27th Jul 2007 11:10
D1 Oils Plc27 July 2007 27 July 2007 D1 Oils plc Grant of Options and Share Purchases D1 Oils plc ('D1' or 'the Company') announces the following: 1. On 26 September 2006, the Board of D1 resolved to grant options, being agrant in respect of his joining the Company, over 50,000 ordinary shares to LordOxburgh of Liverpool, Non-Executive Chairman, on terms equivalent to the D1 Oilsshare option plan, at an exercise price of one pence per share. Due torestrictions imposed by the AIM Rules, this grant has been held over untiltoday.The options may be exercised at any time after the date of grant. 2. On 26 March 2007, the Board of D1 resolved to grant options, being the annualoptions grant, over 487,500 ordinary shares to Elliott Mannis, Chief ExecutiveOfficer, under the D1 Oils share option plan at an exercise price of 172.5p perordinary share, being the prevailing market price at that time. Due torestrictions imposed by the AIM Rules, this grant has been held over untiltoday. The options will vest as follows: one third from 26 March 2008, andthereafter one thirty sixth each month over the following 24 months. The optionswill lapse on 26 March 2017. This grant is in addition to 665,688 options previously granted to Mr Mannis,bringing the total number of options granted to 1,153,188 options. Mr Mannis also acquired 37,623 ordinary shares on 27 July 2007, at 172.5p perordinary share, being a re-investment of his entire 2007 annual bonus payment atthe prevailing share price on 26 March 2007, being the date the bonus wasawarded. This acquisition brings his total shareholding to 131,139 ordinaryshares representing 0.2% of the issued ordinary share capital of the Company. 3. On 25 May 2006, the Board of D1 resolved to grant options, being optionsgranted on appointment, over 22,727 ordinary shares to Richard Gudgeon, GroupFinance Director and Company Secretary, under the D1 Oils share option plan atan exercise price of 264p per ordinary share, being the prevailing market priceat that time. Due to restrictions imposed by the AIM Rules, this grant has beenheld over until today. The options will vest as follows: seven eighteenths immediately on grant, and thereafter one thirty sixth each month over thefollowing 22 months. The options will lapse on 25 May 2016. On 26 March 2007, the Board of D1 resolved to grant options, being the annualoptions grant, over 75,000 ordinary shares to Mr Gudgeon, under the D1 Oilsshare option plan at an exercise price of 172.5p per ordinary share, being theprevailing market price at that time. Due to restrictions imposed by the AIMRules, this grant has been held over until today. The options will vest asfollows: one third from 26 March 2008, and thereafter one thirty sixth eachmonth over the following 24 months. The options will lapse on 26 March 2017. This grant is in addition to 102,388 options previously granted to Mr Gudgeon,bringing the total numbers of options granted to 200,115 options. Mr Gudgeon also purchased 2,924 ordinary shares on 27 July 2007, at 172.5p perordinary share, being a part reinvestment of his 2007 annual bonus at theprevailing share price on 26 March 2007, being the date the bonus was awarded.This acquisition brings his total shareholding to 0.005% of the issued ordinaryshare capital of the Company. 4. On 26 March 2007, the Board of D1 resolved to grant options, being the annualoptions grant over 175,000 ordinary shares to Stephen Douty, Executive Director,under the D1 Oils share options plan at an exercise price of 172.5p per ordinaryshare, being the prevailing market price at that time. Due to restrictionsimposed by the AIM Rules, this grant has been held over until today. The optionswill vest as follows: one third from 26 March 2008, and thereafter one thirtysixth each month over the following 24 months. The options will lapse on 26March 2017. This grant is in addition to 359,026 options previously granted to Mr Douty,bringing the total number of options granted to 534,026 options. Mr Douty also acquired 5,772 ordinary shares on 27 July 2007, at 172.5p perordinary share, being a part reinvestment of his 2007 annual bonus payment atthe prevailing share price on 26 March 2007, being the date the bonus wasawarded. This acquisition brings his total shareholding to 29,162 ordinaryshares representing 0.05% of the issued ordinary share capital of the Company. Pursuant to the above acquisitions of shares by way of the re-investment of 2007annual bonus payments by the above Directors and by other employees of theCompany, D1 has allotted 79,120 ordinary shares of 1p each in the Company.Theseshares rank pari passu in all respects with the existing issued ordinary sharesin the Company. Application has been made to the London Stock Exchange forthese shares to be admitted to AIM and it is expected that dealings willcommence on 30 July 2007. Contacts: D1 Oils plc:Graham Prince, Head of Corporate CommunicationsTel: +44 (0)1642 755 580Mobile: +44 (0)7973 323 840 Brunswick Group:Mark AntelmeTel: +44(0)20 7404 5959 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: