9th Oct 2014 07:00
ENDEAVOUR INTERNATIONAL CORP - Endeavour Announces One Day Forbearance AgreementENDEAVOUR INTERNATIONAL CORP - Endeavour Announces One Day Forbearance Agreement
PR Newswire
London, October 9
Endeavour Announces One Day Forbearance Agreement with Noteholders HOUSTON, Oct. 9, 2014 -- Endeavour International Corporation(NYSE: END) (LSE: ENDV) today announced that the Company and certain of itssubsidiaries have entered into extensions of their forbearance agreements (the"Forbearance Agreements") with holders of a majority of its 12% First PriorityNotes due 2018, 12% Second Priority Notes due 2018 and 6.5% Convertible SeniorNotes due 2016 (collectively, the "Notes"). As previously announced by the Company, the Company did not make the September2, 2014 interest payments due on the Notes, triggering a 30-day grace periodthat ended on October 1, 2014. Because the interest payments were not madeduring the grace period, an event of default occurred under each series ofNotes. Under the terms of the extended Forbearance Agreements, the noteholdershave agreed to forbear from exercising remedies against the Company arisingfrom such defaults for one additional day, expiring at 11:59 p.m. on October 9,2014. The Company remains engaged in discussions with representatives of certainholders of its various classes of indebtedness, including the holders of Notes,regarding a debt restructuring plan that would be effected by the Companypursuant to a chapter 11 filing. No assurances can be given, however, that suchdiscussions will result in an agreement for a debt restructuring plan. About Endeavour International Corporation Endeavour International Corporation is an international oil and gas explorationand production company focused on the acquisition, exploration and developmentor energy reserves in the North Sea and United States. For more information,visit www.endeavourcorp.com. Forward-looking Statements This press release contains certain "forward-looking statements," as such termis defined in Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,relating to future events and the financial performance of Endeavour. Suchstatements are only predictions and involve risks and uncertainties, resultingin the possibility that the actual events or performance will differ materiallyfrom such predictions as a result of certain risk factors. As such, readers arecautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, whichspeak only as to management's plans, assumptions and expectations as of thedate hereof. Please refer to Endeavour's Annual Report on Form 10-K for yearended December 31, 2013 filed with the SEC on March 17, 2014, Form 10-K/A filedon March 21, 2014 and other filings for a discussion of material risk factors.Endeavour disclaims any duty to update or alter any forward-looking statements,except as required by applicable law. SOURCE Endeavour International Corporation
CONTACT: Endeavour - Investor Relations, Darcey Matthews, +1-713-307-8711
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