5th Mar 2012 07:00
5 March 2012 |
("Sagentia" or the "Group")
Sagentia Group plc is an international technology consulting company providing outsourced R&D consultancy services from market analysis, through product development to transfer-to-manufacturing for the medical and commercial sectors.
·; | Revenue growth of 13% to £23.6 million (2010: £20.8 million). |
·; | Operating profit increased by 54%. Profit before tax increased by 55%. |
·; | Profitability in-line with upgraded market expectations. ·; Operating profit of £3.9 million (2010: £2.5 million). ·; PBT from continuing operations at £3.3 million (2010: £2.2 million). ·; Net income from continuing operations of £3.3 million (2010: £2.3 million). |
·; | Diluted EPS from continuing operations of 7.3p (2010: 6.8p). |
·; | Strong balance sheet with gross cash balance at 31 December 2011 of £21.2 million (2010: £16.4 million) and net funds of £14.1 million (2010: £8.6 million). |
·; | Proposed tender offer to return up to £8 million to shareholders at 80 pence per share. |
Sagentia Group plc | |
Martyn Ratcliffe, Chairman | |
Brent Hudson, Chief Executive | Tel: +44 (0) 1223 875 200 |
Neil Elton, Finance Director | www.sagentia.com |
Numis Securities | |
Oliver Cardigan / Simon Willis, Nominated Adviser James Serjeant, Corporate Broking | Tel: +44 (0) 20 7260 1000 |
Media enquiries:
Abchurch | |
Henry Harrison-Topham / Jamie Hooper | Tel: +44 (0) 20 7398 7702 |
www.abchurch-group.com |
Chairman's Statement
Over the past year Sagentia has continued to build on the turnaround achieved in 2010 and has delivered a very satisfactory performance. Despite the deteriorating macro-economic environment in the year, revenue increased by 13.2% to £23.6 million and profit before tax from continuing operations increased by 55.5% to £3.3 million, representing a margin of 14.2% (2010:10.3%). With considerable tax losses carried forward, the Group has minimal tax liabilities and the net profit from continuing operations in 2011 was £3.3 million (2010: £2.3 million).
The Group balance sheet continues to be very strong with Shareholders Funds of £26.4 million (2010: £22.8 million), approximately equal to the sum of the Group's cash balances and the carrying value of the Group's freehold property in Harston, near Cambridge net of the associated bank loan. Cash conversion has been good and all minority investments to which the Board attributed any value have now been realised. As a result, cash balance at 31 December 2011 was £21.2 million (2010: £16.4 million) and net funds were £14.1 million (2010: £8.6 million).
Operating profit in 2011 increased by 53.6% to £3.9 million and operating margins increased to 16.6% (2010: 12.2%) which, for a technology consultancy business of Sagentia's size, the Board considers to be towards the upper end for a balanced performance/investment profile. The Board is committed to balancing operating margin and investment in order that the Group's performance is sustainable and shareholder value is enhanced over the medium term.
Good progress has also been made on the Board's strategic initiatives during the year. Historically, Sagentia undertook the vast majority of work on a fixed price basis with corresponding risk but, through an active transition programme over the past two years, approximately 90% of client projects are now undertaken on a time-and-materials basis, substantially de-risking the profile of the Group. Furthermore, the Board has also been evolving the Group from a project-oriented consultancy to becoming a more strategic partner with its major customers, resulting in a reduced number of customers but at a greater average revenue per customer. This strategy was further reinforced in September when Sagentia announced a US$10 million multi-year contract with a large US consumer products company to provide outsourced R&D consultancy and product development services.
The Board has also continued to simplify the corporate and operational structure of the Group. Sagentia Group AG, the legacy Swiss holding company, and Catella AB, the former Swedish subsidiary, were liquidated during the year. This has resulted in a reported non-cash charge of £0.7 million in 2011 arising from these discontinued operations. The process of liquidating Sagentia GmbH, the Group's former German trading company, which has been dormant for some time, has also commenced following the transfer of historic pension obligations to a third party insurer in December 2011. Sensopad Limited has also been dissolved and, in early 2012 application has been made to dissolve Sagentia Sensors Limited. In January 2011, the minority shareholdings in Manage5Nines Limited, the Group's IT services provider, were acquired and in June 2011, following a review of the Group's operation in Hong Kong, it was decided to close the facility and service clients from the UK.
In summary, 2011 has been a year of consolidating the turnaround undertaken in 2010 with very satisfactory progress being achieved. In the second half of the year, Sagentia experienced some effects from the deterioration in the macro-economic environment, particularly in the European market and in the Industrial sector. However, given the Group's greater exposure to North American markets and the Medical sector, the Board remains cautiously optimistic for 2012, although prudence in managing the business will be maintained.
Proposed Tender Offer
Throughout 2009, prior to the current Board being established, the share price of Sagentia Group plc was less than 20 pence per share. On 18 May 2010, the Board announced a Placing at 40 pence per share ("Placing Price") in order to strengthen the Company's balance sheet and to explore potential merger and acquisition opportunities.
Since 2010, the Board has effected a successful turnaround of the Group. In parallel, a significant number of merger and acquisition opportunities have been evaluated. While several corporate transactions could have been undertaken, to date the Board have not considered that any of the opportunities available would have been beneficial to Sagentia shareholders at the valuations sought by respective vendors.
The Board recognises the limited liquidity for quoted smaller company shares, with Sagentia average monthly volume over the period August 2011 to January 2012 being equivalent to approximately 1.5% of the issued share capital. As a result of this inherent market limitation and the substantial increase in Sagentia's share price over the past two years, the Board consider it appropriate at this time to provide an opportunity for shareholders who may wish to realise all or part of their investment to do so. Therefore, subject to the requisite shareholder approvals at the Annual General Meeting and to Takeover Panel approval of a waiver of Rule 9 of the UK Code on Takeovers and Mergers the Board are proposing to return up to £8.0 million of cash to shareholders by way of a tender offer for up to 10,000,000 shares. The price of the proposed tender offer will be 80 pence per share, equivalent to a 100% return on the Placing Price and more than four times the highest closing share price through 2009. The average closing mid-market price for the twelve months ended 2 March 2012 was 80.9 pence. The resolutions to approve the tender offer will be included in the notice of the Annual General Meeting which will be sent to shareholders as soon as practicable.
Participation in the proposed tender offer will be entirely voluntary and none of the Directors will be tendering shares. If the tender offer is approved and subject to the level of acceptances received, this action is anticipated to be earnings enhancing. The strategy of the Group will continue to be based on the provision of outsourced R&D consultancy services and the Board will also retain a strong balance sheet to continue to evaluate appropriate merger and acquisition opportunities. In summary, the proposed tender offer provides a realisation opportunity for shareholders seeking liquidity for their investment but is also fair to those shareholders who wish to remain invested in Sagentia. The Board considers this approach to be equitable and in the best interests of all Sagentia shareholders.
Martyn Ratcliffe
5 March 2012
Chief Executive's Review
The successful turnaround in 2010 was consolidated over the past year with considerable progress made on the Group's strategic initiatives. The simplification of the organisation continued throughout 2011 with the acquisition of the minority shareholdings in Manage5Nines in January and then the closure of the Hong Kong operation in June. As the year progressed, it also became apparent that there was considerable overlap between the Consumer and Industrial sectors and it was decided to combine these business units into a single sector named Commercial.
Most consultants are managed through four skill groups (Science & Technology, Embedded Software, Mechanical Engineering and Design, and Innovation Technology Management) and are deployed onto projects as required, providing the Group with the benefits of scale, customers with the benefits of a breadth of science and engineering experience and Sagentia's employees with a diversity of technical challenges. Support functions (e.g. finance, HR, marketing and IT) are managed centrally to maximise the benefits of scale from shared resources.
As the Group's consultancy activities have transitioned to a time-and-materials model to reduce the risk profile of the business, a greater seasonality is inevitable since the second half of the year includes the major holiday periods (July, August, December). Furthermore, the second half of 2011 was impacted by the greater level of discounting associated with the Group's strategic account objective and the deterioration in the macro-economic environment.
The Group's Medical sector had a strong performance in 2011, reporting revenue growth of 25.7% to £14.0 million (2010: £11.2 million) and accounting for 68.0% of Group Core Business revenue (2010: 60.9%). The Medical sector typically undertakes large development projects for corporate or well-financed start-up organisations and accounted for the Group's top four customers by revenue in the year. These large projects provide Sagentia with greater demand visibility but do result in greater customer concentration. During the year, the Medical sector developed a number of innovative products and solutions for its customers and Sagentia's reputation in surgical robotics and diagnostic instrumentation in particular has continued to strengthen in areas where future demand is anticipated.
The global medical market is dominated by North American companies where there is substantial investment in the sector both within large corporates and within the venture capital community. As a result, in 2011, approximately 76% of the revenue of the Medical sector was derived from North America (2010: 55%). While the macro-economic environment in the second half of the year impacted some procurement decisions, the North America market has proven to be more resilient than Europe and this provides some confidence for 2012.
Within the context of the difficult conditions in some areas of the market the Group's Commercial sector had a satisfactory year in the underlying business with some good key account development. The Commercial business undertakes a wide variety of projects in Consumer and Industrial sectors, with typically a higher proportion of market analysis work than the Medical sector. While the average project size is significantly smaller than the Medical projects, the sector has strong customer relationships with considerable repeat business from a number of large international organisations. Furthermore, the multi-year, US$10 million contract with a North American consumer products group was a major strategic achievement. In contrast to these positive developments, the Industrial sector was particularly weak during 2011, despite benefitting from a large one-off initial production order as part of a transition to manufacture programme in the first half of the year. As a result, the Commercial division reported a decline in revenue of 12.6% to £6.6 million (2010: £7.3 million), thereby accounting for 32.0% of the Group's Core Business revenue (2010: 39.1%).
The Commercial sector receives a high proportion of its business from large multi-national companies, many of which have been customers of Sagentia for a number of years. These customers are more evenly distributed between North America and Europe, and operate across a diversity of industries resulting in greater exposure, but also providing some resilience to the macro-economic environment.
Most of Sagentia's operations are based in Harston, near Cambridge, UK. The Group has a facility in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, to support the North American customer base which accounted for approximately 63% of the Group's Core Business revenues in 2011 (2010: 49%). Group headcount, excluding contract resources (approximately 27), at 31 December 2011 was 153, of which approximately 71% were fee-earning consultants (31 December 2010: 153 and approximately 10 contract resources).
Investment continues to be made in the Group's information management infrastructure, with the Group's new financial management system scheduled to go live in the coming months. The improvements in key account management and the focus on developing strategic relationships with Sagentia's customers, together with improved management reporting and more robust operational and financial processes, provide greater management visibility throughout both sales and project delivery phases of our customer relationships.
In summary, 2011 has been a very satisfactory year for Sagentia, exceeding the Board's financial expectations and delivering against the Group's strategic objectives. This continued success, together with the financial discipline and processes now well-established within Sagentia, provide a platform for the future, although the Board will remain cautious until the macro-economic environment stabilises.
Brent Hudson
Chief Executive
5 March 2012
Financial Review
In the twelve months ended 31 December 2011, the Group generated revenue of £23.6 million (2010: £20.8 million), an increase of 13.2%. The operating margin in 2011 was 16.6% (2010: 12.2%) which produced operating profit of £3.9 million (2010: £2.5 million). Profit before tax from continuing operations increased by 55.5% to £3.3 million (2010: £2.2 million) and profit after tax from continuing operations was £3.3 million (2010: £2.3 million). Due to the significant tax losses carried forward in the UK and US subsidiaries (approximately £24.5 million at 31 December 2011; 2010: £27.1 million), the tax liabilities on profits are anticipated to be minimal. Based on the average number of shares in issue during the year, diluted earnings per share from continuing operations increased to 7.3 pence (2010: 6.8 pence).
The Group reports its results under two business segments (see Note 2). The 'Core Business' represents all revenues derived from R&D Consultancy (which in turn comprise R&D Consultancy Fees and project expenses recharged on R&D Consultancy projects) and revenues from product sales and licence income. The 'Other' segment comprises Fees and recharged project expenses derived from outsourced IT services (provided by Manage5Nines Limited) and property income. Revenue from Core Business activities grew by 14.3% to £20.9 million, compared with £18.3 million in 2010. The Core Business undertook work for a total of approximately 70 customers in the year of which the top five accounted for approximately 52% of revenue (2010: 39%) and the top ten approximately 67% (2010: 53%) in line with the increased focus on key account management. Revenue from Core Business operations includes materials used in projects recharged to customers of £1.8 million (2010: £1.5 million), and product and licence revenue of £1.1 million (2010 : £0.5 million), enhanced in the first half of the year by a relatively large one-off initial production order as a large European customer transitioned a development into manufacture.
Other revenue includes property income from sub-let space in the Harston Mill facility of £1.4 million (2010: £1.3 million). The Harston Mill property currently has a total of 12 tenants (2010: 12 tenants) with minimal current vacant space. Other revenue also includes IT Support (including materials) through Manage5Nines Limited totalling £1.3 million (2010: £1.2 million). Until 14 January 2011, Sagentia owned 80% of Manage5Nines Limited at which time Sagentia acquired the minority shareholding in the company in order to simplify the corporate structure.
All legacy investments to which the Board attributed value at the end of 2010 have now been sold. Two legacy investments were sold for an aggregate cash payment of £239,000 in early 2011 and the remaining minority shareholding was sold in December for £704,000. As a result of these disposals, a net charge to the income statement of £80,000 was incurred during the year.
The Group has a strong balance sheet with Shareholder Funds at 31 December 2011 of £26.4 million, equivalent to 63.1 pence per share (2010: Shareholder Funds of £22.7 million equivalent to 54.7 pence per share) including the Group's freehold property. The cash position was strengthened by both operating cash flow and the disposal of all residual investments to which the Board attributed value, such that gross cash at 31 December 2010 was £21.2 million (2010: £16.4 million) and net funds were £14.1 million (2010: £8.6 million), although it should be noted that the cash position is enhanced by seasonal factors, particularly management and employee bonus payments accrued in 2011 and payable in March 2012 and the final settlement of Sagentia GmbH pension obligations which occurred in January 2012. Net cash generated from operating activities was £4.7 million (2010: £3.4 million) and debtor days were 44 days (2010: 44 days). The loan balance of £7.0 million at 31 December 2011 (2010: £7.8 million) is secured on the freehold property and associated lease structure and, subject to a minimum cash balance, is not subject to covenants related to the operating performance of the Consultancy business.
During 2011 Sagentia Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sagentia Group plc, declared a dividend of £8.0 million. Furthermore, as a result of the liquidation of Sagentia Group AG and Sagentia Catella AB during the year, Sagentia Group plc (the Company) was able to release intercompany provisions. The net effect of these transactions is to create distributable reserves in the Company of £10.9 million (2010: deficit of £1.1 million), enabling the Company to propose the tender offer to shareholders. It should be noted that the Company's reserves at 31 December 2011 are greater than consolidated Group reserves. The primary reason for the difference in results is due to historic accumulated losses in Sagentia Holdings Limited, a subsidiary of Sagentia Group plc. The liquidation of Sagentia Group AG has required the recycling of cumulative translation differences to the income statement resulting in a one-off, non-cash charge of £0.7 million in the year which has been shown as Results from Discontinued Operations in the Consolidated Income Statement.
Neil Elton
Finance Director
5 March 2012
Sagentia Group plc
Consolidated Income Statement
For the year ended 31 December 2011
Group | ||||||
Note | 2011 £000 | 2010 £000 | ||||
Revenue | 2 | 23,568 | 20,821 | |||
Operating expenses | 2,3 | (19,662) | (18,278) | |||
Operating profit | 2 | 3,906 | 2,543 | |||
Change in fair value on financial assets Net loss on disposal of non-current asset investments | - (80) | (417) - | ||||
Share based payment charge | (206) | (63) | ||||
Profit before finance charges and tax | 3,620 | 2,063 | ||||
Finance costs | (353) | (608) | ||||
Finance income | 79 | 346 | ||||
Change in fair value of interest rate swap | - | 351 | ||||
Profit before income tax | 3,346 | 2,152 | ||||
Income tax (charge) credit | 4 | (78) | 165 | |||
Profit for the year from continuing operations | 3,268 | 2,317 | ||||
Loss for the year from discontinued operations | (680) | - | ||||
Profit for the year | 2,588 | 2,317 | ||||
Profit for the year attributable to: | ||||||
Equity holders of the parent | 2,588 | 2,295 | ||||
Non-controlling interests | - | 22 | ||||
Profit for the year | 2,588 | 2,317 | ||||
Earnings per share | ||||||
Earnings per share from continuing operations (basic) | 5
| 7.8p | 7.0p | |||
Earnings per share from continuing operations (diluted) | 5 | 7.3p | 6.8p |
Sagentia Group plc
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the year ended 31 December 2011
Group | ||||||
2011 £000 | 2010 £000 | |||||
Profit for the year | 2,588 | 2,317 | ||||
Other comprehensive income: | ||||||
Exchange difference on translating foreign operations Recycled translation reserve |
258 680 |
19 - | ||||
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax |
938 |
19 | ||||
Total comprehensive income for the year | 3,526 | 2,336 | ||||
Attributable to: | ||||||
- Owners of the parent | 3,526 | 2,314 | ||||
- Non-controlling interests | - | 22 | ||||
Total comprehensive income for the year | 3,526 | 2,336 |
Sagentia Group plc
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
For the year ended 31 December 2011
Group | Issued capital
£000 | Share premium
£000 | Merger reserve
£000 | Translation reserve
£000 | Share based payment reserve £000 | Retained earnings
£000 | Total - Shareholders funds
£000 | Non-controlling Interest
£000 | Total equity
£000 |
Balance at 1 January 2010 | 217 | 49 | 22,211 | (699) | 769 | (9,846) | 12,701 | 48 | 12,749 |
New shares issued | 200 | 7,800 | - | - | - | - | 8,000 | - | 8,000 |
Cost of placing | - | (331) | - | - | - | - | (331) | - | (331) |
Share based payment charge |
- |
- |
- |
- |
63 |
- |
63 |
- |
63 |
Transactions with owners | 200 | 7,469 | - | - | 63 | - | 7,732 | - | 7,732 |
Profit for the year | - | - | - | - | - | 2,295 | 2,295 | 22 | 2,317 |
Other comprehensive income: | |||||||||
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations |
- |
- |
- |
19 |
- |
- |
19 |
- |
19 |
Total comprehensive income for the year |
- |
- |
- |
19 |
- |
2,295 |
2,314 |
22 |
2,336 |
Balance at 31 December 2010 | 417 | 7,518 | 22,211 | (680) | 832 | (7,551) | 22,747 | 70 | 22,817 |
Balance at 1 January 2011 | 417 | 7,518 | 22,211 | (680) | 832 | (7,551) | 22,747 | 70 | 22,817 |
Disposal of Sagentia Group AG | - | - | (11,868) | - | - | 11,868 | - | - | - |
Change in ownership interest | - | - | - | - | - | (80) | (80) | (70) | (150) |
New shares issued Share based payment charge | 1 - | 20 - | - - | - - | - 206 | - - | 21 206 | - - | 21 206 |
Transactions with owners | 1 | 20 | (11,868) | - | 206 | 11,788 | 147 | (70) | 77 |
Profit for the year | - | - | - | - | - | 2,588 | 2,588 | - | 2,588 |
Other comprehensive income: | |||||||||
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations Recycled to income statement |
- - |
- - |
- - |
258 680 |
- - |
- - |
258 680 |
- - |
258 680 |
Total comprehensive income for the year |
- |
- |
- |
938 |
- |
2,588 |
3,526 |
- |
3,526 |
Balance at 31 December 2011 | 418 | 7,538 | 10,343 | 258 | 1,038 | 6,825 | 26,420 | - | 26,420 |
The Merger reserve arose as a consequence of a Group reorganisation. In 2008 Sagentia Group plc acquired Sagentia Group AG by way of a share for share exchange. Sagentia Group AG was liquidated during the year as a result of which the Merger reserve was reduced to £10.3m and cumulative translation differences of £0.7m have been recycled to the consolidated income statement as a loss from discontinued operations.
Sagentia Group plc
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
For the year ended 31 December 2011
Group | |||||
Note | 2011 £000 | 2010 £000 | |||
Assets | |||||
Non-current assets | |||||
Property, plant and equipment | 14,120 | 14,112 | |||
Investments | - | - | |||
Deferred income tax assets | 3,237 | 3,240 | |||
17,357 | 17,352 | ||||
Current assets | |||||
Trade and other receivables | 6 | 2,876 | 4,087 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents | 21,198 | 16,430 | |||
24,074 | 20,517 | ||||
Non-current assets classified as held for sale | |||||
Non-current assets classified as held for sale | - | 1,024 | |||
- | 1,024 | ||||
Total assets | 41,431 | 38,893 | |||
Liabilities | |||||
Current liabilities | |||||
Trade and other payables | 7 | 5,327 | 5,427 | ||
Current income tax liabilities | 7 | 180 | 38 | ||
Other borrowings | 7 | 835 | 800 | ||
6,342 | 6,265 | ||||
Non-current liabilities | |||||
Borrowings | 8 | 6,232 | 7,000 | ||
Other creditors | 8 | - | 247 | ||
Deferred income tax liabilities | 2,437 | 2,564 | |||
8,669 | 9,811 | ||||
Total liabilities | 15,011 | 16,076 | |||
Net assets / liabilities | 26,420 | 22,817 | |||
Shareholders' equity | |||||
Share capital | 9 | 418 | 417 | ||
Share premium | 7,538 | 7,518 | |||
Merger reserve | 10,343 | 22,211 | |||
Translation reserves | 258 | (680) | |||
Share based payment reserve | 1,038 | 832 | |||
Retained earnings | 6,825 | (7,551) | |||
26,420 | 22,747 | ||||
Non-controlling interest | - | 70 | |||
Total equity | 26,420 | 22,817 |
Sagentia Group plc
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended 31 December 2011
Group | |||||
| 2011 £000 | 2010 £000 | |||
Profit before income tax | 3,346 | 2,152 | |||
Depreciation and amortisation charges | 231 | 322 | |||
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment Loss on disposal of current asset investments | - 80 | 72 - | |||
Change in fair value of held for sale assets | - | 417 | |||
Change in fair value of interest rate swap | - | (351) | |||
Share based payment charge | 206 | 63 | |||
Write back of loans by non-controlling interests to subsidiary undertakings |
- |
(285) | |||
(Increase) decrease in receivables | 1,211 | (87) | |||
Increase (decrease) in payables | (347) | 1,101 | |||
Cash generated from operations | 4,727 | 3,404 | |||
UK corporation tax received (paid) - net | (40) | 33 | |||
Foreign corporation tax received (paid) net | (20) | 11 | |||
Cash flows from operating activities | 4,667 | 3,448 | |||
Purchase of property, plant and equipment | (239) | (169) | |||
Purchase of non-controlling interest | (150) | - | |||
Sale of current assets investments | 944 | - | |||
Cash flows from investing activities | 555 | (169) | |||
Issue of ordinary share capital | 21 | 8,000 | |||
Placement costs | - | (331) | |||
Proceeds from bank loans | - | 8,000 | |||
Repayment of bank loans | (800) | (6,700) | |||
Proceeds from other loan | 95 | - | |||
Repayment of other loan | (28) | - | |||
Cash flows from financing activities | (712) | 8,969 | |||
Increase in cash and cash equivalents in the year |
4,510 |
12,248 | |||
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year |
16,430 |
4,234 | |||
Exchange gains (loss) on cash | 258 | (52) | |||
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year |
21,198 |
16,430 |
Extracts from notes to the financial statements
1 General Information
Sagentia Group plc (the 'Company') and its subsidiaries (together 'Sagentia' or 'Group') is an international technology consulting group providing outsourced R&D consultancy services from market analysis, through product development to transfer-to-manufacturing and the development and exploitation of intellectual property.
The Company is the ultimate parent company in which results of all Sagentia companies are consolidated. The Company was incorporated on 17 March 2008 in order to acquire the whole of the undertaking of Sagentia Group AG via a share for share exchange. Sagentia Group AG was liquidated during the year.
Sagentia develops new and novel technologies in the Medical (Diagnostics, Patient Care and Surgical) and Commercial (Industrial and Consumer) industries. Its key areas of expertise include: engineering, electronics, life sciences, business innovation, and materials. Sagentia's facilities include offices and laboratories located in Europe in Cambridge and in the US in Cambridge, Mass, near Boston.
The Group and Company accounts of Sagentia Group plc were prepared under IFRS as adopted by the European Union, and have been audited by Grant Thornton UK LLP. Accounts are available from the company's registered office; Harston Mill, Harston, Cambridge, CB22 7GG.
The Company is incorporated in England and Wales and has its primary listing on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange (SAG.L). The value of Sagentia Group plc shares, as quoted on the London Stock Exchange plc at 31 December 2011, was 87.5 pence per share (31 December 2010: 67.5 pence).
2 Segment Information
Sagentia is organised on a worldwide basis into two segments, Core Business and Other. Core Business activities include the two industry sectors (Medical and Commercial) which Sagentia services and includes all Consultancy fees for services operations, including recharged expenses and product/licence revenue generated directly from these activities. 'Other' activities include rental income from Harston Mill and income from the provision of external IT services. The segmental analysis is reviewed up to operating profit. Other resources are shared across the Group.
Year ended 31 December 2011
| Core Business£000 | Other
£000 | Total
£000 | ||
Fees | 18,105 | - | 18,105 | ||
IT Support | - | 840 | 840 | ||
Property income | - | 1,370 | 1,370 | ||
Recharged project expenses | 1,760 | 420 | 2,180 | ||
Product and licence income | 1,073 | - | 1,073 | ||
Revenue | 20,938 | 2,630 | 23,568 | ||
Operating profit | 3,604 | 302 | 3,906 | ||
Loss on disposal of non-current asset investments |
(80) | ||||
Share based payments | (206) | ||||
Profit before finance charges and tax |
3,620 | ||||
Finance charges | (274) | ||||
Profit before income tax | 3,346 | ||||
Tax charge | (78) | ||||
Profit for the year from continuing operations |
3,268 |
Year ended 31 December 2010
| Core Business£000 | Other
£000 | Total
£000 | ||
Fees | 16,339 | 7 | 16,346 | ||
IT Support | - | 771 | 771 | ||
Property income | - | 1,280 | 1,280 | ||
Recharged project expenses | 1,485 | 442 | 1,927 | ||
Product and licence income | 497 | - | 497 | ||
Revenue | 18,321 | 2,500 | 20,821 | ||
Operating profit | 2,423 | 120 | 2,543 | ||
Change in fair value of financial assets |
(417) | ||||
Share based payments | (63) | ||||
Profit before finance charges and tax |
2,063 | ||||
Finance charges | 89 | ||||
Profit before income tax | 2,152 | ||||
Tax income | 165 | ||||
Profit for the year from continuing operations |
2,317 |
Revenue and non-current assets by geographical area are as follows:
2011 | 2010 | |||
Revenue £000 | Non-current assets £000 |
Revenue £000 | Non-current assets £000 | |
United Kingdom | 6,618 | 14,120 | 6,984 | 14,109 |
Other European countries | 3,821 | - | 4,048 | - |
North America | 13,091 | - | 9,101 | - |
Other | 38 | - | 688 | 3 |
Total | 23,568 | 14,120 | 20,821 | 14,112 |
For the purpose of the analysis of revenue, geographical markets are defined as the country or area in which the client is based. Non-current assets are allocated based on their physical location.
During 2011, £3.8 million or 16% of the Group's revenues depended on a single customer in the Core Business segment, based in North America.
3 Operating expenses
Expenses by nature | Group | ||||
Year ended 31 December |
| 2011£000 | 2010£000 | ||
Employee remuneration and benefit expense (excluding share options) |
10,886 |
10,808 | ||
Operating third party expenses | 3,448 | 2,501 | |||
Occupancy costs | 1,451 | 1,545 | |||
Equipment and consumables | 618 | 366 | |||
Selling and marketing expenses | 1,170 | 970 | |||
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment |
231 |
322 | ||
Patent fees | 82 | 70 | |||
Recruitment and training | 652 | 409 | |||
Foreign currency losses (gains) | 156 | (150) | |||
Other | 968 | 1,437 | |||
19,662 | 18,278 |
Included above | Group |
| ||||||||
2011£000 | 2010£000 |
| ||||||||
Research and development * | 7,326 | 6,461 |
| |||||||
Operating lease rentals |
| |||||||||
- Plant and machinery | 24 | 60 |
| |||||||
- Other | - | 58 |
| |||||||
Auditors' remuneration |
| |||||||||
Services to the Company and its subsidiaries: | ||||||||||
Fees payable to the Company's auditors for the audit of the financial statements |
8 |
15 |
| |||||||
Fees payable to the Company's auditors and its associates for other services: |
| |||||||||
Audit of the financial statements of the Company's subsidiaries pursuant to legislation |
27 |
25 |
| |||||||
Other non-audit fees | 30 | 17 |
| |||||||
*R&D costs are represented by staff and material costs incurred in relation to third party R&D projects
4 Income Tax
The tax (charge) / credit comprises:
Year ended 31 December | 2011£000 | 2010£000 | ||
Foreign taxation | 9 | 49 | ||
Current taxation | (211) | - | ||
Deferred taxation | ||||
- tax losses available | 124 | 112 | ||
- other temporary differences | - | 4 | ||
124 | 116 | |||
(78) | 165 |
The tax on Sagentia's profit before tax differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the weighted average statutory tax rate applicable to profits of the consolidated companies as follows:
2011£000 | 2010£000 | |||
Profit before tax | 3,346 | 2,152 | ||
Tax calculated at domestic tax rates applicable to profits(losses) in the respective countries |
(916) |
(633) | ||
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes | (16) | (222) | ||
Income not subject to tax | - | 2 | ||
Accelerated capital allowances | 2 | (97) | ||
R&D tax relief | - | 278 | ||
Adjustment in respect of prior periods | (22) | - | ||
Other temporary differences | (2) | 2 | ||
Tax losses for which no deferred income tax asset was recognised |
(123) |
(293) | ||
Movement in deferred tax due to change in tax rate Utilisation of tax losses |
(64) 1,063 |
(20) 1,148 | ||
Tax (charge) / credit | (78) | 165 |
The weighted average statutory applicable tax rate was 26.7% (2010: 26.3%).
The Group has available tax losses of approximately £24.5 million (2010: £27.1 million).
5 Earnings per share
The calculation of earnings per share is based on the following result and numbers of shares:
2011£000 | 2010£000 | |||
Profit for the financial year from continuing operations | 3,268 | 2,295 | ||
Profit for the financial year (including discontinued operations) | 2,588 | 2,295 |
Weighted average number of shares: | 2011Number | 2010Number | ||
For basic earnings per share | 41,733,574 | 33,011,266 | ||
For fully diluted earnings per share | 44,666,713 | 33,563,343 |
The profit for the financial year (including discontinued operations) is stated after the recycling of accumulated translation reserves through the income statement following the liquidation of Sagentia Group AG.
Basic earnings per share for continuing operations in 2011 were 7.8 pence (2010: 7.0 pence). Fully diluted earnings per share from continuing operations were 7.3 pence (2010: 6.8 pence).
Basic earnings per share (including discontinued operations) in 2011 were 6.2 pence (2010: 7.0 pence). Fully diluted earnings per share (including discontinued operations) were 5.8 pence (2010: 6.8 pence).
6. Trade and other receivables
Group | ||||
| 2011£000 | 2010£000 | ||
Current assets: | ||||
Trade receivables | 2,415 | 3,794 | ||
Provision for impairment | (57) | (345) | ||
Trade receivables - net | 2,358 | 3,449 | ||
Amounts recoverable on contracts Other receivables | 70 12 | 125 22 | ||
Amounts owed by Group undertakings | - | - | ||
VAT | 13 | 58 | ||
Prepayments and accrued income | 423 | 433 | ||
2,876 | 4,087 |
All amounts disclosed above are short term. The carrying value of trade receivables is considered a reasonable approximation of fair value.
All of Sagentia's trade and other receivables have been reviewed for indicators of impairment. Certain trade receivables were considered to be impaired and a provision of £57,000 (2010: £345,000) has been provided at 31 December. In addition, some of the unimpaired trade receivables are past due as at the reporting date.
Group | ||||
| 2011£000 | 2010£000 | ||
Provision brought forward | 345 | 273 | ||
Debts written off | (223) | (73) | ||
Provision released | (122) | (182) | ||
Provision made | 57 | 327 | ||
Provision carried forward | 57 | 345 |
The age of trade receivables overdue but not impaired is as follows:
Group | ||||
| 2011£000 | 2010£000 | ||
Not more than 3 months | 603 | 951 | ||
More than 3 months but not more than 6 months | 2 | 19 | ||
More than 6 months but not more than 1 year | - | - | ||
More than 1 year | - | - | ||
605 | 970 |
7. Current Liabilities
Group | |||||
| 2011£000 | 2010£000 | |||
Trade and other payables - current | |||||
Payments received on account | 1,054 | 1,633 | |||
Trade payables | 346 | 449 | |||
Other taxation and social security | 459 | 467 | |||
Amounts owed to group undertakings | - | - | |||
VAT | - | 17 | |||
Accruals | 3,468 | 2,861 | |||
5,327 | 5,427 | ||||
Bank borrowings Other borrowings |
| 800 35 | 800 - | ||
Current tax liabilities | 180 | 38 | |||
6,342 | 6,265 |
8. Other non-current liabilities
Group | |||||
| 2011£000 | 2010£000 | |||
Bank borrowings Other borrowings | 6,200 32 | 7,000 - | |||
6,232 | 7,000 | ||||
Other payables | - | 247 | |||
Deferred income tax liabilities | 2,437 | 2,564 | |||
8,669 | 9,811 |
9. Called-up share capital
| 2011£000 | 2010£000 | ||
Authorised | ||||
Ordinary shares of £0.01 each | 465 | 465 | ||
Allotted, called-up and fully paid | ||||
Ordinary shares of £0.01 each | 418 | 417 | ||
Number | Number | |||
Authorised | ||||
Ordinary shares of £0.01 each | 46,534,390 | 46,534,390 | ||
Allotted, called-up and fully paid | ||||
Ordinary shares of £0.01 each | 41,841,095 | 41,723,595 |
10. Statement by the directors
The preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2011 and the results for the year ended 31 December 2010 are prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted for use in the EU ("IFRS"). The accounting policies adopted in this preliminary announcement are consistent with the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2011.
The financial information set out above, which was approved by the Board on 5 March 2012, is derived from the full Group accounts for the year ended 31 December 2011 and does not constitute the statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The Group accounts on which the auditors have given an unqualified report, which does not contain a statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006 in respect of the accounts for 2011, will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies in due course.
The Board of Sagentia approved the release of this audited preliminary announcement on 5 March 2012.
The Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2011 will be posted to shareholders in due course and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Annual General Meeting of the Company. The report will also be available on the investor relations page of our website.
Further copies will be available on request and free of charge from the Company Secretary.
- Ends -
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