2nd Jul 2007 10:09
Kryso Resources plc (`Kryso' or `the Company') AIM: KYS Drilling Report - Pakrut Gold Project
- Exceptional intersections attained including 42m @ 11.17g/t Au, 50m @ 5.67g/t Au, 41.5m @ 4.08g/t Au
- Results indicate that mineralization in Ore Zone 1 is increasing in width and grade with depth
Kryso Resources plc, the mineral exploration and development company with gold and nickel-copper projects in Tajikistan, is pleased to announce that further, highly positive, assay results have been received from diamond core drilling at its 100 per cent owned Pakrut gold project. The assays have been completed by the internationally accredited SGS Lakefield laboratory in South Africa.
Highlights of drilling in Ore Zone 1 include intersections of:
42m @ 11.17g/t Au (including 6m @ 18.3g/t, 4m @ 28.15g/t, 3m @ 10.68g/t, 5m @ 34.04g/t)
50m @ 5.67g/t Au (including 5m @ 41.54g/t)
41.5m @ 4.08g/t Au (including 16m @ 8.49 g/t)
40.5m @ 3.94 g/t Au
76m @ 2.53 g/t Au
These results, which are from drilling down to 150-200m below the existing adit level, support the interpreted trend of the mineralization in Ore Zone 2 and more particularly in Ore Zone 1, which is still open at depth and to the east and north. The drilling, which has mostly targeted untested areas below the adit level in Ore Zone 1, shows that both the width and grade of the mineralization have significantly increased with depth.
Drilling continues immediately below the adit level from underground stations and the Company plans to drill the deeper extensions of Ore Zone 1 from surface later in the year.
In March 2007 Kryso announced an initial JORC-compliant resource statement of approximately 596,500 ounces of gold assuming a 0.5g/t cut-off grade, which was based on approximately 8,000m of drilling as at the end of January 2007. The bulk of the current JORC-compliant resource is derived from the lower grade Ore Zone 2, which was targeted first because of its proximity to the surface and suitability for the definition of an open pit.
The drilling results released today and those generated in future will be used to update the existing JORC-compliant resource estimate. Results from Ore Zone 1 are also expected to enable a preliminary underground mining option to be generated.
Kryso Resources' Managing Director, Vassilios Carellas comments:
`We are delighted with the quality of the drill results being received from Pakrut. Not only are the grades extremely encouraging, but also the mineralization appears be trending into an as yet untested area, which raises the prospect of a significant extension to the deposit.
This would naturally have a positive effect on the project's overall resource base and would consequently bolster the economic case for the planned mining operation at Pakrut. We will release further results from ongoing drilling as and when they are obtained.'
All exploration results have been approved for release by Dr Trevor Davenport B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D, MIMM, C.Eng, Chairman of Kryso Resources plc. Trevor has more than 35 years experience in the mining industry and has consented to the inclusion of the material in the form and context in which it appears.
For further information, please contact:
Vassilios Carellas/Craig Brown, Kryso Resources plc.
Tel: 020 7371 0600Brett Miller, Ruegg & Co Ltd.Tel: 020 7584 3663
Richard Hail, Fox-Davies Capital Limited.
Tel: 020 7936 5200
Stephen Clayson/Ron Marshman/John Greenhalgh, City of London PR Limited.
Tel: 020 7628 5518Table 1
Kryso Resources plc - Pakrut gold project
Assay results from SGS Lakefield laboratory, South Africa
BHID From To Interval Grade
(m) (m) (m) (g/t) Ore Zone 1 PKDD-55 81.2 122.7 41.5 4.08 (incl. from 100.2m, 16m @ 8.49g/t Au)PKDD-56 81 105 24 2.84 (incl. from 98m, 6m @ 4.75g/t Au)PKDD-57 102 111 9 1.13 122 172 50 5.67 (incl. from 167m, 5m @ 41.54g/t Au)PKDD-58a 170 196.6 26.6 3.12 (incl. from 175m, 6m @ 11.36g/t Au)PKDD-59 91 133 42 11.17 (incl.from 100m, 6m @18.3g/t Au, from 112.5m, 4m @ 28.15g/t Au, from 121m, 3m @ 10.68g/t Au, from 128m, 5m @ 34.04g/t Au)PKDD-60 107.7 120.7 13 2.3 127.7 203.7 76 2.53 (incl. from 153.7m, 4m @ 6.32g/t Au, from 178.2m, 4.5m @10.33g/t Au)PKDD-61 76.2 79.2 3 1.37 91.2 94.2 7 2.51PKDD-62 116 121 5 0.72 157.5 161.5 4 2.11PKDD-63 86.7 127.2 40.5 3.94 (incl. from 92.7m, 13.5m @ 7.92g/t Au, from 124.2m, 2m @ 14.75g/t Au) Ore Zones 2 and 3 PKDD-50 60 108 48 2.99 (incl. from 84m, 7m @12.21g/t Au)PKDD-51 0 22.2 22.2 1.86 69.7 80.7 11 1.52 92.7 101.7 9 3.38PKDD-52 64 69 5 0.8 81 84 3 0.81 106 113 7 0.93 174 177 3 1.03 181 201 20 0.77PKDD-53 0 27.7 27.7 2.74 33.9 102.2 68.3 1.41
PKDD-54 271 277.5 6.5 0.85