3rd Mar 2010 08:47
3 MARCH 2010
Land Securities Group PLC (the "Company") has offered all shareholders the opportunity to elect for Ordinary Shares credited as fully paid, in lieu of cash dividends by participating in a Scrip Dividend Scheme (the "Scheme").
In relation to the Third Interim Dividend, which will be paid on 1 April 2010, the Scrip Calculation Price used to calculate the price of a New Ordinary Share issued under the Scheme has been set at 639.70 pence. This is the average of the closing middle market quotations of an Ordinary Share, derived from the London Stock Exchange Daily Official List, for the five consecutive business days from 24 February to 2 March 2010 (inclusive).
Shareholders wishing to join the Scheme in respect of the Third Interim Dividend must either submit a Mandate Form to the Company's Registrar, Equiniti at Aspect House, Spencer Road, Lancing, West Sussex BN99 6DA or make an election to do so via Euroclear UK & Ireland not later than the 11 March 2010. Copies of the Mandate Form and the terms and conditions booklet for the Scheme may be obtained from Equiniti (UK callers: 0871 384 2268, overseas callers: +44 121 415 7046) or from the Company's website www.landsecurities.com.
Defined terms used in this announcement have the same meaning as in the terms and conditions booklet.
Name of person making notification: Peter Dudgeon, Company Secretary
Contact number: 020 7413 9000
Date of notification: 3 March 2010
Related Shares:
Land Securities