Investments (Private) Limited | ||||
2013 | 12,645 | - | - | 234,299 |
2012 | 11,790 | - | - | 208,286 |
Total 2013 | 117,761 | 217,223 | 359,237 | 1,497,690 |
Total 2012 | 133,878 | 206,982 | 40,676 | 7,988,099 |
Terms and conditions of transactions with related parties
The sales and purchases from related parties are made at terms equivalent to those that prevail in arm's length transactions. Outstanding balances as at 30 June 2013 are unsecured, interest free and settlement occurs in cash. There are no guarantees received or provided for any related party receivables or payables.
Amounts receivable from related parties also include debentures in Telerix Communications (Private) Limited and these have been included in financial assets on the statement of financial position. For more details refer to Notes 4.5 and Note 9.
As detailed per the 31 December 2012 annual report, credit risk from loans receivable from joint ventures and associates is managed by the Group Treasury Manager.
Directors' loans
There were no changes to the terms and conditions on directors' loans that existed as at the last reporting date.
Interest received | Amounts owed | |
US$ | US$ | |
June 2013 | 9,395 | 367,679 |
December 2012 | 15,746 | 257,881 |
Directors' remuneration
June 2013 | June 2012 | |
Unaudited | ||
US$ | US$
| |
Short-term employee benefits | 433,390 | 414,995 |
Directors' fees | 123,923 | 123,923 |
Medical benefits | 5,820 | 4,914 |
Total | 563,133 | 543,832 |
The amounts disclosed in the table are the amounts recognized as an expense during the reporting period.
Directors' interests in shares
As at 30 June 2013, S Mutasa owned 61,682,130 (2012: 61,682,130) shares in Masawara Plc, F Daniels owned 3,666,667 (June 2012: 3,666,667) shares in Masawara Plc, and J Vezey owned 82,836 shares in Plc (June 2012: nil). The other directors had no interests in the shares of the company (June 2012: nil).
18 Prior year adjustments
Prior year adjustments relates to correction errors identified in the TA Holdings Limited's "TA Holdings" 2012 investment in associates opening balance that had erroneously been understated by $2,925,713 (Masawara Plc share, $1,147,465). The understatement was as a result of overstated TA Holdings' share of profit of associates by $337,287 (Masawara Plc share, $132,470) and understated TA Holdings' share of surplus on revaluation of property plant and equipment of associates by $2,810,222 (Masawara Plc share, $1,102,169) in years 2009 and 2010 and also an understatement of TA Holdings' share of surplus on revaluation of property plant and equipment of associates by $452,778 in 2011 (Masawara Plc share $177,580).
19 Capital commitments
As highlighted in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012, the Telerix Communications (Private) Limited ("Telerix") shareholders provided letters of support pledging that they will, and are in a position to, at the request of Telerix, place sufficient funds up to a specified limit for Telerix to meet its obligations as and when they fall due during the next twelve months. Masawara Plc's share of the pledge to support Telerix was limited to $1.4 million and it was granted on 25 June 2013 for a twelve month period from the grant date. As at the date of signing off of these interim results, the Group had disbursed $582,000 of the pledged amount to Telerix.
20 Legal and compliance matters
On 5 October 2012, two former managers of Zuva Petroleum (Private) Limited ("Zuva"), an employee who is in the process of being retrenched and a former contract employee filed an application in the High Court of Zimbabwe against the Minister of Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment ("the Minister") and Masawara Zimbabwe (Private) Limited ("Masawara Zimbabwe") seeking a revocation of the approval that the Minister granted in February 2011 for the Masawara group to acquire the former BP and Shell assets.
Both the Minister and Masawara Zimbabwe opposed the application. In his opposing affidavit, the Minister, amongst other things, stated that he had no intention of revoking the approval. The matter was heard towards the end of June 2013 and judgment was reserved. The matter is therefore still pending, and the Directors of the Company believe that the court application has no merit and that it will be dismissed by the Court.
21 Events after the reporting period
Approval of the acquisition of Minerva Holdings (Private) Limited
On 21 August 2013, Masawara (Mauritius) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Masawara Plc, acquired a 100% shareholding in Minerva Holdings (Private) Limited which in turn owns 69.75% of Aon Zimbabwe (Private) Limited's issued share capital. The consideration for the acquisition will be based on the underlying earnings of Aon Zimbabwe (Private) Limited over the next three years, and will be capped to a maximum of $2.8 million. The consideration is payable over 3 years, with the first payment payable on 30 April 2014. The Group intends for Minerva Holdings (Private) Limited to ultimately only own a 45% share of Aon Zimbabwe (Private) Limited. Aon Zimbabwe (Private) Limited has operations in Pensions Consulting and Administration, Insurance Risk Advisory and Reinsurance Broking. Aon Zimbabwe (Private) Limited reported revenues of $4.2 million and a profit after tax of $1.2 million for the period ended 30 June 2013 (unaudited interim results).
Related Shares: