1st Sep 2009 17:26
United Carpets Group plc
Grant of options
United Carpets Group plc ("the Company") announces that on 29 August 2009 it granted options under its Share Option Scheme (adopted on 10 February 2005) over a total of 2,155,171 ordinary shares in the capital of the Company at an exercise price of 8.12 pence per share to Ian Bowness, a director of the Company.
These options are normally exercisable between the third and tenth anniversaries of the date of grant, subject to the satisfaction of a performance condition. The condition requires the growth in earnings per share of the Company over the period of three financial years commencing with the financial year ending 31 March 2010 to exceed by at least 3 per cent per annum the growth in the Retail Prices Index (all items) over the same period. The performance condition will not apply in the event of a take-over of the Company.
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