4th Dec 2008 15:41
4 December 2008
Modern Water plc
("Modern Water" or "the company")
Modern Water plc (LSE: MWG), an advanced water technologies company, has been selected as the winner of the Energy/Environmental award at the first pan-European Academic Enterprise ACES Awards held at the Royal Academy of Engineering in Stockholm on 2 December 2008.
The awards, presided over by the Science|Business Innovation Board, a panel of leaders in industry, academia and policy, are given to companies tackling major issues of health, the environment and security, and to leaders in technology transfer.
Professor Adel Sharif of the University of Surrey and Modern Water won the award for the development of innovative water purification and desalination technologies.
For these awards, the Science|Business Innovation Board was joined by representatives of companies including Imperial Innovations, BP, Innovation and Knowledge Europe, and Intercell AG.
Modern Water Executive Chairman Neil McDougall said:
"We are very honoured to accept this award. We were in very good company in the category, and for our technology to be recognised by the Science|Business Innovation Board is both exciting and encouraging. Our technologies are challenging existing desalination and water treatment methods by producing fresh water in a more energy efficient and environmentally responsible way, whilst also saving on capital and operating costs."
The programme was sponsored by Microsoft Corp., Procter & Gamble, Vinnova, Amgen, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical R&D, CEFIC, IVA-Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering, the Wellcome Trust and WilmerHale. For more information on the awards, see www.sciencebusiness.net/aces
For further information:
Modern Water plc
Neil McDougall, Executive Chairman 07740 930303
HeadLand Consultancy 020 7367 5228
Dudley White or Tom Gough
KBC Peel Hunt Ltd 020 7418 8900
Jonathan Marren or Oliver Stratton
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