29th Mar 2007 11:36
UBS AG (EPT)29 March 2007 FORM 38.5(b) DEALINGS BY CONNECTED EXEMPT PRINCIPAL TRADERS WITHOUT RECOGNISED INTERMEDIARY STATUS, OR WITH RI STATUS BUT NOT DEALING IN A CLIENT-SERVING CAPACITY (Rule 38.5(b) of the Takeover Code) 1. KEY INFORMATION Name of exempt principal trader UBS AG London BranchCompany dealt in Taylor Woodrow PlcClass of relevant security to which the 25p ordinarydealings being disclosed relate (Note 1)Date of dealing 28 MARCH 2007 2. INTERESTS, SHORT POSITIONS AND RIGHTS TO SUBSCRIBE (a) Interests and short positions (following dealing) in the class of relevant security dealt in (Note 2) Long Short Number (%) Number (%)(1) Relevant securities 1,803,001 0.31% 4,800 0.00%(2) Derivatives (other thanoptions)(3) Options and agreements topurchase/sellTotal 1,803,001 0.31% 4,800 0.00% (b) Interests and short positions in relevant securities of the company, other than the class dealt in (Note 2) Class of relevant security: Long Short Number (%) Number (%)(1) Relevant securities(2) Derivatives (other thanoptions)(3) Options and agreements topurchase/sellTotal (c) Rights to subscribe (Note 2)Class of relevant security: Details 3. DEALINGS (Note 3) (a) Purchases and sales Purchase/sale Number of securities Price per unit (Note 4) PURCHASE 500 461.5 pSALE 1100 461.5PURCHASE 477 462PURCHASE 792 462.25PURCHASE 839 462.25PURCHASE 4000 462.25SALE 1240 462.25SALE 113 462.25SALE 389 462.25SALE 49 462.25SALE 2209 462.25PURCHASE 946 462.5PURCHASE 1615 462.5PURCHASE 404 462.5PURCHASE 7443 462.5PURCHASE 1291 462.5PURCHASE 2500 462.5PURCHASE 1568 462.5PURCHASE 695 462.5PURCHASE 29 462.5SALE 1559 462.5SALE 377 463PURCHASE 2697 463.25SALE 3300 463.5SALE 2870 463.5SALE 100 463.5SALE 30 463.5PURCHASE 4062 464.5PURCHASE 100 464.5PURCHASE 3300 464.75PURCHASE 1879 464.75PURCHASE 1084 464.75PURCHASE 137 464.75PURCHASE 932 464.75PURCHASE 10000 465PURCHASE 6392 465PURCHASE 2248 465PURCHASE 4289 465PURCHASE 4500 465PURCHASE 11187 465PURCHASE 1200 465PURCHASE 4500 465PURCHASE 2500 465PURCHASE 3184 465PURCHASE 6746 465PURCHASE 7474 465PURCHASE 5000 465PURCHASE 762 465PURCHASE 5000 465PURCHASE 2900 465PURCHASE 2634 465PURCHASE 14275 465PURCHASE 1519 465PURCHASE 3690 465PURCHASE 1027 465PURCHASE 3849 465PURCHASE 3459 465PURCHASE 4753 465PURCHASE 25623 465PURCHASE 1191 465PURCHASE 10098 465PURCHASE 189 465PURCHASE 2611 465PURCHASE 3010 465SALE 554 465SALE 2500 465SALE 246 465SALE 50 465SALE 1329 465SALE 1546 465SALE 80 465PURCHASE 500 465.25PURCHASE 2289 465.25SALE 3300 465.25SALE 700 465.25SALE 700 465.25PURCHASE 9622 465.5PURCHASE 1679 465.5PURCHASE 100 465.5PURCHASE 2300 465.5PURCHASE 12 465.5PURCHASE 2880 465.5PURCHASE 13738 465.5PURCHASE 2565 465.5PURCHASE 9200 465.5PURCHASE 2318 465.75PURCHASE 3644 465.75PURCHASE 3162 465.75SALE 4000 466.5SALE 500 466.75PURCHASE 2350 467SALE 126 467PURCHASE 1200 467.25SALE 7 467.25SALE 2500 467.25SALE 90 467.25PURCHASE 100 467.75PURCHASE 4993 467.75PURCHASE 100 467.75PURCHASE 100 467.75PURCHASE 9707 467.75SALE 70 467.75SALE 6318 467.75PURCHASE 1003 468PURCHASE 297 468SALE 3219 468.25PURCHASE 14683 468.5PURCHASE 3254 468.5PURCHASE 2571 468.5PURCHASE 177 468.5PURCHASE 177 468.5PURCHASE 4138 468.5PURCHASE 21369 468.5PURCHASE 9449 468.5PURCHASE 6804 468.5PURCHASE 936 468.5PURCHASE 2324 468.5PURCHASE 100 468.5PURCHASE 59018 468.5PURCHASE 2100 468.75PURCHASE 1471 469PURCHASE 1300 469SALE 1300 469SALE 2100 469SALE 1200 469PURCHASE 25000 469.25PURCHASE 100 469.5PURCHASE 3879 470PURCHASE 2052 470PURCHASE 4200 470SALE 4700 470PURCHASE 600 470.25PURCHASE 2600 470.5PURCHASE 1600 470.5PURCHASE 2900 470.5PURCHASE 300 470.5PURCHASE 100 470.5PURCHASE 200 470.5PURCHASE 400 470.5PURCHASE 16900 470.5PURCHASE 25000 470.5SALE 1341 470.5PURCHASE 1804 471PURCHASE 1700 471PURCHASE 4229 471PURCHASE 24225 471PURCHASE 2599 471PURCHASE 1550 471PURCHASE 45732 471SALE 122 471SALE 70 471PURCHASE 3778 471.25PURCHASE 3300 471.25SALE 4600 471.25SALE 60 471.25PURCHASE 1000 471.75PURCHASE 3347 471.75PURCHASE 10000 471.75PURCHASE 7535 471.75PURCHASE 2807 471.75PURCHASE 1311 471.75PURCHASE 1300 471.75SALE 3300 471.75PURCHASE 77339 472PURCHASE 4000 472PURCHASE 788 472SALE 741 472.25SALE 60 472.25SALE 1507 472.25SALE 5000 472.25SALE 2700 472.25SALE 50 472.25SALE 5000 472.25SALE 5000 472.25SALE 5000 472.25SALE 2293 472.25SALE 920 472.25SALE 1642 472.25SALE 1457 472.25SALE 80 472.25SALE 8883 472.25SALE 3300 472.25PURCHASE 4791 473.25PURCHASE 489 474PURCHASE 2905 474 (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options)Product name, e.g Long/short (Note 5) Number of securities Price per unitCFD (Note 6) (Note 4) (c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities (i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying Product Writing, Number of Exercise Type, e.g. Expiry date Optionname,e.g. selling, securities price American, money paid/call option purchasing, to which the European etc. received per varying etc option unit (Note relates 4) (Note 6) (ii) Exercising Product name, e.g. call Number of securities Exercise price per unitoption (Note 4) (d) Other dealings (including new securities) (Note 3) Nature of transaction Details Price per unit (if applicable)(Note 7) 4. OTHER INFORMATION Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives Full details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the persondisclosing and any other person relating to the voting rights of any relevantsecurities under any option referred to on this form or relating to the votingrights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which anyderivative referred to on this form is referenced. If none, this should bestated. .............................................................................. .............................................................................. Is a Supplemental Form 38.5(b) attached? (Note 8) NO Date of disclosure 29 MARCH 2007Contact name LOUISE ROBINSONTelephone number 020 7567 8762Name of offeree/offeror with which connected Taylor Woodrow PlcNature of connection (Note 9) CONNECTED ADVISER Notes The Notes on Form 38.5(b) can be viewed on the Takeover Panel's website atwww.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
Taylor Wimpey