18th Oct 2019 07:00
EVRAZ holds Capital markets day
18 October 2019 - EVRAZ plc (LSE: EVR) ("EVRAZ" or the "Company") announces that it will be hosting its annual Capital Markets Day at 9:00 am in London today.
The Capital Markets Day will feature presentations by EVRAZ executives, including Sir Michael Peat (Senior Independent Non-Executive Director), Alexander Frolov (CEO), Alexey Ivanov (Senior Vice-President, Commerce and Business development), Nikolay Ivanov (CFO) and Artem Natrusov (Vice-President, Information Technologies).
The presentation will provide an overview of global steel and raw material market trends and EVRAZ' strategic goals. Management will discuss CAPEX program and give an update on major development projects in Russia and North America.
For 2020-23 period, EVRAZ is considering three major investment projects with the target to increase sales of finished steel products. Capital expenditures are expected to be around US$1.0 billion per annum during 2020-2023. In 2019, capital expenditures level is estimated at c.US$850 million.
The Company expects that in 2019 the effect on EBITDA from efficiency improvement program, which includes the customer focus and cost saving initiatives, will be around US$350 million. The target is to maintain the pace of improvements with the effect of at least 3% from COGS or c.US$300 million per annum going forward. Already identified effect from initiatives for 2019-24 is approximately US$260 million per annum on average.
Webcast and presentation:
A live webcast of the presentations will begin at 09:00am BST and will be accessible via the following link:
The presentation could be downloaded here:
The presentation will be also available on the Company's website:
For further information:
Media Relations:
Vsevolod Sementsov
VP, Corporate Communications
London: +44 207 832 8998 Moscow: +7 495 937 6871
Investor Relations:
Irina Bakhturina
Director, Investor Relations
London: +44 207 832 8990 Moscow: +7 495 232 1370
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