27th Aug 2010 07:00
Rotala plc
("Rotala" or 'the Company')
Unaudited Interim Results for the six months to 31 May 2010
·; Growth in Turnover of 16 per cent. to £22.5 million (2009: £18.3 million)
·; Profit before tax of £0.80 million (2009: £0.76 million)
·; Basic earnings per share of 2.44 pence (2009: 3.00 pence)
·; Net cash flows from operating activities of £1.20 million (2009: £1.0 million)
For further information please contact:
Rotala Plc |
John Gunn, Chairman |
020 7602 7500 |
Simon Dunn Chief Executive |
0121-322-2222/07825 808 525 |
Kim Taylor, Group Finance Director |
0121-322/2222/07825 808 529 |
Charles Stanley Securities - Nominated Advisor and Broker |
020 7149 6000 |
Mark Taylor |
Chairman's Statement
I am pleased to be able to present this interim report to shareholders in respect of the six month period ended 31 May 2010. The Company has continued to make good progress in the first half of the year ending 30 November 2010.
Revenue in 2010 was up by 23 per cent. to £22.5 million (2009: £18.3 million). This shows an impressive growth in the business of the Company and underpins our optimism about the ability to create a sizeable transport group in the areas in which we operate. This revenue growth, achieved in economically difficult times, is also testament to the investment we have made in new commercial routes and the winning of new contracts in the last year or more.
Gross profits rose by 12 per cent. to £4.71 million (2009: £4.21 million), though the gross profit margin was a little lower at 21 per cent. (2009: 23 per cent.) due to increased fuel prices, increased competition in Birmingham and Worcestershire and the investment made by the Group in new routes.
Administrative expenses rose by some 23 per cent. to £3.12 million (2009: £2.54 million) due to the Group establishing two new depots to service Bath and Worcester. These are investments for the long term and the up-front costs of establishing these depots will take time to show through into profits at our target rates of return.
Operating profit was £1.6 million (2009: £1.7 million). Finance costs decreased to £0.78 million (2009: £0.91 million) principally as a result of the reduction in the total of outstanding hire purchase obligations, as the vehicle fleet reaches a greater level of maturity. The total hire purchase debt as at 31 May 2010 was £13.0 million (2009: £15.4 million), despite an increase in the fleet of approximately 10%.
Profit before tax for the six months to 31 May 2010 increased by 5 per cent. to £805,000 (2009: £764,000). Basic earnings per share, reflecting the increased weighted average number of shares in issue in the period compared to the previous year, were 2.44 pence per share (2009: 3.00 pence).
It gives me great pleasure to note that, at the beginning of April 2010, the Company paid its maiden dividend, at a rate of 0.45 pence per share. The Company will pay an interim dividend of 0.30 pence per share on 6 December 2010 to all shareholders on the register on 10 September 2010. As the company matures I expect the dividend to be progressive and to increase as free cash flow grows.
Review of trading
The Group has continued to invest in the future of the business by opening new depots and new commercial routes, thus expanding our network. In many places these new services have been inserted in the gaps left by the actions of National Express Group Plc ("National Express") in optimising their own network. New commercial services always require a longer-term view, as it takes time to build customer awareness and patronage but we are confident that this is an appropriate strategy.
The Group has continued to modernise its fleet and in the first half of the year has changed some 20% of its vehicles. Partly this results from a desire to improve the passenger experience and comfort with a more modern fleet. In addition, investment in a newer fleet, despite the impact on the profit and loss account through increased depreciation and the initial costs of bringing new vehicles into service, will reduce ongoing maintenance charges.
In the period under review we saw further increases in the price of diesel. As I set out in the 2009 Annual Report, Rotala has not hedged against fuel price increases. In the six months under review we used approximately 4.8 million litres of diesel at an average price that was about 6p a litre more than we had budgeted for in that period. Whilst we were able to some extent to mitigate this increased cost with fare and contract price increases, the volatility of the fuel price did reduce our margins during the period.
At the same time our ability to increase fares to compensate for increased operating costs has been in certain areas inhibited by the activities of our competitors. Rotala is the number two operator and is now well-established on the routes it serves in Birmingham, the second largest bus market in the country. In Birmingham, National Express has been changing the mix of its fare revenues. On some major routes we compete head to head with National Express and we have either to match their fares or withdraw from these routes, as we have done in some cases. To some degree therefore these actions by National Express have restricted the margins we have been able to obtain on certain of our existing routes.
In Worcestershire, First Group Plc ("First") has reduced fares to extremely low levels on routes where Rotala competes directly, which has affected the Group's gross margin on these routes. Additionally, in Worcester, Rotala's access to the main bus station, which is controlled by First, has been restricted, which has prevented the Company expanding its network there.
New Contracts
It is pleasing to be able to report continuing success in achieving our target of sustained organic growth in the revenues of the Group through the addition of new contracts. In a separate announcement of today's date we have announced the award of a further £0.8 million in new contracts, making a total of £2.7 million for the year so far. The benefits of these recent contract wins will appear only in small part in the results for the second half of this year; the full impact will become visible in 2011.
New Banking Facilities
As part of our planning to sustain the expansion of the Group, the Royal Bank of Scotland ("RBS") has been appointed as Rotala's new clearing bankers. This move enabled us to discontinue the use of sales finance as a means of funding working capital and so reduce the effective rate of interest on these borrowings which were replaced by a £2.0 million conventional overdraft arrangement. At the same time all existing property mortgages, totalling £1.9 million, (at the time with three different lenders) have been consolidated and re-financed with RBS. Through their Lombard arm, RBS too is able to increase the amount of vehicle finance facilities available to the group. This addition, together with other existing vehicle finance providers, gives us unused facilities in excess of £2.5 million and thus underpins our plans for further growth in the Group's businesses.
I continue to believe that more opportunities will arise out of the need to improve public transport in the areas in which we operate and that the actions of our major competitors, in both the Birmingham area and Bristol, in trimming their operations and optimising their own performance, will provide us in the medium term with many attractive opportunities to expand our commercial services. With our inherently lower cost base we are well positioned to take on routes in our areas of operation which to the larger operators may seem marginal. I also believe that the focus of government on the reduction of pollution and congestion will provide further opportunity for growth in Rotala's private bus networks business.
In the shorter term it is harder to be certain of the financial impact of key factors which will affect the business. The Group remains without an effective hedge against fuel price increases and is therefore vulnerable to further price increases in diesel fuel, a significant cost to the business. Although the Group has been able to mitigate this increased cost with fare and contract price increases in some areas, as a result of increased competition in Birmingham and Worcestershire, a number of routes will operate at lower margins.
The government has stated that it is considering the future of the Bus Service Operator's Grant, which shields bus operators from the majority of the taxation placed on fuel. Any reduction in or withdrawal of this grant would have a major impact on the industry, which as a body has made its views known to the relevant minister. However, should the government take such action, it must be recognised that there would be a short term impact before fare and contract price increases could be fully implemented to mitigate the resulting increase in costs.
The market for new tenders in public and private spheres is still active. However local authorities are uncertain of the impact that the government's public expenditure review in October 2010 will have on their budgets and so currently have limited incentive to commit to new work. Similarly organisations in the private sector see every reason to feel the need for more certainty before they take any of their decisions. This uncertainty has undoubtedly delayed the award of new business during 2010. However, once the prevailing atmosphere of uncertainty has cleared, we anticipate the new business wins that we would otherwise have expected. Material contribution from any of these potential new contracts would therefore be deferred until 2011.
The Group continues to make progress, as witnessed by the continuing growth in its revenues. However the Board anticipates, due to the factors outlined above, a slowdown in the rate of growth of the company's business in the second half of this year and a reduction in margins which will inevitably restrict any significant growth in profitability in 2010. Corrective actions on contract prices and fare levels will take time to have effect and so will be of benefit only in the following year.
The Board is confident that Rotala has the opportunity to build a credible transport group and that the difficult factors of short term importance now will have been resolved by 2011. It therefore remains optimistic about the prospects of the Group in the medium term.
John Gunn
Non-Executive Chairman
27 August 2010
Condensed consolidated group income statement |
Notes |
Unaudited 6 months ended 31 May 2010 |
Unaudited 6 months ended 31 May 2009 |
Audited year ended 30 November 2009 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
Revenue |
22,512 |
18,332 |
40,561 |
Cost of sales |
(17,805) |
(14,121) |
(32,481) |
________ |
________ |
______ |
Gross profit |
4,707 |
4,211 |
8,080 |
Administrative expenses |
(3,118) |
(2,539) |
(4,774) |
_____ |
_____ |
_____ |
Operating profit |
1,589 |
1,672 |
3,306 |
Finance income |
- |
4 |
- |
Finance costs |
(784) |
(912) |
(1,778) |
_____ |
_____ |
_____ |
Profit before income tax |
805 |
764 |
1,528 |
Tax expense |
- |
- |
- |
_____ |
_____ |
_____ |
Profit for the period attributable to the equity holders of the parent |
805 |
764 |
1,528 |
===== |
===== |
===== |
Earnings per share - basic |
2 |
2.44p |
3.00p |
5.74p |
Earnings per share - diluted |
2 |
2.43p |
2.93p |
5.66p |
All operations are continuing and the profit for the periods is the same as the total comprehensive income for the periods.
Condensed consolidated statement of financial position |
Unaudited as at 31 May 2010 |
Unaudited as at 31 May 2009 |
Audited as at 30 November 2009 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
Assets |
Non-current assets |
Property, plant and equipment |
25,800 |
26,768 |
26,381 |
Goodwill and other intangible assets |
9,632 |
9,743 |
9,661 |
Deferred taxation |
23 |
23 |
23 |
_____ |
_____ |
_____ |
Total non-current assets |
35,455 |
36,534 |
36,065 |
Current assets |
Inventories |
801 |
768 |
603 |
Trade and other receivables |
7,260 |
4,596 |
5,647 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
202 |
398 |
1,927 |
_____ |
_____ |
_____ |
Total current assets |
8,263 |
5,762 |
8,177 |
_____ |
_____ |
_____ |
Total assets |
43,718 |
42,296 |
44,242 |
Liabilities |
Non-current liabilities |
Loans and borrowings |
(5,152) |
(6,257) |
(6,261) |
Obligations under hire purchase agreements |
(9,053) |
(11,937) |
(9,474) |
Provisions |
- |
(59) |
- |
______ |
______ |
______ |
Total non-current liabilities |
(14,205) |
(18,253) |
(15,735) |
Current liabilities |
Trade and other payables |
(5,504) |
(5,166) |
(4,750) |
Loans and borrowings |
(1,696) |
(828) |
(1,938) |
Obligations under hire purchase agreements |
(3,988) |
(3,454) |
(4,219) |
______ |
______ |
_____ |
Total current liabilities |
(11,188) |
(9,448) |
(10,907) |
______ |
______ |
______ |
Total liabilities |
(25,393) |
(27,701) |
(26,642) |
_____ |
_____ |
_____ |
Net assets |
18,325 |
14,595 |
17,600 |
====== |
====== |
===== |
Equity attributable to equity holders of parent |
Called up share capital |
8,265 |
6,761 |
8,238 |
Share premium reserve |
7,762 |
7,032 |
7,751 |
Merger reserve |
2,567 |
2,567 |
2,567 |
Warrant reserve |
370 |
370 |
370 |
Retained earnings |
(639) |
(2,135) |
(1,326) |
______ |
______ |
_____ |
Total equity |
18,325 |
14,595 |
17,600 |
===== |
===== |
==== |
Condensed consolidated cash flow statement |
Unaudited 6 months ended 31 May 2010 |
Unaudited 6 months ended 31 May 2009 |
Audited year ended 30 November 2009 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Profit for the period |
805 |
764 |
1,528 |
Finance costs -net |
784 |
909 |
1,778 |
Depreciation |
1,294 |
1,208 |
2,481 |
Amortisation |
30 |
60 |
142 |
Gains on sale of property, plant and equipment |
(200) |
(30) |
(254) |
Equity-settled share based payment expense |
30 |
40 |
84 |
____ |
____ |
____ |
Cash flows from operating activities before changes in working capital |
2,743 |
2,951 |
5,759 |
(Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables |
(1,613) |
438 |
(567) |
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables |
753 |
(1,590) |
(1,109) |
(Increase)/decrease in inventories |
(198) |
(75) |
91 |
Decrease in provisions |
- |
- |
(105) |
____ |
____ |
____ |
(1,058) |
(1,227) |
(1,690) |
____ |
____ |
____ |
Cash generated from operations |
1,685 |
1,724 |
4,069 |
Interest paid on hire purchase obligations and invoice discounting agreements |
(488) |
(681) |
(1,298) |
____ |
____ |
____ |
Net cash flows from operating activities |
1,197 |
1,043 |
2,771 |
Cash flows from investing activities |
Interest received |
- |
4 |
- |
Purchases of public service vehicles and other fixed assets |
(538) |
(724) |
(1,622) |
Sale of public service vehicles |
1,519 |
993 |
1,245 |
_____ |
_____ |
_____ |
Net cash flows from/(used in) investing activities |
981 |
273 |
(377) |
Condensed consolidated cash flow statement |
Unaudited 6 months ended 31 May 2010 |
Unaudited 6 months ended 31 May 2009 |
Audited year ended 30 November 2009 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
Condensed cash flow from financing activities |
Issue of ordinary shares |
38 |
2,331 |
3,825 |
Loan stock and bank loan interest paid |
(236) |
(173) |
(355) |
Dividends paid |
(148) |
- |
- |
Proceeds of mortgages and other loans |
- |
650 |
1,650 |
Proceeds of hire purchase refinancing agreements |
933 |
- |
- |
Other loans and loan notes repaid |
(1,000) |
(1,415) |
(1,415) |
Bank loan repaid |
(76) |
(21) |
(486) |
Capital element of lease payments and settlements |
(3,080) |
(2,698) |
(4,408) |
_____ |
_____ |
____ |
Net cash used in financing activities |
(3,569) |
(1,326) |
(1,189) |
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents |
(1,391) |
(10) |
1,205 |
Cash and cash equivalents at start of period |
1,148 |
(57) |
(57) |
_____ |
_____ |
_____ |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period |
(243) |
(67) |
1,148 |
====== |
===== |
==== |
Condensed consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity |
Called up share capital |
Share premium account |
Merger reserve |
Warrant reserve |
Retained earnings |
Total |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
At 1 December 2008 |
5,254 |
6,208 |
2,567 |
370 |
(2,938) |
11,461 |
Total comprehensive income for the period ended 31 May 2009 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
764 |
764 |
Transactions with owners: |
Share based payment adjustment |
- |
- |
- |
- |
39 |
39 |
Issue of share capital |
1,507 |
904 |
- |
- |
- |
2,411 |
Costs of issue of share capital |
- |
(80) |
- |
- |
- |
(80) |
____ |
____ |
___ |
__ |
_____ |
_____ |
At 31 May 2009 |
6,761 |
7,032 |
2,567 |
370 |
(2,135) |
14,595 |
Total comprehensive income for the period ended 30 November 2009 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
764 |
764 |
Transactions with owners: |
Share based payment adjustment |
- |
- |
- |
- |
45 |
45 |
Issue of share capital |
1,477 |
865 |
- |
- |
- |
2,342 |
Costs of issue of share capital |
- |
(146) |
- |
- |
- |
(146) |
____ |
____ |
____ |
___ |
_____ |
_____ |
At 30 November 2009 |
8,238 |
7,751 |
2,567 |
370 |
(1,326) |
17,600 |
Total comprehensive income for the period ended 31 May 2010 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
805 |
805 |
Transactions with owners: |
Share based payment adjustment |
- |
- |
- |
- |
30 |
30 |
Issue of share capital |
27 |
11 |
- |
- |
- |
38 |
Dividends paid |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(148) |
(148) |
____ |
____ |
____ |
___ |
_____ |
_____ |
At 31 May 2010 |
8,265 |
7,762 |
2,567 |
370 |
(639) |
18,325 |
==== |
==== |
==== |
== |
===== |
===== |
Notes to the unaudited Consolidated Interim Accounts for the six months ended 31 May 2010
1. Basis of preparation:
The consolidated interim accounts have been prepared using the accounting policies set out in the Group's 2009 statutory accounts. The financial statements of the group for the full year are prepared in accordance with IFRS's as adopted by the European Union and these interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting".
2. Earnings per share:
Basic earnings per share have been calculated on the basis of profit after taxation and the weighted average number of shares in issue for the period of 32,965,330 (May 2009: 25,476,181; November 2009: 26,610,256). Diluted earnings per share have been calculated on the basis of profit after taxation (adjusted where necessary for the effect of convertible loan stock interest) and the weighted average number of shares in issue (including such potential issues as are dilutive) for the period of 33,171,807 (May 2009: 32,412,510; November 2009: 33,562,652).
3. Dividends:
On 1 April 2010, the Company paid its maiden dividend, as an interim dividend in respect of the year ending 30 November 2010. This dividend totaled £148,000, paid at a rate of 0.45 pence per share.
4. Additional information :
The unaudited Consolidated Interim Report was approved by the Board of Directors on 24 August 2010. The consolidated interim financial information for the six months ended 31 May 2010 and for the six months ended 31 May 2009 is unaudited. The financial information in this interim announcement does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The statutory accounts of Rotala plc for the year ended 30 November 2009 have been reported on by the Company's auditors and have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors on these accounts was unqualified, did not include references to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) - (3) of the Companies Act 2006.
5. Copies of this statement are available from the registered office of the company at Beacon House, Long Acre, Birmingham, B7 5JJ or the Company's website www.rotalaplc.co.uk
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