12th Apr 2012 07:00
Further to the Official Calling of the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of Telefónica, S.A.,(reported under RNS number 0705B, a copy of the documents stated below have been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at: "www.Hemscott.com/nsm.do"
- 2011 Individual Annual Accounts, management report and audit report
- 2011 Consolidated Annual Accounts, management report and audit report (Annual Financial Report)
- Report of the Board of Directors regarding the proposal for amendment of the By-Laws of Telefónica, S.A. referred to in item IV of the Agenda, which includes the full text of the proposed amendments.
- Report of the Board of Directors regarding the proposal for amendment of the Regulations for the General Shareholders' Meeting of Telefónica, S.A. referred to in item V of the Agenda, which includes the full text of the proposed amendments.
- Report of the Board of Directors regarding the proposal regarding Shareholder compensation by means of a scrip dividend, referred to in item VI.2 of the Agenda.
- Report of the Board of Directors regarding the proposal for a reduction in share capital by means of the cancellation of shares of the Company's stock, referred to in item VII of the Agenda.
- The Report on Director Compensation Policy of Telefónica, S.A. which is submitted to a consultative vote under item X of the Agenda.
In addition, the following documents are also made available to shareholders:
- Complete text of the proposed resolutions set forth in items on the Agenda that are submitted by the Board of Directors.
- Summary of the professional profile of each of the Directors and of the persons included in the proposed resolutions relating to item II of the Agenda.
- The current text of the By-Laws.
- Current text of the Regulations of the Board of Directors.
- The current text of the Regulations for the General Shareholders' Meeting.
- The Annual Corporate Governance Report for fiscal year 2011.
Likewise, all the documents are also available to the shareholders and investors on the Company's website (http://www.telefonica.com)
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