15th Dec 2009 15:35
Rotala plc
("Rotala" or the "Company")
Exercise of Warrants and Issue of Shares
Rotala plc (AIM: ROL) issued and allotted on 15 December 2009, 133,334 ordinary shares following the exercise of 133,334 warrants at a price of 25 pence per ordinary share. The warrants were part of a total of 142,223 warrants over ordinary shares issued on 19 July 2007 in connection with a share issue at that time. The remaining 8,889 warrants have now lapsed unexercised.
Rotala also announces that John Gunn, the Non-Executive Chairman of the Company, has informed the Company that he has exercised a total of 26,666 warrants over ordinary shares, partly in his own name and partly in the name of The Wengen Pension Plan (of which John Gunn is a beneficiary and trustee). Furthermore Geoffrey Flight, a Non-Executive Director of the Company, has informed the Company that the Flight Pension Trust (of which Geoffrey Flight is a beneficiary and trustee) has exercised 22,222 warrants over ordinary shares. Both of these exercises of warrants are included within the total exercise of 133,334 warrants over ordinary shares described above.
For the purpose of the AIM Rules, following this purchase, John Gunn's family holding (including the holdings of Renate Gunn (John Gunn's wife), Wengen Limited (of which John and Renate Gunn are sole shareholders) and the Wengen Pension Plan (of which John Gunn is a beneficiary and trustee)) in the Company is 5,318,024 ordinary shares, representing 16.1 per cent. of the total voting rights of the Company immediately following the exercise of the warrants.
Following this purchase, Geoffrey Flight's direct interest and that held by the Flight Pension Trust (of which Geoffrey Flight is a trustee and beneficiary) in the Company is 1,325,055 ordinary shares, representing 4.0 per cent. of the total voting rights of the Company immediately following the exercise of the warrants.
Application to the London Stock Exchange has been made for these new ordinary shares to be admitted to trading on AIM ('Admission'). It is expected that Admission will become effective on 21 December 2009.
The new Ordinary Shares will rank pari passu with the existing Ordinary Shares of the Company.
Following the issue of these shares the Company has 32,951,479 fully paid Ordinary Shares in issue.
For further information please contact:
Rotala Plc
John Gunn, Chairman
020 7621 5770
Simon Dunn Chief Executive
07825 808 525
Kim Taylor, Group Finance Director
07825 808 529
Charles Stanley Securities – Nominated Advisor
020 7149 6000
Mark Taylor / Ben Johnston
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