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Final Results

15th May 2007 07:03

Sondex PLC15 May 2007 Sondex plc("Sondex" or the "Company") Preliminary Results for the year ended 28 February 2007 Financial highlights • Revenue up 33% to £68.5 million (2006 - £51.4 million)• Adjusted* Operating profit up 49% to £18.6 million (2006 - £12.5 million)• Reported Operating profit up 22% to £11.9 million (2006 - £9.7. million)• Adjusted diluted** earnings per share up 45% to 18.4p (2006 - 12.7p)• Basic diluted earnings per share 9.8p (2006 - 9.0p)• Operating cash increased to £9.7 million inflow (2006 - £6.4 million)• Full year recommended dividend up 31% to 2.76p (2006 - 2.1p) Operational highlights • Acquisition of the trade and assets of Bluestar Tools• Acquisition of Ultima Labs Inc.• Major development projects in field trials• On-going investments in international locations * Pre amortisation of acquired intangible assets and aborted acquisition costs** Pre amortisation of acquired intangible assets and aborted acquisition costs, with pro-forma tax charge. Iain Paterson, Chairman of Sondex, commented: " Sondex has made further excellent progress with strong results in bothdivisions. The company's investment in R&D, global sales and marketinginitiatives as well as the recent acquisitions, AES, Bluestar and Ultima, haveall contributed to this performance. The Company enters its new financial year with confidence. The markets in whichwe operate continue to be buoyant and our order book stands at record levels.Sondex has now completed five acquisitions in the last four years building asolid foundation from which the Board is confident that further growth will bedelivered in the coming years." 15 May 2007 Enquiries: Sondex Tel: 0125 286 2200Martin Perry (Chief Executive)Chris Wilks (Finance Director) College Hill Tel: 020 7457 2020Nick ElwesPaddy Blewer Chairman's statement Your company has produced an impressive trading and financial performance forthe year to 28 February 2007 and has continued to develop its internationalpresence. Revenues rose 33 per cent to £68.5 million from £51.4 million last year.Operating profit, before exceptional costs and amortisation of acquiredintangible assets, increased by 49 per cent to £18.6 million from £12.5 million.Fully diluted earnings per share, adjusted for amortisation of acquiredintangible assets, a pro-forma tax charge and exceptional costs were 18.4p, up45 per cent on the previous year. Despite exceptional costs the net margin onturnover improved to 24.9 per cent (24.3 per cent in 2006). After adding backthe exceptional costs the net margin becomes 27.1 per cent. Expenditure on R&D increased by 38 per cent over the previous year to £6.5 million representingsome 9.5 per cent of revenues, demonstrating the Board's belief in the potentialfor further growth from new product lines. These results reflect the successful integration of previous acquisitions,growth from both the Wireline and Drilling divisions and the addition ofBluestar Tools and Ultima Labs Inc to the Group during 2006. Strategic Progress The Group has continued to implement its strategy of pursuing both organicgrowth and selective earnings enhancing acquisitions. Organic growth wasboosted by the opening of an additional four international sales customersupport offices in the USA, Malaysia, China and Russia bringing the total tofourteen. The Board announced on 18 July 2006 the acquisition of the trade and assets ofBluestar Tools, based in Calgary, Canada for a consideration of up to £11.1million. Bluestar supplies a range of Measurement and Logging While Drillingtools equipment which are complementary to the existing Drilling Division. On29 September 2006 the Board announced the acquisition of Ultima Labs, Inc., aprivate Houston based technology company with a range of IP and products relatedto Logging While Drilling and Wireline applications for a consideration of up to£4.9 million, including sales related earn-out. In August 2006 a take-over bid was also launched for Innicor SubsurfaceTechnologies Inc, a Canadian company focused on completions technology. Due tolocal market condition changes in Canada, an announcement was made by the Boardon 8 November 2006 stating that it no longer recommended the bid, and thisacquisition was not completed. An exceptional charge of £1.5 million has beenrecorded in relation to the costs. Board and Management Peter Collins resigned from the Board and left the company on 23 May 2006. Staff turnover has remained low, both in the established businesses and thosethat have been more recently acquired. Employees have shown considerablecommitment and performance and this is directly reflected in the excellentresults. On behalf of your Board I should like to thank all of our management and stafffor their outstanding effort and dedication during the past year. Dividend The Board is recommending a final dividend of 2.0p per share (1.4p in 2006),giving a total for the year of 2.76p per share (2.1p in 2006). The increase of31 per cent reflects both the underlying performance and the growth prospects ofthe Group. Outlook The Group has entered the new financial year with continuing confidence. As hydrocarbon demand continues to increase, yet fewer new reserves arediscovered, there is an on-going need for technologies to assist with efficientextraction from mature oil and gas fields. Sondex has established a reputationas a source of reliable and technically differentiated equipment which enableslocal and major international service companies to take advantage of this need. Your company's customer base continues to grow and the order book for existingproduct lines remains strong. Additionally, as a result of our investment in R&D and our acquisitions, we have a pipe-line of new products which are close tocommercialisation. Against this background, the Board is confident that Sondex will again deliverstrong growth this year. Iain PatersonChairman Operating review The results from the Group's ongoing strategy of investment in R&D andcomplementary acquisitions together with increasing global presence has resultedin a good all round performance. Market Overview Sondex addresses the Oilfield Services market by selling or renting to operatorsof the equipment. The market for services provided by these customers usingequipment such as that supplied by or being developed by Sondex is now estimatedat $16 billion and is growing significantly. This target market is driven bythe need for technologies to extract the maximum hydrocarbons from identifiedreserves and as 'peak oil production' is reached the need for efficientextraction processes will continue in order to satisfy demand. The annual spend on technology and equipment by the services sector is estimatedat 10 per cent of their revenues, or $1.6 billion. Sondex offers a partnershipfor out-sourcing of both development and supply of equipment and can act as theexternal engineering department for the smaller regional companies. Localsupport, training and provision of spares and repairs is a crucial part of theservice Sondex supplies. Operations Sondex has undergone another year of broadening product lines by acquisition andcommercialisation of in-house developed products, and has further strengthenedregional presence through investment in sales, marketing and customer support. The wireline product ranges, made up from the integration of the Sondex originalbusiness, CSS (acquired in 2003) and AES (acquired in 2005) currently addressoperations within producing oil or gas wells (Cased Hole operations). Sondexhas enhanced this range during the current year by the release of a new range ofsensors, MAPS(TM), which provides a significantly enhanced analysis of flowregimes. Sondex has additionally been investing in Formation Evaluation technology. Thisincludes a range of products which will help evaluate the rock formations andreservoir characteristics themselves both through casing and in an open holeenvironment. The target markets remain mature oil and gas fields, whereadditional information can be retrieved from old wells and from new 'in-fill'drilling. The drilling product ranges, originally formed by the acquisition of Geolink in2004 have been enhanced by in-house development and the addition of BluestarTools and Ultima Labs Inc. during the period. A broader and more completeproduct range can now be offered to the customer for the range of conditionsthat may be encountered. An internally developed product launched in this period was E-LinkTM; analternative method of transmitting data from the point of drilling to thesurface, which gives faster information and can operate in under-balancedconditions used in lower pressure reservoirs and for coal bed methane drilling.The acquired Bluestar products offer solutions for the shallower and verticaldrilling markets; the resistivity tool developed at Ultima Labs (and now beingintegrated with the other product ranges) gives reservoir and formationinformation during drilling operations. A step-change drilling product developed primarily in-house is currentlyundergoing field trials; a Rotary Steerable drilling tool which is targeting thehigh volume in-fill production well drilling market with a design which is bothsimple to operate and cost-effective to maintain. Organisation Sondex manages the development and production of equipment through the twodivisions and five product centres, in Hampshire, Aberdeen, Calgary, Houston andLafayette. Product managers have responsibility to the divisions forintegration and product strategy. Manufacturing facilities have been extended in Calgary and Louisiana, with afurther lease in Aberdeen adjoining the existing Drilling headquarters due tobecome productive during the current year. Supply chain management remains akey focus with additional resources dedicated to this area. The matrix management structure between product centres and regions has maturedduring the year, enabling effective ownership of products and strategy as wellas cross-selling and shared resources in the regions. Regional operations In order to provide local partnership and support to customers and generateincremental sales and rentals Sondex has continued to increase its localrepresentation through regional offices. During the past year Sondex has addeda new sales and customer support operation in Oklahoma City, Austin Texas,Lafayette Louisiana and in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Consolidation and expansionhas taken place in Beijing China, and an enlarged customer support location iscurrently being established in Krasnodar Russia. Sales Group sales totalled £68.5 million in the year ended 28 February 2007. This wasa 33 per cent increase on the previous year (£51.4 million). Exports accountedfor approximately 90 per cent of the Group's revenues in 2007. Wireline Division Sales within the Wireline Division rose 20 per cent in the 2007 financial year.Revenues totalled £42.2 million as against £35.3 million in 2006 withconsistent gross margins. In the first full year of contribution to the Group's results AES products haveperformed above expectations. AES products are now stocked and activelymarketed through the Middle Eastern operations where a number of sales have beenmade, and conversely the Lafayette, Louisiana headquarters of AES has made somesignificant sales of traditional Sondex Wireline equipment. A General Managerof AES has been recruited and has been in situ since August 2006. A development programme initiated during the previous period, to produce anentirely new product line within the Wireline Division is progressing well. Anagreement has been made with a strategic partner in North America who hascommitted to engineering sponsorship and early field support in order tocommercialise these products. Drilling Division Revenues from the Drilling Division in the 12 months ended 28 February 2007totalled £26.2 million as against the £16.2 million in 2006, an increase of 62per cent. Excluding the impact of the acquisitions during the year the increasein the underlying business was 36 per cent. Of particular note during the year has been the success of the Drilling businessin significantly increasing its presence internationally. The Drilling revenuesgenerated in the Canadian region have increased from £2.1 million to £6.4million and in the Chinese region from less than £1 million to £4.5 million inthe year ended 28 February 2007. Since the foundation of the Drilling Division a new technology has beendeveloped which enables efficient transmission of data from below ground to thesurface during drilling using Electro Magnetic methods. This is nowcommercialised. This product has excellent potential in North America, and inparticular in regions producing coal bed methane. The addition of Bluestar Tools and Ultima Labs Inc., has added a new generationof product lines to the Drilling Division. The complementary products andtechnologies will enable the Drilling Division to extend its market penetrationinto the, typically, land-based vertical drilling markets as well to increaseformation evaluation capability. Acquisition of Bluestar Tools The Company announced on 18 July the acquisition of the trade and assets ofBluestar Tools, based in Calgary, Canada. Bluestar is a fast growing supplierof specialist technology and equipment used in drilling oil and gas wells whichis used to reduce drilling time and improve productivity. Bluestar supplies arange of Measurement and Logging While Drilling tools which are complementary tothe existing Drilling Division and includes tools to assist, when desired, inkeeping wells vertical and straight during drilling. Sondex has paid C$5.5 million (£2.7 million) for the trade and assets of thebusiness. A further C$7.4 million (£3.6 million) in shares and an additionalC$9.9 million (£4.8 million) are payable provided certain conditions are met.The funding for this acquisition has been through an increased banking facilityof £6.7 million. Whilst Bluestar is based in Canada a majority of its sales are made in the USA.Bluestar's sales are expected to be increased globally with the help of theSondex international distribution network. This acquisition will allow Sondex tocombine Geolink and Bluestar's products providing an enhanced well orientationsolution enabling directional drilling contractors to offer a broader service.Prior to the acquisition by Sondex, Bluestar was owner managed; the managementteam has remained with the business and a programme of integration with Sondexis well advanced and due for completion during the first quarter of the yearending 29 February 2008. Acquisition of Ultima Labs Inc. On 29 September 2006 the Company announced that it had acquired Ultima LabsInc., a private Houston based technology development company with a range of IPand products related to Logging While Drilling and Wireline applications for theoilfield service industry, for a consideration of up to US$9.2 million (£4.9million), including sales related earn-out. The primary product that has been developed by Ultima and is in the process ofbeing commercialised is for Logging While Drilling involving multiple depthresistivity measurements of the rock formations and their fluid content in orderto asses the potential for oil or gas production. This technology is acomplementary, next step, measurement for the existing Logging While Drillingtools provided by the Sondex Drilling Division. Ultima Labs has a Memorandum of Understanding to provide these products, with aninitial order to the value of $4.5 million, to a Chinese company that is also anexisting customer of Sondex. The management team at Ultima, which has have extensive experience in technologydevelopment for both wireline and drilling applications remained with thebusiness. The team participated in the integration of the technology intoexisting product lines and will be involved in the development of future productlines. Research and Development Investment in research and development activity during the financial yeartotalled £6.5 million, representing 9.5 per cent of turnover (£4.7 million and9.1 per cent respectively in 2006). Focused R&D continues to be regarded as aprincipal engine for sustained organic growth and the Group remains committed toinvesting about 10 per cent of its turnover on this important activity. In the year ended 28 February 2007 about 21 per cent of R&D investment wenttowards extending product lines to add functionality, incremental sales andincreased barriers to potential competitors; 24 per cent was spent onmaintaining and improving existing products; and the remaining 55 per cent wenttowards the development of new product lines for step change growth. About 50 per cent of revenue from 2007 on-going revenue is attributed to newproduct releases within the last three years, and a cash payback within threeyears is expected from investment in new projects. At the end of the period the R&D activities across the Group employ 99 personnelinvolved in sensor, software, electronic and mechanical design. They are basedin Hampshire, Aberdeen, Calgary and Houston. Further product line enhancements and additional products have been released inboth the Wireline and Drilling Divisions. A production logging tool to assistwith three-phase flow analysis and an advanced Electro Magnetic telemetry systemfor Measurement and Logging While Drilling are currently being commercialised.Investment in step change product lines which will potentially open up newmarkets in both wireline and drilling has progressed well. A select number ofstrategic projects are undertaken with the backing of Oil company and servicecompany partners. Summary Sondex has again made solid progress in the year under review. The Group hastransformed into a fully functional multiple product line company with anintegrated customer interface. The results of investment in the DrillingDivision both before and after acquisitions have been clear to see with newtechnologies being released and new markets addressed. A number of new productlines are ready to commercialise. Sondex is increasingly recognised as thesupplier of superior wireline and drilling technology, enabling the servicecustomers to grow their own businesses in partnership with Sondex. The Group's financial and management platforms are strong. The Board remainsconfident in the strategy of pursuing growth through organic development, backedby a strong R&D programme, and appropriate acquisitions. In summary, Sondex iswell placed to take advantage of opportunities and market conditions in thefuture. Martin PerryChief Executive Financial review The Group's operating profit was £11.9 million, representing an increase of 22per cent on the £9.7 million generated in 2006. Adding back £1.5 million ofcosts absorbed in relation to the aborted acquisition of Innicor SubsurfaceTechnologies Inc. and the amortisation of intangibles operating profit wouldhave been £18.6 million, representing an increased of 49 per cent on 2006. Overview The Group's turnover was £68.5 million in the year ended 28 February 2007, anincrease of 33 per cent on the previous year (£51.4 million). The Group'soperating profit before amortisation of intangible assets was £17.1 million in2007 (£12.5 million in 2006) representing a net margin on turnover of 24.9 percent (24.3 per cent in 2006). The Group's operating profit was £11.9 million (£9.7 million in 2006). Thisoperating profit was achieved in spite of a one off cost of £1.5 million inrelation to the aborted acquisition of Innicor. If amortisation of intangibles and exceptional costs are added back operatingprofit would have been £18.6 million, representing an increase of 49 per cent onthe £12.5 million generated in 2006. This represents a net margin of 27.1 percent compared with 24.3 per cent achieved in 2006. Currency and interest rate risk In common with previous years (and oil industry norms) the Group continues tomake a majority of its sales in US Dollars. In the year ended 28 February 200770 per cent of the Group's revenue was made in US Dollars (2006: 72 per cent).The percentage of the Group's costs incurred in US Dollars has increased to 24per cent from 17 per cent in 2006 following the acquisition of AES. In order toprovide a partial hedge against exchange rate movements, the Group's bank debtis denominated in US Dollars. There remains an excess of US Dollar generationgreater than that required to fund the Group's US Dollar costs and service theGroup's bank debt and, wherever appropriate, it remains the Group's policy toemploy exchange rate instruments such as forward contracts and capped ratecontracts to provide some further protection to earnings. No such contractswere held at the year end. The US Dollar has weakened in the 12 months ended 28 February 2007 which hasresulted in a foreign exchange loss recognised in the income statement for theyear ended 28 February 2007 of £0.1 million. The Group continues to partially hedge the interest rate risk with a mixture ofinterest rate swaps providing a fixed Dollar base interest rate of 3.77 per centper annum and interest rate caps providing protection in the event that the baseinterest rate increases beyond 3.77 per cent per annum. At the end of theperiod 25 per cent of the bank borrowing was hedged against interest rateincreases using these instruments. Taxation The Group's tax rate for the year ended 28 February 2007 was 34 per cent (2006:32 per cent). The effective tax rate is influenced by a number of factors,including the blend of tax rates in the countries in which the Group operates,the treatment of the high level of investment made in R&D and the application ofdeferred taxation under IFRS. The establishment of an increasing number of overseas subsidiaries exposes theGroup to local taxes at various rates, and the structure of the Group is keptunder review with the aim of achieving an overall balance in rates of taxationapplied. Dividend An interim dividend of 0.76p per share (2006: 0.7p) was paid on 15 December2006. A final dividend of 2.0p per share (2006: 1.4p) payable on 29 June 2007to shareholders on the register at 25 May 2007 is now recommended. This wouldgive a total of 2.76p per share for the year (2006: 2.1p per share), a 31 percent increase. Cashflow A key feature of the year was the cash inflow generated from operatingactivities, which at £9.7 million represented a significant improvement from theoperating cash inflow of £6.4 million during the previous year. The Group wasable to absorb into this operating cash inflow a continued build in inventoryreflecting the continued strong demand for products, particularly in theWireline market. During the year an incremental loan, in the sum of £11.5 million, was madeavailable, of which £6.7 million was drawn down to part-fund the acquisition ofthe trade and certain assets of Bluestar. The loan facility is secured by a fixed and floating charge over the assets ofthe Group. The loan is due for repayment in 36 months from 13 December 2006, subject to anannual refreshment of the rolling 36 month term. Funds drawn down under thefacility are due for repayment at the earliest on 30 June 2008, subject to anannual review. Interest on the loan facility is charged quarterly, at rates between 1.45 percent and 1.7 per cent per annum above LIBOR. At 28 February 2007, the Group had drawn down £5,693,000 against the facility of£11 million, leaving £5,307,000 available at that date for the funding of futureoperating activities. There are no restrictions on the use of these funds. Debt management The Group's gearing ratio decreased by 2 percentage points during the year from47 per cent at 28 February 2006 to 45 per cent at 28 February 2007. Otherliquidity measures such as the quick ratio, interest cover and dividend coverratios remain comfortable. Christopher WilksFinance Director Consolidated income statementfor year ended 28 February 2007 2007 2006 Total Total Note £000 £000Revenue 1 68,483 51,449 Cost of sales (31,162) (22,341) Gross profit 37,321 29,108 Other operating income 608 136Research and development expense 2 (5,419) (4,249)Sales, marketing and customer support expenses (6,645) (5,952)Administration expenses excluding amortisation of acquired (7,290) (6,551)intangible assetsCosts relating to the bid for Innicor Subsurface (1,500) -Technologies Inc. Operating profit before amortisation of acquired intangible 17,075 12,492assetsAmortisation of acquired intangible assets (5,216) (2,803) Operating profit 11,859 9,689 Financial income 828 450Financial costs (4,149) (2,653) Profit before taxation 8,538 7,486 Taxation 3 (2,865) (2,398) Profit attributable to shareholders 5,673 5,088 Dividends paid 5 (1,230) (1,106) Earnings per share on profit attributable to shareholders- Basic 4 10.2p 9.3p- Diluted 4 9.8p 9.0p- Adjusted basic 4 19.2p 13.2p- Adjusted diluted 4 18.4p 12.7p Consolidated balance sheetat 28 February 2007 2007 2006 Note £000 £000Non-current assets Goodwill 44,177 42,757Other intangible assets 27,749 17,590Property, plant and equipment 8,122 5,535Financial assets - derivatives - 111Investments 67 42 80,115 66,035 Current assets Inventories 20,346 14,796Trade and other receivables 25,358 24,759Cash and cash equivalents 3,149 2,099Financial assets - derivatives 85 - 48,938 41,654 Current liabilities Financial liabilities - borrowings (5,693) (5,395)Financial liabilities - derivatives (25) -Trade and other payables (11,494) (9,798)Provisions (2,841) -Current tax (1,698) (3,599) (21,751) (18,792) Non-current liabilities Provisions (4,307) -Financial liabilities - borrowings (29,275) (25,142)Financial liabilities - derivatives - (32)Deferred tax liabilities (3,478) (3,801) (37,060) (28,975) Net assets 70,242 59,922 Shareholders' equity Share capital 5,679 5,585Share premium 42,692 42,565Other reserves 10,598 5,739Retained earnings 11,273 6,033Total equity 70,242 59,922 Approved by the Board Martin Perry Chief Executive14 May 2007 Consolidated statement of changes to equityfor year ended 28 February 2007 2007 2006 £000 £000Total equity at start of period 59,922 53,214 Profit for the period attributable to shareholders 5,673 5,088 Items of income and expense recognised directly in equity:Net foreign exchange differences (832) 90Current taxation benefit on share options 431 -Deferred tax on items not recognised in the income statement 366 218 (35) 308 Total income and expense for the year 5,638 5,396 Transactions with equity holders:Dividends paid (1,230) (1,106)Shares issued (net of expenses) 221 1,630Shares to be issued (deferred consideration) 4,603 -Share based payments 1,088 788 70,242 59,922 Consolidated cash flow statementfor year ended 28 February 2007 2007 2006 Note £000 £000Cash flows from operating activities Operating profit before amortisation of acquired 17,075 12,492intangiblesDepreciation of property, plant and equipment 1,105 1,268Amortisation of capitalised development expenditure 1,495 1,052Amortisation of other intangible assets - 154Charge for share based payment 1,088 788(Increase) in trade and other receivables (1,785) (5,190)(Increase) in inventories (6,420) (5,868)Increase in trade and other payables 2,340 2,996 Cash generated from operations 14,898 7,692 Income tax (paid) (5,214) (1,258) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 9,684 6,434 Cash flows from investing activities Interest received 828 339Acquisition of trade and assets / subsidiaries (3,636) (6,094)Capital expenditure (3,682) (2,301)Development expenditure (2,617) (1,471)Proceeds from the sale of property, plant and equipment 35 790 Net cash used in investing activities (9,072) (8,737) Cash flows from financing activities Loans received 6,745 5,729Repayment of loans - (3,494)Interest paid (3,337) (2,015)Dividends paid (1,230) (1,106) Net cash from financing activities 2,178 (886) Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 2,790 (3,189) Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period (3,296) (1,410)Cash acquired with acquisition of subsidiaries 71 116 Net effect of exchange rate changes (2,109) 1,187Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period (2,544) (3,296) Notes to the Preliminary Announcement For the year ended 28 February 2007 1 Primary reporting format - business segments Wireline Division Drilling Division Eliminations Consolidated 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000Revenue External sales 42,238 35,276 26,245 16,173 - - 68,483 51,449Inter-segment sales - - - - - - - - Segment revenue 42,238 35,276 26,245 16,173 - - 68,483 51,449 Result Segment result before 12,657 10,928 8,315 4,323 - - 20,972 15,251amortisation ofacquired intangibleassetsAmortisation of (497) (109) (4,719) (2,694) - - (5,216) (2,803)acquired intangibleassetsSegment result 12,160 10,819 3,596 1,629 - - 15,756 12,448 Unallocated expenses (3,897) (2,759) Operating profit 11,859 9,689Financial income 828 450Financial costs (4,149) (2,653) Profit before taxation 8,538 7,486Taxation (2,865) (2,398)Profit attributable to 5,673 5,088shareholders Wireline Division Drilling Division Eliminations Consolidated 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000Assets and liabilities Segment assets 80,183 68,399 48,870 39,290 - - 129,053 107,689Unallocated assets - - Total assets 80,183 68,399 48,870 39,290 - - 129,053 107,689 Segment liabilities (4,618) (6,879) (6,876 ) (2,919) - - (11,494) (9,798)Unallocated (47,317) (37,969)liabilities Total liabilities (4,618) (6,879) (6,876) (2,919) - - (58,811) (47,767) Other information Capital expenditure - (1,749) (1,380) (1,400) (777) - - (3,149) (2,157)PPECapital expenditure -Intangibles (533) (144) - - (533) (144)Depreciation (812) (479) (209) (88) - - (1,021) (567)Amortisation of (497) (109) (4,719) (2,694) - - (5,216) (2,803)acquired intangibleassetsMovements in (84) (612) - (89) - - (84) (701)impairment provisions Secondary reporting format - geographic segments Sales by destination 2007 2006 £000 £000USA and South America 22,387 13,103Canada 12,028 6,781Europe and Africa 14,184 10,533Middle East 4,059 7,334China 7,812 3,718Russia and former Soviet Union 4,962 4,840Rest of the world 3,051 5,140Total 68,483 51,449 Total assets by location 2007 2006 £000 £000Europe 99,752 89,864USA 13,861 6,864Canada 8,363 6,914Middle East 7,077 4,047Total 129,053 107,689 Capital expenditure by location 2007 2006 £000 £000Europe 1,854 2,004USA 205 7Canada 1,595 188Middle East 28 102Total 3,682 2,301 2 Research and development expense The charge in respect of research and development expense is analysed below: 2007 2006 £000 £000 Expenditure in the period (6,541) (4,668)Development costs capitalised 2,617 1,471Amortisation of capitalised development costs (1,495) (1,052)Total research and development expense (5,419) (4,249) 3 Taxation Recognised in the income statement 2007 2006 £000 £000Current tax expenseCurrent year - UK tax charge 1,574 2,337Current year - Overseas tax charge 2,515 1,738 4,089 4,075 Adjustments in respect of prior years - UK 2 5Adjustments in respect of prior years - Overseas (97) (207) (95) (202)Deferred tax (credit) expenseOrigination and reversal of temporary differences (1,144) (1,534)Adjustments in respect of prior year 15 59 (1,129) (1,475)Total taxation expense recognised in the income statement 2,865 2,398 4 Earnings per share 2007 2006Basic earnings per share Basic undiluted (pence) 10.2 9.3Basic diluted (pence) 9.8 9.0 £000 £000Profit attributable to shareholders 5,673 5,088 Weighted average number of shares (thousands)Undiluted 55,696 54,578Dilutive share options 3,803 3,012Market price adjustment to dilutive share options (1,338) (1,091) Diluted 58,161 56,499 Adjusted earnings per share Adjusted diluted (pence) 18.4 12.7Adjusted basic (pence) 19.2 13.2 £000 £000Adjusted earnings per share is presented on the following basis:Profit attributable to shareholders (£000) 5,673 5,088Add: amortisation of acquired intangible assets 5,216 2,803Less: adjustment to taxation (1,261) (689)Add: abort costs relating to bid for Innicor Subsurface Technologies Inc 1,500 -Less: adjustment to taxation (450) - Adjusted earnings 10,678 7,202 Diluted weighted average number of shares 58,161 56,499 The adjustment to taxation brings the charge to taxation to 30 per cent ofprofit before amortisation and tax. 5 Dividends Dividend Dividend 2007 per share 2006 per share £000 pence £000 penceEquity dividends on ordinary shares:February 2005 final dividend - - 715 1.3February 2006 interim dividend - - 391 0.7February 2006 final dividend 798 1.4 - -February 2007 interim dividend 432 0.8 - -Total recognised 1,230 - 1,106 - The directors are recommending a final dividend of 2.0p per share (total£1,136,000) in respect of the year ended 28 February 2007. This dividend has notbeen provided for in the balance sheet at 28 February 2007. 6 Basis of preparation The financial information for the years ended 28 February 2007 and 28 February2006 contained in this preliminary announcement was approved by the Board on 14May 2007. This announcement does not constitute statutory accounts of theCompany within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory accounts for the year ended 28 February 2006 have been delivered tothe Registrar of Companies. Statutory accounts for the year ended 28 February2007 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company'sAnnual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on both these sets of accounts. Their reports werenot qualified and did not contain a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) ofthe Companies Act 1985. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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