17th Oct 2016 16:59
Fairpoint Group plc (FRP)Fairpoint Group plc: Persons Discharging Manager Responsibilities (PDMR)Notification 17-Oct-2016 / 16:59 GMT/BSTDissemination of a Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by EQS Group.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 October 2016 Fairpoint Group plc Persons Discharging Manager Responsibilities (PDMR) NotificationPDMR Notification Form Page 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / personclosely associated Must complete either for a natural person or a legal person. If completingfor a legal person, please include the legal form as provided for in theregister where it is incorporated, if applicable. Name of natural person* First Name(s) Last Name(s) Mark FullerOrLegal Person * 2 - Reason for the notification Must complete either for a natural person or a legal person. If completingfor a legal person, please include the legal form as provided for in theregister where it is incorporated, if applicable. For persons discharging managerial responsibilities: the position occupiedwithin the issuer, emission allowance market participant / auctionplatform / auctioneer / auction monitor should be indicated e.g. CEO, CFO. For persons closely associated with:- An indication that the notificationconcerns a person closely associated with a person discharging managerialresponsibilities;- Name and position of the relevant person dischargingmanagerial responsibilities Position/status* Managing Director of Clear Start Partnerships Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Fairpoint Group Plc Initial notification / Amendment * Initial notification In case of amendment, please enter theprevious notification reference numberand explain the error that thisnotification is amending. 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auctionplatform, auctioneer or auction monitor Full name of the entity * Fairpoint Group PLC Legal Entity Identifier code N/A 4 - Details of transaction(s) Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type ofinstrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; (iv) each placewhere transactions have been conducted.Transaction(s) summary table Date Description of Aggregated Aggregated Total Financial Price Volume Aggregated Transaction Volume06/10/16 Purchase of 69.975p 7,600 7,600 shares Description of the financial Ordinary shares of 1p each in Fairpointinstrument, type of instrument Group Plc* Identification Code * GB0032360280 Nature of the transaction * Purchase of shares Currency * GBP Price(s) and volumes(s) * Price Volu- Total me 69.975p 7,600 £5,318.10Where more than one transactionof the same nature (purchases,sales, lendings, borrows, .) onthe same financial instrumentor emission allowance areexecuted on the same day and onthe same place of transaction,prices and volumes of thesetransactions shall be reportedin this field, in a two columnsform as presented above,inserting as many lines asneeded.Using the data standards forprice and quantity, includingwhere applicable the pricecurrency and the quantitycurrency, as defined underCommission Delegated Regulationsupplementing Regulation (EU)No 600/2014 of the EuropeanParliament and of the Councilwith regard to regulatorytechnical standards for thereporting of transactions tocompetent authorities adoptedunder Article 26 of Regulation(EU) No 600/2014. Aggregated Information Price Volu- Total me 69.975p 7,600 £5,318.10 Date of Transaction * 2016-10-06Date of the particular day ofexecution of the notifiedtransaction. Using the ISO 8601date format: YYYY-MM-DD; Dateof trade in UTC time Place of transaction * London Stock Exchange, AIM Market (XLON)Name and code to identify theMiFID trading venue, thesystematic internaliser or theorganised trading platformoutside of the Union where thetransaction was executed asdefined under CommissionDelegated Regulationsupplementing Regulation (EU)No 600/2014 of the EuropeanParliament and of the Councilwith regard to regulatorytechnical standards for thereporting of transactions tocompetent authorities adoptedunder Article 26 of Regulation(EU) No 600/2014, or if thetransaction was not executed onany of the above mentionedvenues, please mention 'outsidea trading venue'. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Language: English ISIN: GB0032360280 Category Code: DSH TIDM: FRP Sequence Number: 3496 Time of Receipt: 17-Oct-2016 / 16:50 GMT/BST End of Announcement EQS News Service --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 512221 17-Oct-2016UK-Regulatory-announcement transmitted by DGAP - a service of EQS Group AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
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