17th Sep 2015 07:00
For immediate release | Thursday 17 September 2015 |
Final results for the year ended 30 June 2015
Town Centre Securities PLC ("TCS"), the Leeds based property investment and car parking company, today announces its audited final results for the year ended 30 June 2015.
Financial highlights
· Net assets per share up 11.7% at 344p (2014: 308p)
· Dividend 1.16 times covered, total dividend per share 10.44p (2014: 10.44p); proposed final dividend unchanged at 7.34p (2014: 7.34p)
· Statutory profit before tax of £24.0m (2014: £27.4m) and statutory earnings per share of 45.1p (2014: 51.6p)
· Underlying profit before tax* of £6.5m (2014: £7.6m) following planned disposals as part of capital recycling programme
· Underlying earnings per share* of 12.1p (2014: 14.4p)
· Total shareholder return of 19.1% (2014: 49.3%) and total property return of 12.2% (2014: 14.1%)
· New £35m bank facility agreed at 50bp reduction in margin
*Excluding valuation movement and property disposal profits
Operating Performance
· Total property return of 12.2% (2014: 14.1%) has out-performed IPD in all comparable categories
· Like for like passing rent up 2.5% to £18.3m
· Estimated Rental Value ('ERV') up 8% to £21.6m mainly due to Merrion House deal and acquisitions
· Like for like ERV up 2.8%
· Like for like property valuation increase of 7.1% (2014: 10.0%); initial yield of 5.8% (2014: 6.7%) and reversionary yield of 6.8% (2014: 7.4%)
· Occupancy remains high at 96% (2014: 97%)
Operational highlights
· Active capital recycling through
o Sales of properties at Apperley Bridge and Victoria Gate for total consideration of £9.7m, exit yield 3.3%
o Four property acquisitions at a net initial yield of 5.1% for a total cost of £11.3m
o Sale of Goodramgate, York for £3.55m completed in August 2015, exit yield 6.24%
· Good progress with Merrion Centre enhancements
o Morrisons re-fit and extension nearing completion, trading well
o Merrion House 50/50 JV with Leeds City Council now established and property transferred
o Merrion Hotel Franchise agreements signed with Ibis Styles and Marco Pierre White
o Arena Quarter now 80% let
· Waitrose, Milngavie development completed and open for trading with £3.3m development surplus
· Completed the redevelopment of Albion Place, Leeds replacing Austin Reed with a Sainsbury's store
· Marketing a 91 unit residential scheme in Piccadilly basin, Manchester
· Purchased, refurbished and let a retail/office investment in Duke Street, London
· Added five new branches to our Citipark car parking portfolio, increasing total spaces by 81% to 5,200
· Two new Non-executive Directors, Ian Marcus and Paul Huberman appointed 1 January 2015 and Ben Ziff appointed 17 September 2015
Commenting on the results, Chairman and Chief Executive Edward Ziff, said:
"Retail valuations have continued to rise in the regions and we expect this to continue as the economic backdrop continues to improve. The letting market remains competitive but we continue to find opportunities to increase income in all areas of our portfolio and over the next couple of years our income will benefit from the transactions we have already concluded. This is particularly so in the Merrion Centre where the Merrion House deal is now underway. We intend to increase portfolio sales and purchase activity this year.
We will continue our car park acquisitions programme as we have already seen this contributing positively to our profits.
We will also complete our bank facility renewal; the banking panel has improved and we expect to achieve a reduced margin and subsequent reduction in average borrowing cost.
Overall we look forward with confidence and are encouraged by the many profitable opportunities that we have to deliver attractive shareholder returns".
For further information, please contact:
Town Centre Securities PLC www.tcs-plc.com
Edward Ziff, Chairman and Chief Executive 0113 222 1234
Duncan Syers, Finance Director
MHP Communications
Reg Hoare / Gina Bell 020 3128 8100
Chairman and Chief Executive's Statement
We have had another good year with Total Shareholder Return of 19% and our property portfolio has produced a Total Property Return of 12% which has out-performed IPD in all comparable categories
Portfolio performance
The like for like increase in the value of our investment property portfolio this year has been 7.1% (2014: 10%) which reflects a reversionary yield of 6.8% (2014: 7.4%). The total property return of 12.2% is ahead of IPD with excellent performances from the completed Waitrose development at Milngavie, Glasgow and Merrion House which was transferred into a JV with Leeds City Council in May 2015.
Including acquisitions, developments, joint ventures and leasehold car parks the portfolio value at the year end stood at £355.4m (2014: £326.8m).
Net assets at 30 June 2015 were £182.9m, representing 344 pence per share (2014: £163.9m, 308 pence per share). Adjusted net asset value was £183.0m, representing 344 pence per share (2014: £170.4m, 320 pence per share) reflecting the fact that long term interest rates are in line with the coupon on our Debenture Stock.
We report a statutory profit for the year of £24.0m (2014: £27.4m) which includes the property revaluation surplus of £14.8m this year (2014 £19.8m).
Our underlying profit before tax of £6.5m (2014: £7.6m) (excluding property revaluation and property disposals) is in line with expectations but behind last year due to planned disposals as part of our capital recycling programme. The car park business was ahead of the prior year on a like for like basis.
Statutory earnings per share (including property revaluation and property disposals) were 45.1p (2014: 51.6p). Underlying earnings per share were 12.1p (2014: 14.4p).
The Board is recommending a final dividend of 7.34 pence per share, which, together with the interim dividend of 3.1 pence per share, provides an unchanged total dividend of 10.44 pence per share. The final dividend comprises a Property Income Distribution of 2.16 pence and an ordinary dividend of 5.18 pence per share. The final dividend will be paid on 5 January 2016 to shareholders on the register on 4 December 2015.
Net debt at 30 June 2015 amounted to £174.6m (2014: £160.5m). This comprised £106.1m of 5.375% First Mortgage Debenture Stock 2031 and £70.0m of revolving credit facilities, net of £1.5m cash. The increase in the level of net debt is principally due to capital expenditure (£37.6m) exceeding property disposal proceeds (£26.8m). Borrowings represent 49% of property values (2014: 49%).
The group is in the process of renewing its bank facilities. We have completed the renewal of our 3 year revolving credit facility with Handelsbanken increasing the facility from £20m to £35m and reducing the average margin by over 50 basis points. We shall renew the other bank facilities over the next few months.
Capital recycling
A key part of our property strategy is continually to refresh the portfolio through a combination of selective sales of properties where we can no longer add value and purchases of properties which give opportunities to grow income and value.
As part of this process in 2013/14 we sold five properties in Scotland for £8.9m. The income from these properties was £512,000 in 2013/14. We also sold Park Row, Leeds for £7.5m at the beginning of this year with income of £630,000. While the recycling programme continues to refresh and improve the portfolio these disposals have reduced income by £1.14m with an associated interest benefit of £400,000.
Our capital recycling in 2014/15 has been as follows:
· Purchased Duke Street, London for £3.1m, rental value £196,700
· Purchased Princes Street, Edinburgh for £2.4m, income £147,500
· Purchased Wood Green, London for £1.3m, income £72,000
· Purchased an industrial park in Stourton, Leeds for £4.5m, income £325,000
· Sold Apperley Bridge, Leeds for £5.0m, income £121,000
· Sold our interest in the Victoria Gate development in Leeds for £4.7m, income £200,000
The full year income gain from these transactions is £420,000 while the net interest increase is only £40,000.
We also agreed terms to sell Goodramgate, York in June 2015 with completion in August 2015; we received £3.55m and the exit yield was 6.24%.
Active property management
This is the time of year when we look back and review what we have achieved; the range and scope of our management activities is illustrated in the following pages. Our focus is on finding and generating income growth against a backdrop of a competitive retail rental market. Set out below is a summary of the projects we have been working on over the last couple of years which in total have added over £20m to net assets.
Merrion Centre
Arena Quarter
This redevelopment began with the Pure Gym letting in 2012, 20,600 sq ft at £8.50 psf.
Building work on all units created a total of 80,700 sq ft of retail space and was completed in 2014 at a cost of £5.6m. It is currently 80% let with a total rental value of £831,600. The current valuation is £8.1m which has therefore added £2.5m to net assets.
During the year we took a surrender of a lease to restaurant operator Cosmo as the tenant was unable to fit out; we received £150,000 in respect of the surrender, the existing lease was at £12.61 psf and we have been letting recently at £20 psf. This unit, along with all the remaining units in the scheme, is being actively marketed.
We completed a surrender and lease renewal with Morrisons in June 2014 which added 20% to their floorspace and £500,000 to rental income. The fit out is well underway and has already had a beneficial impact on the main mall. This deal alone added £5m to net assets.
Main mall
We continue to improve the tenant line up and rental income in what remains a competitive retail market. Demand is strong for the main mall units and where units come available they let quickly. The tenant mix remains strong with a number of new lettings, renewals, re-locations and reviews including Superdrug, Ethel Austin, Holland & Barrett, 3store, O2, Peacocks, Claires Accessories, Greggs, Poundworld and Home Bargains and we have increased the rental income and the average lease length during the year.
NHS clinic
This letting uses space which was previously used as the centre management office, along with balcony units and office space which were difficult to let with a low rental value. This 5,543 sq ft letting is to a NHS funded clinic at £100,000 pa and has already generated demand for the other balcony units in complementary uses. This refurbishment has also allowed us to create a block of kiosk units with a rental value of £55,000 pa.
Merrion Hotel
The Merrion Centre Hotel is currently vacant and we have now signed management contracts and franchise agreements with Ibis Styles (3 star) and Marco Pierre White restaurants to create a 134 bed hotel and 4,000 sq ft restaurant. The estimated build cost is £7.5m and is expected to generate an initial profit of £600,000 rising to £1m over five years. The start on site will be Autumn 2015 subject to finalising the detailed planning permission. This provides an excellent return on the investment for space that has been vacant for over two years.
Merrion House
The Merrion House redevelopment has now entered the contractual stage; the property was transferred into a 50/50 joint venture with Leeds City Council in May 2015. The book value of property was £25m and had rental income of £1.4m pa. The redevelopment will add 50,000 sq ft of state of the art office space and refit the existing 120,000 sq ft; the total cost estimate is £31m with £28m funded by sale of the 50% stake to Leeds City Council. The completed redevelopment has an expected value of £70m (we have a 50% share) and will generate total income of £3.3m pa (indexed in line with CPI) from a new 25 year lease to Leeds City Council.
Other properties
Whitehall Riverside, Leeds
This area is rapidly becoming the prime office location in Leeds with three substantially speculative office buildings under construction on the sites adjoining Whitehall Riverside. There is an established demand for grade A space at £28 psf and we are currently marketing for pre-let on our site a 170,000 sq ft office building and we are also in detailed negotiations regarding a 128 bedroom hotel. The masterplan also includes a 500 space multi-storey car park along with a further 150,000 sq ft of offices.
Albion Place, Leeds
This deal is typical of the way we continue to generate increases in value in a competitive retail market; we took surrender of a short lease to Austin Reed, pre-let 5,125 sq ft to Sainsburys for 15 years at £157,500 pa and have also configured the building to allow for a future residential development of 3,886 sq ft. The resultant revaluation gain was £800,000 less the cost of works of £200,000.
Vicar Lane, Leeds
Our property forms one side of the main entrance to the Victoria Gate development which includes a John Lewis store and associated retail/leisure units with a total of 450,000 sq ft of new space scheduled to open in autumn 2016. Our property is let to a number of tenants including Flannels and High & Mighty. We have benefitted from an increase in value due to its proximity to the scheme and we propose to further capitalise on this by reconfiguring the unit to maximise rental value.
Apperley Bridge, Bradford
The former Barratts head office was purchased in July 2012 for £2.4m. A total of £600,000 was spent on demolition and site preparation and achieving a residential planning consent. The site was sold unconditionally for £5m in December 2014.
Urban Exchange, Manchester
This retail warehouse unit comprises 160,000 sq ft of space on two levels plus a basement. It became vacant in 2008 and since then we have worked to rebuild value through lettings to Aldi, M&S, Pure Gym and Go Outdoors. These lettings were on turnover and stepped rents and the growth over the last five years has been 400%.
Piccadilly Basin, Manchester
The planning agenda on the Northern side of our five acre site has changed over the last year and there is a move towards residential development in this part of Manchester. We have refocused the master plan which now includes capacity for 850 apartments with a potential end value of over £240m. As part of this plan we have detailed consent for 91 canal-side units and we are finalising a pre-sale agreement.
The remaining site is zoned for commercial development and includes space for a 750 space multi-storey car park. The site continues to trade successfully as a surface car park along with the existing MSCP at Tariff Street.
Empire House, Glasgow
This actively managed property comprises nine shop units on Sauchiehall Street and four floors of multi-let offices above. We have obtained change of use for one unit this year from shop to restaurant, let the unit to Bella Italia and increased the rent by £65,000 pa.
Shandwick Place, Edinburgh
This is a substantial block of mixed retail and office space at the end of Princes Street in Edinburgh. We recently concluded a deal with Ask restaurants; we obtained possession from two former tenants, put two units together and let to Ask at £150,000 pa, an increase of £70,000 pa on previous rent. The valuation has increased by £1.1m while the cost of works was £400,000. Overall the income from this block is up £246,000 on last year.
Waitrose Milngavie, Glasgow
The land for this development adjoins our existing ownership of the Homebase in Milngavie. We acquired the land for £3m and construction costs were £7m to create a 36,000 sq ft store let to Waitrose under a 25 year lease at an initial rent of £644,000 pa; the year end valuation was £13.3m.
Duke Street, London
We completed the acquisition of this property in July 2014 at a cost of £3.1m from an LPA receiver. Although not fully occupied there were two existing leases with a total rent of £90,000 pa. We negotiated the surrender of the leases, completely refurbished the interior and exterior and at the same time regularised the legal and planning status of the ownership. The ground, first floor and basement is now let to Titan Black at a rent of £122,000 pa and we have occupied the second and third floor offices which have a combined rental value of £60,000 pa. The total refurbishment cost was £350,000 and it is valued at the year end at £4.25m.
Car parking
We have been extremely active in the car park business as well. Following the acquisition of the Ilford multi-storey last June we have added five new sites to our portfolio in London and Watford; bringing the total to 5,200 spaces. These acquisitions all comprise leasehold sites and we have also negotiated lease extensions with the landlords. These operations are currently being fitted out in CitiPark branding and will generate turnover of approximately £10m in 2015/16.
Our cloud based management system has been installed in Ilford and Manchester with further installations currently underway at our Central London and Watford branches. Our Engine Room (central control room) became fully operational in August this year and we are now able to deal with all day to day operational matters remotely. This will allow us to rationalise staff levels at our branches.
The rebranding of the business to CitiPark was successfully completed during the year. All our branches will have a consistent brand and it will apply to surface and multi-storey operations. The rebrand will help give a clear modern identity and will emphasise the message that the business is at the forefront of technology and customer service. We are confident that the rebrand will increase our customer base and give the branches a cleaner look and feel.
Retail valuations have continued to rise in the regions as the economic backdrop improves. The letting market remains competitive but we continue to find opportunities to increase income in all areas of our portfolio and over the next couple of years our income will benefit from the transactions we have already concluded. This is particularly so in the Merrion Centre where the Merrion House deal is now underway. We intend to increase portfolio sales and purchase activity this year.
We will continue our car park acquisitions programme as we have already seen this contributing positively to our profits.
We shall also complete our bank facility renewal; the banking panel has improved and we expect to achieve a reduced margin and subsequent reduction in average borrowing cost.
Overall we look forward with confidence and are encouraged by the many profitable opportunities that we have to deliver attractive shareholder returns.
Board changes
During the year we have appointed two new non-executive directors, Ian Marcus and Paul Huberman, and Howard Stanton has retired. We appointed Ben Ziff to the Board on 17 September 2015; he is the Managing Director of CitiPark.
Ian and Paul bring immense experience and expertise in the finance and property sector which will be invaluable to us in years to come. Ben has been extremely successful with the development of the car park business which is becoming an increasingly important part of the group and his appointment is well-deserved.
I would like to pay tribute to Howard Stanton. Howard joined us in April 2009 when we were facing some of the most challenging financial conditions the market has known and he has been a continuing support through those difficult times. He played a major role in the tender offer and exchange of our mortgage debenture which has been one of the most significant deals for the success of the group over the last 10 years. He has chaired our audit committee throughout his six year term and has done an excellent job with our finance team and our auditors. Finally and most importantly I would like to thank Howard for his personal support in steering the group through the last six turbulent years.
As ever I would also like to thank our loyal and dedicated staff for their commitment and support over the last 12 months.
Edward Ziff
Chairman and Chief Executive
17 September 2015
Detailed Portfolio Performance
The value of our investment property portfolio including acquisitions, developments, joint ventures, leasehold car parks and assets held for sale now stands at £355.4m with a gross income of £19.8m and an occupancy rate, based upon income (rather than square footage), of 96%. The external valuation of our investment portfolio as at 30 June 2015 on a like for like basis showed an increase of 7.1% (2014: 10.0%) and reflects an initial yield of 5.8% (2014: 6.4%) and a reversionary yield of 6.8% (2014: 7.4%).
The investment property portfolio has out-performed IPD in all comparable categories.
The most notable gains are in Merrion House (£17.5m compared to £12.8m), Waitrose at Milngavie (£13.3m compared to total cost of £10m), the London suburban shops at 16.3% (2015 value £3.1m) and Albion Place, Leeds at 10.3% (2015 value £5.4m).
Merrion Centre has again out-performed IPD in each of the last 5 years.
Total property return |
| 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Merrion Centre | 13.6% | 0.4% | 6.7% | 16.4% | 12.3% |
IPD shopping centres index | 8.1% | (0.5)% | (0.8)% | 12.3% | 12.1% |
| Passing rent | ERV | Value | % of portfolio | Valuation incr/(decr) | Initial yield | Reversionary yield |
| £m | £m | £m |
Retail & leisure | 5.1 | 5.7 | 90.1 | 25% | 5.1% | 5.4% | 6.0% |
Merrion Centre (excl offices)* | 6.1 | 7.2 | 112.6 | 32% | 7.1% | 6.4% | 7.1% |
Offices | 3.0 | 4.5 | 48.0 | 14% | 11.1% | 5.9% | 8.8% |
Out of town retail | 3.4 | 3.5 | 59.7 | 17% | 7.4% | 5.4% | 5.5% |
Industrial | 0.2 | 0.4 | 4.4 | 1% | - | 5.0% | 7.8% |
Residential | 0.5 | 0.5 | 9.5 | 3% | 4.7% | 4.6% | 4.6% |
| 18.3 | 21.6 | 324.3 | 91% | 7.1% | 5.8% | 6.8% |
Development property (car park income) | 0.9 | 1.4 | 13.5 | 4% | - |
Car parks | 0.6 | 1.2 | 17.6 | 5% | -5.6% |
Let portfolio | 19.8 | 24.2 | 355.4 | 100% | 6.5% |
Voids (4%) |
| 0.8 |
| 25.0 |
Portfolio income analysis | Passing rent | ERV |
| ||||
| 2015 | 2014 | 2015 | 2014 |
| |||
| £m | £m | £m | £m |
| |||
Merrion excluding Merrion House | 7.5 | 7.6 | 8.6 | 8.2 |
| |||
Merrion House | 0.7 | 1.4 | 1.7 | 1.4 |
| |||
Waitrose Milngavie | 0.7 | - | 0.7 | - |
| ||||
Park Row Leeds (sold July 2014) | - | 0.7 | - | 0.7 |
| |||
Property acquisitions 2015 | 0.5 | - | 0.8 | - |
| ||||
Other | 8.9 | 8.4 | 9.8 | 9.7 |
| |||
| 18.3 | 18.1 | 21.6 | 20.0 |
| |||
Location | Value | % |
Leeds | 190.9 | 56% |
Manchester | 47.2 | 14% |
Scotland | 82.3 | 24% |
London | 21.5 | 6% |
| 341.9 | 100% |
Sector | Value | % |
Retail/leisure | 262.4 | 77% |
Office | 48.0 | 14% |
Car parking | 17.6 | 5% |
Industrial | 4.4 | 1% |
Residential | 9.5 | 3% |
| 341.9 | 100% |
Development sites | 13.5 |
| 355.4 |
Lease Expiries | Value | % |
0-5 years | 5.9 | 33% |
5+ years | 6.9 | 37% |
10+ years | 5.5 | 30% |
| 18.3 | 100% |
Consolidated income statement |
for the year ended 30 June 2015 |
| 2015 | 2014 |
| Notes | £000 | £000 |
Gross revenue |
| 22,714 | 22,633 |
Property expenses |
| (5,248) | (3,679) |
Net revenue |
| 17,466 | 18,954 |
Administrative expenses | 2 | (5,068) | (4,679) |
Other income | 3 | 1,451 | 852 |
Valuation movement on investment and development properties |
| 14,791 | 19,805 |
Operating profit |
| 28,640 | 34,932 |
Finance costs |
| (7,258) | (7,585) |
Loss on disposal of investment properties into joint ventures |
| (2,488) | - |
Share of post tax profits from joint ventures | 7 | 5,109 | 87 |
Profit before taxation |
| 24,003 | 27,434 |
Taxation |
| - | - |
Profit for the year attributable to owners of the Parent |
| 24,003 | 27,434 |
Earnings per ordinary share of 25p each |
Basic and diluted | 4 | 45.1p | 51.6p |
Underlying (non-GAAP measures) | 4 | 12.1p | 14.4p |
Dividends per ordinary share |
Paid during the year | 5 | 10.44p | 10.44p |
Proposed | 5 | 7.34p | 7.34p |
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income |
| |||
for the year ended 30 June 2015 |
| 2015 | 2014 |
| £000 | £000 |
Profit for the year |
| 24,003 | 27,434 |
Other comprehensive income |
Revaluation gain on cash flow hedges |
| - | 298 |
Revaluation gains on other investments |
| 228 | 112 |
Total comprehensive income for the year |
| 24,231 | 27,844 |
All recognised income for the year is attributable to owners of the Parent. |
| ||
Consolidated balance sheet |
as at 30 June 2015 |
| 2015 | 2014 |
| Notes | £000 | £000 |
Non-current assets |
Investment properties | 6 | 328,249 | 317,697 |
Lease premiums | 6 | 4,311 | - |
Investments in joint ventures | 7 | 19,344 | 1,748 |
Fixtures, equipment and motor vehicles | 6 | 1,214 | 1,112 |
Unamortised tenant lease incentives |
| 3,966 | 3,788 |
Total non-current assets |
| 357,084 | 324,345 |
Current assets |
Non-current assets held for sale |
| 3,450 | 7,500 |
Investments |
| 1,962 | 1,734 |
Trade and other receivables |
| 6,871 | 4,705 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
| 1,515 | - |
Total current assets |
| 13,798 | 13,939 |
Total assets |
| 370,882 | 338,284 |
Current liabilities |
Trade and other payables |
| (11,857) | (13,908) |
Financial liabilities - borrowings |
| (38,668) | (1,845) |
Total current liabilities |
| (50,525) | (15,753) |
Net current liabilities |
| (36,727) | (1,814) |
Non-current liabilities |
Financial liabilities - borrowings |
| (137,479) | (158,660) |
Total non-current liabilities |
| (137,479) | (158,660) |
Total liabilities |
| (188,004) | (174,413) |
Net assets |
| 182,878 | 163,871 |
Equity attributable to the owners of the Parent |
Called up share capital | 8 | 13,290 | 13,290 |
Share premium account |
| 200 | 200 |
Capital redemption reserve |
| 559 | 559 |
Retained earnings |
| 168,829 | 149,822 |
Total equity |
| 182,878 | 163,871 |
Net assets per share |
| 344p | 308p |
Consolidated statement of changes in equity |
| |||||||||
as at 30 June 2015
| |||||
| Called up share capital | Share premium account | Hedging reserve | Capital redemption reserve | Retained earnings | Total equity | |||||
| £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 | |||||
Balance at 1 July 2013 | 13,290 | 200 | (298) | 559 | 128,152 | 141,903 | |||||
Profit for the year | - | - | - | - | 27,434 | 27,434 | |||||
Other comprehensive income: |
| |||||
- Revaluation gains on cash flow hedges | - | - | 298 | - | - | 298 | |||||
- Revaluation gains on other investments | - | - | - | - | 112 | 112 | |||||
Total comprehensive income for the year ended 30 June 2014 | - | - | 298 | - | 27,546 | 27,844 | |||||
Final dividend relating to the year ended 30 June 2013 paid in January 2014 | - | - | - | - | (3,902) | (3,902) | |||||
Interim dividend relating to the year ended 30 June 2014 paid in June 2014 | - | - | - | - | (1,648) | (1,648) | |||||
Other adjustments | - | - | - | - | (326) | (326) | |||||
Balance at 30 June 2014 | 13,290 | 200 | - | 559 | 149,822 | 163,871 | |||||
Profit for the year | - | - | - | - | 24,003 | 24,003 | |||||
Other comprehensive income: |
| |||||
- Revaluation gains on other investments | - | - | - | - | 228 | 228 | |||||
Total comprehensive income for the year ended 30 June 2015 | - | - | - | - | 24,231 | 24,231 | |||||
Final dividend relating to the year ended 30 June 2014 paid in January 2015 | - | - | - | - | (3,902) | (3,902) | |||||
Interim dividend relating to the year ended 30 June 2015 paid in June 2015 | - | - | - | - | (1,648) | (1,648) | |||||
Other adjustments | - | - | - | - | 326 | 326 | |||||
Balance at 30 June 2015 | 13,290 | 200 | - | 559 | 168,829 | 182,878 | |||||
| |||||
Consolidated cash flow statement |
| |||||
for the year ended 30 June 2015 |
| 2015 |
| 2014 | ||
| Notes | £000 | £000 |
| £000 | £000 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Cash generated from operations | 9 | 9,950 |
| 15,664 |
Interest paid |
| (7,759) |
| (7,823) |
Net cash generated from operating activities |
| 2,191 |
| 7,841 |
Cash flows from investing activities |
Purchase and construction of investment properties |
| (22,132) |
| (4,803) |
Refurbishment of investment properties |
| (10,602) |
| (8,174) |
Acquisition of leasehold property |
| (4,311) |
| - |
Purchases of fixtures, equipment and motor vehicles |
| (532) |
| (490) |
Proceeds from sale of investment properties |
| 16,821 |
| 8,802 |
Proceeds from sale of Merrion House to joint venture |
| 10,000 |
| - |
Proceeds from sale of listed investments |
| - |
| 241 |
Net cash used in investing activities |
| (10,756) |
| (4,424) |
Cash flows from financing activities |
Proceeds from non-current borrowings |
| 17,475 |
| 676 |
Dividends paid to shareholders |
| (5,550) |
| (5,550) |
Net cash generated from/(used in) financing activities |
| 11,925 |
| (4,874) |
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
| 3,360 |
| (1,457) |
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 July |
| (1,845) |
| (388) |
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June |
| 1,515 |
| (1,845) |
1. Segmental information
The chief operating decision-maker has been identified as the Board. The Board reviews the Group's internal reporting in order to assess performance and allocate resources. Management has determined the operating segments based on these reports.
Segment assets |
| ||||||
| 2015 | 2014 |
| ||||||
| £000 | £000 |
| ||||||
Property rental | 349,840 | 323,048 |
| ||||||
Car park operations | 21,042 | 15,236 |
| ||||||
| 370,882 | 338,284 |
| ||||||
Segmental results |
| ||||||
| 2015 |
| 2014 | ||||||||||
| Property | Car park |
| Property | Car park |
| ||||||
| rental | operations | Total |
| rental | operations | Total | ||||||
| £000 | £000 | £000 |
| £000 | £000 | £000 | ||||||
Gross revenue | 15,844 | 6,870 | 22,714 |
| 17,532 | 5,101 | 22,633 | ||||||
Property expenses | (1,558) | (3,690) | (5,248) |
| (1,634) | (2,045) | (3,679) | ||||||
Net revenue | 14,286 | 3,180 | 17,466 |
| 15,898 | 3,056 | 18,954 | ||||||
Administrative expenses | (4,484) | (584) | (5,068) |
| (4,259) | (420) | (4,679) | ||||||
Other income | 1,435 | 16 | 1,451 |
| 852 | - | 852 | ||||||
Property valuation movement | 15,577 | (786) | 14,791 |
| 20,155 | (350) | 19,805 | ||||||
Operating profit | 26,814 | 1,826 | 28,640 |
| 32,646 | 2,286 | 34,932 | ||||||
Finance Income/costs | (7,258) | - | (7,258) |
| (7,585) | - | (7,585) | ||||||
Loss on disposal of investment properties into joint ventures | (2,488) | - | (2,488) |
| - | - | - | ||||||
Share of post tax profits from joint ventures | 5,109 | - | 5,109 |
| 87 | - | 87 | ||||||
Profit before taxation | 22,177 | 1,826 | 24,003 |
| 25,148 | 2,286 | 27,434 | ||||||
Taxation charge | - | - | - |
| - | - | - | ||||||
Profit for the year | 22,177 | 1,826 | 24,003 |
| 25,148 | 2,286 | 27,434 | ||||||
All results are derived from the UK. |
| ||||||
2. Administrative expenses |
| 2015 | 2014 |
| £000 | £000 |
Employee benefits | 3,479 | 3,086 |
Depreciation | 176 | 203 |
Charitable donations | 99 | 108 |
Other | 1,314 | 1,282 |
| 5,068 | 4,679 |
3. Other income |
| ||||||||||
| 2015 | 2014 |
| ||||||||||
| £000 | £000 |
| ||||||||||
Commission received | 110 | 113 |
| ||||||||||
Dividends received | 26 | 26 |
| ||||||||||
Management fees receivable | 216 | 259 |
| ||||||||||
Profit/(loss) on disposal of investment properties | 236 | (59) |
| ||||||||||
Profit on disposal of listed investments | - | 101 |
| ||||||||||
Dilapidations receipts and income relating to lease premiums | 380 | 207 |
| ||||||||||
Other | 483 | 205 |
| ||||||||||
| 1,451 | 852 |
| ||||||||||
4. Underlying profit/earnings per share (EPS) |
| ||||||
To assist shareholders in understanding the underlying results and compare to those results in previous accounting periods, adjustments made to the profit after taxation are: | |||||||||||||
| 2015 |
| 2014 | ||||||||||
| Weighted |
| Weighted |
| ||||||
| average |
| average |
| ||||||
| number of | Earnings |
| number of | Earnings | ||||||
| Earnings | shares | per share |
| Earnings | shares | per share | ||||||
| £000 |
| p |
| £000 |
| p | ||||||
Basic and diluted profit/EPS | 24,003 | 53,162 | 45.1 |
| 27,434 | 53,162 | 51.6 | ||||||
Valuation surplus on investment and development properties | (14,791) | - | (27.8) |
| (19,805) | - | (37.2) | ||||||
Valuation surplus on joint venture investment properties | (5,013) | - | (9.4) |
| - | - | - | ||||||
Profit on disposal of investment properties | (236) | - | (0.4) |
| - | - | - | ||||||
Loss on disposal of investment properties into joint ventures | 2,488 | - | 4.6 |
| - | - | - | ||||||
Underlying profit/EPS | 6,451 | 53,162 | 12.1 |
| 7,629 | 53,162 | 14.4 | ||||||
5. Dividends |
| ||||||||||
| 2015 | 2014 |
| ||||||||||
| £000 | £000 |
| ||||||||||
2013 final paid: 7.34p per 25p share | - | 3,902 |
| ||||||||||
2014 interim paid: 3.10p per 25p share | - | 1,648 |
| ||||||||||
2014 final paid: 7.34p per 25p share | 3,902 | - |
| ||||||||||
2015 interim paid: 3.10p per 25p share | 1,648 | - |
| ||||||||||
| 5,550 | 5,550 |
| ||||||||||
The Directors are proposing a final dividend in respect of the financial year ended 30 June 2015 of 7.34p per share, which will absorb an estimated £3,902,000 of shareholders' funds. This dividend will comprise an ordinary dividend of 5.18p per share and a Property Income distribution (PID) of 2.16p per share and will be paid on 5 January 2016 to shareholders who are on the Register of Members on 4 December 2015.
6. Non-current assets |
(a) Investment properties |
| Long |
| Freehold | leasehold | Development | Total |
| £000 | £000 | £000 | £000 |
Valuation at 1 July 2014 | 283,218 | 15,921 | 18,558 | 317,697 |
Additions | 29,038 | 3,468 | 729 | 33,235 |
Disposals | (27,319) | (1,460) | (5,245) | (34,024) |
Transfer of Assets held for sale | (3,450) | - | - | (3,450) |
Transfer | 242 | 326 | (568) | - |
Valuation movement | 14,996 | (205) | - | 14,791 |
Valuation at 30 June 2015 | 296,725 | 18,050 | 13,474 | 328,249 |
The fair value of the group's investment and development properties has been determined principally by independent, appropriately qualified external valuers Jones Lang LaSalle (in respect of £114,915,000 of investment properties and £3,450,000 shown in assets held for sale) and CB Richard Ellis (in respect of £199,015,000 of investment properties). The remainder of the portfolio (£14,319,000) has been valued by the Property Director.
Valuations are performed bi-annually and are performed consistently across all properties in the group's portfolio. At each reporting date appropriately qualified employees verify all significant inputs and review computational outputs. Valuers submit and present summary reports to the Property Director and the Board on the outcome of each valuation round.
Valuations take into account tenure, lease terms and structural condition. The inputs underlying the valuations include market rents or business profitability, incentives offered to tenants, forecast growth rates, market yields and discount rates and selling costs including stamp duty.
The development properties principally comprise land in Leeds and Manchester; these have been valued taking into account the income from car parking and the Property Director's assessment of their realisable value in their existing state and condition based on market evidence of comparable transactions.
The valuation of investment properties includes £0.5m (2014: £0.2m) in respect of borrowing costs capitalised during the year.
Investment properties are analysed as follows: |
| 2015 | 2014 |
| £000 | £000 |
Investment property (externally valued) | 313,930 | 289,780 |
Development properties | 13,474 | 18,558 |
Residential property acquired for potential development | - | 3,804 |
Other | 845 | 5,554 |
| 328,249 | 317,696 |
Lease premiums comprise upfront payments upon acquisition of leasehold car parks with a term of less than 50 years. In December 2014 the group acquired a leasehold interest in a basement car park on Clipstone Street, London, in exchange for consideration of £800,000. The lease has an unexpired term of 18 years and has a passing rent of £331,000 per annum. Including professional fees and transaction costs, the total expenditure associated with this acquisition was £900,000. Subsequently, in March 2015 the group acquired the leasehold interest in a basement car park on Bell Street, London, in exchange for consideration of £3 million. The lease has an unexpired term of 24 years and has a passing rent of £197,000 per annum. Including professional fees and transaction costs the total expenditure associated with this acquisition was £3,124,000. In April 2015, the group was assigned leases for three multi-story car parks in Watford town centre. No premium was paid for the acquisition of these leases, however the group has provided a commitment to refurbish the car parks during the next financial year. Professional costs and transaction fees associated with the acquisition of these leases amounted to £287,000.
(c) Fixtures, equipment and motor vehicles |
| Accumulated |
| Cost | depreciation |
| £000 | £000 |
At 1 July 2014 | 3,771 | 2,659 |
Additions | 532 | - |
Disposals | (160) | (32) |
Depreciation | - | 302 |
At 30 June 2015 | 4,143 | 2,929 |
Net book value at 30 June 2015 |
| 1,214 |
7. Investments in joint ventures
| 2015 | 2014 |
| £000 | £000 |
Interest in joint ventures |
Opening balance | 1,748 | 1,661 |
Additions | 12,487 | - |
Share of profits after tax | 5,109 | 87 |
At 30 June | 19,344 | 1,748 |
The Group's share of the joint ventures' net assets are as stated below:
| 2015 | 2014 |
| £000 | £000 |
Non-current assets | 19,194 | 1,661 |
Current assets | 182 | 154 |
Current liabilities | (32) | (65) |
Non-current liabilities | - | (2) |
At 30 June | 19,344 | 1,748 |
The Group's share of the joint ventures' post tax profits are as stated below:
| 2015 | 2014 |
| £000 | £000 |
Income | 138 | 223 |
Expenses | (31) | (125) |
Tax | (11) | (11) |
| 96 | 87 |
Increase in revaluation of investment properties | 5,013 | - |
Share of post tax profits from joint ventures | 5,109 | 87 |
8. Share capital | |||
Authorised | |||
The authorised share capital of the company is164,879,000 (2013: 164,879,000) ordinary shares of 25p each. The nominal value of authorised share capital is £41,219,750 (2013: £41,219,750).
| |||
Issued and fully paid |
| Number of | Nominal |
| shares | value |
Ordinary shares of 25p each |
| £000 |
At 30 June 2014 and 30 June 2015 | 53,162 | 13,290 |
9. Cash flow from operating activities |
| 2015 | 2014 |
| £000 | £000 |
Profit for the financial year | 24,003 | 27,434 |
Adjustments for: |
- Depreciation | 302 | 282 |
- (Profit)/loss on disposal of investment properties | (236) | 59 |
- Loss on disposal of investment properties into joint ventures | 2,488 | - |
- Profit on disposal of listed investments | - | (140) |
- Finance costs | 7,258 | 7,585 |
- Share of post tax profits from joint venture | (5,109) | (87) |
- Movement in valuation of investment and development properties | (14,791) | (19,805) |
- Increase in receivables | (2,345) | (598) |
- (Decrease)/increase in payables | (1,620) | 934 |
Cash generated from operations | 9,950 | 15,664 |
10. Adjusted net asset value per share |
| |
To assist shareholders in understanding the results, the table below shows how the adjusted net asset value was arrived at:
| ||||||
| 2015 | 2014 |
| ||||
| £000 | £000 |
| ||||
Net assets at 30 June | 182,878 | 163,871 |
| ||||
Less: debenture issue premium | (179) | (190) |
| ||||
Add: debenture mark to market after tax | 305 | 6,737 |
| ||||
| 183,004 | 170,418 |
| ||||
Shares in issue (000) | 53,162 | 53,162 |
| ||||
Adjusted net asset value per share | 344p | 320p |
| ||||
Related Shares:
Town Centre