16th Oct 2006 07:00
Landore Resources Limited16 October 2006 16 October 2006 Landore Resources Inc. ("Landore" or the "Company") LESSARD, COPPER-ZINC-SILVER PROJECT DRILLING REPORT Drilling on the historic VMS deposit at Landore's Lessard property, locatedapproximately 107 kilometres north of the town of Chibougamau, in the provinceof Quebec, has confirmed the presence of high grade zinc mineralisation,including an interval in drill hole 0906-07 grading 48% zinc over 0.5 metres. Mineralised intersections include Drill-hole From Width Zinc Copper Silver Gold No Metres Metres % % gpt gpt 0906-02 85.2 0.9 7.13 1.15 107.0 0.46 0906-03 143.8 9.2 5.33 0.89 23.3 0.30 includes 149.1 2.3 16.94 0906-04 286.8 1.6 1.42 2.06 68.3 0.80 0906-05 381.5 2.9 5.61 2.42 122.0 0.60 0906-06 220.7 6.1 5.96 1.89 39.1 0.70 0906.07 337.5 3.4 12.36 0.22 15.6 0.10 includes 381.5 0.5 48.00 The Lessard property, comprising 91 claims for 1,456 hectares, hosts acopper-zinc-silver deposit with a historic resource reported in a feasibilitystudy in 1975 by Selco Mining Corporation Ltd of 1,463,835 tons at 1.73%Cu,2.96%Zn, 1.1oz/t Ag and 0.019oz/t Au after allowance for dilution. (The resourceis not compliant with National Instrument 43-101). A Geotech VTEM penetrating time-domain airborne electromagnetic and magneticsurvey was carried out, in late April 2006, over the entire property. The surveyhighlighted possible strike extensions of the existing resource and alsodeveloped new targets for follow-up exploration. A drilling campaign consisting of 7 holes of NQ size core for 1,731 metres hasrecently been completed along the extent of the historic resource. The resultsgenerally confirmed the previous drilling carried out by Selco Mining. In addition, hole 0906-07 which was designed to target a large gap in theprevious drilling, intersected sulphide breccia over 3.4 metres including semimassive sphalerite over the lower 0.5 metres (assayed 48% zinc). The historicaland current drilling results indicate that the resource is open along strike tothe south and north at depth. A second drilling campaign is planned for early 2007 to target possible strikeextensions of the existing resource, for exploration of other targets generatedby the airborne survey and to provide core for metallurgical studies. The positive results from the recent confirmation and infill drilling, issufficiently encouraging for Landore to advance the Lessard deposit towardspossible development. Accordingly an independent consultant will now be engagedto prepare a NI 43-101 compliant technical report. James Garber, (BSc. Hons. Geology, member of APGO) a Director of LandoreResources Ltd and a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101,has reviewed and verified all scientific or technical mining disclosurecontained in this press release. - ENDS - For more information please contact: Bill Humphries, Chairman Tel: 07734 681262Richard Prickett, Chief Executive Tel: 07775 651421Landore Resources Limited Simon RaggettStrand Partners Limited Tel: 020 7409 3494 David Bick Tel: 07831 381201 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: