5th Dec 2017 07:00
5 December 2017
WYG plc ("WYG" or the "Group")
Half Year Report
WYG, the global project management and technical consultancy, announces its half year results for the six months ended 30 September 2017.
Key points:
· Revenue* up 3.8% to £76.2m (H1 2016: £73.5m)
· Adjusted operating profit before tax** £1.0m (H1 2016: £2.8m)
· Loss before tax £2.8m (H1 2016: profit of £0.8m) after provision of £2.45m for legacy contract claims from discontinued businesses
· Adjusted** earnings per share 1.0p (H1 2016: 3.7p)
· Interim dividend maintained at 0.6p per Ordinary Share (H1 2016: 0.6p)
· Net debt as at 30 September 2017 £10.1m (2016: £4.9m) - expected to reduce to c.£6.0m to £7.0m by year end
*Including share of Joint Venture revenues
**Before separately disclosed items
· Consultancy Services profitable despite contract delays and lower volumes
· International Development increased both revenue and underlying profit contribution
· Established new international holding company in Netherlands to underpin ability to bid, win and deliver EU work
· Order book increased by 17% to £170.0m at 30 September 2017 (31 March 2017: £145.0m) with over £50.0m to be delivered by the end of the current financial year:
o Consultancy Services has continued to grow, closing at £95.6m: up 11.4% from 31 March 2017 (31 March 2017: £85.8m)
o International Development's order book stood at £74.1m, up 25% (31 March 2017: £59.2m)
· Renewed and extended bank facility with HSBC
· Marcia Marini appointed as a non-executive director
· Continued to invest in IT, business infrastructure, London presence and capabilities to support future growth
· International Development business performing broadly in line with expectations
· Lower than anticipated trading volumes in Consultancy Services
· FY18 guidance lowered on 24 November
· Underlying business robust, expect to return to a growth trajectory in the medium term
Douglas McCormick, Chief Executive Officer of WYG, said:
"Although this is a disappointing set of results, reflecting the issues we highlighted in August and November 2017, there are positives. We continue to anticipate a stronger second half, consistent with our historical seasonal trading pattern and our guidance in November. We remain confident that the underlying business is robust and that, supported by a strong order book, we are taking the correct steps to return to a growth trajectory. Importantly, revenue is up on the comparative period and we are seeing major projects in both our principal business streams start to mobilise, albeit some months later than originally expected.
"My first six months at WYG have been very busy. We have been operationalising the commercial strategy announced in June 2017; extended our bank facility with HSBC; and completed a significant step to improve WYG's position in the light of the potential impact of Brexit.
"Having met a number of major clients, visited almost all our offices and spoken with several hundred of our highly-skilled staff, I am reassured that WYG is a fundamentally sound business and that we have a strong platform from which to grow in the medium term."
For further information, please contact:
WYG plc Douglas McCormick, Chief Executive Officer Iain Clarkson, Chief Financial Officer
| Tel: +44 (0) 113 278 7111 |
MHP Communications Katie Hunt / Ollie Hoare / Pete Lambie
| Tel: +44 (0) 203 128 8100 |
N+1 Singer Sandy Fraser / Rachel Hayes
| Tel: +44 (0) 207 496 3000 |
WH Ireland Limited Tim Feather Ed Allsopp
| Tel: +44 (0) 207 220 1666 +44 (0) 113 394 6611 +44 (0) 117 945 3470 |
Revenue for the half year ended 30 September 2017, at £76.2m is up 3.8% on the comparative period although, as expected, profit before tax (before separately disclosed items) has reduced significantly to £1.0m and net debt has increased to £10.1m. Despite this, the Group's order book, our key lead indicator, has increased to its highest level in recent years at £170.0m as at 30 September 2017, up 17% since 31 March 2017.
Overall, we have seen increased activity in almost all areas of our Consultancy Services business albeit at lower levels and margins than we expected at the beginning of the year. Our International Development business showed good growth. Consistent with previous years, we expect an overall improvement in the second half.
Commercial Strategy
We are making progress implementing the Group's strategic growth plan (announced in June 2017) which includes bringing together those parts of our business, both in the UK and internationally, which operate in related technical services fields under the Consultancy Services business stream. Our International Development business stream focuses on projects where we work in collaboration with governments and donor agencies to promote socio-economic stability and trade development to unlock the potential for sustainable development among local communities.
In support of our ambition to act as a trusted adviser to clients and provide them with a broader set of management consultancy services, we have also created a Strategic Advisory business stream to provide high-level advisory services to help clients create value, manage risk and make critical investment decisions.
Operationally, we continue to drive efficiencies in our office portfolio and to make the most of technology to improve the quality of delivery and we have recently initiated a programme to achieve a greater standardisation of business processes throughout the Group.
We have also taken a significant step to ensure that our business model remains appropriate and resilient by creating a new intermediate holding and management company in the Netherlands to ensure that we remain eligible under the relevant EU regulations to bid for, secure and deliver work funded from the EU Budget or EU Development Funds. We have achieved this by undertaking a merger of WYG International Limited with a newly created company registered in the Netherlands, in accordance with the UK Companies (Cross-Border Mergers) Regulations 2007 and the relevant provisions of the Dutch Civil Code. The merger became effective on 1 December 2017.
Business Review
Although our Consultancy Services business has seen growth in almost all its main markets, it has been at lower levels than we expected at the beginning of the year. Significantly lower than anticipated volumes of work under major framework contracts, combined with the loss or delay of certain new contracts we had previously expected to win in the current period, led the Board to announce on 24 November 2017 that it is taking a more cautious view of trading performance for the remainder of the financial year. That guidance took account of the following which have impacted Consultancy Services:
· the Planning and Transport Planning businesses have performed in line with expectations in the North and Midlands regions, but have been adversely affected in the South by the intense competition for senior talent;
· the real estate consultancy which we acquired in October 2015, has been severely impacted by developments in Cumbria where the business has its core operation. The decision by the lead developer to defer investment in the proposed new nuclear power plant at Moorside has had severe knock on effects on many businesses considering investment in the region, including Britain's Energy Coast, a major client that specialises in owning, developing and regenerating property in the region;
· a review of current major contracts in the Consultancy Services business has concluded that a small number of engineering projects are likely to deliver lower profitability than previously forecast; and
· having completed most of the restructuring necessary in Poland, the business has now started to recover and show better profitability from its reduced cost base. Nevertheless, our Polish business has reported continuing softness in its markets and, although results are now improving, it appears unlikely to achieve its targets for the year.
After a slower than expected start, our International Development business is now performing in line with expectations - indeed, in the last two months it has started to catch up some of the ground lost when two major frameworks we expected to mobilise during the early part of the financial year were delayed. Work on both these programmes is now progressing well.
In Turkey, we have made the most of the opportunities won last year and which are scheduled to finish shortly, delivering a strong first half. Apart from some delays in obtaining final sign off and payment on long term programmes, and the inevitable pause before programmes are tendered under the new funding cycle, we are seeing only a limited impact from the local political situation.
Gross revenue (including our share of Joint Venture revenues) was up £2.7m to £76.2m (H1 2016: £73.5m). Lower than anticipated volumes on certain frameworks in both Consultancy Services and International Development in the first few months of the year significantly impacted revenue although activity on these frameworks is now starting to flow through.
Adjusted operating profit (before separately disclosed items) was £1.0m (H1 2016: £2.8m) representing a decreased operating margin (before separately disclosed items) of 1.3% (2016: 3.8%). This was primarily a consequence of maintaining an increased capacity in certain parts of the business in anticipation of work that has now materialised, albeit slowly or at lower levels than we expected, coupled with the negative impacts of the operational factors outlined above. We remain focussed on maintaining a balance between managing our cost base and ensuring that we retain key people and the resources and capabilities to deliver and win quality work.
On a statutory basis, the Group made a loss before tax (after separately disclosed items) of £2.8m (H1 2016: profit of £0.8m) on pre-joint-venture revenues of £75.5m (H1 2016: £72.9m). The statutory loss reflects an increase of £2.45m in our provision for contract claims. Although we have had considerable success in reducing the number and value of outstanding liabilities from legacy businesses over the past few years, in the light of certain contract claims issues from discontinued businesses, we have decided that it would be prudent to increase this provision, which is reported within separately disclosed items.
Earnings per share adjusted to exclude separately disclosed items were 1.0p (H1 2016: 3.7p).
The Group closed the period with net debt of £10.1m (H1 2016: £4.9m) reflecting increased working capital requirements driven by the increase in revenue, deferred consideration payments on acquisitions and planned spending on legacy items. Cashflow has also been significantly impacted by the build up of working capital in Turkey as we complete a number of projects under the current IPA I funding cycle. We expect significant cash receipts from our business in Turkey by the calendar year end.
Operating cashflow showed an outflow of £6.0m (H1 2016: £2.6m). We continue to maintain our focus on cash generation and the effective management of working capital and expect net debt to reduce, reflecting the usual improvement in the second half.
Bank facility
In September, in anticipation of the continuing growth of the business, we extended our committed multi-currency revolving credit facility with HSBC from £25m to £35m. The facility, which means we have sufficient headroom and margin within our covenants, offers the Group broad flexibility between debt and bonding requirements and now runs until September 2022.
People and Awards
We recognise that the quality and dedication of our employees is essential to our success and it is pleasing to see this recognised in a number of awards and commendations made during the period.
We are also very pleased to have recently made several important senior new appointments who we expect to make significant contributions to winning and delivering new business to the benefit of future years.
Total headcount as at 30 September 2017 decreased to 1,520 (31 March 2017: 1,568) reflecting the intense competition for talented staff particularly in our Planning and Transport Planning businesses.
As a consequence, we have further strengthened our internal recruitment capability and are seeing material cost benefits from directly sourcing more than 80% of new recruits at all levels of the business. We continue to pay close attention to our remuneration and reward structures and to work at employee retention and engagement.
The Board remains confident in the Group's medium term prospects and, after careful consideration, confirms that it intends to pay an unchanged interim dividend of 0.6p per ordinary share (30 September 2016: 0.6p). The interim dividend will be paid on 4 April 2018 to shareholders on the register on 2 March 2018 and WYG shares will trade ex-dividend on 1 March 2018.
Board changes
As previously announced, on 12 June 2017 Douglas McCormick took up the appointment of Chief Executive Officer and, on 21 September 2017, I succeeded Mike McTighe as Chairman of the Board. Neil Masom has agreed to be the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director.
We are also pleased to announce that Marcia Marini has been appointed to the Board as a Non-Executive Director with effect from 1 January 2018.
Marcia has 25 years' experience in senior roles in a wide range of businesses and sectors with private and not-for profit entities, and strong management consultancy experience which will be valuable as we develop our Strategic Advisory offering. Marcia has a wealth of experience of working with Government agencies, particularly in the UK. She is a Non-Executive Director on the Board of Social Development Direct Limited - a global provider of inclusion and gender equality services. Earlier in her career, Marcia undertook consultancy for the World Health Organisation and other international agencies throughout the developing world and particularly in Latin America. From 1996, she managed and led the growth and sale of HLSP Consulting Limited - a consultancy, programme management and policy advice firm operating in the international development arena. Between 2003 and 2008, she was Managing Director of Mott Macdonald's Health Unit, an Executive Director of their Education Unit and, for a time, a member of their Risk Management Committee.
Marcia is the founder of Ancora Consulting Limited, a management consultancy firm and, as a senior organisational development and change management professional, Marcia now consults with many small, medium and large corporations.
This is a disappointing set of results reflecting the issues we highlighted in August and November 2017. However, we continue to anticipate a stronger second half, consistent with our guidance in November. Furthermore, we remain confident that the underlying business is robust and that, supported by a strong order book, we are taking the correct steps to return to growth in profitability. Crucially we are seeing major projects in both divisions start to mobilise albeit some months later than originally expected.
We expect a significant improvement in Consultancy Services - primarily in Infrastructure & Built Environment and Asset & Project Management driven in part by the large work packages coming through on the DIO's Principal Support Provider and Regional Commissioning Model and other frameworks. Internationally, we also expect a significantly improved performance although the balance of activity will change as, in Turkey, we expect a lull around the calendar year-end during the transition between the first and second phases of the IPA funding programmes, while the major projects we are delivering in Southern Africa and in the Western Balkans are ramping up.
The scale of the opportunity in all our target markets continues to give us confidence for the future and we have a strong and improving order book as evidence of our ability to win good quality work. We have taken steps to address the concerns we have highlighted and, in particular, we have ensured that we can continue to bid, win and deliver EU work regardless of the progress of negotiations on Brexit.
Despite a weaker first half than originally expected, WYG has a sound operational platform from which to deliver the increase in contracted work due during the second half. Accordingly, we expect a full year performance which is in line with recently revised market expectations while continuing to invest in the business to support future growth.
Jeremy Beeton
5 December 2017
Operationally, the Group is structured, and reports, as two principal business streams: Consultancy Services and International Development. For the time being, the Strategic Advisory business stream continues to be reported within Consultancy Services.
Consultancy Services (74.7% of Group Revenue)
The Consultancy Services business stream revenue was broadly static at £56.9m (H1 2016: £57.3m) with an operating profit before separately disclosed items and central overheads of £1.6m (H1 2016: £4.1m).
WYG Consultancy Services provides expertise in a broad range of services in property, assets and infrastructure, which makes us well positioned to take advantage of growing opportunities in our markets. We operate in three divisions: Planning & Advisory Services, Asset & Project Management and Infrastructure & Built Environment.
We are the UK's third largest planning consultancy. This year, the UK's focus on residential construction is leading to an increase in our residential sector work, including an increasing number of proposals for greenbelt development. We are also increasing our activity in the retail and hotel sectors, while working across the UK to build projects that use the combination of our national coverage and local expertise.
In Infrastructure, we see growing opportunities in Highways and Rail (including HS2). In Highways, the allocation of vehicle excise duty funding towards highways should boost investment in much needed backlog projects. Highways England has also confirmed that it is looking to bring forward around 30 applications for major road projects between now and 2020. In Rail, we have secured new projects in station support and environmental planning in the UK, as well as major new projects in Poland.
In Defence, securing our position as the sole contractor on two of the three regions under the Defence Infrastructure Organisation's Regional Commissioning Model (RCM), has led to increased assignments across the business, especially in Architecture, Quantity Surveying, and Major Projects. Other major wins from DIO are also supporting growth in this area.
Our ability to deliver Major Projects continues to be a strength. We have several new wins and we are tracking several large new developments for which we are well positioned. We continue to grow our asset management capability through digitisation of our core service offering, generating efficiencies and competitive edge in our service delivery. Additional service streams are growing in BIM (Building Information Modelling), VR (Virtual Reality) and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) consultancy.
In energy, low carbon generation and balancing infrastructure continue to be a focus for us. The increasing economic viability of wind has led to new work in planning and site support. We also have a strong nuclear capacity and although uncertainty remains in the UK new build sector, we expect nuclear to be an important part of the energy supply chain in the coming years. We have a 30-year presence in nuclear in West Cumbria, and have been appointed for new CDM (Construction Design & Management) and acoustic requirements with EDF at Hinckley C, while being well placed for the expected Moorside project. Within Decommissioning, we have new appointments at Winfrith on the Steam Generating Heavy Water Reactor and a framework appointment at Dounreay for Asbestos management consultancy. We have been shortlisted for a Nuclear Decommissioning Agency Innovation Award with our partners JFNL for the first use of UAV (drone) technology in controlled areas of Sellafield. The findings are estimated to have brought up to £750k of potential savings to the stack demolition project.
In environment, we expect continued growth. Residential and mixed use development remain major components of our environmental work, where we bring strong sustainability principles to inform master planning and design. Infrastructure, in particular highways, rail and flood defence, continue to be key drivers for us across many of our environmental skill areas as does land regeneration, particularly through our framework with National Grid.
Regionally, we are well positioned for growth in our work in Northern Ireland. A works contract estimated at £100m+ on the Strule Shared Education Campus in Northern Ireland plays to both our regional and sector strengths. Similarly, two large hospital projects in Northern Ireland are expected, one in the next few months and another next year. Our Poland technical team is seeing stronger performance on the back of recent Rail wins, and we maintain latent capacity on our nuclear new build contract.
As at 30 September 2017, the Consultancy Services business's order book stood at £95.6m (31 March 2017: £85.8).
International Development (IDB) (25.3% of Group Revenue)
The International Development business generated a 19.5% increase in revenue to £19.3m (H1 2016: £16.1m) with an operating profit before separately disclosed items and central overheads of £1.3m (H1 2016: £0.9m).
We generate most of our revenue from socio-economic, technical and engineering programmes, the majority of which are funded under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) - a component of the EU's Multi-annual Financial Framework 2014-2020. We operate through two divisions: Socio-economic and Technical, on a sectoral basis focusing primarily on:
· Public Financial Management (PFM) & Governance
· Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning
· Human Resources
· Climate Change & Adaption
· Infrastructure & Advisory Services
Our Socio-economic Division maintained its leading position in Turkey delivering a wide variety of programmes designed to increase employment and employability, promote social inclusion and improve business and ethical standards.
Our Infrastructure team also continued to lead the market in the water & waste water sector in Turkey, where we are delivering five major projects. We have also started work on our first major project in the Turkish transport sector, "Turkey's National Transport Masterplan".
We continue to make good progress with our efforts to diversify in technical services and pursue eligible opportunities with a range of public and private sector organisations in relation to: soft environment (i.e. climate change, agro-environment, environmental impact assessment, eco labelling), transport (i.e. road safety, capacity building for ministry of transport, accessibility of passenger transport services), energy (renewables, energy efficiency) and in other sectors in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and the rest of the region.
As external dynamics are prone to rapid and unpredictable change we are ready to pursue opportunities as they arise whilst continuing to deliver our longstanding, flagship programmes of work. One of these is the Sustainable Agriculture Intensification Research and Learning in Africa (SAIRLA) programme which is being jointly managed by WYG alongside the Natural Resources Institute at the University of Greenwich. SAIRLA is a five-year, £8 million programme that seeks to generate new evidence and design tools to enable governments, investors and others to deliver more effective policies and investments in sustainable agricultural intensification that strengthen the capacity of poorer farmers, especially women and youth, to access and benefit from SAI.
In Southern Africa, we continue to work on the Climate Resilient Infrastructure Facility (CRIDF), a major donor funded programme to improve the sustainable, equitable use of Southern Africa's transboundary water resources.
Having benefitted from the results of a very busy business development period in the previous financial year, we continue to expand the forward order book. At 30 September 2017, the International Development business's order book stood at £74.1m (31 March 2017: £59.2m.)
Strategic Advisory
Our Strategic Advisory business is an innovative part of our business and aims to connect the Group into new and important client relationships. The business takes a proactive, management consultancy approach to help clients create value, manage risk and make investment decisions.
We have made London a priority in changing our network, influence and profile. Our new office in the City provides us with more direct access to decision makers which we expect to help us win clients, secure high value work and export opportunity throughout the business.
We have secured a number of high profile Delivery Partner roles with UK Government departments, expanding our Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) Principal Support Provider (PSP) contract into the Regional Commissioning Model and achieving successes in response to the one HMG Overseas strategy with the PSP Overseas Framework which provides the FCO, DfID, MoD and other Government departments support for HMG international interests.
We are expanding our existing land and property consultancy with a focus on rural, commercial and residential sectors and connecting it to our due diligence teams to consolidate existing services for the London private sector and international real estate. This broader set of property services also links the Defence Estate Optimisation Programme for land disposal for residential development with the Homes and Communities Agency.
We are pleased with our success to date but even more positive for the future with the excellent new people already creating value and opportunity.
Unaudited consolidated income statement
For the six months ended 30 September 2017
| Six months ended 30 September 2017
| Six months ended 30 September 2016
| Year ended 31 March 2017 Audited
| Notes | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Continuing operations |
Revenue including share of joint venture revenues |
| 76,231 | 73,456 | 151,824 |
Less share of joint venture revenues |
| (755) | (513) | (1,284) |
Revenue | 5 | 75,476 | 72,943 | 150,540 |
Operating expenses |
| (78,012) | (72,037) | (148,585) |
Share of result of joint ventures |
| 40 | 72 | 198 |
Operating (loss)/profit* |
| (2,496) | 978 | 2,153 |
Finance costs | 6 | (283) | (220) | (554) |
(Loss)/profit before tax |
| (2,779) | 758 | 1,599 |
Tax | 7 | - | - | 779 |
(Loss)/profit for the period |
| (2,779) | 758 | 2,378 |
(Loss)/profit attributable to the owners of the parent |
| (2,779) | 758 | 2,378 |
(Loss)/earnings per share | 8 |
Basic |
| (3.8p) | 1.1p | 3.3p |
Diluted |
| (3.8p) | 1.0p | 3.3p |
* Operating profit includes a number of items that are separately disclosed in note 4.
The accompanying notes to the Half Year Report are an integral part of this consolidated income statement.
Unaudited consolidated statement of comprehensive income
For the six months ended 30 September 2017
| Six months ended 30 September 2017
| Six months ended 30 September 2016
| Year to 31 March 2017
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
(Loss)/profit for the period |
| (2,779) | 758 | 2,378 |
Other comprehensive income: |
Currency translation differences |
| 435 | 962 | 1,110 |
Other comprehensive income for the period |
| 435 | 962 | 1,110 |
Total comprehensive (expense)/income for the period |
| (2,344) | 1,720 | 3,488 |
Total comprehensive (expense)/income attributable to the owners of the parent |
| (2,344) | 1,720 | 3,488 |
Unaudited consolidated balance sheet
As at 30 September 2017
| As at 30 September 2017
| As at 30 September 2016
| As at 31 March 2017
| Notes | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Non-current assets |
Goodwill |
| 18,193 | 18,193 | 18,193 |
Other intangible assets | 10 | 6,491 | 8,312 | 7,325 |
Property, plant and equipment | 10 | 3,756 | 3,505 | 3,180 |
Investments in Joint Ventures |
| 553 | 518 | 603 |
Deferred tax assets |
| 1,293 | 1,288 | 1,246 |
| 30,286 | 31,816 | 30,547 |
Current assets |
Work in progress |
| 36,950 | 31,916 | 29,986 |
Trade and other receivables |
| 26,656 | 28,796 | 30,323 |
Tax recoverable |
| 125 | 300 | 370 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
| 5,944 | 7,613 | 6,518 |
| 69,675 | 68,625 | 67,197 |
Current liabilities |
Trade and other payables |
| (46,465) | (46,882) | (49,608) |
Current tax liabilities |
| (304) | (1,613) | (235) |
Financial liabilities | 11 | (11,000) | (7,500) | (4,000) |
| (57,769) | (55,995) | (53,843) |
Net current assets |
| 11,906 | 12,630 | 13,354 |
Non-current liabilities |
Financial liabilities | 11 | (5,000) | (5,000) | (5,000) |
Retirement benefit obligation |
| (1,983) | (2,225) | (2,115) |
Deferred tax liabilities |
| (1,980) | (2,282) | (2,035) |
Provisions, liabilities and other charges |
| (5,127) | (5,204) | (3,177) |
| (14,090) | (14,711) | (12,327) |
Net assets |
| 28,102 | 29,735 | 31,574 |
Equity attributable to the owners of the parent |
Share capital |
| 78 | 73 | 75 |
Hedging and translation reserve |
| 1,930 | 1,347 | 1,495 |
Retained earnings |
| 26,094 | 28,315 | 30,004 |
Total equity |
| 28,102 | 29,735 | 31,574 |
Unaudited consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity
For the six months ended 30 September 2016
| Share capital | Hedging and translation reserve |
Retained earnings | Total |
Non-controlling interest |
Total equity |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Balance as at 1 April 2016 | 73 | 385 | 27,791 | 28,249 | 32 | 28,281 |
Profit for the period | - | - | 758 | 758 | - | 758 |
Other comprehensive income: |
Currency translation differences | - | 962 | - | 962 | - | 962 |
Other comprehensive income for the period | - | 962 | - | 962 |
- |
962 |
Total comprehensive income for the period | - | 962 | 758 | 1,720 | - | 1,720 |
Share based payments | - | - | 418 | 418 | - | 418 |
Dividend payable | - | - | (684) | (684) | - | (684) |
Reduction in minority shareholding | - | - | 32 | 32 | (32) | - |
Balance at 30 September 2016 | 73 | 1,347 | 28,315 | 29,735 | - | 29,735 |
For the six months ended 31 March 2017
| Share capital | Hedging and translation reserve | Retained earnings | Total equity |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Balance as at 1 October 2016 | 73 | 1,347 | 28,315 | 29,735 |
Profit for the period | - | - | 1,620 | 1,620 |
Other comprehensive income: |
Currency translation differences | - | 148 | - | 148 |
Other comprehensive income for the period | - | 148 | - | 148 |
Total comprehensive income for the period | - | 148 | 1,620 | 1,768 |
Share based payments | - | - | 488 | 488 |
Share issue | 2 | - | - | 2 |
Dividends | - | - | (419) | (419) |
Balance at 31 March 2017 | 75 | 1,495 | 30,004 | 31,574 |
Unaudited consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity (continued)
For the six months ended 30 September 2017
| Share capital | Hedging and translation reserve | Retained earnings | Total |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Balance at 1 April 2017 | 75 | 1,495 | 30,004 | 31,574 |
Loss for the period | - | - | (2,779) | (2,779) |
Other comprehensive income: |
Currency translation differences | - | 435 | - | 435 |
Other comprehensive income for the period | - | 435 | - | 435 |
Total comprehensive income/(expense) for the period | - | 435 | (2,779) | (2,344) |
Issue of shares | 3 | - | - | 3 |
Share based payments | - | - | (280) | (280) |
Dividends | - | - | (851) | (851) |
Balance at 30 September 2017 | 78 | 1,930 | 26,094 | 28,102 |
Unaudited consolidated cash flow statement
For the six months ended 30 September 2017
| Six months ended 30 September 2017
Six months ended 30 September 2016
| Year ended 31 March 2017
| Note | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Operating activities |
Cash (used in)/ generated from operations | 13 | (5,727) | (1,981) | 3,380 |
Interest paid |
| (184) | (199) | (554) |
Tax paid |
| (48) | (463) | (944) |
Net (cash used)/generated from in operating activities |
| (5,959) | (2,643) | 1,882 |
Investing activities |
Purchases of property, plant and equipment |
| (1,226) | (1,157) | (1,654) |
Purchases of intangible assets (computer software) |
| (49) | (197) | (260) |
Purchase of businesses (net of cash acquired) |
| (28) | (723) | (2,276) |
Net cash used in investing activities |
| (1,303) | (2,077) | (4,190) |
Financing activities |
Issue of shares |
| 3 | - | - |
Purchase of treasury shares |
| (33) | - | - |
Drawdown of loan |
| 7,000 | 4,500 | 1,000 |
Dividends paid to company shareholders |
| (419) | (684) | (684) |
Net generated from financing activities |
| 6,551 | 3,816 | 316 |
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents |
| (711) | (904) | (1,992) |
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period |
| 6,518 | 8,231 | 8,231 |
Effects of foreign exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents |
| 137 | 286 | 279 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period |
| 5,944 | 7,613 | 6,518 |
1. Company details
WYG plc is incorporated in the United Kingdom under the Companies Act and is registered in England & Wales with registered number 1869543. The address of its registered office is Arndale Court, Otley Road, Headingley, Leeds LS6 2UJ. The Company's ordinary shares are traded on AIM, a market operated by the London Stock Exchange plc.
The principal activity of the Group in the period under review was that of international multi-skilled consultant. The Group's revenue derives mainly from activities in the UK, Eastern Europe and Middle East & North Africa.
2. Basis of preparation
This condensed consolidated interim financial information for the six months ended 30 September 2017 should be read in conjunction with the financial statements for the period ended 31 March 2017, which are available on the Company's website at www.wyg.com, and have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. While the financial figures included in this half-yearly report have been computed in accordance with IFRSs are applicable to interim periods, this half-yearly report does not contain sufficient information to constitute an interim financial report as that term is defined in IAS 34.
This condensed consolidated interim financial information was approved for issue on 5 December 2017.
This condensed consolidated interim financial information does not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2017 were approved by the Board of Directors on 6 June 2017 and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditor on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any statement under Section 498 of the Companies Act 2006.
The condensed consolidated interim financial information has neither been reviewed nor audited.
3. Accounting policies
The accounting policies applied are consistent with those of the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2017, as described in those annual financial statements.
Taxes on income in the interim periods are accrued using the tax rate that would be applicable to expected annual earnings.
4. Detailed consolidated income statement
| Revenue including share of joint venture revenues | Operating profit |
Profit before tax |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Six months ending 30 September 2017 |
Before separately disclosed items | 76,231 | 1,018 | 735 |
Separately disclosed items | - | (3,514) | (3,514) |
Total | 76,231 | (2,496) | (2,779) |
Six months ending 30 September 2016 |
Before separately disclosed items | 73,456 | 2,820 | 2,600 |
Separately disclosed items | - | (1,842) | (1,842) |
Total | 73,456 | 978 | 758 |
Year ending 31 March 2017 |
Before separately disclosed items | 151,824 | 8,768 | 8,214 |
Separately disclosed items | - | (6,615) | (6,615) |
Total | 151,824 | 2,153 | 1,599 |
Details of separately disclosed items
| Six months ended 30 September 2017 |
Six months ended 30 September 2016 | Year ended 31 March 2017 |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Share option credit/(costs) | 400 | (317) | (742) |
Amortisation of acquired intangible assets | (752) | (973) | (1,863) |
Other costs | (3,162) | (552) | (4,010) |
Separately disclosed items | (3,514) | (1,842) | (6,615) |
The Group has incurred a number of items in the period and in the prior year, whose significance is sufficient to warrant separate disclosure. The key elements included within separately disclosed items are:
· Period charge in relation to share option costs
· Period charge for the amortisation of acquired intangibles
· Items included in other costs are legacy claims relating to non-continuing business and restructuring and refinancing fees. Prior year also include credits relating to the release of surplus vacant leasehold and deferred consideration provisions
5. Segmental information
IFRS 8 requires segment reporting to be based on the internal financial information reported to the chief operating decision maker. The Group's chief operating decision maker is deemed to be the executive management team comprising the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer. Its primary responsibility is to manage the Group's day to day operations and analyse trading performance.
Following the launch of the Group's new long-term growth strategy, the business has been reorganised to focus on the strengths of our consultancy services and international development business. The Group's segments are detailed below and are those segments reported in the Group's management accounts used by the senior management team as the primary means for analysing trading performance. The Executive Committee assesses profit performance using operating profit measured on a basis consistent with the disclosure in the Group accounts.
The Group's operations are now managed and reported by key technical segments as follows:
· Consultancy Services
· International Development
The prior period results have been restated to reflect this new reporting structure.
The segmental results for the six months ended 30 September 2017 are as follows:
Consulting Services | International Development | Group |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Revenues including share of joint venture revenues |
| 56,935 | 19,296 | 76,231 |
Less share of joint venture revenues |
| (755) | - | (755) |
| 56,180 | 19,296 | 75,476 |
Result |
Operating profit before central overheads and separately disclosed items |
| 1,625 | 1,257 | 2,882 |
Central overheads |
| (1,864) |
Operating profit before separately disclosed items |
| 1,018 |
Separately disclosed items (Note 4) |
| (3,514) |
Operating loss |
| (2,496) |
Finance costs |
| (283) |
Loss before tax |
| (2,779) |
Tax |
| - |
Loss for the period |
| (2,779) |
Loss attributable to the owners of the parent |
| (2,779) |
5. Segmental information (continued)
The segmental results for the six months ended 30 September 2016 have been restated to reflect the new reporting segments:
Consulting Services Restated | International Development Restated | Group |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Revenues including share of joint venture revenues |
| 57,315 | 16,141 | 73,456 |
Less share of joint venture revenues |
| (513) | - | (513) |
| 56,802 | 16,141 | 72,943 |
Result |
Operating profit excluding central overheads and separately disclosed items |
| 4,095 | 886 | 4,981 |
Central overheads |
| (2,161) |
Operating profit before separately disclosed items |
| 2,820 |
Separately disclosed items (Note 4) |
| (1,842) |
Operating profit |
| 978 |
Finance costs |
| (220) |
Profit before tax |
| 758 |
Tax |
| - |
Profit attributable to equity shareholders |
| 758 |
Profit attributable to the owners of the parent |
| 758 |
6. Finance costs
| Six months ended 30 September 2017 |
Six months ended 30 September 2016 | Year ended 31 March 2017 |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Interest on bank loans, guarantees, bonds and overdrafts | 283 | 220 | 554 |
Total finance costs | 283 | 220 | 554 |
7. Tax
The tax charge for the period has been calculated by applying the Directors' best estimate of the effective tax rate for the year with consideration to the geographic location of the profits, to the profit before tax for the period.
8. Earnings per share
The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the following data:
| Six months ended 30 September 2017 |
Six months ended 30 September 2016 | Year ended 31 March 2017 |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Earnings for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings per share being profit for the year | (2,779) | 758 | 2,378 |
Adjustment relating to separately disclosed items (see note 4) | 3,514 | 1,842 | 6,615 |
Tax impact of separately disclosed items (see note 4) | - | - | (354) |
Earnings for the purposes of basic and diluted adjusted earnings per share | 735 | 2,600 | 8,639 |
| Six months ended 30 September 2017 | Six months ended 30 September 2016 | Year ended 31 March 2017 |
| Number | Number | Number |
Number of shares |
Weighted average number of shares for basic earnings per share | 72,729,665 | 70,638,773 | 71,131,521 |
Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares: |
Share options | 1,037,600 | 3,099,555 | 1,560,338 |
Weighted average number of shares for diluted earnings per share | 73,767,265 | 73,738,328 | 72,691,859 |
Earnings per share |
Basic | (3.8p) | 1.1p | 3.3p |
Diluted | (3.8p) | 1.0p | 3.3p |
Adjusted earnings per share |
Basic | 1.0p | 3.7p | 12.1p |
Diluted | 1.0p | 3.5p | 11.9p |
The adjusted earnings per share is calculated after excluding separately disclosed items. This more accurately reflects the underlying performance of the Group.
9. Dividends
The interim dividend of 0.6p per share (2016: 0.6p per share) was approved on 30 November 2017 and will be paid in April 2018.
The final dividend of 1.2p per share for the year ended 31 March 2017 was approved by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 21 September 2017 and was paid on 2 October 2017. This was not recognised in the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2017 but is recognised as a liability in these financial statements.
10. Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
| Property, plant and equipment | Intangible assets |
| £'000 | £'000 |
Six months ended 30 September 2016 |
Opening net book amount as at 1 April 2016 | 3,181 | 9,295 |
Additions | 1,157 | 197 |
Depreciation and amortisation | (857) | (1,185) |
Exchange differences | 24 | 5 |
Closing net book amount as at 30 September 2016 | 3,505 | 8,312 |
Six months ended 30 September 2017 |
Opening net book amount as at 1 April 2017 | 3,180 | 7,325 |
Additions | 1,226 | 49 |
Depreciation and amortisation | (657) | (885) |
Exchange differences | 7 | 2 |
Closing net book amount as at 30 September 2017 | 3,756 | 6,491 |
11. Financial liabilities
| 30 September 2017 |
30 September 2016 | 31 March 2017 |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Current |
Bank loans and overdrafts | 11,000 | 7,500 | 4,000 |
| 11,000 | 7,500 | 4,000 |
Non-current |
Bank loans | 5,000 | 5,000 | 5,000 |
| 5,000 | 5,000 | 5,000 |
Financial liabilities are repayable as follows: |
On demand or within one year | 11,000 | 7,500 | 4,000 |
Greater than one year | 5,000 | 5,000 | 5,000 |
| 16,000 | 12,500 | 9,000 |
12. Cash (used in)/generated from operations
| Six months ended 30 September 2017 | Six months ended 30 September 2016 |
Year ended 31 March 2017 |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
(Loss)/profit from operations | (2,496) | 978 | 2,153 |
Adjustments for: |
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment | 657 | 857 | 1,670 |
Amortisation of intangible assets | 885 | 1,185 | 2,235 |
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment | - | - | 4 |
Share options (credit)/expense | (400) | 317 | 742 |
Operating cash flows before movements in working capital | (1,354) | 3,337 | 6,804 |
(Increase)/decrease in work in progress | (6,964) | (1,545) | 1,976 |
Decrease/(increase) in receivables | 3,667 | (5,954) | (7,030) |
(Decrease)/increase in payables | (1,076) | 2,181 | 1,630 |
Cash (used in)/generated from operations | (5,727) | (1,981) | 3,380 |
13. Analysis of net (debt)/cash
| At 1 April 2016 | Cash flows | Other non-cash items | At 30 September 2016 |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 8,231 | (904) | 286 | 7,613 |
Bank loans and overdrafts | (8,000) | (4,500) | - | (12,500) |
Net cash/(debt) | 231 | (5,404) | 286 | (4,887) |
Add back cash in restricted access accounts | (1,070) | 231 | (85) | (924) |
Unrestricted net cash | (839) | (5,173) | 201 | (5,811) |
| At 1 April 2017 | Cash flows | Other non-cash items |
At 30 September 2017 |
| £'000 | £'000 | £'000 | £'000 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 6,518 | (711) | 137 | 5,944 |
Bank loans and overdrafts | (9,000) | (7,000) | - | (16,000) |
Net (debt)/cash | (2,482) | (7,711) | 137 | (10,056) |
Add back cash in restricted access accounts | (1,214) | 521 | (36) | (729) |
Unrestricted net (debt)/cash | (3,696) | (7,190) | 101 | (10,785) |
Restricted cash relates to restricted access accounts in WYG International Limited.
Other non-cash movements represent currency exchange differences.
14. Related party transactions
There have been no changes in the nature of related party transactions as described in the 2017 Annual Report and Accounts and there have been no new related party transactions which have had a material effect on the financial position or performance of the Group in the period ended 30 September 2017.
15. Availability of the Half Year Report
Copies of the Half Year Report can be obtained from the Company's registered office at Arndale Court, Otley Road, Headingley, Leeds LS6 2UJ, and on the Company's website: www.wyg.com.
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