19th Feb 2007 07:00
For release 7.00am 19th February 2007 KrysoResources plc (KYS.L) Drilling Report
Further positive drilling analyses from SGS Lakefield laboratories in South Africa
Drilling points to mineralization extending into areas not previously tested
Company confirms on course to produce initial resource statement in Q1 2007
Kryso Resources plc ("Kryso" or "the Company"), with gold and nickel-copper properties in Tajikistan, is pleased to announce further successful drilling results from its exploration programme at its 100% owned Pakrut Gold Deposit ("Pakrut") located in the Tien Shan Fold Belt in the Republic of Tajikistan. The following results are from diamond drill core samples that were assayed by SGS Lakefield in South Africa in January 2007.
Table 1 summarises the significant diamond drill hole intersections. The highlights include 11m @ 4.51 g/t Au (including 5m @ 8.20 g/t Au), 10.5m @ 4.26 g/t Au, 18m @ 3.09 g/t Au, 58m @ 1.94 g/t Au, 53.4m @ 1.55 g/t Au, 41.2m @ 1.60 g/t Au and 30m @ 1.98 g/t Au (including 7m @ 4.70 g/t Au).
These results support the interpreted trend to the mineralization at Pakrut, which is still open at depth, to the east and to the north. Below the adit level, the dip of the mineralised zone has appeared to steepen to vertical to then to dip in the opposite direction, as in the shape of a bow. This has resulted in the mineralization trending into new areas that were not tested by the Russians. Kryso has already begun drilling these areas immediately below the adit level and during the spring, a plan is underway to drill the lower, northern, and eastern extensions to the Pakrut mineralization from surface.
Kryso is still on track to release an initial resource statement on the drilling carried out to date for the Pakrut Gold Deposit in the 1st Quarter 2007. Any resource estimated by or for Kryso will be reported in a manner suitable for reporting under the JORC Code.
Kryso Resources Managing Director, Vassilios Carellas commented:
"We are extremely pleased with this set of results that further testifies to the economic grade of the mineralization being intersected at Pakrut. The fact that the mineralization is trending into an area that has not been tested could prove to be a significant addition to the overall resource at Pakrut."
All the exploration results have been approved for release by Dr Trevor Davenport, B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D, MIMM, C.Eng, Chairman of Kryso. Trevor has more than 30 years experience in the exploration and mining industry and has consented to the inclusion of the material in the form and context in which it appears.
ENDS Enquiries: Kryso ResourcesVassilios Carellas [email protected] Brown [email protected]www.kryso.com Ruegg & Co LtdBrett Miller 020 7584 3663 Hichens, Harrison & Co plcDave Paxton 020 7382 7785 Adventis Financial PRChris Steele 020 7034 4759 Notes to Editors
The Pakrut Licence Area lies within the southern portion of the Tien Shan Fold Belt, a belt of folded rocks that extends from near the Aral Sea in Uzbekistan through the northern part of Tajikistan into China and then Mongolia. The Tien Shan Fold Belt hosts the world-class Muruntau, Kumtor, Amantaytau gold mines as well as the nearby Jilau gold mine. The gold deposit at Pakrut consists of steeply-dipping, metasomatised and folded mineralised bodies hosted in chloritic schists.The area surrounding the Pakrut Licence Area is located on the southern side of the Hissar mountain range of Central Tajikistan.
Exploration by the Soviets outlined a C2 and P1 gold resource of 1,033,000 ounces, contained primarily in three main mineralised zones. Soviet exploration was undertaken from extensive tunnelling, with over 6,000 meters developed on one level, plus over 4,500 meters drilling.
Kryso has an in-house sample preparation and assaying laboratory, providing it with access to quick turn-around for assays. This enables us to ensure that we can rapidly focus on the most cost effective drilling targets.
Table 1. Analyses from SGS Lakefield, South Africa
BHID From To Interval Grade (Au g/ (m) (m) (m) t) PKDD-26 105 107 2 3.36 115 120 5 1.29 142 145 3 1.48 PKDD-27 54.8 65.5 10.7 1.79 (End of hole is still in mineralisation) PKDD-28 47.9 101.3 53.4 1.55 (incl. from 62m, 9.8m @ 2.98 g/t Au) PKDD-29 36 42 6 4.09 PKDD-30 51.5 75.5 24 2.44 (incl. from 58m, 4m @ 5.78 g/t Au) 87.5 98 10.5 3.98 (incl. from 92m, 6m @ 5.86 g/t Au) PKDD-31 54 56 2 2.55 68 108.5 40.5 1.37 125 139 14 2.16 149 176 27 1.17 PKDD-32 156 162 3 0.84 170 188 18 1.11 194 228 34 1.64 PKDD34 87 117 30 1.98 (incl. from 104, 7m @ 4.70 g/t Au) 140 145 5 1.78 PKDD-35 62 79 17 1.49 PKDD-36 85 105 20 1.10 116 134 18 3.09 PKDD37 59 77.5 18.5 1.44 PKDD-38 192 222 30 1.73 (incl. from 211, 11m @ 3.91 g/t Au) PKDD-39 61 65.5 4.5 2.84 PKDD-40 65 68 3 3.2 (End of hole is still in mineralisation) PKDD-41 68 79 11 4.51 (incl. from 74, 5m @ 8.20 g/t Au) PKDD-43 52 55 3 3.34 PKDD-44 61 82 21 0.97 PKDD-45 73.5 84 10.5 4.26 PKDD-46 65 118 53 1.06 161 173 12 0.77 PKDD-47 0 10 10 2.98 PKDD-48 90 148 58 1.94 173 214.2 41.2 1.60 PKDD-49 191.7 198.2 6.5 1.17