24th May 2013 13:05
("Natasa" or the "Company")
Final Results for the year ended 31 December 2012
The Directors present the results of Natasa Mining Ltd ("Company") and of the consolidated entity, being the Company and its subsidiaries ("Group") and the Group's interest in associates, for the year ended 31 December 2012.
The financial report has been presented in United States dollars which is the Group's functional currency.
Fox Creek Coal Project, Canada (direct interest 100%) In September 2011, the Group completed the acquisition of the Fox Creek coal project at which time the project constituted six coal leases, covering an area of 22,688 ha at Fox Creek, Alberta, Canada which have had substantial exploration, drilling and processing studies conducted on them in past years ("Fox Creek East"). A Competent Person's Report (prepared in January 2013 by an internationally recognised expert and reported in compliance with Canadian NI 43-101 requirements) showed that the Fox Creek East leases contain a measured, indicated and inferred thermal coal resource of 870 million tonnes, of which 777 million tonnes are measured and indicated, as follows:
Fox Creek EastSub-bituminous CResources as of 23 January 2012 | '000Tonnes |
Measured | 431,073 |
Indicated | 345,898 |
Total Measured and Indicated | 776,971 |
Inferred | 92,617 |
On 3 October 2012 the Government of Alberta, Canada granted to the Company additional coal bearing leases over 19,008 Ha at Fox Creek, Alberta ("Fox Creek West"). Fox Creek West was originally extensively drilled by Shell Canada Limited which, in 1991, identified 543 million tonnes of in place coal resources. These resources are not currently compliant with the Canadian NI 43-101 guidelines.
The coal resources in the Company's Fox Creek Coal Project (Fox Creek West + East) total approximately 1.4 billion tonnes.
During the year, licence fees amounting to $0.2 million and third-party costs amounting to $0.3 million have been capitalised to the intangible asset.
PNG Petroleum Project, Papua New Guinea (indirect interest 12.8%) In September 2011, the Company's associate, UMC Energy plc, acquired one on-shore (PPL 378) and two off-shore (PPLs 374 and 375) Petroleum Prospecting Licences ("PPLs") in Papua New Guinea through the acquisition of PNG Energy Limited ("PNG Energy") and that company's wholly owned subsidiary Gini Energy Limited ("Gini Energy"). Subsequently, in May 2012, Gini Energy was granted a further on-shore licence, PPL 405, by the government of Papua New Guinea.
On 26 March 2012, UMC Energy entered transformational agreements with CNOOC Australia Limited ("CNOOC"), a subsidiary of CNOOC Limited, the Chinese multi-national oil and gas company listed on the New York and Hong Kong Stock Exchanges, whereby CNOOC subscribed for a 70% equity interest in PNG Energy and UMC Energy retained a 30% equity interest.
Pursuant to the agreements, and in consideration for the share subscription, CNOOC will be responsible for funding all exploration and appraisal expenditure in respect of the PPLs up to commercial development. Such expenditure will be repaid to CNOOC out of production revenues and off take of oil and gas once the assets of Gini Energy enter production, should such production occur. If exploration and appraisal work indicates the probable existence of commercial reservoirs of oil or gas in any part of the PPLs at the end of the exploration phase, the parties must each finance their pro-rata share of all expenditure required in respect of the development plan, either themselves or by procuring sufficient finance from a third party.
2D seismic acquisition and four initial wells are planned during the first four year term of the permits, two wells on-shore and two off-shore at an estimated cost for the work programmes of circa $450 million. It is also likely that 3D seismic will be acquired over the most prospective leads in the offshore permits prior to drilling. (Note that this anticipated expenditure is a UMC Energy management estimate which has not yet been budgeted or approved by the PNG Energy Ltd Group; the expenditure actually incurred in due course would form part of CNOOC's non-recourse loan).
The onshore PPLs are adjacent to existing oil and new gas pipeline infrastructure recently built for the PNG LNG Project - a $19 billion investment to supply major LNG customers in Asia and anticipated to commence production in 2014.
Since March 2012, CNOOC has been conducting various technical studies and has been mobilising to conduct on-site exploration activities, including procurement of existing data and new seismic acquisition.
Separately, UMC Energy engaged 3D-GEO Pty Limited ("3D-GEO"), a Melbourne based firm of consulting petroleum engineers, considered to be highly experienced with regard to Papua New Guinea petroleum structural and geological interpretation, to review the available geological data, identify leads and prospects, quantify any contingent resources and prospective resources and provide technical advice in regard to the permits.
In relation to PPL 378 (west), the Paua-1 well drilled in 1996 by BP is a declared discovery with gas encountered in the Toro sands and oil recovered from a 33 metre gross oil column in the Iagifu sands. Independent expert assessment of the well logs, seismic data and geological structural modelling has provided the following estimated Contingent Resource and Prospective Resource values, prepared in accordance with Petroleum Resources Management System ("PRMS") sponsored by the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
The following table presents the recoverable Contingent Resource values for the Paua Discovery.
All values in MMbbls* or BCF* | GROSS | RISK FACTOR | |||
PPL 378 Operator: CNOOC | Low Estimate 1C | Best Estimate 2C |
High Estimate | ||
3C(a) | 3C(b) | ||||
Oil Contingent Resource | 0.44 | 11.28 | 67.96 | 6 | .5 |
Total for Oil | 0.44 | 11.28 | 67.96 | 6 | |
Gas Contingent Resource | 20 | 5.6 | 336.8 | 793.6 | .5 |
Total for Gas | 20 | 5.6 | 336.8 | 793.6 |
*Note: MMbbls = million barrels of recoverable oil, BCF = billion standard cubic feet of recoverable gas
The 1C and 2C cases only consider hydrocarbon resources in the forelimb of the structure. It would be unusual for only the forelimb to be charged as depicted, but as the Paua-1 well only intersected this part of the Paua structure, accordingly the estimates are based on this actual intersection data. The 3C cases consider charge in the backlimb of the structure, either gas or oil.
The prospectivity review of PPL378 (west) also identified Poro, an untested structure. Probabilistic volumes of (Gross) potential resources calculated by Monte Carlo simulations have provided the following values within the permit:
PPL378 (west) Poro Lead | Recoverable Oil (MMbbls) | Recoverable Gas (Bcf) | ||||
| P90 | P50 | P10 | P90 | P50 | P10 |
Toro & Iagifu | 14 | 127 | 1150 | 31.7 | 238.5 | 1796.8 |
The prospectivity review of PPL378 (east) identified two untested structures, Lead A and Lead B. Probabilistic volumes of (Gross) potential resources calculated by Monte Carlo simulations have provided the following values within the permit:
PPL378 (east) Lead A | Recoverable Oil (MMbbls) | Recoverable Gas (Bcf) | ||||
| P90 | P50 | P10 | P90 | P50 | P10 |
Toro & Iagifu | 69.9 | 320.0 | 1465.3 | 131.4 | 484.4 | 1819.8 |
PPL378 (east) Lead B | Recoverable Oil (MMbbls) | Recoverable Gas (Bcf) | ||||
| P90 | P50 | P10 | P90 | P50 | P10 |
Toro & Iagifu | 29.9 | 139.5 | 655.7 | 60.9 | 218.5 | 797.4 |
In relation to PPL 405, the Wasuma-1 well drilled in 2010 by Oil Search Ltd encountered a 4.7 metre oil column in the Iagifu B sands within the Wasuma structure. Independent analysis of the well log and seismic data combined with geological modelling suggests the well may have been drilled in a poor location and the structure has an estimated potential for a significant recoverable oil Prospective Resource ranging from 7 MMbbls (P90) to 190 MMbbls (P10), as detailed below. The Wasuma structure is located within the PPL405 permit held by Gini.
All values in MMbbls* | GROSS | RISK FACTOR | ||
PPL 405 Operator: CNOOC | Low Estimate 1C | Best Estimate 2C | High Estimate 3C | |
Oil Prospective Resource | 7.21 | 37.34 | 193.28 | .25 |
Total for Oil | 7.21 | 37.34 | 193.28 |
The prospectivity review of PPL405 has also identified three untested structures, Lead C, Warra Deep and Lead D. Probabilistic volumes of (Gross) potential resources calculated by Monte Carlo simulations have provided the following values of these three untested leads within the permit:
PPL405 Lead C | Recoverable Oil (MMbbls) | Recoverable Gas (Bcf) | ||||
| P90 | P50 | P10 | P90 | P50 | P10 |
Toro & Iagifu | 17.1 | 108.9 | 777.4 | 57.0 | 331.5 | 2189.3 |
PPL405 Warra Deep Lead | Recoverable Oil (MMbbls) | Recoverable Gas (Bcf) | ||||
| P90 | P50 | P10 | P90 | P50 | P10 |
Toro & Iagifu | 9.1 | 54.1 | 331.5 | 27.5 | 140.6 | 747.4 |
PPL405 Lead D | Recoverable Oil (MMbbls) | Recoverable Gas (Bcf) | ||||
| P90 | P50 | P10 | P90 | P50 | P10 |
Toro & Iagifu | 5.5 | 44.8 | 383.1 | 21.7 | 160.3 | 1237.2 |
Additional subsurface activities are presently being planned to further reduce uncertainties and develop the identified leads into drillable prospects. This includes selective reprocessing of existing 2D seismic data, new 2D seismic acquisition, detailed reviews of structural modelling and full reservoir engineering reviews for each lead.
3D-GEO was engaged to conduct a review of the offshore permits, including interpretation of the 2D data, regional reservoir and source rock studies, source generation timing and hydrocarbon migration studies utilizing proprietary Genesis and Trinity software packages to model the probability of hydrocarbon charge within trap timing, and the development of a leads inventory.
Lead mapping of the offshore permits has identified a number of potentially large structures, including Lead H in PPL375, where a phase reversal (or soft kick) was observed in the 2D seismic data in the interpreted Cretaceous reservoir horizon. This observation is often regarded as a direct hydrocarbon indicator, or DHI, which may be indicative of a gas cap. Lead H is a fault block closure with up to 135 km2 of closure.
A number of leads have been identified across the two permits, many with closure at both Cretaceous and Miocene reservoir horizons. The seismic grid is presently too sparse across the offshore permits to have sufficient confidence in the structural mapping to elevate any of the leads to prospect status at this time. However, several large structures have been mapped with recoverable gas volumes within the permits estimated in the multi Tcf range (a mean of over 10Tcf for the five largest leads). Un-risked, probabilistic volume calculations of the potential resources have provided the following (Gross) recoverable gas values of these five highest ranked untested leads within the permit:
LEAD | P90 | P50 | Mean | P10 |
(Recoverable Gas: Bcf) | ||||
Lead H Structure in PPL 375 Totals | 375 | 1,490 | 1,825 | 3,690 |
Lead A Structure Totals | 570 | 1,920 | 2,215 | 4,235 |
Lead B Structure Totals | 1,050 | 3,750 | 4,425 | 8,640 |
Lead G Structure Totals | 520 | 1,680 | 1,970 | 3,785 |
Lead C Structure Totals | 105 | 370 | 440 | 850 |
Total | 10,875 |
De-risking of these leads will require acquisition of new seismic data and further interpretation and mapping. The development of the leads inventory was required so that the 2D seismic survey planned for 2013 can be optimally designed.
During the year, the Company advanced $6.2 million to UMC Energy. The funds were used to meet costs associated with UMC Energy's Papua New Guinea petroleum assets, to renew its Madagascan uranium exploration permits and for general working capital. As the time-frame for recovery of the loan funds is not certain, the full amount of funds advanced to UMC Energy has been impaired. In addition, the Group recognised a loss of $2.8 million being its equity accounted share of the loss incurred by UMC Energy over the 2012 financial year.
Over the year, the Group also examined a number of other mineral investment opportunities, but these did not lead to any positive outcome.
Legal fees of $0.5 million and travel expenses of $0.6 million were incurred, principally in relation to investigating and pursuing investment opportunities and investigating the flotation of the Fox Creek Coal Project onto the London Stock Exchange.
Interest income of $0.1 million and dividend income of $0.5 million was generated.
A foreign exchange gain of $0.1 million was recognised as a result of the strengthening of, particularly, the Australian dollar and British pound vis-a-vis the United States dollar.
During the 2012 financial year the Group:
·; Purchased $13.9 million of equity instruments.
·; Advanced secured loans to other entities of $1.9 million.
·; Generated proceeds of $10.0 million, and recognised a profit of $1.8 million, from the sale of equity instruments.
·; Recognised an increment from the change in fair value of its holding of available for sale financial assets of $1.8 million.
·; Purchased 100,000 of its own shares into Treasury at a cost of $0.1 million.
·; Recovered $3.1 million of consultancy fees incurred in the 2011 financial year.
·; Recognised an impairment adjustment of $0.2 million on intangible assets.
·; Recognised an impairment adjustment of $0.4 million on available-for-sale financial assets.
Other than the matters referred to above, in the opinion of the Directors, there were no significant changes in the state of affairs of the Group that occurred during the financial year under review that are not otherwise disclosed in this report or the consolidated financial statements.
The loss after income tax of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2012 attributable to equity holders of the Company was $7,126,426 (2011 : profit of $5,796,888).
Between 1 January 2013 and the date of this report the following material transactions have occurred. The Group has:
·; Purchased $0.6 million of equity instruments.
·; Generated proceeds of $1.4 million, and recognised a profit of $0.2 million, from the sale of equity instruments.
·; Purchased 183,000 of its own shares into Treasury at a cost of $0.2 million.
Other than the matters discussed above, there has not arisen in the interval between the end of the financial year and the date of this report any item, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature likely, in the opinion of the Directors of the Company, to affect significantly the operations of the Group, the results of those operations or the state of affairs of the Group, in subsequent financial years.
The Group expects to devote attention to continuing to enhance the value of its Fox Creek Coal project and PNG Petroleum project.
A number of mineral operations investment opportunities are being investigated.
Further information about likely developments in the operations of the Group and the expected results of those operations in future financial years has not been included in this report because disclosure of the information would be likely to result in unreasonable prejudice to the Group.
C. Kyriakou
Consolidated | |||
2012 | 2011 | ||
$ | $ | ||
Total revenue from services | - | - | |
Gain on sale of equity and debt instruments | 1,770,081 | 6,002,390 | |
Gain on dilution of subsidiary | - | 5,856,325 | |
Financial income | 608,193 | 878,412 | |
Personnel expenses | (1,329,679) | (1,348,870) | |
Audit fees | (65,711) | (70,493) | |
Audit fees to subsidiary and previous auditors | - | (56,197) | |
Consultancy fees recovered, net of expenditure | 2,917,212 | (3,598,653) | |
Depreciation and amortisation | (5,605) | (9,458) | |
Finance expenses | (5,257) | - | |
Foreign exchange gains | 104,432 | 107,381 | |
Impairment losses on intangibles | (185,000) | - | |
Impairment losses on investments | (358,185) | (200,000) | |
Impairment losses on receivables | (6,232,728) | - | |
Legal fees | (463,126) | (498,718) | |
Morondava licence fees | - | (183,237) | |
Travel expenses | (487,332) | (463,990) | |
Other expenses | (570,384) | (765,992) | |
Result from operating activities |
(4,303,089) |
5,648,900 | |
Share of net result of associates | (2,823,337) | - | |
(Loss) / profit before tax |
(7,126,426) |
5,648,900 | |
Income tax expense | - | - | |
(Loss) / profit for the year |
(7,126,426) |
5,648,900 | |
Attributable to : | |||
Equity holders of the Company | (7,126,426) | 5,796,888 | |
Minority interest | - | (147,988) | |
(Loss) / profit for the year | (7,126,426) | 5,648,900 | |
Basic (loss) / earnings per share (cents) |
(24.4) |
19.8 | |
Diluted (loss) / earnings per share (cents) |
(24.4) |
19.8 |
Consolidated |
| |||
2012 | 2011 | |||
$ | $ | |||
(Loss) / profit for the year | (7,126,426) | 5,648,900 | ||
Other comprehensive income: | ||||
Net change in fair value of available for sale financial assets | 1,713,587 | (2,904,035) | ||
Net change in fair value of available for sale financial assets reclassified to profit or loss |
51,096 |
(2,547,582) | ||
Change in fair value arising on dilution of subsidiary | - | (94,694) | ||
Foreign currency movement - equity accounted investees | 930,721 | - | ||
Foreign exchange movement | 118,443 | 73,543 | ||
Other comprehensive income for the year |
2,813,847 |
(5,472,768) | ||
Total comprehensive (loss) / income for the year |
(4,312,579) |
176,132 | ||
Attributable to : | ||||
Equity holders of the Company | (4,312,579) | 418,814 | ||
Minority interest | - | (242,682) | ||
Total comprehensive (loss) / income for the year |
(4,312,579) |
176,132 | ||
Consolidated | |||
2012 | 2011 | ||
$ | $ | ||
ASSETS | |||
Current Assets | |||
Cash and cash equivalents | - | 11,195,215 | |
Trade and other receivables | 2,031,637 | 5,741 | |
Total Current Assets |
2,031,637 |
11,200,956 | |
Non-Current Assets | |||
Investments in equity accounted investees | 7,210,284 | 8,912,512 | |
Exploration and evaluation expenditure - intangible | 5,822,066 | 5,036,961 | |
Other financial assets | 28,729,602 | 21,757,306 | |
Plant and equipment | 7,122 | 5,361 | |
Total Non-Current Assets |
41,769,074 |
35,712,140 | |
Total Assets |
43,800,711 |
46,913,096 | |
Current Liabilities | |||
Trade and other payables | 1,674,200 | 334,418 | |
Total Current Liabilities |
1,674,200 |
334,418 | |
| |||
Total Liabilities |
1,674,200 |
334,418 | |
42,126,511 |
46,578,678 | |
EQUITY | |||
Share capital | 31,215,939 | 31,355,527 | |
Reserves | 3,757,907 | 944,060 | |
Retained earnings | 7,152,665 | 14,279,091 | |
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the Company | 42,126,511 | 46,578,678 | |
Minority interest | - | - | |
42,126,511 |
46,578,678 |
Consolidated | Attributable to equity holders of the Company | |||||||||||
2012 |
Share capital |
Fair value reserve | Share based payments reserve | Foreign Currency Translation reserve |
Retained earnings |
Total |
Minority Interest |
Total equity | ||||
$ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | |||||
Balance at 1 January 2012 | 31,355,527 | 850,986 | 57,000 | 36,074 | 14,279,091 | 46,578,678 | - | 46,578,678 | ||||
Total comprehensive income for the period | ||||||||||||
Loss | - | - | - | - | (7,126,426) | (7,126,426) | - | (7,126,426) | ||||
Total other comprehensive income |
- |
1,764,683 |
- |
1,049,164 |
- |
2,813,847 |
- |
2,813,847 | ||||
Total comprehensive loss for the period |
- |
1,764,683 |
- |
1,049,164 |
(7,126,426) |
(4,312,579) |
- |
(4,312,579) | ||||
Transactions with owners, recorded directly in equity | ||||||||||||
Contributions by owners | ||||||||||||
Shares purchased into Treasury | (139,588) | - | - | - | - | (139,588) | - | (139,588) | ||||
Total contributions by owners | (139,588) | - | - | - | - | (139,588) | - | (139,588) | ||||
Total transactions with owners | (139,588) | - | - | - | - | (139,588) | - | (139,588) | ||||
Balance at 31 December 2012 |
31,215,939 |
2,615,669 |
57,000 |
1,085,238 |
7,152,665 |
42,126,511 |
- |
42,126,511 | ||||
Consolidated | Attributable to equity holders of the Company | |||||||||||
2011 |
Share capital |
Fair value reserve | Share based payments reserve | Foreign Currency Translation reserve |
Retained earnings |
Total |
Minority Interest |
Total equity | ||||
$ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | |||||
Balance at 1 January 2011 | 41,723,622 | 6,302,603 | 57,000 | (37,469) | 8,482,203 | 56,527,959 | 242,682 | 56,770,641 | ||||
Total comprehensive income for the period | ||||||||||||
Profit | - | - | - | - | 5,796,888 | 5,796,888 | (147,988) | 5,648,900 | ||||
Total other comprehensive income |
- |
(5,451,617) |
- |
73,543 |
- |
(5,378,074) |
(94,694) |
(5,472,768) | ||||
Total comprehensive income for the period |
- |
(5,451,617) |
- |
73,543 |
5,796,888 |
418,814 |
(242,682) |
176,132 | ||||
Transactions with owners, recorded directly in equity | ||||||||||||
Contributions by owners | ||||||||||||
Capital return - in cash | (10,234,683) | - | - | - | - | (10,234,683) | - | (10,234,683) | ||||
Shares purchased into Treasury | (133,412) | - | - | - | - | (133,412) | - | (133,412) | ||||
Total contributions by owners | (10,368,095) | - | - | - | - | (10,368,095) | - | (10,368,095) | ||||
Total transactions with owners | (10,368,095) | - | - | - | - | (10,368,095) | - | (10,368,095) | ||||
Balance at 31 December 2011 |
31,355,527 |
850,986 |
57,000 |
36,074 |
14,279,091 |
46,578,678 |
- |
46,578,678 | ||||
Consolidated |
| |||
2012 | 2011 | |||
$ | $ | |||
Cash flows from operating activities | ||||
Cash payments in the course of operations, net of recoveries | (186,241) | (6,865,905) | ||
Cash used in operations | (186,241) | (6,865,905) | ||
Interest and dividends received | 608,193 | 878,412 | ||
Interest paid | (5,257) | - | ||
Net cash from / (used in) operating activities |
416,695 |
(5,987,493) | ||
Cash flows from investing activities | ||||
Purchase of: | ||||
- equity interest in associate | (190,387) | - | ||
- equity investments | (13,888,428) | (10,206,118) | ||
Proceeds from sale of: | ||||
- equity investments | 9,999,619 | 13,005,755 | ||
- debt instruments | - | 307,358 | ||
Payments for purchases of plant and equipment | (7,366) | - | ||
Payments for purchases of intangibles | (853,034) | (5,000,000) | ||
Loans and advances: | ||||
- to associates | (6,232,728) | - | ||
- to other entities | (1,857,730) | (6,827,839) | ||
- repaid by other entities | - | 6,827,839 | ||
Net cash used in investing activities |
(13,030,054) |
(1,893,005) | ||
Cash flows from financing activities | ||||
Capital return | - | (10,234,683) | ||
Shares purchased into Treasury | (139,588) | (133,411) | ||
Net cash from financing activities |
(139,588) |
(10,368,094) | ||
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents | (12,752,947) | (18,248,592) | ||
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January | 11,195,215 | 29,315,691 | ||
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held | - | 128,116 | ||
(1,557,732) |
11,195,215 | |||
Bank overdrafts used for cash management purposes | 1,557,732 | - | ||
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December |
- |
11,195,215 | ||
Natasa Mining Ltd (the "Company") is a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands. The consolidated financial report of the Company as at and for the year ended 31 December 2012 comprises the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the "Group") and the Group's interest in associates.
Consolidated | ||||
2012 | 2011 | |||
$ | $ | |||
| |||
Basic (loss) / earnings per share | (24.4¢) | 19.8¢ |
| |
Diluted (loss) / earnings per share | (24.4¢) | 19.8¢ |
| |
| ||||
(Loss) / profit attributable to ordinary shareholders as used in the calculation of basic earnings per share |
(7,126,426) |
5,796,888 |
| |
| ||||
(Loss) / profit attributable to ordinary shareholders as used in the calculation of diluted earnings per share |
(7,126,426) |
5,796,888 |
| |
| ||||
Weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the calculation of basic earnings per share |
29,241,951 |
29,241,951 |
| |
| ||||
Weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the calculation of diluted earnings per share |
29,241,951 |
29,241,951 |
The Group has the following investments in equity accounted investees | |||||||
Reporting | Ownership | ||||||
Principal Activities | Country | Date | 2012 | 2011 | |||
UMC Energy plc | Petroleum exploration and evaluation in Papua New Guinea and uranium exploration and evaluation in Madagascar
| UK | 31 Dec | 42.6 | 42.4 | ||
| |||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||
Revenues (100%) |
Profit / (loss) (100%) | Share of associates net profit / (loss) recognised |
Total assets (100%) |
Total liabilities (100%) | Net assets as reported by associates (100%) | Share of associates net assets equity accounted |
| |||||||||
| 2012 |
| |||||||||||||||
| UMC Energy plc | - | (6,627,553) | (2,823,337) | 27,072,079 | (10,146,531) | 16,925,548 | 7,210,284 |
| ||||||||
| - | (6,627,553) | (2,823,337) | 27,072,079 | (10,146,531) | 16,925,548 | 7,210,284 |
| |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
| 2011 |
| |||||||||||||||
| UMC Energy plc | - | - | - | 23,766,447 | 2,746,370 | 21,020,077 | 8,912,512 |
| ||||||||
| - | - | - | 23,766,447 | 2,746,370 | 21,020,077 | 8,912,512 |
| |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
Consolidated | |||||||||||||||||
2012 | 2011 | ||||||||||||||||
$ | $ | ||||||||||||||||
Opening balance - 1 January | 5,036,961 | 2,978,035 | |||||||||||||||
Additions at fair value | 853,034 | 5,000,000 | |||||||||||||||
Disposals | - | (2,978,035) | |||||||||||||||
Impairment | (185,000) | - | |||||||||||||||
Foreign exchange variation | 117,071 | 36,961 | |||||||||||||||
Closing balance - 31 December |
5,822,066 |
5,036,961 | |||||||||||||||
Critical accounting judgements in applying the consolidated entity's accounting policies | |||||||||||||||||
The Fox Creek coal project has yet to reach a stage of development where a determination of the technical feasibility or commercial viability can be assessed. In these circumstances, whether there is any indication that the asset has been impaired is a matter of judgement, as is the determination of the quantum of any required impairment adjustment. The Directors have used their experience to conclude that no impairment adjustment is required in the current year.
The Company has committed to invest $500,000 in a series of oil and gas exploration projects in California. In the year $379,816 has been invested including $185,000 in one project which was not successful. The investment in the unsuccessful project has been fully impaired in the current year.
| |||||||||||||||||
Consolidated | |||
2012 | 2011 | ||
$ | $ | ||
Non-current | |||
Equity securities available-for-sale: | |||
- listed | 28,729,602 | 21,757,306 | |
Total other financial assets |
28,729,602 |
21,757,306 | |
The available-for-sale listed equity securities comprise securities in companies operating in the mining and natural resources sector as well as holdings in major companies operating in other sectors. Although the Company's investment strategy is to focus on pre-production and/or producing resource opportunities it also holds securities in major companies operating in other sectors in order to maximise the overall return to shareholders. |
Between 1 January 2013 and the date of this report the following material transactions have occurred. The Group has:
·; Purchased $0.6 million of equity instruments.
·; Generated proceeds of $1.4 million, and recognised a profit of $0.2 million, from the sale of equity instruments.
·; Purchased 183,000 of its own shares into Treasury at a cost of $0.2 million
The financial effects of the above transactions have not been brought to account in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012.
The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute statutory accounts.
The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2012 has been extracted from the Group's statutory financial statements to that date upon which the auditors' opinion is unqualified.
The Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2012 will be available from the Company's website www.natasamining.com today.
The annual general meeting of the Company has been convened for 10.30 a.m. on 26 June 2013 at First Floor, 10 Dover Street London W1S 4LQ
Natasa Mining Ltd
Chrisilios Kyriakou, Executive Chairman
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7290 3102
Angela Hallett / James Spinney
Strand Hanson Limited
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7409 3494
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