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Final Results

21st Nov 2007 10:56

Westmount Energy Limited21 November 2007 WESTMOUNT ENERGY LIMITEDFINAL RESULTS AND NOTICE OF AGM CHAIRMAN'S REVIEW I am pleased to present the results for the 12 months ended 30 June 2007.Although the results show a loss of £363,923 as compared to an adjusted profitof £4,148,693 for the previous year the company has continued to focus itsefforts on realising value from its portfolio of investments. The previousyear's profit resulted from the sale of 40,000,000 ordinary shares of itsholding of 70,000,000 ordinary shares in Sterling Energy plc whereas for thisfinancial year there have been no sales of any of the company's investments.Therefore the year's loss arises from the administrative costs incurred inrunning the company over this period. Following the death of the founder and Chairman Derek Williams, I was invited tothe Board and appointed Chairman on the 17 March 2007. The Board was furtherstrengthened by the appointment of Mervyn Bradlow on 11 May 2007. Mervyn, apracticing stockbroker was a long time friend and adviser to Derek and willassist in planning the future strategy of the company. The restructured Board is conducting a detailed review of the company's futurestrategy both in relation to its existing portfolio of investments as well asconsidering other opportunities as they present themselves in order to createvalue for the shareholders of the company. Following on from this review and recorded in the following financial statementsas a post-balance sheet event, I am pleased to report that we disposed of ourholding of 3,762,268 ordinary shares in CDS Oil & Gas Group plc on 25 September2007 at 22p per share for total value of £827,699. This realised a net cashprofit for the company after all costs of £289,071. The company had previouslyprovided a £500,000 convertible loan to CDS for their exploration programme inNorth West Paraguay, South America. This was repaid by CDS by paying up andsubscribing for 37,622,687 new ordinary shares in CDS, which were subsequentlyconsolidated on a 1 for 10 basis. The company's remaining investments are as follows:- Sterling Energy plc ("Sterling") Sterling is an AIM -traded oil and gas exploration and production companyoperating in the Gulf of Mexico and Africa and recently published its interimresults for the first half of 2007. Sterling's strategy is to create value byachieving a balance between production and exploration. Sterling has a growingcash position and an active and largely carried exploration portfolio with 8wells planned over the next year. Following the sale of 40,000,000 ordinaryshares in Sterling during 2006 the company retains a holding of 30,000,000ordinary shares in Sterling. Desire Petroleum plc ("Desire") Through its shareholding of 5,500,000 ordinary shares in Desire, also anAIM-listed company, the company has a significant indirect investment in theexploration of the North Falkland Basin, South Atlantic. Desire has developed aprospect portfolio and awaits the availability of a suitable drilling rig.Desire reported a loss for the half-year ending 30 June 2007 of £628,000,largely arising from foreign exchange losses and the non-cash charge forshare-based payments. The weakening of the US Dollar produced the exchangelosses on Desire's dollar funds, which are held for future explorationprogrammes. Eclipse Energy UK plc ("Eclipse") Eclipse is not currently traded on a public market. It has made significantprogress over the last year with its combined Ormonde wind farm and gas to powerprojects. Formal approval for the two projects, to proceed to development, wasgiven on 8 February 2007 by the Energy Minister, Lord Truscott. The innovativehybrid development has the potential to generate up to 200 MW of electricity,with almost half coming from the wind farm comprising up to 30 turbines, enoughenergy to supply around 70,000 homes. The Ormonde project is located 10kilometres offshore Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria in the East Irish Sea. Eclipseoperates the undeveloped Ormonde North and South gas fields located in Blocks113/28a and 113/29a held under licences P1032 and P1033. The company holds244,000 ordinary fully paid shares in Eclipse at a book cost of £735,000. The Future Your Board is actively pursuing various opportunities to create value for theshareholders of the company and have noted that the current share price is wellbelow that of the net asset value per share. I am pleased to be able to reportthat the fully diluted net asset value per share as at the date of this reviewis approximately 116p. This value is based upon the closing middle-marketquotation as derived from the London Stock Exchange as at 19 November 2007 inrespect of each of the quoted investments and a directors' valuation of £7.50per ordinary share in respect of the unquoted investment in Eclipse. If further circumstances allow we may consider disposals of our investments witha view to returning capital to the shareholders. We look forward with confidence to the future of Westmount Energy Limited. ALAN LEVISONChairman20 November 2007 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNTFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2007(Expressed in United Kingdom Sterling) Note As restated 2007 2006 £ £ £ £ Turnover 2Continuing operations - -Discontinued operations - 1,118 - 1,118 Operating profit beforeadministrative expenses 2Continuing operations - -Discontinued operations - 1,118 - 1,118 Administrative expenses 3 (436,410) (459,686) Profit on termination of oiland gas field interests - 1,706,201Profit on disposal of - 3,190,096investmentsInterest receivable 72,487 178,238 72,487 5,074,535Net (loss)/profit on ordinaryactivities before taxation 3 (363,923) 4,615,967 Taxation 5 - (467,274)(Loss)/profit for the year (363,923) 4,148,693 Basic earnings per share 6 (4.89)p 55.27p CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSESFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2007(Expressed in United Kingdom Sterling) As restated 2007 2006 £ £ (Loss)/profit retained for the year (363,923) 4,148,693 Cost of B share issue and share - (155,895)consolidation Total recognised gains and lossesrelating to the year (363,923) 3,992,798 Prior period adjustment (see note 1 (143,664) -(i)) Total (loss)/profit recognised sincelast annual report (507,587) 3,992,798 COMPANY PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNTFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2007(Expressed in United Kingdom Sterling) Note As restated 2007 2006 £ £ £ £ Administrative expenses 3 (436,410) (459,518) Income from shares in groupundertaking - 1,267,250Profit on disposal of - 3,190,096investmentsInterest receivable 72,487 170,620 72,487 4,627,966Net (loss)/profit on ordinaryactivitiesbefore taxation 3 (363,923) 4,168,448 Taxation - -(Loss)/profit for the year (363,923) 4,168,448 CONSOLIDATED AND COMPANY BALANCE SHEETAT 30 JUNE 2007(Expressed in United Kingdom Sterling) As restated Note 2007 2006 £ £ £ £ FIXED ASSETSInvestments 7 5,418,141 4,882,017 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 8 5,824 505,549Cash at bank 540,609 880,222 546,433 1,385,771CREDITORS: amounts fallingdue within one year 9 (143,341) (176,148) NET CURRENT ASSETS 403,092 1,209,623 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENTLIABILITIES 5,821,233 6,091,640 SHARE CAPITAL AND RESERVES Share capital 10 1,488,000 1,496,686Share premium account 11 679,469 668,220Share option account 11 225,413 143,664Capital redemption reserve 11 166,470 154,784 Profit and loss account 11 3,261,881 3,628,286 SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 12 5,821,233 6,091,640 These financial statements were approved by the board of directors on 20 November2007. P J RICHARDSON Director CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENTFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2007(Expressed in United Kingdom Sterling) As restated Note 2007 2006 £ £ Net cash outflow from operatingactivities A (326,654) (325,752) Returns on investments andservicing of finance B 36,234 178,238 Taxation C - (500,869) Capital expenditure and D - 9,028,860financial investment Cash (outflow)/inflow before (290,420) 8,380,477financing Financing E (49,193) (7,535,046) (Decrease)/increase in cash in (339,613) 845,431the year Reconciliation of cash flow tomovement in net funds (Decrease)/increase in cash in (339,613) 845,431the year Loan advance - 500,000 Change in net funds resulting (339,613) 1,345,431from cash flows Conversion of loan to equity (500,000) -investment Movement in net funds in the (839,613) 1,345,431year Net funds brought forward 1,380,222 34,791 Net funds carried forward F 540,609 1,380,222 A. RECONCILIATION OF NET OPERATING LOSS TO NET As restated CASH OUTFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 2007 2006 £ £ Operating profit before administrative - 1,118 expenses Administrative expenses (436,410) (459,686) Cost attributable to issue of share options 142,709 143,664 (Increase)/decrease in prepayments and (146) 6,230 accrued income Decrease in creditors and accrued expenses (32,807) (17,078) Net cash outflow from operating activities (326,654) (325,752) B. RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF 2007 2006 FINANCE £ £ Interest received 36,234 178,238 Net cash inflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance 36,234 178,238 C. TAXATION 2007 2006 £ £ Tax paid - (500,869) Net cash outflow for taxation - (500,869) D. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT 2007 2006 £ £ Loan advance - (500,000) Sale of fixed asset investments - 7,790,096 Termination of oil and gas field interests - 1,738,764 Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and financial investment - 9,028,860 E. FINANCING 2007 2006 £ £ Redemption of B shares - (7,350,919) Purchase of own shares (63,442) (28,232) Cost of B share issue and share - (155,895) consolidation Issue of shares 14,249 - Net cash outflow from financing (49,193) (7,535,046) F. ANALYSIS OF NET FUNDS 1 July 30 June 2006 Cash flow Non cash 2007 £ £ £ £ Net funds Cash at bank 880,222 (339,613) - 540,609 Debtor-loan receivable 500,000 - (500,000) - 1,380,222 (339,613) (500,000) 540,609 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2007 1. ACCOUNTING POLICIESa) Accounting conventionThe financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost conventionand in accordance with applicable accounting standards in the United Kingdom. b) TurnoverTurnover represents royalty and other income receivable by the group from its oil and gas field interests. c) Foreign currencyTransactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated to United KingdomSterling at the rate prevailing at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translatedinto United Kingdom Sterling at the rate prevailing at the balance sheet date.Exchange gains and losses are taken to administrative expenses in the profit and loss account. d) TaxationUnited Kingdom Corporation Tax is provided on taxable profits at the appropriaterate. e) InvestmentsFixed and current asset investments are stated at cost and are subject to reviewfor impairment. Any impairment is recognised in the profit and loss account in the year in which it occurs. Profits or losses realised on the disposal of individual fixed asset investments are calculated on an average cost basis. f) Financial instrumentsFinancial assets and liabilities are initially recognised on the historical costbasis, which approximate to fair value. The company recognises a financial assetor financial liability in the balance sheet when it becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. Income and expenses associated with financial instruments are taken to the profit and loss account on an accruals basis. Impairment of financial assets is recognised in the profit and loss account in the year in which it occurs. g) Deferred taxationIf applicable, deferred tax is provided on timing differences which result in anobligation at the balance sheet date to pay more tax, or a right to pay less tax, at a future date, at rates expected to apply when they crystallise based oncurrent tax rates and law. h) Basis of consolidationThe company sold its subsidiary during the previous financial year. The comparative figures presented comprise the group financial statements, incorporating the assets, liabilities and results of Westmount Energy Limited and its subsidiary. The acquisition method of accounting was adopted. Under thismethod the results of subsidiary undertakings acquired or disposed of during the year are included in the consolidated results from, or up to, the effective date of acquisition or disposal, being the date control passes. The consolidated figures are re-presented as they are not materially different from the single entity assets, liabilities and results. i) Share options and prior period adjustmentThe results for the year ended 30 June 2006 have been restated for the application of Financial Reporting Standard 20: Share-based payment. The cost ofthe share options are ascribed a fair value and accounted for as an administration cost of the company with an equal Share Option Reserve being created in Shareholders' Funds. The cost of the options issued and vested to30 June 2006 equates to £143,664 and this has been accounted for as a prior period adjustment (see note 11). j) Capital redemption reserve and prior period adjustmentThe results for the year ended 30 June 2006 have been restated by a prior periodadjustment to transfer an amount of £4,650 from Profit and Loss Account Reservesto the Capital Redemption Reserve. This transfer is required by Jersey Company Law when a company purchases its own shares and was omitted from the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2006 (see note 11). 2. TURNOVER: SEGMENTAL INFORMATIONBy class of business Oil & Gas Field Interests Investments TotalGroup and company £ £ £ 2007Turnover - - -Net profit before taxationSegment profit - - -Common costs (436,410) (436,410)Interest and similar fees receivable 72,487 (363,923) Net assetsSegment net assets - 5,418,141 5,418,141Unallocated net assets 403,092 5,821,233 As restated 2006Turnover 1,118 - 1,118Net profit before taxationSegment profit 1,118 - 1,118Common costs (459,686) (458,568)Profit on termination of oil and gasfieldsinterests 1,706,201Profit on disposal of investments 3,190,096Interest and similar fees receivable 178,238 4,615,967 Net assetsSegment net assets - 5,382,017 5,382,017Unallocated net assets 709,623 6,091,640 2. TURNOVER: SEGMENTAL INFORMATION (continued)By geographical area North Sea Investments TotalGroup and company £ £ £ 2007Turnover - - -Net profit before taxationSegment profit - - -Common costs (436,410) (436,410)Interest receivable 72,487 (363,923) Net assetsSouth America 536,124South Atlantic 697,017American and African regions 3,450,000European regions 735,000Segment net assets - 5,418,141 5,418,141Unallocated net assets 403,092 5,821,233 As restated 2006Turnover 1,118 - 1,118Net loss before taxationSegment profit 1,118 - 1,118Common costs (459,686) (458,568)Profit on termination of oil and gasfields interests 1,706,201Profit on disposal of 3,190,096investmentsInterest receivable 178,238 4,615,967 Net assetsSouth America 500,000South Atlantic 697,017American and African regions 3,450,000European regions 735,000Segment net assets - 5,382,017 5,382,017Unallocated net assets 709,623 6,091,640 As restated3. NET (LOSS)/PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 2007 2006 £ £Group and companyNet (loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation isstated after charging: Directors' emoluments 221,515 234,430Auditors' remuneration 14,000 12,000Other auditors' costs - consultancy 2,588 2,618 2007 2006 Continuing Discontinued Total Continuing Discontinued Total £ £ £ £ £ £Administrative 436,410 - 436,410 459,518 168 459,686expenses 4. REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS As restated 2007 2006 Salary/ Salary/ fees FeesGroup and company £ £ Highest paid director 49,227 91,733Other executive directors 169,494 142,697Non-executive director 2,794 - 221,515 234,430 Directors' remuneration includes the cost of 450,000 (2006: 600,000) share options granted to three (2006: four) directors, at a weighted average fair value of 43.25p, on 22 December 2005. During the current year, the 150,000 options granted to the late D G Williams expired. The fair value of these expired options has been credited to reserves. During the year, legal and professional fees totalling £2,448 were paid to Ogier, a firm in which M S D Yates is a partner, in respect of services charged on an arms length basis as the company's legal advisors. The company does not employ any staff except for its board of directors. The company does not contribute to the pensions or any other long-term incentive schemes on behalf of its directors. 5. TAXATION The company has exempt company status for Jersey tax purposes and has paid exempt company tax at the fixed rate of £600 per annum. As no relationship exists between the tax and the level of the company's activities, the tax has been included in administrative expenses. As restated 2006 2007 £ £The charge for group taxation comprises: United Kingdom corporation tax Current year at 30% (2006 : 30%) - 467,274 6. EARNINGS PER SHARE The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the (loss)/profit for the year after taxation: £(363,923) (2006: £4,148,693). The weighted average number of shares in issue during the year was 7,440,867 (2006: 7,506,060). As explained in note 10 there are share options in issue over the company's ordinary shares. Since the exercise price of these options at 30 June 2007 was above the market price, they are deemed to have no dilution effect on earnings per share and diluted earnings per share are consequently the same as basic earnings per share. As restated7. INVESTMENTS 2007 2006 £ £Fixed asset investmentsCDS Oil & Gas Group plc ("CDS")3,762,268 ordinary, fullypaid shares at cost (2006: Nil) (a) 536,124 - Desire Petroleum plc ("Desire")5,500,000 ordinary, fully paidshares at cost (2006: 5,500,000) (b) 697,017 697,017 Eclipse Energy UK plc (2006: Eclipse EnergyCompany Limited) ("Eclipse")244,000 ordinary, fully paidshares at cost (2006: 244,000) (c) 735,000 735,000 Sterling Energy plc ("Sterling")30,000,000 ordinary, fullypaid shares at cost (2006: 30,000,000) (d) 3,450,000 3,450,000 5,418,141 4,882,017 (a) On 30 June 2007 the group's holding of 3,762,268 ordinary fully paid sharesrepresented 3.70% of the issued share capital of CDS. (b) On 30 June 2007 the market value of the group's holding of 5,500,000 ordinary fully paid shares, representing 2.47% of the issued share capital of Desire, was £1,663,750 (30.25p per share). (c) This investment represents 13.62% of the issued share capital of Eclipse. As the investment is currently unquoted, the market value of the group's holding is not readily available. In the directors' opinion the value of the investment is not less than the carrying amount. (d) On 30 June 2007 the market value of the group's holding of 30,000,000 ordinary fully paid shares representing 1.92% of the issued share capital of Sterling was £4,875,000 (16.25p per share). As restated8. DEBTORS: amounts 2007 2006falling due within one year £ £ Loan receivable - 500,000Prepayments and accrued income 5,824 5,549 5,824 505,549 On 19 January 2006 the company provided a convertible loan of £500,000 to CDS Oil & Gas Group plc ("CDS") to be utilised solely towards the funding of its exploration programme in the Chaco Basin in North West Paraguay, South America. The loan was repaid by paying up and subscribing for on 29 December 2006, 37,622,687 new ordinary shares of 1p each (subsequently consolidated into 10p shares after a 1 for 10 share reorganisation) in CDS worth £536,124, being £500,000 capital and £36,124 accrued interest thereon. As restated9. CREDITORS: amounts 2007 2006falling due within one year £ £ Amounts due to shareholders 112,170 155,761Accrued expenses 31,171 20,387 143,341 176,148 As restated10. SHARE CAPITAL 2007 2006 £ £Authorised:10,000,000 shares of 20p each 2,000,000 2,000,000 Allotted and fully 2007 2006 2007 2006paid: Shares Shares £ £ In issue 7,440,000 7,483,430 1,488,000 1,496,686 Ordinary Ordinary shares sharesMovement: 20p £ Balance at 1 July 2006 7,483,430 1,496,686Issue of shares 15,000 3,000Purchase of own shares (58,430) (11,686) Balance at 30 June 2007 7,440,000 1,488,000 As at 30 June 2007, options over 600,000 (2006: 750,000) ordinary 20p shares were outstanding. The options were granted on 22 December 2005, with a weighted average vesting date of 17 May 2007, and with an exercise price of 103.50p. The decrease in outstanding share options is due to the expiry of 150,000 options. The options are exercisable at the election of the option holder, over various periods, expiring 31 December 2012. The 600,000 (2006: 750,000) outstanding share options granted on 22 December 2005 have been ascribed a weighted average fair value of 43.25p each and are ascribed an expense for the year ended30 June 2007 of £142,709 (2006: £143,664). The fair value of the options was calculated using the Black Scholes valuation model with the following inputs: share price at date of grant 107p, exercise price 103.5p, weighted average volatility rate 41.2872%, dividend yield 0%, weighted average vesting period 1.4 years, weighted average expected term to maturity 4.2112 years, and weighted average risk free rate of interest 4.2227%. At each date of grant the volatility of the company was estimated as the standard deviations of daily historical continuously compounded returns over a period commensurate with the expected life of the option, back from the date of grant, and annualized by the factor of square root 252, assuming 252 trading days per year. The risk-free rate is the yield to maturity on the date of grant of a UK Gilt Strip, with term to maturity equal to the life of the option. The expected life of the options is estimated as the mid-point between the date of grant and the date of expiry of the option. 11. SHARE PREMIUM Share Share Capital Profit &ACCOUNT AND Premium Option Redemption Loss RESERVES Account Account Reserve Account £ £ £ £ Balance at 1 July 2006 668,220 - 150,134 3,776,600Prior period adjustment(see note 1 (i)) - 143,664 - (143,664)Prior period adjustment(see note 1 (j)) - - 4,650 (4,650) Restated balance at1 July 2006 668,220 143,664 154,784 3,628,286Shares issued 11,249 - - -Cost of share options - 142,709 - -Expired share options (60,960) 60,960Purchase of own shares - - - (51,756)Transfer between reserves - - 11,686 (11,686)Loss for the year - - - (363,923) Balance at 30 June 2007 679,469 225,413 166,470 3,261,881 As restated12. RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN 2007 2000SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS £ £ (Loss)/profit for the year (363,923) 4,148,693Issue of shares at a premium 14,249 -Cost of share options 142,709 143,664Issue of B shares - (7,506,680)Cost of B share issue and share consolidation - (155,895)Purchase of own shares (63,442) (28,232) Opening shareholders' funds 6,091,640 9,490,090Closing shareholders' funds 5,821,233 6,091,640 13. POST BALANCE SHEET EVENTS On 6 September 2007 the company granted 150,000 options over its 20p ordinary shares to Mr A Levison, a director, at an exercise price of 108p. The options expire on 31 December 2012. On 25 September 2007 the company sold its entire shareholding of 3,762,268 ordinary shares in CDS Oil & Gas Group plc (CDS) at 22p per share. The investment arose from the convertible loan the company provided to CDS on 19 January 2006. Notice of Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Westmount EnergyLimited will be held at Whiteley Chambers, Don Street, St. Helier, Jersey, JE49WG Channel Islands on Wednesday,19 December 2007 at 11.45 am. Contacts:Westmount Energy LimitedPaul Anderson, DirectorTel: 01534 814209 Ruegg & Co LimitedGavin BurnellTel: 020 7584 3663 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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