13th Dec 2006 07:01
Acta S.p.A.13 December 2006 13 December 2006 Acta S.p.A. Acta granted first European Patent for platinum-free HYPERMEC catalyst technology Acta, the AIM listed manufacturer of platinum-free catalysts for the portableelectronics and renewables markets, is delighted to announce that it has beengranted its first European patent by the European Patent Office for its coreproprietary technology: the platinum-free HYPERMEC branded catalysts. The European Patent Office has verified all 33 claims concerning Acta'splatinum-free HYPERMEC technology, relating to the design and production ofcatalysts using inexpensive metals such as iron, nickel and cobalt. The patentadditionally covers its use in a range of applications, especially fuel cells,and with a unique range of fuels, including safe and renewable ethanol. This groundbreaking technology can be used in many environmentally friendlycommercial applications including the fast growing area of consumer electronics.It enables the production of high performance power supply for products such aslaptops and mobile telephones at lower cost than a fuel cell containingconventional platinum catalysts. Acta's innovative technology is now well protected, not just by this firstpatent grant, but also by fifteen other patent applications for its variousinnovative catalysts which are focused on viable commercial applications. Theexpanding list of patents is a reflection of the £7m investment over the lastthree years and demonstrates the quality of innovation that Acta has managed toharness from concept to commercial reality. This latest development builds on momentum achieved earlier this year when Actaannounced the renewal and extension of its marketing and distribution agreementwith Sumitomo Corporation in Asia and reported good progress on both thetechnology and commercial fronts. Toby Woolrych, Chief Operating Officer of Acta, said: "Today's exciting news is further endorsement of the Acta management teamdelivering on the strategy outlined at the IPO. Our innovative, groundbreakingtechnology is now locked in and ready to embrace applications in the rapidlyexpanding portable electronics and global renewables markets." For further information, please contact: Acta S.p.A:Toby Woolrych, Chief Operating Officer Tel: +44 (0) 20 7360 4900 Smithfield Consultants:George Hudson / Noemie de Andia Tel: +44 (0) 20 7360 4900 Notes to Editors About Acta Acta, which listed on AIM in October 2005, is a manufacturer of platinum-freecatalysts for the portable electronics and renewables markets. Acta uses apatented manufacturing process to make uniquely active catalysts, brandedHYPERMEC, which are able to perform as effectively as expensive platinumcatalysts. Acta's catalysts offer customers technical usage benefits,significant cost savings and allow for the first time the use of ethanol, whichis a safe and environmentally friendly fuel. Products in the target portableelectronics market include laptop computers and mobile phones, and in therenewables market electricity supply, automotive power and hydrogen generation. Acta has already signed its first commercial marketing and distribution contractwith Sumitomo Corporation, covering Japan, Korea, Taiwan and South East Asia.This is a clear demonstration of the commercial viability of the technology. While HYPERMEC catalysts can function with hydrogen and methanol, the two fuelsmost commonly adopted in the fuel cell industry, Acta has shown that fuel cellscontaining its catalysts can also operate well at room temperature using ethanoland ethylene glycol. These are unique, ground breaking characteristics and are asubstantial technological breakthrough for the fuel cell industry. Acta'stechnology may enable the development of mass market fuel cells containing noplatinum, running on ethanol whilst having advantageous effects for hydrogenproduction and other industrial applications. Ethanol is a safe, practical, andwidely distributed fuel that can be produced on a non-polluting, renewable basisfrom biomass, and is more suitable for mass market fuel cell applications thaneither hydrogen or methanol. About the fuel cell industry The fuel cell industry is driven by two different but compelling forces: •Development of larger scale fuel cells answers the need to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and to produce cleaner energy. Fuel cells for cars, other vehicles and homes are part of the strategic response needed to manage our supplies of oil and gas and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This policy need is being backed by investment from some of the world's largest car and energy companies and increasing government funding. •Development of micro fuel cells answers the very urgent need to find an alternative to lithium ion batteries for the supply of power to portable electronic devices such as laptops, mobile phones and PDAs. The run time gap - the difference between the power required by the applications and the power available from the battery - is becoming more and more significant with the use of more multi-functional devices using video and wi-fi. The industry has therefore been forecast to grow at nearly 70% per annum to avalue of $18.5 billion by 2013 (Source: Allied Business Intelligence Inc.October 2003), as consumer demand for portable power continues to outpace thedevelopment of battery technologies, and as the global consumption of gasolineand electricity accelerates despite increasing concerns over oil depletion andgreenhouse gas emissions. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: