21st Jul 2010 09:36
The Board of Directors of
Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s.
with the registered office in Praha 4 - Michle, Za Brumlovkou 266/2, post code 140 22, recorded in the Commercial Register of the City Court of Prague, Section B, Entry 2322
announces hereby that the Regular General Meeting of the Company held on 7th May 2010 decided to pay the dividend for 2009 as follows:
1) The dividend per share of par value of CZK 100 amounts to CZK 40 before tax; the dividend per share of par value of CZK 1,000 amounts to CZK 400 before tax.
2) The shareholder shall be entitled to the dividend for 2009 who owns the shares of Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s., ISIN CZ0009093209, on the record date of 8th September 2010, based on an extract from the register of the issuer, administrated by the Securities Centre. The dividend will be payable on 6th October 2010.
The payment of the dividend, including the calculation of the income tax to be deducted, will be effected by Česká spořitelna, a.s., Company Registration No. 45244782, based at Olbrachtova 1929/62, 140 00 Praha 4 (hereinafter referred to as 'Česká spořitelna'), as follows:
1. Shareholders - natural persons with permanent residence in the Czech Republic, or their representatives
·; in cash - from 6th October 2010 until 5th October 2015 - at any branch office of Česká spořitelna in the Czech Republic, after presentation of the identity card; the representative of a shareholder will be paid the dividend upon presentation of the identity card and power of attorney signed by the shareholder;
·; by bank transfer to a bank account, upon a written request delivered to Česká spořitelna, containing the necessary billing data and birth No.;
·; for total dividend payment above CZK 3,000, the shareholder's signature on written request or power of attorney has to be legalized.
2. Shareholders - legal entities, administrators and shareholders - natural persons with permanent residence outside the Czech Republic, not represented by administrators
by bank transfer to a bank account, upon a written request of the shareholder, with the signature attested by a notary, delivered to Česká spořitelna, containing the bank account number and bank identification data, and after presentation of further required documents.
The required documents are to be delivered to the address below:
Česká spořitelna, a.s.,
centrála v Praze, odbor 2020, Evropská 2690/17, Prague 6, post zip 160 00
The detailed information on the method of payment of the dividend will be distributed to all shareholders (both individuals and corporations) in the form of a letter sent to the permanent residence/registered office address stated in the extract from the register of the issuer at the Securities Centre. Further information can be obtained from Česká spořitelna at +420 224 995 433 or at [email protected], for legal entities, or at +420 224 995 478 or at [email protected], for natural persons.
The payment of the dividend of Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s. will be carried out by the Board of Directors of Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s., in compliance with the Czech legal regulations, at the costs and risks of Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s.
Board of Directors of Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s.
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