27th Sep 2019 07:00
Date: 27 September 2019
On behalf of: SEC Newgate S.p.A.
Embargoed until: 0700hrs
Extension of Porta Bare Trust
Following the merger with SEC S.p.A., which completed on 4 September 2019, Porta Communications Plc ("Porta") shareholders have received certificates of depositary interests ("CDIs") in SEC Newgate ordinary shares in exchange for their Porta shares.
The SEC Newgate CDIs of Porta shareholders who held their Porta shares in certificated form and who did not elect to have their shares held by Equiniti as Corporate Nominee are currently being held by Porta as Representative in a bare trust.
It was initially intended that shareholders whose SEC Newgate CDIs are held by Porta as Representative should establish a CREST account in their own names or make a Corporate Nominee Election within a three-month time limit. Porta has now elected to extend this three-month Representative arrangement to six months, ending 3 March 2020.
You may make a Corporate Nominee Election if you held your Porta shares in certificated form and have an address in the EEA, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, Switzerland or Gibraltar. In order to make the Corporate Nominee Election, please complete the Form of Election which was included in the 5 July 2019 circular and post your completed form to Equiniti. If you have any queries on completing the Form of Election, please contact the Equiniti Shareholder Helpline on 0371 384 2050 (if calling from within the UK) or on +44 (0)121 415 0259 (if calling from outside the UK).
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Enquiries to:
Fiorenzo Tagliabue t: +39 02 6249991
Chief Executive
SEC Newgate S.p.A.
Gene Golembiewski t: +44 (0)20 7680 6502
Company Secretary
Porta Communications Plc
Tom Price/Steve Douglas/Benjamin Cryer t: +44 (0)20 7614 5900
Arden (Financial Adviser, Nominated Adviser & Broker)
Bob Huxford/Adam Lloyd t: +44 (0)20 7680 6550
Newgate Communications
Notes to Editors
·; Further information is available at www.secnewgatespa.com
·; On 3 September 2019, SEC S.p.A. and Porta Communications Plc merged to create SEC Newgate S.p.A.
·; The Group's principal brands are: ACH (Spain); Cambre Associates (Belgium); Clai (France); Kohl PR (Germany); Martis Consulting (Poland); SEC Latam (Colombia); Newgate Communications (Abu Dhabi, Australia, Greater China, Singapore, UK); Newington (UK); Publicasity (UK); SEC Newgate S.p.A. (Italy); and 2112 (UK).
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